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Israeli troops charged over use of boy as human shield

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posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Israeli troops charged over use of boy as human shield

The Israeli military has charged two of its soldiers with endangering the life of a Palestinian boy during Israel's offensive against Hamas in Gaza.

The army said the soldiers, who had been searching a building, had instructed the nine-year-old to open bags they suspected were booby-trapped.

This practice, banned by the Israeli military, is known as using someone as a human shield.

Use of civilians as human shields is widely considered a war crime.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:23 AM

I was waiting for this story to unfold and start to get interesting. I Was hoping that the soldiers would get charged. Now I wonder how the courts will find them. There is a saying that "a country is judged by it's legal system"... Let's see if Israel can handle this kind of case...

One last thing that struck me was this :

Human rights groups say about 1,400 Palestinians were killed in the fighting, though Israel puts the number at about 1,100. Thirteen Israeli also died during the conflict.

More than 1000 Palestinians and only 13 Israelis???? How is that justifying any action in the first place???


(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:27 AM
I dont hear anyone condeming Hamas when they use the basement of a hospital as a base, knowing that the Israelis cant bomb it. Isnt that using kids as a shield??

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by andy1972
I dont hear anyone condeming Hamas when they use the basement of a hospital as a base, knowing that the Israelis cant bomb it. Isnt that using kids as a shield??

So this mean everybody can/should do the same and we are all good?

[edit on 14/3/10 by blackcube]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by andy1972

Well Andy, they are the guys being oppressed and, in my opinion, it was a very good idea to set up their base in a hospital. It was also very brave because I would have bet a weeks wage that Israel would still have bombed the hospital.

What many people forget about the Palestinians is that they were more or less turfed out of their homes and lands to make way for the Jews "displaced" after WWII, and ever since then they have watched Israel annex more and more of their lands (which is illegal under to the UN) and grow ever so powerful in the last 60 or so years.

Let us not also forget;

that the Israelis have built a wall to keep Palestinians IN,

that the reconstruction of Gaza has hardly begun due to Israeli blockades in place since 2007,

that Israel also plan to build 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem that goes against the Quartet's plans to bring peace and stability to the region even though expansion is illegal.

Are we also going to forget the illegal use of white phosphorous weaponry by Israel in the most recent Gaza conflict in civillian areas? That is why I am very surprised that Israel didn't fire on that hospital. But, they have certainly commited more than their own fair share of war crimes in recent years...

Has everyone forgotten about their Hitler-esque tactics for going to war with Lebanon a few years back?

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by itchy_tartan_blanket
reply to post by andy1972

Well Andy, they are the guys being oppressed and, in my opinion, it was a very good idea to set up their base in a hospital. It was also very brave because I would have bet a weeks wage that Israel would still have bombed the hospital.

i would bet my life savings, but on that Note

Both are *Snip*

Israel , everyone knows it doesnt care if it kills civilians hence its use of large weapons in densly populated areas,

Hamas because the *Snip* fire unguided rockets, that hit anything in its drop radius. even so most the damage they do is pot holes which i am sure is a nusense for farmers and drivers.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 3/14/2010 by semperfortis]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:25 PM

So this mean everybody can/should do the same and we are all good?

If that WAS the case then the Israelis waould be perfectly entitled to send a couple of hundred suicide bombers over to Gaza or Ramadi.

Or maybe they could send a couple of 10 years olds to blow up a Hamas checkpoint..

Maybe the Israelis have grown so savage because its a #ty war where the enemy doesnt fight you in the street, he sends his 15 year old sister to auto-destruct herself in a disco on a saturday night...we dont live there,we cant imagine.

Hamas use suicide bombers and unguided missiles killing kids or whoevers unlucky enough to be in the way and they´re the poor oppresed freedom fighters.
When they recieve a taste of their own medicine the worlds in uproar and shouts "using kids...what barbarity"..but when a kid blows himself up at a checkpoint its always.."look how the poor Palestinians have to fight the invaders.."

Man im NOT pro Israeli, but theres so much Israeli bashing on this site you get board.

We dont live there..i dont think we can even begin to imagine how it is for them, on BOTH sides. We see what the MSM want us to see.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by andy1972]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by andy1972

Did you ever stop to consider that maybe the Palestinians would STOP blowing themselves up in Israeli discos if the frakking Jews would give them their land back???

What would you do if you had a well-armed neighbor that came to your house every night and just helped themselves to anything in your house that they wanted - including your wife and daughter? What if that same well-armed neighbor decided that he was going to just take your property and use if for himself and then locked you in your house under threat of death if you left. Would you not become desperate as your food and water supplies dwindled? Would you not find a way to strike back against your oppressor???

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by andy1972

your right we dont live there,

why would Israel need sucide bombers and so on?
the countries already armed to the teath,

why would a country need use these barberic weapons when they can already flatten entire towns and kill off hundreds and even thousends of people off in a day or week?

yeap Israel should really start forfitting its weapons systems for nutters with belts that have nothing to live for

hey maybe the 15 year old sister witnessed of her friends or family being killed? you even know why someone would go that low,

what i think

its because God said to the palestinians go forth and blow your selves up since i have given the Pigs Guns and state of the art weapons from America

and to the Israelis, I have given the palestinian Dogs explosive belts and crappy rockets, go kill em and take that peice of land.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:46 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Anyone who backs Israel who lives in the US needs to really think about giving the US back to the Natives and the Mexicans if they feel this is the way to do things.

And yes, the Natives and the Mexicans were holocausted just as much as the Jews were.

Would you be happy if China came to the US and divided the land up and gave it to the Natives and Mexicans and then allowed the Natives and Mexicans to round up and wall-in any people of European desent?

I highly doubt it.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Nutter]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:56 PM
I would expect a third world country to fight with savagery. I would expect a non-third world country such as Israel to not use human shields.

But isn't all this talk about the proper use of the degree of savagery used redundent? All war is savage. isn't lecturing a country on how to properly kill someone sick in and of itself?

How many were complaining when the US used flamethrowers in WWII against the Japanese, or with any country that used them for that matter in that era?

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Chad_Thomas89

isnt the tem

Terrorisum is the way for the poor as war is the way for the rich?

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by andy1972

Look, this is something that goes beyond modern politics but I'll stay closer to the 20th/21st centuries...if the Jewish peole weren't placed into Palestine after WWII then there wouldn't have been this Israel/Palestine thing, nor would there have been a conflict between Israel and Egypt in the 60's, nor the wars with Lebanon.

Yeah Israel are armed to the teeth but the Palestinians have to make do with what they have. They don't have helicopters, laser-guided missiles or precision weapons of any kind except that of the suicide bomber. They can't just stroll into a military complex or base and set off their suicide bombs so they do the next best thing - civillian targets. People cannot criticise Hamas for killing civillians when the Coalition are killing civillians in Afghanistan and Iraq amongst others almost every other day. The difference between the coalition and Hamas is that Hamas are fighting for their liberties whilst the coalition are fighting in the name of liberty with capitalist/globalist agendas.

I am an anti-Zionist but I am not pro-Hamas. I do believe that the Palestinian people should have the basic human right to live in safety without the oppression of the Israelis. They deserve to have a chance to re-build their country's infrastructure for education and healthcare and be allowed to prosper economically. However, a group like Hamas is inevitable in the situation Palestine is in. Desperate times call for desperate measures. (although i do recall reading somewhere on ATS that Hamas was partially funded by Israel? I stand corrected if someone says otherwise).

Perhaps the Israeli authorities are hoping to make scapegoats out of their soldiers to give them some good publicity but as far as I am concerned is is far too little far too late.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by illusive man

lol are right about the morons on both sides and as always it is the civillians that screwed...and of course, in this case, the farmers and drivers! As if the roads weren't bad enough.......

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by itchy_tartan_blanket

Perhaps the Israeli authorities are hoping to make scapegoats out of their soldiers to give them some good publicity but as far as I am concerned is is far too little far too late.

I think you hit the nail right on the head... It's exactly what I was thinking...


posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Chad_Thomas89
I would expect a third world country to fight with savagery. I would expect a non-third world country such as Israel to not use human shields

Aaahhhh battlefield etiquette....I say old chap...we dont use suicide bombers, no,bloody bad show what !!!

Leave that for the chaps that live in mid the Palestinians...

ALL war is savage, be it third world or not...theres is no "black tie" wars...

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by itchy_tartan_blanket
reply to post by andy1972

Look, this is something that goes beyond modern politics but I'll stay closer to the 20th/21st centuries...if the Jewish peole weren't placed into Palestine after WWII then there wouldn't have been this Israel/Palestine thing, nor would there have been a conflict between Israel and Egypt in the 60's, nor the wars with Lebanon.

Preeeecisely....In 1945 nobody wanted hundreds of thousands of displaced Jews in their country in Europe.

So, it was much better to ship em off to palestine saying -
"Listen Moishe..the time has come to return to the promised land, its not that we dont want you here in Europe but you´d be more comfortable with your own country wouldnt you, and dont you worry about the Arabs, we´ll move em out before you get there, anyway, on the boat and out of Europe OK."

Europe felt guilty about the holocaust they knew was happening from about 1941 onwards.
Why have a reminder of it in your face every day when its easier to get them all out of Euroope and try to forget it happened. Out of site , out of mind.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by andy1972]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:28 PM
pics or it didnt happen.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Ong Bak

Pics as requested by Ong Bak

These are some of the pics I found, I'm sure there are many more...


posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by andy1972

So you agree that if Israel wasn't put there in the first place, the Palestinians had more of a chance of being a lot more civilised and that the middle east may have been more stable without a Jewish state? Thus meaning Hamas would never have had to set up a base in the basement of a hospital to fight against a superior force that took their land in the first place, which was what you spoke out against at the start of this thread...

Why would a superior force feel it necessary to use a 13 year-old? Weren't they happy enough using white phosphorous on civillians?

[edit on 14/3/2010 by itchy_tartan_blanket]

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