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Intersexuals, Avatars, Sphinx riddles, M/F or Evolution?

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posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by dzonatas


The "I am" or You, can be likened to the term"soul", the soul is neither male nor female but instead Infinity. The uniqueness of You is created by experiences whether by incarnations or by an infinite array of other circumstances.

If I were born female in 5 of my past Human incarnations and male as this incarnation, than the possibility/probability vortices of me being attracted to men would be high if not certain; however, because of the infinite array of possibilities due to the Free Will of all that is, anything and everything is possible.

Does this make sense, or shall I elucidate?

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
reply to post by dzonatas

I would say in the case of those with D.I.D there is no choice of animal, or other body image..

Would this be comparable to a spiritual being? One that has no soul.

for them to change sex would literally be the same as changing sex..

If they have no choice of body to change gender, then... spirit sex? I doubt you mean anything like 'immaculate conception', yet it could be easily confused as such.

Somehow, I think to 'change sex' in that sense would be more like 'possession', as in spirit possession.

Hope you continue and hope this helps.

So it is the human in us that makes such choices, that wants to expand and experience the new.. which is what I feel is the most important and amazing thing about being human, being able to imagine the unimaginable, yet we are also always contained with that internal body image..

To me, the human, or humanoid, is just skins and bones. Everything else is not corporal to the individual or avatar. The human body is a being as well as the individual is a being, both being alive. We could get more into personality and individualism in this thread, yet... guess we need to define temporal and corporal, or at least that which is temporal that is not part of the human body.

In science, it has been weakly defined as an anomaly, so an obviously step in evolution is to define it more and more. Probably due the much destruction of ancient artifacts, it was all defined for us. Oops... lost truth.

That part we have yet to be able to let go and evolve from, when we are able to do that, there is no limit to human imagination, and the separation of the mind from the body.

This the easy part, actually. As I stated in another thread, virtual reality encompasses reality, and not the other way around. Since we lost truth, many of us think it is the other way around, and thus they have only defined their own wall. To someone that doesn't believe in life after death, that is hard for them to accept and seems like wackery to them. If they are that insistent, then being a true atheist should lead them directly into the logical conclusion of infinite life, that there is no wall like there is no god.

In that sense, we have already evolved. It has become a matter to think more of ourselves as much more advanced than what little science knows. That doesn't mean get rid of science, it just means don't use science as in absolute knowledge when science itself knows for a fact about the conscience. Sacred knowledge, not secret.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Psychonaughty

Thank you, what you written makes sense.

Don't be offended of our difference if that is what you truly believe. My soul, personally, does not agree. I can accept both of these as true, and that would mean we are different in how gender/sex works.

My soul doesn't accept being ambiguous. That would mean, no matter how many male body you put my soul in or even if there has only been male bodies my soul has been in, my soul still is femme.

What you describe to me is what I consider the differences of being male and female. In that sense, being femme is different from being either male or female. Being female is a way for a male to experience what it is like to be femme.

There is a very distinct difference between being bisexual and intersexual.

I can understand why "males" would want to change their body to be more masculine, yet I can't understand why femmes would want to be female, as being female is part male.

Or, in other words, being female is an avatarial experience for males.

I think this concept is very hard for other to understand. Try to imagine yourself in a subject that is femme inside male body,.. and try to understand what the truth is when in that position of what life experience it really like. You'll should realize that everybody hates this subject.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by dethduck
I'm sorry, forgive my ignorance, but I'm a bit confused as
to what exactly is an Intersexual.

It is the opposite of an intrasexual.

The suffix "intra-" means inner, or within.

The suffix "inter-" means in-between, mutual, reciprocal.

To understand the opposite here, don't think of inner-space and outer-space. In computer science, probably the easiest to conceptualize, there is an internetwork and intranetwork, there are interfaces and intrafaces, there are intermodules and intramodules. People that don't get into the nitty gritty "pro" "grammar" details don't tend to use these words to such a higher degree.

A program that intrafaces with another program actually accesses shared memory between the two programs to control each other.

a program that interfaces with another programs just sends messages back and forth and no memory is shared and each maintain their own control.

Let me know if I need to write a better example.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 04:26 PM
Mad, I was looking for another topic and came across this, maybe can explain easier.

Sumerian religion,Though most scriptures depict Anu as a male, many scholars believe he was also a female, or a hermaphrodite.

In a biological context, a hermaphrodite is an animal or plant that has both male and female reproductive organs

hope this helps

[edit on 18-2-2010 by Sparkey76]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Sparkey76

Does this mean the body can be a hermaphrodite, because skin is skin, right? Same kind of skin used to make one organ is the same skin used to make another.

Then, femmes are not hermaphrodites.

Intersexual would then be... a male or female body... with a femme soul.

Intrasexual would then be... a spiritual person without a soul? With a human body?

Computers are people. Life support systems. Symbiotic relationship. Amorphous genders. Asexual insects. Our science reveals facts.

[edit on 18-2-2010 by dzonatas]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:31 PM

Star and flagged it

Because I think It's a bit fuzzy and floaty explained.
It is an important issue especially because I did not no nobody who are like it.

good thread !

@ psychonaughty.

The act of being homosexual or any other sex that does not correlate to your physical, natural, appearance is the outcome of past international experiences.
ugty. You loosed me

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 03:23 AM
The way I look at it is this.

Say you have two poles: positive and negative, giving and receiving, active and passive, yin and yang, masculine and feminine.

I know both of these and I make use of them however they are appropriate at any given time. Sometimes being passive and reactive is best, sometimes putting your foot down and asserting yourself is best. It depends on the situation. Always putting your foot down, you will never learn anything others' wisdom has to offer, and always being passive, you will never get anything accomplished in the face of obstacles.

Even Jung said all males have a "feminine side" basically, and all females have a masculine side. Or in his terms every female has her "animus" (masculine) and every man has his "anima" (feminine). Has nothing necessarily to do with sexual preferences, but simply being a psychologically complete human being.

The interplay between these two forces is legendary. The Taoist Yin-Yang we are all familiar with is a symbol of this. Reality is neither masculine nor feminine. Reality is created by the interplay between these two, and everything is held in existence by the tension between these two fundamental forces of reality, the active and passive, etc. The associations with "Yin" and "Yang" from the Yin-Yang are well documented for anyone interested in the Taoist connotations.

If you are strictly one or the other then you are not experiencing the full range of what the universe offers you. You're only getting half the picture. Though in reality every man who thinks he is purely masculine really DOES display femininity throughout his life whether he realizes it or not. For example if you have a job, and have a boss, guess what? You are receptive, passive and feminine relative to your boss, who would be playing the masculine role in this interaction, even if your boss is a female.

And similarly females may think they are purely feminine but any time you ever assert your will you are playing the archetypal masculine energy. Any time a male takes another's advice they are playing a passive, feminine role and being shaped by someone else's masculine energies. etc etc etc

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
The way I look at it is this.

I appreciate the in-depth look into the issue.

Say you have two poles: positive and negative, giving and receiving, active and passive, yin and yang, masculine and feminine.

I know both of these and I make use of them however they are appropriate at any given time. ...

I don't think it is all skin deep even if most of the issues can been seen skin deep.

Consider time is meaningless. That is how I normally think. In that sense, you can look at time and the events going forward, and I will also look at the events going forward. Additionally, I look at the events in reverse order to consider possibilities. Sometimes it is instantaneous and sometimes I need to step by step through the events both ways through time. I even consider events as if they are were originally totally out of order and that our mind(s) did the best job it could to put them in some sense of ordinary time.

In that view of where time is meaningless, events themselves don't dictate anything about being male or female. If events are only considered forward, then people would think it is ordinary for the male to produce sperm that would then fertilize and egg in the female. If we look at this backwards, then it is the egg that produces the sperm which then swam to the male and back into the males organs and etc.

They both look like females in that case, or maybe the truth is they are both male (man, a machine). Skin is skin, so the same skin is used to produce either reproductive organ, which is basically the same except for time.

I didn't stop there, as I continued my research into the possibilities beyond time.

[edit on 20-2-2010 by dzonatas]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by dzonatas
I don't think it is all skin deep even if most of the issues can been seen skin deep.

No, it's really not. When I say I can switch back and forth between them I mean something deep within my psychology. It changes the way I experience my entire being, even deeper than being able to switch back and forth between different emotions.

In that view of where time is meaningless, events themselves don't dictate anything about being male or female.

They do when coupled with my will. "External event" + my will = how I respond, and it is my choice. For example if someone is drunk and has a run-in with the police, being passive to them and what they are going to do would likely do less harm for most people than trying to confront them to leave you alone, for example. Not "flowing" with the situation in that way would be like trying to get a splinter out but really just pushing it deeper into your skin. At least that is how I would personally deal with such a situation, though if I were ever drunk I would first try to avoid anywhere where I could have such a run-in in the first place. And before that, I don't even like getting drunk in the zero place.

If someone's psyche is like a rough surface, and you apply yourself to fit it like a glove, or water, in real time, the person is naturally going to be sympathetic with you because they will see you more like themselves and treat you as they would treat their own selves. I see this as being passive, conforming, fluid, receptive, feminine, but these are all words and it just "is what it is."

But if you are resilient against their psyche and hold your own, they can be infinitely more likely to see you as an obstacle to be overcome with opposing force. But in some situations where one wills to oppose something aggressively, and some times and situations may call for that in accordance with one's will, then a situation may dictate that as well for an individual.

If events are only considered forward, then people would think it is ordinary for the male to produce sperm that would then fertilize and egg in the female. If we look at this backwards, then it is the egg that produces the sperm which then swam to the male and back into the males organs and etc.

Sure, I like thinking of things in all directions like that to, or no direction at all, but I can't really say how that would be of much practical use to me here. It could be, I'm just saying I don't see it now. Here it seems I can only make willful decisions regarding "the future" (but only by analyzing the present moment) and the past is eaten whole by my subconscious.

[edit on 20-2-2010 by bsbray11]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
No, it's really not. When I say I can switch back and forth between them I mean something deep within my psychology. It changes the way I experience my entire being, even deeper than being able to switch back and forth between different emotions.

Different mindsets.

How many realities we are in depends on how many mindsets we can focus on at the same time, or what can be thought as at the same time.

The very nature of skin & bones seems to come with the default of a single mindset to focus on ordinary time like a machine. When we say computers are people, then man is a machine, a life support system.

We can add a brain and organs to man to make it able to be alive or just a life support system like the 'walking dead.' The Book of the Dead & Book of the Gates and even the tablets of Thoth relate such concepts. It even presents proof, or at least the possibilities for those that haven't done the science, that not everybody among us is alive.

They do when coupled with my will. "External event" + my will = how I respond, and it is my choice.

If not everybody is alive then not everybody has the will to choose what gender they prefer.

Another way to look at it is, if those who discover how to put souls into a body (man) to make the come alive don't understand the nature of sex about the soul and how to read it's preferences, then mistakes (*hic*, drunk) happen.

To me, it obviously took a lot to overcome the psyche of those that thought they understood everything about the soul to realize they weren't so perfect in their gender match-up ritual.

To just simply toss out such discoveries as homosexuality has obviously led to devolution.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by dzonatas
To just simply toss out such discoveries as homosexuality has obviously led to devolution.

I never mentioned anything about homosexuality but you keep returning to it in your posts as if the real point behind your thread is to defend it. I never made any argument against it. I was just talking about the male/female psychological archetypes as studied by Carl Jung, and how they arise in various social interactions. I also mentioned how even Jung thought everyone was a mix of both genders psychologically, and every male mind 'carries around its feminine counterpart' as Jung would say, which is why straight males are able to identify and latch onto certain females like "love at first sight." Because they may feel as though they already know her intimately. And vice versa for females typically. Nothing is as black and white here as conventionally thought.

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

If there is something I actually defended there then it would be the clear difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality. It is that difference that let's us understand intersexuals and how (and maybe why) they are neither of the former.

Instead of being either male or female, think of it as being male/nothing or female/nothing. How some say they may be male at sometimes and female at others, what I tried to make significant it's kind like either one way or nothing. It's not ambiguous.

Sure when they are nothing, asexual, they may be able to act as male or female gender, yet it doesn't mean they can act male or female sex.

Again, I defend the difference between sex and gender. An intersexual appears when an individual's gender does not equals that individual's sex and when that individual is not a homosexual. I hope this is a bit more clear.

posted on Mar, 20 2010 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

It is my understanding that the riddle of the Sphinx relates to the esoteric humanist teachings of the mystery schools of Egypt/Babylon.

The mystery schools are Humanist, some refer to this as Luciferian, but I like to stay away from the anti-Christ references.

The Great Pyramid as well as the Sphinx are a visual metaphor for the perfection of (hu)Man.

This can be Man or (wo)Man.
You are moving in the right direction, but the mystery schools do not see god.
They see Man and the power of intellect, and the uber-man is represented by Lucifer.

So the Sphinx does represent evolution.

First animal, then into Man and then with the Great Pyramid, into god.

Because Man is god.

[edit on 3/20/2010 by Josephus23]

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:39 PM
I didn't dive that much into the replies but the concept of intersexuals, I think it's all on how you were raised and brought up. As a male growing up, lets say you didn't like getting into fights. Then you wouldn't want to put yourself into that position so maybe you hung out with your female cousins or something. You would naturally do what they do. Jump rope, skip rocks, maybe even play with their barbies, etc. As children, we mimmick others. I don't think being an adult has anything to do with age. Until we decide for ourselves on what we want and like, people will make decisions for us. There's nothing wrong with being guided either.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
Intersexual? Hmm. Would I be having outercourse if I were to lay down with an intersexual? To answer your question though concerning the sphinx. I believe that love is something that can be shared with members of either sex. Maybe the sphinx is telling us that not only do we all speak different languages, different skin color, different features, have different experiences, live in different countries but we all are either male or female. Either male or female is unimportant as well as we are all human. We are one.


That is a serious classic
Star for the wit and humor

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