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Is it fine to kill bad people??

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posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:36 AM
Great movie!!! One of my favs.... Have you seen Dexter? That is an awesome show! I agree with the show and what Dexter does, in a way he saves people. I know it sounds really out there but I see it in a different way. I dont think we should all start killing bad people because the term bad is different for all. I personally dont believe in taking another persons life unless it's self defense but again I look at this question in a different way and it's open to many different ideas and possibilities.

Nice SN too


posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by Dock9

When people start speaking as if something holds them back, and they are oppressed by some facet of reality, they are already thinking passively, and the result will be an impulse toward revenge coupled with a denial of reality. We can, and we will, make things better. At any state in history past or future there will be this ability. With truth as our guide, we can enhance our reality without a desire for retribution, without hatred, and without illusion

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:48 AM
i think killing is necesarry sometimes..what i mean is like the old example of someone breaking in your house with a gun then many will kill the intruder..
i am not in favor of killing murderers,drugdealers,etc... because you can do these bad things and not be evil..this a very debatable issue but this is what i believe.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:51 AM
killing a killer to prove killing is wrong is ...


posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by zerbot565

but putting them away for life in jail is not?? I fail to see how the two differ really, except that when you throw them in jail, hardworking people who can live in society end up paying from their taxes for a person who has shown they cannot live in society...Killing for self defense is also wrong I suppose? But has it ever struck you that "killing a killer to prove killing is wrong" may in fact work??

[edit on 5-2-2010 by SonsOfAnarchy]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Yes I really liked it, too bad I heard the Boondock Saints 2 was pretty bad, and I wish I had HBO because a couple of people have already mentioned Dexter in this thread, I will look for it online tomorrow.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:23 AM
This is an explanation as to why we die and why we kill.

As out of this world as this may sound, there is truth to this you will not fully under stand this. But before you shoot this out of the water you need to place this into context as to how we exists and learn on this planet and to when we make those agreements.

I will make this as simple as possible.
First be for you decide to come down to this planet, you will put a plane together and decide how many friends will come down with you most cases it's in the thousands.
Second you will decide what type of experience you are going to have down here. You see up there you are all friends and love each other, down here you don't remember your agreements that you made with your friends. As is goes you are here to experience life with your friends, and so when you kill some one that is or was you friend that agreed to have this experience with you. So all of the worst things you can think of that one person has done to the other is all done out of love so the person can learn what that was like.

This is real more real than you can even consider, but it's only your blind hatred that masks the truth as to why we die, at the hands of that person that we trusted to give us that experience we needed to learn in this life.

So just think of this for a moment if you can believe that this true then just try to imagine this during world wars every single bullet that came out of a gun was Predestined to kill that person for it came from the person that agreed to kill you before you came to this planet, that's right it sounds imposable to even fathom if that could be true, but it is.

We are all friends and loved ones of each other as we all help each other to live and die, by our own choice of how and who, that is how the world turns and if you don't believe it now you will see the truth once you pass on.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by SonsOfAnarchy

The short answer is no.

The long answer is yes.

Unfortunately the long answer does not cancel out the short answer. This is why capital punishment, though gratifying and great comfort and remedy to the victim - is still wrong.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by SonsOfAnarchy

In the first ten years of the 21st century the leaders of the western world have ordered the deaths of millions most of them innocent.

I would suggest you start with them.

But seriously it can not be right to kill I can think of much better retribution.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by jsettica

So what happened to free will?

As human beings, we have free will - we have choices.

If it was as you said, we have no free will.

Sorry, I do not believe your theory.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by GrandKitaro777

The problem with the traditional way of locking them up is that these days they dont stay locked up for long. Many people will agree that prison is more often than not just a breeding ground for more criminal activity.

Personally, I dont feel safe here in Los Angeles knowing that our prisons are so crowded that a man can rape and kill a child and five years later be out on the same streets my little sister is on.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by SonsOfAnarchy

hasent worked so far so why would it change in the near future ?

in my opinion killing a killer to prove that killing is wrong mentality acturly promotes the use of violence , heck you can do what ever you want and your only sentence will be that they kill you, but you still got to do what you wanted ...

in other words the sentence is meaningless

im more for forced labour camps where the sentenced acturly has to do something to amend his/hers wrong doing.

the selfdefence aspect and im you brougth it up , is a totaly different thing in all together,
and i asume you speak about something you have to do when your attacked not something that you want to prevent like in minority report.

offcourse your alowed to defend yourself in case of need but thats not whats at stake ,

once you give the "quick way out" you also breed them that take advantage of it.

so in other words killing a killer to prove killing is wrong leads to more killers , do the math.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by SonsOfAnarchy

Economically a genocide like that may be pretty beneficial. I honestly do not believe men such as Charles Manson and Ted Bundy can not be reconciled to society. But even if they could would you really want them walking on the same streets as yourself or your wife or kids?? I surely would not.

[edit on 4-2-2010 by SonsOfAnarchy]

I get it now.

This is what the government is thinking, isn't it?
It thinks it is doing something right...

THIS is what they're going to do!!!

It is wrong and let your conscience cause you to burn with suffering until you realize it.

Obama isn't going to hold people indefinitely... no, no, he's going to make them disappear.

[edit on 2/5/2010 by TarzanBeta]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:52 AM
We had a saying that, the difference between a hero and a villain, is how you treat your enemies...

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:58 AM
My reply is no murder is murder.

In self defense probably does carry "baggage" both in the trauma and future karma but if you are defending yourself, that is different.

I've seen many people die in a "peaceful" setting of a hospital when I was in nursing many years ago.

Each person's death is individually unique and being with another person when they pass from this level of existence, you can feel something
, a energy force, the soul, their "inness" actually leave - a very subtle and yet deffinant life energy force.

Once you are with someone that is alive one minute and dead the next, you readily see what these containers we call bodies really are, simply containers, shells nothing more. The feeling of someone here one moment and gone the next is a profound experience.

I've been with two dogs that have passed and that too was a reflective experience, so again in my opinion, all life is sacred.

Two examples are a little girl of 4 due to go home the next day (in remission) asked me to rock her before bed, saying she "felt funny". As I rocked her, she passed and it was zooooooom very fast and the feeling I had was a good one, like she was really beyond pain and in a better place.

Another time we had a young man brought in who had been dealing drugs and was shot in the heart, he bled to death right in ER and they couldn't get him to surgery fast enough. I held his had as he passed and the energy force I felt was almost like a wild animal fighting to survive, not wanting to leave, don't know how else to explain it.

This young man's death felt more violent and the leaving wasn't as fast as the little girls, there was almost a fighting, tugging, frightened feeling.

There are many "bad" people, the question we all should be asking is I have never seen a "bad" baby born. What is it about our world that can turn a beautiful pure baby in the space of a few years into a monster?

Poverty, injustice, apathy are words that come to mind.

I believe we are all interconnected and what affects one of us truly affects all of us.

[edit on 5-2-2010 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:33 AM
This is a simple answer but a difficult action!

Killing someone in any respect is wrong! Its wrong in the eyes of a greater power that has a far bigger understanding of why its wrong, far more than anyone here can understand.

Killing is equal to stealing, its equal to telling lies, its equal to not loving your neighbour!

I myself have a family, if for instance someone broke into my house and wanted to hurt us, i would of course defend them but this doesnt have to involove killing, there is no coming back from it! If for instance it was an accident, god will recognise that and will forgive you if you ask for forgiveness but to not ask for forgiveness you cannot recieve it! You may be punished by your fellow man but thats irrelevant because your life is temporary!

It is not upto people to decide who lives or dies becasue it is not your life to is a gift that can be retracted by god when he chooses and how he chooses.

This is my personal opinion through faith that i have, i myself have gone through a tremendous amount of hurt and pain, yet i have never been let down when i need help the most!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by GrandKitaro777

What's wrong with the traditional way of locking them up?

Have not you watched OZ ? They become naughty boys in prison.


I don't think killing people is the answer. But if bad people die, I don't shed a tear.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by SonsOfAnarchy

I killed in my first deployment. I killed for self defense because I did not want my fellow troops to get shot from the enemy. Maybe killing my enemies may make me look evil but if your friend was in danger would't you not let hot lead shower your enemy to preserve your firends life?

[edit on 5-2-2010 by Stop-loss!]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 06:18 AM
These people have proved that they cannot live within the community by their actions. There are victims as a result of murder and rape. So as far as locking them up has not solved the problem in the past and there are many new victims of convicted murders and rapists. To release these criminals back into the community is inhumane act and a danger on the community! Most of these murders and rapists in court, IMHO, are either let off, have short prison sentience and when released many of them continue to hurt new victims.

If we cannot kill these people and put an end to their hurtful ways, then, IMHO the people responsible for the freedom of any of these offenders should be equally responsible as the criminal for the murder or rapist next crime. It seems to me to be as simple as that as the system now does not work! I don't care if the person responsible for the criminal release is the offenders lawyer, DA, Judge, or Jury!

He/She was caught and therefore should not be able to offend again. If you choose the prison option, then the criminal should be made to do work of value to pay for his up keep as it should not be for the honest taxpayers to cover these costs (is there truly anyone honest these days? Oh sorry that is an opening for another thread!) as the tax payer are already over burdened.

We have homeless Americans that need housing over the criminals who commit these acts that effect the victim and their entire family. In the old days when they found a horse thief and they hung him then and there on the spot. I am not suggestion an action that crude when proven beyond reasonable doubt then lethal injection has my vote. The only problem with this theory is that they say prisons are filled with innocent people. Maybe on the second offence if we cannot tidy up the courts to be sure we have the correct person for the crime at hand. After all most people go through their lives without court action, so twice it is hard to say there isn't fire when one sees smoke!

I really don't care if the convicted person is criminally insane. The convict proven of the crime has created victims who will forever suffer for these criminal acts and once caught they should not be allowed to offend again.

What about their human rights? First off I said in the beginning of my posting these criminals, for the lack of a better word have proved that they cannot live within the community and in the next breath I ask YOU what about the future victims human rights?

Edited as always for my bad grammer, sorry, it still isn't correct. However, I hope you understand my point not that you agree with it....

[edit on 2/5/2010 by IceHappy]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by IceHappy

you are right in the sense that those who do not act upon and stop those who kill as being responsible themselves, however, those who do not want to kill no matter what situation they are in will not be responsible becasue in the eyes of a greater power, they are performing only good!!

It is obsurd to say that those who do not kill to protect others are wrong...those who kill others to protect others are takes understanding of good and evil to recognise this and nobody should be living a life saying this is true and acceptable!

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