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This is reality, this is hell, this is our life (video)

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posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by colloredbrothers

Great video OP, it is heartening to see that more and more people are beginning to wake up to the fact that our corporate power structures and our monetary/political structures are devices of slavery through and through. Compassion towards other human beings is not a concern if there is no profit to be made from such a concern. That is our sad reality, but just as wise man once say "Be the change you want to see in the world."

We live in a world where if another human being is suffering from starvation another human being will actually become angery with that person and aggressively assert the "fact" that they need to "get a d@mn job

It is sickening really the way that we have been socialized to treat one another...

Check out zeitgeist addendum, the link for the documentary is in my signature, I think you might like it

[edit on 1/20/2010 by dalan.]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 01:41 AM
this video does provide very good insights, it helps make you think what types of jobs to avoid and staying clear of the corporate traps.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 01:51 AM
holy cow what a cool video. if this wont wake up the sheeple i dont know what will.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 02:01 AM
Kudos to you my friend, it really makes me think.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by SuperSlovak

If you cant beat them join them and beat them at their own game. Dont hate the tptb they got to where they did because they were and are smarter than you. THESE are the facts dont cry about how crap the world is go out there make some money create power and change the rules. Go out there make a trillion dollars by hook or crook and then give it all away. i dare you. once you taste the narcotic called power you will be hooked just like they are. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. this video wont do anything this site wont do anything NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE. get over it its 2010 no flying cars no free energy no alien invasion not alien intervention. NOTHING this is the reality we live in if you want change we have to do it from withing not from a forum posting videos for all the rest of us to slap each other on the back about how great it is.

I for one dont give a dam about the right thing anymore look after yourself and your family. Pull your heads out of the sand there is a # storm about to hit. make as much money as you can and secure your futrure. nobody is going to offer you a hand out.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 02:25 AM
Anyone who thinks they are not "feeding the beast" is deluded. Seriously. You cannot escape "feeding the beast"...

By using the internet, you are paying a membership fee to a company who own/rent infrastructure - they then charge you to use their infrastructure. They also pay taxes on their profits etc... so not all the money they earn they get to keep.. They feed the beast (govt?) by you using their products... so indirectly YOU are feeding the beast..

By having a computer you are supporting the "beast". How else would you have been able to post on this website? Without mass produced microchips/screens/plastic keyboards and mouses, that were probably run off's of military tech - how would you be here claiming you weren't "feeding the beast".. If you don't want to feed this beast - then don't use any products that have been created in a mass market sense...

How do you get the money to pay for your internet connection and computer or your house or your electricity or your food or your water? Do you make your money selling drugs/piracy? I doubt it, do you make your money whilst acting akin to "Robin Hood" . . . i doubt it.. or do you spunge off everyone around you who works for "the beast" and expect them to support you for the rest of your life.

So, how again, is anyone here claiming to be "off the grid" really "off the grid"... or "not supporting the beast" ... What a bunch of self deluded nonsense.

Unless you are not using every day provided amenities like the ones mentioned above and are growing your own food and tapping your own water.. making your own heat and electricity or hunting your own meat or milking your own cows.. you are very much "feeding the beast"...

Feeding the beast is not limited to working for "the man" - it encapsulates our entire society. That is what is truly unfortunate. It is inescapable by the standards we are living in now.

I'm all for changing the world and the way it operates - Not everything needs to be run at a profit, like Governments effectively run themselves at - Surely there is a much better way to live, where the people are not squeezed for every drop of life they have inside them.

Until then, we are all stuck, either having to work and support ourselves the best way possible - or become a social leach and expect all the other "automatons" do it for us.

Sigh - Sucks, but as i write this, i am a part of the machine and i am all to willing to accept that but given an opportunity, i would change it in a second....

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 02:29 AM
Wow thanks alot for this video

Im gonna forward this message to people.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 02:30 AM
I'm preparing for a great depression so this video actually looks better then what my imagination is projecting into my would be future.

I'd rather have a cubicle then no food in my tummy.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 02:42 AM
The film reminds me of two things: the film Groundhog Day and the Masonic icon of the Bee Hive.

Apparently a bee hive system of sorts is a work force structure has always been in use on this planet. There has always been a pyramid system of hierarchy and workers who are focused on repetitive jobs.

In the transhuman generation to come, people are scheduled to be programmed for specific work according to their genetics. I suppose that engineered humans will be somewhat lobotomized so as to not be discontent with their lot in life.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 02:55 AM
Love it. S&F for you. That's why I'm up at 3:00A.M. posting this reply. I got nothing to do tomorrow.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 02:59 AM
Great video. S&F from me! Although, from my perspective, I have always loved the jobs that I have held. I'm a ship yard worker (Welder/Shipfitter). The only thing I dislike about it is the "layoff season".

I also like the abundant use of the "Metropolis" clips in this video.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by colloredbrothers

I believe this video is stupid, because as a self-described leftist his solutions to all these problems will likely all be summarized to involve calling up the local government mafia and showing the big evil corporations "who's boss", at gun point if necessary. And of course the poor will get poorer as a result because they don't have the money to tread through the government red tape it takes to start their own company.

Rather than whining like the leftist in the video about how work sucks without any practical solutions, I'll offer actual solutions that work in real life:

Solution 1: Start a company that treats workers right. You can give them all the equity in the company you want.
Solution 2: Start a union of consumers that only buy from companies that treat their workers right.
Solution 3: Apply at businesses that treat workers well. You could even apply at businesses that both treat workers well and they listen to you for advise.
Solution 4: Send your support in any way possible to others who make it a point to implement any of the above solutions.

I believe that other so-called "solutions" to jobs that suck where the "solution" involves pointing a gun at someone will never improve anything. It will just make things worse by widening the gap between rich and poor while reducing the total amount of wealth.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
Ever wonder, when getting out of bed, why everything s u c k s so bad?

Think about it people, what this video shows is reality.

[edit on 19-1-2010 by colloredbrothers]

What a load of leftwing tripe.

"we should be producing for people, not the market"
I mean that basically sums it up right there. If he doesn't understand that the market is the people then how can he possibly get a handle on anything else hes spouting?

[edit on 20-1-2010 by Yandros]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by truthquest
reply to post by colloredbrothers

I believe this video is stupid, because as a self-described leftist his solutions to all these problems will likely all be summarized to involve calling up the local government mafia and showing the big evil corporations "who's boss", at gun point if necessary. And of course the poor will get poorer as a result because they don't have the money to tread through the government red tape it takes to start their own company.

Right, exactly. As soon as you hear the appeal to morality followed by a dismissal of voluntaryism you know that this is propagnada advocating violence. There's simply no two ways about it.

It's communist propaganda.

[edit on 20-1-2010 by Yandros]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by colloredbrothers

Plato says (through Socrates, in The Republic, book IX) that men should be given work for which they are most suited. Those chosen to be guardians should be chosen not from just the elitist families, but from any class if they show a certain intellectualism, whereby they may become suitable for public life. They should be taught from childhood only certain disciplines which benifit society. The guardians, Plato says, should be taken care of by society, and that the guardians should not aspire to own anything, but be loyal servants of the people. And that the democratic society, although seductive, is not a type which will produce the greatest happiness in man, and will experience downfall through an excessive desire for liberty. He says that democracy will devolve into a tyranny, lead by a god like leader whose worshipers will insist he take leadship, and then protect him. The tyrannical leader will eventually prove corruptable, then seclude himself behind a wall of protectors, which in Plato's discussion leads to the unhappiest society. Plato says that no one who has any sense could deny that the best form of government is the Philosopher king who has sovereignty over himself.

If you have itunes I would suggest you search there for The Republic and listen, or go to the library and check out the book.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 04:57 AM

And that the democratic society, although seductive, is not a type which will produce the greatest happiness in man, and will experience downfall through an excessive desire for liberty. He says that democracy will devolve into a tyranny, lead by a god like leader whose worshipers will insist he take leadship, and then protect him. The tyrannical leader will eventually prove corruptable, then seclude himself behind a wall of protectors, which in Plato's discussion leads to the unhappiest society. Plato says that no one who has any sense could deny that the best form of government is the Philosopher king who has sovereignty over himself.

So his argument is "we might have tyranny if we don't have tyranny, therefore we should have tyranny."

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 04:57 AM
We are born into this life for a reason and a purpose, trying to run from it wont, in my opinion, fix anything deep within us. We must make the best of whats given to us, and triumph over the hardships thrown at us, not escape them.

The system is f****, we all know it... its up to us to make it work as best as possible for us.

just my 2 cents

going self employed gfx designer is something im working on atm =) cant wait... il work more, but be happier =)

keep smilin all!


posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by Yandros

It's communist propaganda.


Unfortunately, there is alot of it going around these days.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 05:20 AM
If you like this video you should see more on the account. There are some really good clips in there about education and capitalism.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
Ever since dueling was outlawed the western world has been on a downward slope towards tyranny.

*Imagine that:

Man A: "You are fired for pointing out a safety issue"

Man B : "Fiend! I challenge you to a duel. Art thou a coward?"

Man A: "Nay"

Man B: "Then one of us shall die"

Another one:

Politician: "I've Raised your taxes"

Man: "Deciever! I challenge you to a duel. You are a stain on our State's Honour - art thou also a coward?"

Politician: "I would duel you, but I've outlawed the thing. You must seek another recourse; perhaps thou wilt make manufacture of a sign and march in protest?"
(laughs in Man's face)

*And so taxes have been continually raised ever since dueling was outlawed... Our labor abused, our freedoms reduced, etc, etc....

Edit for a Bastiat quote:

"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it, and a moral code that glorifies it." ~ Frédéric Bastiat, The Law

[edit on 20-1-2010 by Exuberant1]

Can't argue with the Bastiat quote, but i don't think Dueling is the answer:

Man: You have unlawfully raised my taxes - i will see you in court.

Taxman: You have insulted me you coward, i challenge you to a duel; you have no choice but to fight me to the death if you wish to keep your honor and with my over-privileged, life-long training in weaponry you have little chance of surviving.

Journalist: So, Senator, how do you explain you're political opponents accusations of corruption?

Senator: By calling him out to prove his accusation with a blade! I am an expert swordsman and thus have no fear of being accused of anything by anyone, so i call you out too, lowly Journalist. You shall both be dead by dawn and i shall be free to pillage with my honor intact.


I see little justice in violence, since those with the money will always have the best weapons and more importantly the best training on how to use them.

However, i believe your idea of Dueling isn't as far flung from our present situation as it might seem:

We live in feudalism disguised as democracy; we are Serfs indebted to the state via a tax by a localized province and its governor; the vast majority are paid just enough to survive - in effect this is no different to serving for food, shelter & modest entertainment.

The American dream is that anyone can become President - who really thinks that's true?

But the idea of it keeps us hoping and believing that this Serfism isn't Serfism. Obama would portray the American dream to us, in times of greatest risk of revolt, to quell our fears. Is it working?

Reverting to the justice of dueling would remove the need for a disguise of democracy - the need for an Obama to convince us that justice (fairness) is being adhered to. But this would necessitate an enhancement of the feudalist state: Do you think the privileged would leave their fate to chance any more than they do already?

Less so in fact - we'd see virtual castles reappear as private armed guards use lethal force with the states authority to protect the privileged (Martial law). we can see this right now as US 'security' firms are contracted to guard the wealth in Iraq.

There are in reality two ways to be governed: with our co-operation, or without it; by law, or by fist. If we think the former is bad, just wait til you try the latter. We're trapped between a rock and a hard place.


The greatest weapon of the organized privileged-elite is division of the great-unwashed into sub-divisions that fight among themselves, thus needing the privileged (and their justice system) to protect them.

Dueling would only divide us more. And without need of their justice system, they would have to enforce it. As i said, martial law - a Beverly Hills Police force for the world - protectors of wealth.

We 'unwashed' know the the score - at some repressed level every man and woman knows, but we refrain from it, as we know there are just 2 options: serve or fight and to serve is the easier ride. Many here think the revolution will be a glorious day... It will be a bloody day that many on both sides will regret and wish had never happened. And perhaps for a short time after there will be rejoicing, but the other thing we all know, deep down, is that power is corrupting and very soon - just as in France before the guillotines had even rusted - the greed and corruption will begin all over again.

I don't know what to suggest - either way inevitably seems to be a dead end. If TPTB are defeated by violence, then they'll be succeeded by violence.


Exuberant1, you probably suggested Dueling as a joke, so sorry for milking it, but it's a suggestion worth analysis.

Edited upon posting for clarification - doubtless a vain effort

[edit on 20-1-2010 by McGinty]

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