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An honest inquiry, What do YOU hate about America?

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posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 12:41 PM
Patriotism has been mentioned a few times. While I have nothing against it, I do feel that some Americans take it a step too far.

Now while I don't hate Americans it does annoy me a little that they have to play different sports to the rest of the world. I mean why? Come on, America. We're having a World Cup here. Why not come and join in? Play with the rest of us.

There's nothing wrong with American Football, Baseball and Nascar, but I feel it just helps to keep America isolated.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 01:49 PM
As a Norwegian who's lived many, many years in the United States, I can't say I hate America or Americans. My first bike ride, kiss etc. happened there.

I have nothing but mostly good memories from the United States and still keep in touch with all my buds over there.

But if I had to dig deep, and really find something to hate America for, it'd be the corrupt government. The way the government treats the American people as little incompetant workers, how the government has to do almost anything to screw their own people over.

But guess what? America isn't the only one! Even in Norway, our government is corrupt. Maybe not as much as it is in the United States (who really knows?), but still, I don't hold any government close. After all, they're there because we put them there, right? At least, that's how it's supposed to be.

I'd also like to throw my 0.2 in on the positive sides of America. I've lived in various parts of Asia, Europe and in the United States. Besides certain places in the Orient, I've never felt as home or as welcome as I have back in the United States. People are friendly (yes, even in New York), I can make a long lasting friend from just saying, "Hello".

So despite the many flaws America (and every other country for that matter) has, remember the people. Most are warm hearted loving individuals who shouldn't be held responsible for what their idiotic government did, will do or are doing.

My own thoughts and opinion of course.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 02:23 PM
I hate the hypocracy, the fake wars on drugs and terrorism, the fake democracy, lobbying, the FED, CIA, the Trilateral Commission and the CFR.

In fact I hate anybody who thinks they are a better person because they are swimming in money.

I hate the corporatism.

how can any country without Burger King, McDonald's or Coca Cola call themselves democratic seems to be the question too many people ask.

I hate the ignorance and the empathy, the brainwashed are guilty.

I don't hate America or Americans, I hate what it symbolises nowadays.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 03:11 PM
I'll answer it for you.

- Black Projects

- The Creation of New Weapons of Mass Destruction (Intentional creation of new weapons races)

- Their efforts to create conflicts and excuses such as "The commies are coming, rogue nations, terrorism, asteroids and other spacefaring civilizations" in order to "Weaponize Space"

- The weak amount of investigation going into the murder/assassination of people to let out, or find the truth, such as James Forrestal as well as other Microbiologists and Ufologists.

- The intentional denial about what really happened at Roswell in 1947

- The allowance of Death Threats from Government Agents in order to keep you quiet.

- The manipulation of the media.

- Forbidden Knowledge.

- The threatening of Pilots to not participate in the disclosure of any UFO sightings.

- The threatening and ridicule of our own Astronauts that try to speak the truth.

- The reverse engineering and weaponization of New Technologies that can have a peacful benifit for mankind.

You know what buddy, I can keep going on and on. Things like the NSA pointing out that "They are afraid of Hostile weather balloons invading our planet" and "weather balloons are a HIGH matter of NATIONAL SECURITY"
are pathetic. And these are the people we count on for intelligence? How sh***y is that?

Don't agencies such as the NSA, CIA, and NASA, dumb you down by saying a lighthouse flew off. I just vomit on everything they stand for.

I no longer have the respect that I used to have for America. To be honest, I havn't put the flag back up on the pole for 3 years now and the only way its going back up is until these people start telling us the truth and not just some bullsh*t lies like they have been doing for 60 pathetic years.

[edit on 19-1-2010 by QuantumDeath]

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 03:21 PM
The american people are fine, it's the vatican / banker gangster owned and operated oligarchy, their deadly foreign policy and ridiculously stupid chronic lying political parties that demand to be hated.

Dozens of news articles, photos, quotes etc.. on the links

Roman Empire Rules Today:

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 03:35 PM
What I hate about America:

I hate that many Americans have become whiny complainers that blame everyone else but themselves for the situation they are in.

I hate that many Americans are looking for government handouts and actually complain about it if they don't get it like it is a right or something.

I hate that many Americans are willing to give up their freedoms just for a false sense of security. They have become cowards and are afraid of being blown up by the scary "terrorists".

I hate that the military industrial complex has become what President Eisenhower warned us about. War has become big business in America

I hate that politicians have the corporate lobbyists interests in mind over the peoples.

I hate that the MSM no longer just reports the news. They are owned by corporations and politicians and only exist to promote an agenda.

I hate political correctness gone crazy. Americans are so afraid to say the wrong thing to offend anyone. God forbid someone is offended.

I hate the growing government intrusion into our lives. Less goverment is better.

Other than that I love my country and my fellow Americans.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 03:55 PM
For the record, I consider my self very blessed because I don't hate any one and certainly not my country. (I'm an American).

For your question; "why do people hate us?" This effect is not new. If you look at history the dominant power has always been hated by those of less power. It does not matter if that power is political, military, economic or social. (in the area of what I call social power, consider when McDonalds tried to get into France many years ago, they almost had a second French revolution.) Today we see many Muslim countries rejecting all things western and of course this means all things American.

I have come to the realization over the years that there is a way of determining the stability and long term survival of a culture. I think it's so basic people overlook it. Look at that culture and ask your self "how does it react to change" In history those cultures that diden't sweat the small stuff were able to focus on things that are actually important. Hate also comes from people who can't relate, or are frightend by you. But untill people take that next step that indicates a true change in their thinking we need to keep our guard up.

For Americans you need to improve on the following: You need a basic understanding of science, a pretty good understanding of history, and for those you need to be able to read and write, and have a basic understanding in math.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 04:57 PM
Great idea! Thank you for thinking of it.

I am more than a simple "conservative" - I am a radical counter-revolutionary who wants to restore my ancestral homeland to its antediluvian splendor.

WHAT I HATE ABOUT THE UNITED STATES (government, not the land):

1. That federalism was abolished and sovereign states removed from their own federation thanks to removing the power to appoint senators from the constituent state governments themselves. We now have a national government trying to force us all into homogeneous, one-size-fits-all, interchangeable Sheople to serve Our Royal Masters.

2. The we killed/murdered/destroyed the grandchildren of the Revolution in the disastrous War Between the States, killing not only 700,000 Americans - but preventing their birth of millions of children, grandchildren ad infintium consequently never born. This necessitated the importation of tens of millions of those debased "Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free[ly]" and assorted "Wretched Refuse" that should have been blown out of New York harbor before being allowed to defile my holy American soil.



Your greed and selfishness fundamentally perverted this "New Jerusalem" and at every turn, you repayed my forefathers' hospitality and succor with spite, throwing away the remnant of my patrimony to the world's flotsam and jetsom on the insane theory that 'American is a nation of immigrants", spoken as received wisdom with the cock surety only abject ignorance of the English language could produce.

I hate how yo utook the Anglo-American ideals of fairness and exploited them for your own tribal interests. How when you obtained power you did no good -- but did criminality. How you and your smelly grandfathers warped this land into the settling pond of the world's outcasts and losers -- but conveniently financed by us remaining authentic American families.


Spirit of '76

reply to post by FortAnthem

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 05:38 PM
It would have been great if the indigenous natives of the American continent had stood up successfully for the constitution that was given to them by there ancestors. The constitution of "their right to be there in the first place, no one else`s".

Imagine how different this world may have been if America had never happened.

Of course the evil behind the colonisation of the American continent would have found another home.

Anyone care to comment on this?

[edit on 19-1-2010 by psilo simon]

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by joeofthemountain

I am more than a simple "conservative" - I am a radical counter-revolutionary who wants to restore my ancestral homeland to its antediluvian splendor.

wouldn't your ancestral homeland be europe somewhere? 'cause unless you are indigenous, you too are an immigrant to the americas.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 06:45 PM
i feel this is a very important thread,im irish and i think our default position is to absolutely love ye yanks from top to toe,fully and completely,mainly because of ww2. ithink this is true for all europe saved our skins then and we love ye for it always and ever. a lot of people have changed from this default position, that is true.nobody on ats can seriously be wondering why this is?
when we think/thought about the usa,we think about the absolute courage of the d day landings,saving private ryan,band of brothers ,all that stuff. now look at ye.
look at what your government does allaround the world. we hate your government for sure,but bit by bit,it is becoming more obvious how muchthe fed,cia etc are messingthe whole world around .ye had the greatest and best country in the world ,full of courageous hard working people.then bit by bit your politicians sold it to big oil/militaryindustrial/banks/mossad/whoever/big pharma-,all on ats know this all too well. wars all over the world and still looking for more,all with far less developed countries. dont get me wrong, i hate my crooked corrupt government too.
where was i? alright i remember! btw sorry i cant type! alright....the hate. you know,all over the world we are starting to hate the ordinary people who vote in the losers that think its ok to bomb poor people in poor countries ,from billion dollar planes at 30,000feet in the sky. even tho ordinary americans arejust as much the victims of this corrupt system,especially the ones who,for economic reasons ,have no choice but to enlist.
once ye minded ye're own business and had a great country and showed us ye were made of serious stuff when needed,we loved all of it.look at the difference between then and now.... to the op, you know well where the hate is coming from. like i said ,this is not our default setting ,you guys need bigtime to find the courage we know you have and win your country back.....before its too late,ye still have probably maybe more friends than enemies in the world i would guess.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 06:49 PM
This is what I hate, and this comes from an american.

1) The complete ignorance and arrogance of most of our population.
2) The willingness to accept what is told to us by the media without doing one bit of research.
3) The air of "we deserve better"

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by mythos

Originally posted by joeofthemountain

I am more than a simple "conservative" - I am a radical counter-revolutionary who wants to restore my ancestral homeland to its antediluvian splendor.

wouldn't your ancestral homeland be europe somewhere? 'cause unless you are indigenous, you too are an immigrant to the americas.

At last, some one with a bit of sense!

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by FortAnthem

America has come to the belief that democracy is the ONLY just form of government period. All other forms of government are criminal tyrannies that oppress the people.
America sees it as it’s God given duty to ensure that every nation in the world MUST become a democracy, even if they must be forced to do so at gunpoint.

What ever happened to democracy of ideas? How can we be so certain that other forms of government are automatically tyrannical? If a country wishes to have a monarchy, who are we to tell them they are wrong?

To the American way of thinking, any form of government other that democracy automatically oppresses its people. Be it monarchy, oligarchy, socialism, theocracy or whatever, we Americans cannot possibly believe that a people can be happy unless they possess the right to vote. If a government treats its people justly and provides equal rights for all, how can we object just because some, or perhaps all, lack the right to vote?

Does the right to vote automatically ensure peace, tranquility and equality before the law for all men? Hah! That’s a good one.

How many of us in the USA feel oppressed at times by our “democracy”? Isn’t the definition of democracy “ when three wolves and a sheep vote on what to have for dinner”?

How is that the best system of government the world can devise?

[edit on 18-1-2010 by FortAnthem]

While you believe in this kind of nonsense , you'll never understand why you have so many enemies around the world . You are not promoting 'democracy', your governments favourite attempts at installing client governments consists of installing totalitarian regimes , despots ,tyrants , dictators and puppets . They are in the business of REMOVING democratically elected leaders .

[edit on 19-1-2010 by Gun Totin Gerbil]

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by joeofthemountain
reply to post by FortAnthem

Are you serious. I'm hoping this is someone that just wants rile everyone up. But you know what, Im going to take the bait.

I am more than a simple "conservative" - I am a radical counter-revolutionary who wants to restore my ancestral homeland to its antediluvian splendor.

Unless you are Native American this is not your ancestral homeland. From the sound of it your ancestral homeland is is either the UK, Iraland, Poland (well maybe not Poland to dumb to be from there) But I'm guessing from that general region.

The we killed/murdered/destroyed the grandchildren of the Revolution in the disastrous War Between the States, killing not only 700,000 Americans - but preventing their birth of millions of children, grandchildren ad infintium consequently never born. This necessitated the importation of tens of millions of those debased "Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free[ly]" and assorted "Wretched Refuse" that should have been blown out of New York harbor before being allowed to defile my holy American soil.

News flash your ansesters are refugees from another country. They were not born here. If they were here during the revolution then they were proboly sentenced over here. More then likly those "huddled masses and wretched Refuse" that you speake about were your own people


How about what your people did to the native americans. "your land" was purchased in blood and suffering, but not by your Pilgrim fathers but by thos who your pilgram fathers stole it from. By the way just saying your pilgram fathers says this is not your homeland.

Your greed and selfishness fundamentally perverted this "New Jerusalem" and at every turn, you repayed my forefathers' hospitality and succor with spite, throwing away the remnant of my patrimony to the world's flotsam and jetsom on the insane theory that 'American is a nation of immigrants", spoken as received wisdom with the cock surety only abject ignorance of the English language could produce.

I hate how yo utook the Anglo-American ideals of fairness and exploited them for your own tribal interests. How when you obtained power you did no good -- but did criminality. How you and your smelly grandfathers warped this land into the settling pond of the world's outcasts and losers -- but conveniently financed by us remaining authentic American families.

Our greed and selfishness.... are you serious?!?!?!?! Your forfathers hospitality. Last time I checked My forefathers were forced to experiance that so called hospitality. Speaking of hospitality how about the hospitality that was shown to you "great pilgram forfathers" by the native americans. How did you repay them. Lets see you killed and humiliated them. You stole their land. You raped their women, you forced them to live on reservations. YOU DESTROYED THEIR CULTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If any of this garbage you are spouting is true then your people deserve it. Your forfathers have brought nothing but pain and suffering to all you have come in contact with. I am ashamed to say I share even an ounce of the same ancestral as your forefathers.

This Country was built on the backs of those who you claim to hate. This great country of our may have its problems (as i listed in a previous reply) but it is still the greatest country on earth. Your people had very little to do with that. The Africians built the captial and most of the south, the Chinese built the railroads that span the entire country. They were brought here forcefully not by choice. All the others were atleast invited.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 07:51 PM
Funny how this thread is named and I smell something.
In stead of naming the thread, what you don't like about America, it's named hate. Hate is hate and not likeing something is another thing.

To hate something is to take action against the entity hated, because hate holds anger and the desire to hurt the hated. Not likeing something is neutral, avoiding, staying away from it. What was the starter of this thread thinking anyway.

[edit on 19-1-2010 by pepsi78]

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 09:00 PM
hate is too stronger word for me but admittedly i don't always have a tonne of respect for america/americans. and 'why not' is a question i often ask myself. is it some kind of jealousy? fear? ignorance or what? i haven't figured out the answer and i'm often torn between this seemingly inbuilt 'thing' i have against them and my real life interactions with them (americans) that doesn't meld with my more negative perceptions. in fact just the other day i was saying to my dad, "some of those americans are quite cool individually ... i don't know why they get up my nose so much'. lol.

but i'll try to answer your OP and who knows ... perhaps we'll figure out what my real problem is. :-)
some of the things i dislike about america/americans ...

the death penalty - one of my biggest beefs with america/americans is the fact that you all still have the death penalty in some states. i think it's barbaric in a supposedly civilized country in this day and age. i know all the arguments for and against it but at the end of the day, for me, it's not ok to take a human life like that.

patriotism - while i don't think being proud of your country is a bad thing; i do feel americans seem a bit excessive in extolling the virtues of their "great country". granted they have a lot to be proud of. a lot they should be proud of. but so do a lot of other countries. so when i hear or read about how great america is this and how wonderful they are that ... i can't help but think, 'oh ffs ... get over yourself already'. yes america is a great country but geez ... a bit of humility wouldn't go astray. lol.

ignorance and intolerance - ok a lot of countries suffer from an over-abundance of this one, including my own so you're definitely not alone here. but it's really annoying none the less.

religion - i'm showing my own intolerance here but i'm also being honest by stating another thing about america that gets up my nose. it just seems to be everywhere and there is no escaping it no matter what your own beliefs are. me being an atheist does not like the fact that religious beliefs have too much influence on americans and how they conduct themselves and even how they vote for their governments, local and otherwise.

so there you have a few things that hopefully answers your OP.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by pepsi78

i don't see anything fishy about the OP at all. america is the brunt of a lot of criticism, dislike and even hate - so to ask why brings up an interesting question.

also a lot of people either don't know or don't define the difference between hate and dislike. the word 'hate' is used too freely and ignorantly. like a lot of other words. *shrugs*

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by psilo simon
It would have been great if the indigenous natives of the American continent had stood up successfully for the constitution that was given to them by there ancestors. The constitution of "their right to be there in the first place, no one else`s".

Imagine how different this world may have been if America had never happened.

Of course the evil behind the colonisation of the American continent would have found another home.

Anyone care to comment on this?

[edit on 19-1-2010 by psilo simon]

I agree with you but the sad part is that because of the native americans peaceful and welcoming nature they were doomed. If england didnt do it then someone else would have.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 09:16 PM
Americans have too much freedom in their hands. That is so annoying.
but it's ok, we'll fix that matter soon enough.

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