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Stocking up on food for a Global Catastrophe

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posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 02:21 PM
So, i've been reading up on possible disasters that could occur in the near future (aka 2012). One such event was an EMP type disaster from the sun. This solar maximum is rumored to be the largest ever recorded, and could easily disturb our fragile power grid. In such case, we would likely have to fend for ourselves and our families. A good example of this is in the book One Second After.

What are some suggestions of good foods to stock up on? How much should i stock up on?

I have a grocery store within walking distance (about 1/4 mile), so should i forgo stocking up on food for the sake of not wasting money, and just have cash handy for day 1 if this event would occur?

This thread is NOT about discussing the possibility for such scenarios, rather how to properly prepare for one. Do not reply saying this will not happen, because that is not what i am asking. I would rather be safe than sorry.

[edit on 28-12-2009 by mossme89]

[edit on 28-12-2009 by mossme89]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by mossme89



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Also, check out this site - not the cheapest, but quite convenient

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by mossme89

Stocking up in the event of the unforeseen is a tricky thing... If it's global, I don't think a pantry full of food is going to do you a whole lot of good... I'd go for seeds and suchlike, and hope you'll be able to raise them.

On a smaller scale? Canned food and/or dried food can and will be a life saver. Disruptions of services for whatever reason, and you'll be on your own for who knows how long. Store as much as you can, of everything you think you'll need. Even if you don't, you can always eat it later. Don't count on that grocery store being there.

It depends, IMHO, how large scale it is. Global? Think long term, you're in all likelihood going to be rebuilding civilization. Seeds, and knowledge will be the keys...

[edit on 12/28/2009 by seagull]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 02:35 PM
Buy something you would like to eat once the fear of needing it to survive an event is gone. I really don't even want to look in my survival box I made several years ago. It is old and I don't want to eat it now.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 02:39 PM
I've been collecting cans and canning my own food for awhile now to get ready just in case something happens. Also been collecting dried foods also. You can never be to prepared.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 03:12 PM
I'm in with the canned and dried food as well. Also chocolate, protein powder and other nutrients. Drink supplies, wood, matches and a can opener

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by earthdude

That's why you rotate your stock. Take out, and eat, or dispose of; the oldest stuff and replace it.

Not just food, either... Batteries, other non food items can be every bit as perishable as food...

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 04:36 PM
Thanks for the replies guys...

I have thought about using a rotation type system with the food, eating & restocking, but my family thinks I'm a nut, so it's hard to store food without them whining to me about how I'm being absurd, stupid, paranoid, yadda yadda yadda. They don't seem to grasp the subject that it's better to be safe then sorry.

Do you guys think that my proximity to the grocery store would help in this situation? I mean, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one in the store, there would probably be a mad dash for the store on day 1. But, I'm sure people would buy perishables. What are some items to buy that will probably be overlooked? I'm thinking canned goods, but anything else?

Again, this is all hypothetical

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 04:36 PM
Edit: stupid Internet connection disconnected. Posted twice. Sorry.

[edit on 28-12-2009 by mossme89]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by mossme89

I agree, but if it is really important to you, and you have kids to worry about, just do it. I sold my beloved '99yamaha yzf R6 to get my food storage going. wich I probably never would have done, until I had a new son. One thing that pushed me over the line was...if something ever does happen and you need to "survive" your family will look to the man, as the provider. so if you are the man of the house, then be the man of the house! I started with a 72 hour kit from costco- feeds 3 for 3 days in a 5 gallon bucket- look to spend roughly $900-1200 per person per year of food storage, and get er done! earthquakes, snowstomes, ice storms, floods, solar flares, hostile take over by foreign powers... whatever be the case, you wont have to worry about where your food is coming from...just my $.02

Love and Light, Ronco

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 05:25 PM
Gain some knowledge on wild food recognition. There is loads of free food growing in woods and hedgerows if you know what to look for. There are plenty of books on the subject.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 05:38 PM
Don't forget to buy lots of toilet paper and paper towels. These items don't have an expiration date so no worry about wasting money - you'll use your supply up eventually. It might be nice to have a hand pump installed on your well in case water is shut off you can at least pump water for drinking and flushing toilets, etc. Don't forget your pets. Have a few months of kibble on hand. For cats, stock up on litter. Might be nice to have a .22 for small game. Stock up on canned goods and peanut butter and a 50 lb bag of rice from Sam's Club. Batteries, radio, flashlights, candles, bleach to purify water, gasoline, generator, firewood, and the list goes on. You can never be too prepared. More than likely nothing will happen so don't let fear control your life. Don't worry about tomorrow. Worry about today.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by mossme89
Thanks for the replies guys...

I have thought about using a rotation type system with the food, eating & restocking, but my family thinks I'm a nut, so it's hard to store food without them whining to me about how I'm being absurd, stupid, paranoid, yadda yadda yadda. They don't seem to grasp the subject that it's better to be safe then sorry.

Do you guys think that my proximity to the grocery store would help in this situation? I mean, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one in the store, there would probably be a mad dash for the store on day 1. But, I'm sure people would buy perishables. What are some items to buy that will probably be overlooked? I'm thinking canned goods, but anything else?

Again, this is all hypothetical

Around here we use an old windows98 laptop to print out the weekly pull from the emergency stores. When food gets added we scan the barcodes with a salvaged barcode reader, expiration date is added manually.

When we get our shopping list entered in the computer two sheets of paper are printed, one for stuff to buy, one for stuff on hand that needs to get rotated.

We got some real use out of the system this week since the blizzards made roads impossible to travel on, and thus made getting groceries impossible.

technology is there for a reason, use it.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by mossme89

Think in the terms of the 1800's,before electricity.If the grid goes down
for long term,you would need the following items...
1.Wash tubs for laundry
2.Clothes wringer
3.Camping kitchen or outdoor grill and fuel
4.Clothesline and clothespins
5.Hand-crank radio
6.Hand-crank lanterns
7.Matches and candles
8.Canning jars and supplies
9.SEEDS and gardening tools
10.Can goods to last for at least 1 year
11.Pantry items to last for at least 1 year
12.Buckets and lids
13.Mylar bags(assorted sizes)
14.Oxy absorbers
15.Weapons and ammo
16.Fishing equipment
17.Hunting supplies
19. medical supplies,vitamins,prescriptions
20.Outdoor survival books,novels,magazines
21.Water purification system
22.Toys,games,coloring books,crayons,football,basketball,bicycle pump
24.Soap making supplies,bleach,shampoo,toothpaste,deodorant
25.Female products or make your own
26.Baby supplies,or don't make a baby
27.A good harmonica,guitar,amish lap harp
Food items...
Canned vegetables,fruits,meats,soups,stews,puddings,pie-filling,milk,pasta
Dry:flour,sugar,salt,rice,beans,powdered milk,cocoa,tea,coffee,tang,
koolaid,creamer,pancake mix,cornmeal,oatmeal,grits,farina,spaghetti,
Peanut butter,syrup,honey,jellies,raisins,crasins,nuts,vanilla,spices,oil,
I hope this list helps you out.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 07:34 PM
Those are very good suggestions. If it were me, first I would carefully check the expiration; because so many times I have bought something from the grocery just to see that it's almost expiring. Really frustrating..

It would be probably nice to have some gold with you but carefully hidden of course. Just good to know you have it handy.

In Asia the coconut tree is well respected and is called the tree of life. The fiber from the leaves can be used as ropes or string, The leaves themselves could be used as a makeshift roofing or clothing, of course there is the wood for fire or shelter or tool making, the fruit is edible and not to mention there is coconut water.

I'm not sure how long you could go on with the diet though.

If coconuts don't grow where you are staying, there is probably a similar plant or tree that can be up for the job.

Bamboos are also good to have near you; you could use them for all sorts of things.

Chickens are quite easy to raise, provided you have access to water and feeds.

I know some people who raise pigs.. makes quite a racket, and not easy on the nose too so that's probably out of the question. I don't think I would be doing that.

Books, and a whole lot's of books. Specially the survival guides. I make the habit of wrapping my books in plastic covers just to add some extra protection.

Hope this helps

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

Don't forget books that can help you learn to do all this stuff on the fly. Living like our grands and great-grands did isn't an easy thing to do. Especially for a generation raised on microwaveable food.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 10:45 AM
Depending on the availability of your local market is probably pretty foolish. The first problem that you are going to encounter if our power grid gets disrupted for any period of time is chaos and looting. I would imagine that the last thing you will want to do is venture outside to try to go shopping. Without electricity, there will be no alarm systems, no way to contact cops, no video footage, etc -- so people will panic and get rather brazen knowing it will be difficult to catch and/or arrest anybody.

Further, if you do venture out and are NOT scrambling for food, people will realize / think that you have prepared yourself and you could become a target.

Keep in mind, prepared people are the minority (this includes any natural disaster and not just 2012-type stuff). Also, there are even less people that will be able to cook for themselves let alone start a fire or something. Perhaps I'm not giving people enough credit, but I really don't think the majority will have any idea of what to do, where to go, etc.

If you are going to store cans for more than 2 years or so, you will need to seal them in paraffin wax. Doing so will keep them good for decades. Note: the expiration date on a lot of foods (not all) is really well before they become inedible or unsafe.

As far as rice, flour, beans -- make sure you store them in large, 5-gallon or so sized buckets. They need to be filled to the brim and then sealed.

Also, if you are storing water in gallon jugs or bottles, you may want to add a drop or two of bleach in each one to be stored for more than a year. Even water will go bad and could grow bacteria if it is stored in clear bottles for too long of a period of time.

Another fairly inexpensive idea would be to purchase a couple of cast iron pots / pans and a camp fire-type stove. This will enable you to cook more easily over an open fire and prevent wasting any food should it get badly burned. Regular pots and pans are not made for direct heat and / or flames. Many will warp, crack, or breakdown and contaminate your food.

Hand sanitizer is also a great thing to keep on hand. Buy no-name brands in gallon jugs at a warehouse store. You can start a fire on ice with that stuff and will also help burn any wet wood or such.

Nuts -- in their shell -- store for long periods of time and provide essential fats and oils and protein.

People underestimate how dependent on electricity we really are. All of our systems -- pumping gas, airplanes, trains, jails, etc. -- will all be useless for the most part.

Can you imagine the chaos when people realize that their local jewelry store -- stocked full of gold and silver -- is no longer protected by security and ready for the taking?

The biggest obstacle in my opinion for the first few weeks without power will be other people. Panicked people scrambling to survive and provide for their families are some of the most dangerous weapons out there. Because of this, I would make sure that you have at least one month's worth of food that doesn't require cooking. Cooking food will draw attention via the smell to the fact that you have food and others may not. It's all well and good to want to help out your neighbors -- but without knowing exactly how long systems would be disrupted if the entire grid were knocked out -- I'm not sure that's a risk you would want to take. I should think that the best scenario would be to find like-minded people in your area. Small groups tend to do better sharing supplies, skills, ideas, defense, etc.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 11:25 AM
having free space for supplies/gear is something that could help greatly in becoming more self sufficient also, acreage for growing food crops, raising animals, tanks/wells for water, alternate power from solar/wind to wood/fuel systems.
freedom of open space between populations and yourself,safety from the masses, having trees for wood and crafting, herbs for medicine.

not then having to worry about how long any store bought supplies will last or if you have enough items in convenience for any extended period of time for the situation.
most stores will run out of supplies or stay closed during certain events(having no electricity to run those stores means most likely a closer anyway) so would be best to stock up on needed and necessary supplies before such a situation occurs. find items that you like to eat and won't get bored of in a hurry, rotate and replace your alloted amounts so they stay fresh and safe to eat and having a good supply of water to last might be something to have on hand as well.
just all depends on how much you can really live without to what might be neccesary for your kit. for some the basics, for others high tech. an amount of each could be a happy medium.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 12:19 PM
I've been stocking from for the last couple of years. It's not that much of a hit to the pocket book if you just get into a routine. I budget $50 a week. This gets me $200 worth of whatever a month. After a while, it really adds up, and before you know it, it's the storage space that becomes an issue.

Don't forget the water! In fact, I built a significant supply of water before any food. The above referenced website also offers food grade water barrels in several sizes.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 12:25 PM
all one will really need is a pouch with flavorings, salts, spices, perhaps a bottle of virgin-olive-oil & other stuff

because theres plenty of vegetations, grasses. leaves, nuts, fungi, barks,
even clays to add to these between scavanging for the rare
canned good one may find.

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