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Anti-vacciners are wrong, wrong wrong.

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posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 12:23 PM

because a for-profit motivated corporation wouldnt do anything wrong.

there is no money to be made in cures. which is why doctors and pharmaceutical companies just treat your ailment.

tell the Redskins cheerleader that vaccines are perfectly safe i doubt you'll get a polite response.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by blankduck18
oh look at the we didnt take the vaccine
and h1n1 is basically gone
so we didnt need it after all
go figure!

I went to visit my small-town local doctor the other day - for a lower back injury (moving heavy things). His first question was if I had the flu long.

He said that he was seeing 20+ people per day with H1N1.

I know the guy went to medical school, but I have to call bs. How could a small town have literally 100s of cases per week and no deaths of this super deadly flu?

Something tells me the office is being compensated for identifying H1N1 cases...

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by seethelight

It is a gamble. And yes, it is a science. So is the practice of cleverly decieving the people of the Goverment for whatever benefit, a science. Things are so well researched, put together and deviously executed with a sence of percision that I indeed would classify it as being a "science". The following may not be related to the swine flu, but does help see things a bit differently regarding Government agencies an their capacity to distort truths and facts.

Many European scientists have quit or have taken early retirement from their jobs, claiming that for years their government has grossly exagerated their findings in the research of Marijuana and its health implications. Stating that their reports were tampered with to exclude possitive findings and made to reflect a non-existant discovery that Marijuana in fact is very detremental to the factors of health in any given individual. Their only explenation for this act is said to be for monetary gain from Pharmaceutical companies, so they would not lose even more money with the replacement of their pre-existing drugs with Marijuana in battling many illnesses out there. Many many more instances of immoral government action has been recorded and documented. Look it up.

Research enough and youll get something right.

Like i said, this has nothing to do with swine flu. Just a reminder that the Government is made up of the same flesh and blood human beings, as you and I, capable of admiring a beautfiul rainbow one second and going into a murdrouse rage the next. There are way to many factual reports that illuminate the whole vaccine idea with a bad light. We may not be 100% accurate in its interpretation or in our belief of it purpose, but our suspicion is NOT unfounded. I think a certain level of maturity is needed to mentaly handle this phenomena. Its as if it is IMPOSSIBLE for the government to decieve us. Only kids who cannot think for themselves go along with what "mommy and daddy" say without questioning. We should wake up and smell the deception. Im switching to decaff. Excuse the typos. Hard to type and make the kind of phone calls I make (My job) at the same time.

This posted reply is not to be antogonistic. Nor was it typed with a rude or disrespectful mind-set. (My 2nd post, I think this is.) Any comment on my writing style, i know it needs help, would be appreciated. I am a 22 yr old non highschool graduate trying to self educate.

Have a nice day.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:20 PM
Vaccine-induced herd immunity is a myth.

Naturally-acquired immunity lasts for a lifetime, but "herd immunity" MAY only occur if people contract the infections naturally.

Problem: Vaccine-induced immunity only lasts from 2 to 10 years. The tetanus vaccine, we were told, would last a lifetime. But 30 years later, we discover that it actually lasts no more than 10 years. This is why they silently began to give boosters for most vaccines like chickenpox and MMR.

Bigger Problem: The boosters last for 2 years or less, so most people lose their immune protection within 2 to 10 years of being vaccinated, leaving us well short of the touted 95% number needed for "herd immunity".

Translation: At least 50% or more of the population has been unprotected for decades. We have all lived for at least 30 to 40 years with 50% or less of the population having vaccine protection. Herd immunity has not existed in this country for many decades and no resurgent epidemics have occurred.

As as far as contaminant organisms, l77way pointed out earlier in the thread the Simian Virus 40 as discussed in the book DR MARY`S MONKEY. The Federal government has gone to enormous lengths to cover up the fact that SV-40, a major contaminant of the polio vaccine until 1963 and a known carcinogenic virus, was being passed on to the next generation of those exposed to the vaccine. Every generation from now on will be infected with this known carcinogenic virus and its association with many cancers – including mesothelioma, medulloblastoma, ependymoma, meningioma, astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, pituitary adenoma, glioblastoma, osteosarcomas, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, papillary thyroid carcinomas, and anaplastic thyroid carcinomas.

Despite the powerful scientific evidence that this has infected at least a hundred million people worldwide, it took over 40 years to prove this.

This is but one example.

In terms of the "the anti-vaccine full-on crazy", Baxter International Inc. has been caught shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors in 18 countries in spite of the fact that in a Biosafety level 3 lab, this "accident" would be impossible. This, after patenting the Swine Flu Vaccine a year earlier.

If you find nothing suspicious about this, you are a far more trusting person than I.

The largest of the pharmaceutical-vaccine manufacturers are also providing much of the money and serving on the boards of foundations (The Ford Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Rockefeller series of foundation) that influence legislation and government actions through the World Health Organization, among others. This has given them access to absolute power at all levels.

Because of this as well as their control of the media, it serves us well to continue to look at alternate sources of information and seek the truth.

I hope you now have adequate reason for further examination of the facts.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by leaderof theTFHbrigade]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:31 PM
Simply another troll thread with the OP full of disinfo, seems someone is intent on infiltrating the meaning of ATS, in an attempt to convince people there are no dangers out there, and the world is fine and dandy.

i have two children, and myself and my partner, and none of the children will be having this disgusting concoction pushed in to our bodies. there is enough crap out there in our food and water, we dont need to be having any more of it. If the OP would like to do some research you will find that all the "hype" is true. Or is it that you know that and are simply working for some NWO group? Not working here
good luck with it though

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by kenochs

[Official line: In 1976, a small group of soldiers at Fort Dix were infected with a swine flu virus that was deemed similar to the virus responsible for the great 1918-19 world-wide flu pandemic. That would be because the soldiers were heavily vaccinated like the Spanish Flu soldiers (c.15 vaccines). 500-600 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome with 25 deaths (4,000 claimants), while they claim one death from swine flu (see Anthrax scare). A true glimpse into the real nature of the vaccine peddlers. The cartoon below is the medical industry to a T. A Rumsfeld poison special, he can be seen in the Bird Flu, SARS & Swine flu panic 2009. Watch Gerald Ford say it is the Spanish Flu virus in the 60 minutes video here. How's that for a bit of Fearmongering?]

I strongly suggest you look at this site. Doctors, biologist, public health officials and so many more are quoted here. And this was from years ago. This swine crap had been tried before and thousnds if not hundreds of thousands of people died or were crippled from it. What don't you understand about nature? Disease never existed until man (TPTB) figured out how to genetically engineer it. How many animals die from "the flu"? None that I know of, sure pollutants make the air we breathe toxic, and that is the problem, all disease is caused by a lack of oxygen in the body. Oxygen is known to kill all bacteria and virus, that's a fact. Oxygen is highly corrosive, in a liquid form, to all metals for pete's sake. Do some research before you post junk.

I have never been vaccinated and have never had any problems. Just like so many other people. Maybe your kids have been lucky and were born with strong immune systems and haven't eaten enough of the GMO food to break the immune system down? Go figure.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by daddio]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:39 PM
Hmmmm... why do I not take vaccines? Why do I not trust, on blind faith, what doctors say?

AMA, Doctors Endorse Cigarettes

Because, time and again, doctors are proven WRONG over time! Need I say more!?

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by kozmo

my reply isn't even needed.

this thread was bunk even before it started, simply based on the source and content.

i have never gotten a flu shot, and i almost never get sick, although i do get the sniffles from time to time.

the whole vaccine concept is a mind game.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by seethelight

Well, I watched, with my own eyes, your science push a healthy and happy 2 year old into a vegetative state for 2 weeks before finally expiring. The human race did fine before vaccines, and we'll do fine without them now. Especially considering our streets and neighborhoods aren't filled with garbage and raw sewage.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:26 PM
I would advise the anti-vacciners are wrong topic writer to wake up and understand the strategy.Imagine someone else chooses what you get in the vaccine without you personally verifying it .It is a nightmare

If the person is so pro vaccine we will give all the squalene adjuvant vaccine stuff for his self vaccination but the choice of the vaccine would be ours.How does that sound?

Seems we have some nonsense and stupid information being propagated.

It is beyond doubt vaccines are deadly

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:56 PM
edited because I am not going to waste time on the OP disinfo.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by nepafogo]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 03:09 PM
There is no proof of anything concerning vaccines, yet.

And if everything comes out on the up and up . . .

I would rather be wrong than right. In fact, I would be glad and proud that I was wrong.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by user22009

No, they're not.
The diseases they grant you immunity to, now those are deadly.
When you have no science to stand on you resort to namecalling, suddenly I'm a disinfo agent (ha), that's a good one. Man, if I'm the new world order you guys got nothing to worry about.
At this point, when I see the absurdity in response to the topic I can only say, as credulously as I know how, medicine, it's a good thing, it keeps us alive, it has allowed us to effectively double our life spans in less than a century... man, I didn't realize the trees were so dense, because there are precious few of you seeing the forest.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 05:06 PM
There wasn't enough vaccine because there are only 5 companies in the world that produce it, and it takes a minimum of 6 months to start rolling out vaccines. Longer to get viable quantities.

Your post makes no sense. If people are against vaccines, then they dont' take them, why would there be a shortage?

So they started rolling out vaccines in September. The swine flu came out in March. So yup, the 6 month minimum.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by kenochs

remember the new flu vaccine of the 70's? the one that killed more people than the flu did? new vaccines should never be trusted until 100's of millions of people take them and are fine for about 20 years afterward....

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by kenochs
reply to post by felonius

I do have children and they have undergone the entire vaccination routine, 2 flu shots every year, MMR, Polio, etc. etc.
But no they didn't get H1N1 because we couldn't find it in our area, or in the places where it was being given the lines were out the door and hours long and standing in a 3 hour line with a 2 and 4 year old (as all parents know) is just not possible.
So while I'll still happily give my children H1N1 if it's available I just haven't had the opportunity yet.
But honestly H1N1 isn't my concern, and never was as the mortality rates were already so much lower than regular flu (which we did get), the return of Whooping Cough, Measles, Mumps, Polio, etc are a much bigger concern to me.

[edit on 21-12-2009 by kenochs]

I feel bad for your kids.

The logic of every pro-vaccine zealot is so flawed it's laughable. You inject your kids with KNOWN neurotoxins made by companies that ROUTINELY lie about the results of their trials and you blindly trust them. You all say the people that don't get vaccinated will spread disease...but why are you worried? I don't get it. You and your kids got your shots so you're safe RIGHT?

Vaccines are unnatural. They throw the body's balance in to chaos. We are not meant to have toxins, adjuvants and foreign DNA injected in to our bloodstream. Just think about that for a second. Do you honestly believe that would have zero effect on us?

The key to good health is to be sufficiently hydrated and proper nutrition. Not some witches brew concocted by some money hungry corporation that has no regard for you or your children.

What do you think all those vitamins and minerals are for in foods? For fun? For show? Why don't you try researching what all the Vitamins and Minerals do instead of putting aluminum, mercury and formaldehyde in your poor kids' bodies. Jeeze, would it kill you to miss Amazing Race or Survivor and do a couple hours of learning?

The sheer ignorance of people who can't understand basic logic and see what's in front of their noses is truly mind-boggling.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 02:30 AM
In a sane world, parents who fill their children with poisons out of a belief in the honesty of companies who are in it for the money, would have their children taken off them.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by elvisofdallas

Originally posted by blankduck18
oh look at the we didnt take the vaccine
and h1n1 is basically gone
so we didnt need it after all
go figure!

I went to visit my small-town local doctor the other day - for a lower back injury (moving heavy things). His first question was if I had the flu long.

He said that he was seeing 20+ people per day with H1N1.

I know the guy went to medical school, but I have to call bs. How could a small town have literally 100s of cases per week and no deaths of this super deadly flu?

Something tells me the office is being compensated for identifying H1N1 cases...

He was lying.
There are many different illnesses causing flu like symptoms, and most are not influenza. One cannot diagnose the cause of flu-type illness without blood tests.
And blood tests are only being done for severe, hospitalized cases.
So even if your doctor is seeing that many sick people, he is unlikely to be seeing many swine flu cases.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 03:00 AM
"If I don't get myself and my family vaccinated, we may get the swine flu."

"I don't want the vaccine because I'm not worried about getting the swine flu and the vaccine was rushed through."

Both are reasonable statements and as far as I'm concerned, there is no right or wrong choice. I don't consider anyone not wanting to be vaccinated any sillier than someone that does. I also don't believe that not getting it is some kind of automatic death sentence and getting it will leave you completely safe.

Modern medicine has borne many helpful, even miraculous breakthroughs but it's hardly perfect or infallible.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by Roid_Rage27

Tell all the malaria victims, or the people I know who are still crippled from polio, or plague victims, or the 35-thousand that die every year from the flu that eating well and staying properly hydrated is the key to not getting sick.
I'm no zealot, luckily for my kids I'm not an idiot either. Not taking advantage of medical science would make me an irresponsible parent.
Grow up! No-ones out to get you. Your failures are your own, they're not due to some vast government conspiracy.

[edit on 22-12-2009 by kenochs]

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