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Eyewitness Confirms: D.C. Cop Freaks Out Over Snowball Fight–Brandishes Gun

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posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by ImaNutter

To the dude who said "snow is wet and cold" and made an entire argument out of it... move to Florida and stay there.

Duh! Of course I moved to Florida and of course I stay here...

Because snow is cold and wet don't you know!

By the way the MOB mentallity is an ugly and dangerous one and at times even more so when it's kids and teenagers who have formed that mob.

Don't kid yourself that these kids weren't highly amped up and in pack mentallity mode and were just full of well mannered appologies when this man stopped to confront them...

I can gaurantee you that such packs of kids engaged in that kind of activity are anything but docile or fail to recognize the strength that they have in numbers as well as the annonymity it affords them being a member of a large pack.

I have no doubt that the officer brandished the gun as a reminder to the kids who isn't really in charge.

Besides as I have already so adroitely pointed out snow is cold and wet!

Greetings from Miami!

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 05:02 PM
Some people on here are talking like that packed snowballs will actually hurt your car. Maybe if it was a chunk of ice or a battery was packed in it but having a SNOWBALL thrown at your car should not get you pissed off. It should actually make you chuckle a little bit.

What do you guys do when it hails? Raise your fists in the air and yell at nature?

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 06:15 PM
While I agree that the cop did flip out and I agree that he should be suspended. The fact that people are so obviously stupid in thier responce and desensitized to the guns waving in thier face that they stay where they are. This is one of my many concerns over this. Granted that a snowball wont hurt a hummer, It may have splattered on the window and caused the driver to spin out of control in a reaction to fear. Fear can drive us to do stupid things. Such as pull out a gun, yes he could have been feeling fear. 30 kids and only one of him (granted not an excuse to pull a gun, but I am sure many of us avoid getting out of our cars to confront these holigans because we are affraid.. This cop could have shot a kid (like the one he claims is the thrower of the said snowball. And what would his friends have done to help? Get shot too I suppose.

We are in a time when cops are being seen for what they do more and more. Think about way back in the day when a cop told you to do something or you got beat up. In england cops didnt carry guns for a long time since most criminals didnt carry them either. nowa days they need them, granted not all of them should carry guns. Like this guy. It can be a big motivator to most when someone pulls out a gun and sais get down on the ground, most normal people will drop to the floor. These kids keep asking for more. If you think the cop should be arrested or kicked off the force, what would you request had he shot a kid. The same outcome would happen if he shot a kid, then if this happens again in the future a second crazy cop might just say 'screw it' and start blasting. If he thinks that 'woops i just pulled my gun and now im gonna get fired or arrested' he might as well shoot the snowball thrower and get his revenge.

So I do agree that he should have a psych eval, I dont think he should be fired. Suspended pending passing the eval yes, fired or arrested on the spot no. Even his friends from the cop station realise that had he been arrested it might have ended his career. They should have reported it at the station yes. maybe even brought him in to calm the situation yes. but arrest him on the spot no. It would have been adding to the flame that caused him to flip out to begin with, and someone may have been shot. It may not have even been the Bad cop. He might have fliped out shot the kid then droped his gun when told to. Its a situation that is really bad but I dont think we need to start laying blame on all the cops that were there. They chose a good path, and hopefully fulfilled thier duty in reporting the issue to the captain when they got back to the station.

Keep the snowballs out of the gunfights kids.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Duh! Of course I moved to Florida and of course I stay here...

Because snow is cold and wet don't you know!

LOL. It is kind of funny I said move to Florida and you already did (assuming you're not yanking my chain). You're one of the smarter creatures left... for recognizing your likes and dislikes and doing what you can within your power to control it.

By the way the MOB mentallity is an ugly and dangerous one and at times even more so when it's kids and teenagers who have formed that mob.

Don't kid yourself that these kids weren't highly amped up and in pack mentallity mode and were just full of well mannered appologies when this man stopped to confront them...

I can gaurantee you that such packs of kids engaged in that kind of activity are anything but docile or fail to recognize the strength that they have in numbers as well as the annonymity it affords them being a member of a large pack.

You're going over the top. Find me one instance where a snowball fight turned in the way you describe ... and I'll shut up. But me thinks you're either playing devil's advocate or it's been too long since you got pelted with a snowball :p

I have no doubt that the officer brandished the gun as a reminder to the kids who isn't really in charge.

I've given this a lot of thought... and the only reason a grown man gets out of his Hummer and pulls a gun on kids for throwing a snowball is because he has a super tiny penis. It explains both the Hummer and the pulling a gun on kids in one swoop. Yup, I'm convinced...

Greetings from Miami!

Happy Holidayysss from Toledo, Ohio

[edit on 21-12-2009 by ImaNutter]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
Whatukno you missed my second post! I stated that I say the video ending and he admits to it. I can't understand why he did it, I don't agree with it at all...but lets NOT overlook the mindset of the teens either.

Cop: Wrong for pulling out his weapon

People: Wrong for actually thinking its ok to peg someones vehicle with snowballs as they drive by

There is plenty of fun to be had during snowball fights but it blows my mind how many people OVERLOOK the hummer getting pelted....imagine YOUR $20 or $30 thousand dollar car you pay $500 a month for getting hit as you drive...sorry but you would be pissed too..

[edit on 12/19/2009 by rcwj1975]

It's freakin snowing, it doesn't matter. It's not like they are throwing bricks or rocks, its snow, get a freakin grip. If I'm in the middle of a snow storm and and my car is getting pelted with snowballs I won't give a crap.

This cop was wrong, there is no excuse for what he did. They were having a bit of fun, rather than be a good sport and play along, this officer tries to act all big and bad with a firearm. The moment he flashed the gun, game over.

If I didn't know any better I'd think I was getting "Punk'd"

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by anubis9311

30 kids and only one of him (granted not an excuse to pull a gun, but I am sure many of us avoid getting out of our cars to confront these holigans because we are affraid..

I hardly think that "hooligans" would stop and help police officers that were stuck in the snow get their car unstuck............

Maybe they could have picked a better location for their snowball fight, but I'd hardly classify them as hooligans for having a snowball fight, it's not like they were out there throwing up gang signs, fighting, stealing, etc.

.....It may have splattered on the window and caused the driver to spin out of control in a reaction to fear.

This is true, but if that were to happen it may also suggest that the driver was driving too fast for weather conditions in the first place.

Even his friends from the cop station realise that had he been arrested it might have ended his career.

Then he should have thought about that before he pulled his gun on a bunch of people having a snowball fight. I'm pretty sure that it's against policy for an officer to pull his weapon when dealing with unarmed civilians. If it had been a civilian that had done that they would have been arrested, police officers should not be allowed to get away with anything that civilians are not.

Its a situation that is really bad but I dont think we need to start laying blame on all the cops that were there. They chose a good path, and hopefully fulfilled thier duty in reporting the issue to the captain when they got back to the station.

Choosing a good path would have been to hold their fellow police officer accountable for his actions instead of placing him above the law. Three of the people were given warnings for throwing snowballs for cripes sake, but a man pulls a gun and gets nothing ? They should not have allowed him to manhandle people, ie push people up onto the sidewalk, pull people around by their jackets, etc he was not an officer responding to a call and he was obviously not in control of his emotions so they should have at least stopped him from dealing with the crowd.

What I'm wondering about is at the very end of the video that Way2slo linked you can hear over an officer's walkie talkie someone says " detective Baylor should be a black male...." It sounds like they also say he should be about in his 40's, and then you hear the officer say " a black male, nah"" and then the video cuts off. Why did that officer say nah, was he trying to help the detective by saying it wasn't a black male that pulled his gun ? If that's the case then they obviously didn't choose a good path.

Keep the snowballs out of the gunfights kids.

No actually it should be keep the guns out of the snowball fights, detective

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 11:41 PM
This 'detective' was in a bloody HUMMER. That alone says volumes....

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Doc Holiday
Why are ppl not looking at this the other way..
He was off duty=same as every other citizen

If anyone else had done this "not an off duty cop" would it be an issue?
No we would be jailed, for if nothing else brandishing a firearm.

He should get no differentt treatment than the citizens he pratrols!

Yes I understand property damage, No its not right to hurt his hummer.

Well, you see, since he's a cop, he gets special treatment. It's ok for a cop, even off duty, to brandish a weapon... for now. Eventually the citizens will get fed up with the 'holier than thou' attitude of the police force, and will hold police to the same measure that the police hold the citizens. It would be better if the police took care of the problem by doing the right things such as charging this one with assault just as any citizen would be charged, but I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen. For now, just remember that they think they are better than you, and that they can get away with whatever they want when they get a wild hair.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

Yes but snowballs don't do damage. I was not aware hummers were so fragile.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 12:11 AM
Good thing the crowed did not turn on the guy. They could have easily cut his belly open pulling him down the road by his entrails.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 12:20 AM

He's not been suspended, but at least they put him on desk duty while IA investigates the matter. They've also taken away his gun and badge.

"Let me be very clear in stating that I believe the actions of the officer were totally inappropriate!" Chief Lanier said in a statement after the videos made the rounds on YouTube. "In no way should he have handled the situation in this manner."

Chief Lanier said the detective, whom she did not identify, did not deny the accusations. He is on desk duty until an investigation is complete.

I have to wonder why she didn't identify him. So I guess he lied when he gave his name.

Assistant Police Chief Peter Newsham told reporters Monday that the detective's badge and weapon have been withdrawn.

There could be a recommendation to discipline the detective, which could range from a reprimand to removal, he said.

I'm guessing he won't get more than a reprimand. I still think he needs a psych evaluation. I mean really the guy's got a couple screws loose if he pulls a gun because his car got hit with a snowball. Kinda makes me wonder how many times he's pulled his gun on people and not been reported. If they hadn't been lucky enough to get him on video he would have gotten away with it all together.

She also confirms that he was off duty at the time, and that it was his private vehicle.

Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier said she watched video clips from the confrontation and has no doubt that the off-duty detective pulled his gun after snowballs hit his personal car during Saturday's record snowfall.

Edit for spelling.

[edit on 12/23/2009 by chise61]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 12:30 AM
From what I have heard. The cop pulled over because the mob of people were throwing snowballs at his hummer while he was trying to drive it. That sounds like good reason to pull over to me... if he had hit any of those people running around ... well that too would be on the news in a more tragic light.

My first reaction is also that the gun brandishing was a little too much but after much thinking and viewing of This youtube video It became obvious that this wasn't just a bunch of kids playing an innocent game as the mainstream media would have you believe to try to further incite civil unrest. This was a mob of people with mob mentality who thought they were badass. That is how some pointless riots start. He was just being prepared for the worst.

That is just an alternative viewpoint from the shame shame's going around after thinking more on the situation.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by ImaNutter

Spot on with your post sir. For all he knew there could have been another undercover officer out there who just sees an clearly upset man waving a gun. He could have easily been shot. I'm glad to read that he's been desked for the time being and his weapon removed. Hopefully he gets removed from the force for his actions and charges brought against him.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by eyesdown

Yes but snowballs don't do damage. I was not aware hummers were so fragile.

Not sure where you live, but having been born and raised in PA, I have seen MANY snowballs break windows and cause small dents. Of course it depends on the snow/slush used to pack a ball...but ANYONE who has been around a good winter long enough can atest, for a good SB fight, you back your snowballs hard and tight if you want them to go anywhere...

I am not saying these snowballs were capable of causing damage, but snowballs CAN cause damage. And as I stated about 4 other times in this thread, I don't agree with the officers actions, but I WILL NOT justify the peoples actions either as most of you are doing. As I said I have been in many SB fights growing up, but I, nor my friends would of ever thrown them at some stranger driving by....

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by EminenceofAeon
From what I have heard. The cop pulled over because the mob of people were throwing snowballs at his hummer while he was trying to drive it. That sounds like good reason to pull over to me... if he had hit any of those people running around ... well that too would be on the news in a more tragic light.

None of those people were in the middle of the road so unless he drove up on the curb, he wasn't going to hit them.

My first reaction is also that the gun brandishing was a little too much but after much thinking and viewing of This youtube video It became obvious that this wasn't just a bunch of kids playing an innocent game as the mainstream media would have you believe to try to further incite civil unrest. This was a mob of people with mob mentality who thought they were badass. That is how some pointless riots start. He was just being prepared for the worst.

That is just an alternative viewpoint from the shame shame's going around after thinking more on the situation.

It didn't turn mob like until there was a man with a gun. It got real harry once they found out it was a cop. That video starts AFTER there was a man standing in the road (where the kids werent) with a gun.

And when there's a man pulling a gun on kids, I applaud them for sticking around and staying together. We're given very few opportunities to stick up for ourselves, and most of the time we just run and and hide (which this site promotes by the way, people come on here and type up how evil the government is and that's where their "action" stops) Cops are there to serve and protect not pull and threat... "throw another snowball" These are people who were actually standing up to injustice in action.

He should be arrested and charged for grabbing that kid and throwing him on the Hummer as well as shoving the kid earlier... he loses the right to do that to people when he takes off the badge. When he is off duty he's a civilian, not a civilian with extra rights and special laws just for him.

I'm going to call his department and demand the man be fired tomorrow during business hours. Turns out the video was worse than what I had in my head after reading the story ...

[edit on 23-12-2009 by ImaNutter]

[edit on 23-12-2009 by ImaNutter]

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by ImaNutter

Hats off to you sir, hope you get some sort of semi-decent reply for your efforts.

I agree, the crowd started as just a bunch of civilians playing around, they did not grow into a "mob" until they were treated unjustly.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 10:16 AM
hopefully the cop gets the justice he deserved in this instance there was no need for the gun. It was people having fun with snow since when did that ever cause the need for Excessive force kids playing didn't warrant the gun waving cop. When will cops learn that sometimes it's fun to play in the snow without being a cop

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