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I am the NWO. Let me tell you why I lied to you about MMGW

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posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 04:42 PM

I am the NWO. Let me tell you why I lied to you about MMGW

LIAR LIAR pants on fire!!!!

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 04:55 PM
While I have myself intuited the very notion that the pressure could be contrived for the purpose of a spiritual type of evolution, the risk was that it could do more damage than good when it fails.

First, crying wolf only will increase suspicions in the furture about whatever is said about our true impacts. Real and critical information will be dismissed by association.

Second, it distorts actual consequences into something farcical. Noone sees things as they are. A true guage of our own actions and their consequences is not possible with the lie.

Third, the lie makes people feel helpless about doing anything themselves, so they don't. It externalizes the responsibility. It makes the problem seem overwhelmingly intractable. It makes the solution appear devastatingly expensive, thus inducing a feeling of trepidation over solutions. It kills hope.

If the NWO is this stupid about psychology, don't even bother to fear them. We can outwit them at every turn. I think their greatest fear is that we should realize that. Oddly, it could also be their greatest hope for humanity. It all depends on what they're actually up to.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 04:56 PM
The NWO has noted that many of you seem slightly vexed with the NWO.
Though not unexpected, it hurts the NWO's feelings.

Some have a very tenuous grasp of what the NWO is ... aliens???

Mostly the NWO has noted that no one has addressed or refuted the following NWO declaration:

"Because you deplete your oceans of life, you deprive your forests of trees, you kill each other with pollutants and carcinogens, you treat your garden like a dump, you consume without regard to your future, you wipe out species for caprice, you're apathetic towards your home and your fellow man, you snub your nose at nature and fail to live in harmony with it, you fight wars over liquids, you poison and destroy everything you touch."

You efforts are simply focused on attacking the poor NWO who has your best interests in mind.

And you wonder why you need to be treated like children ...


So as a mere mortal canine, I now ask you this: What if there's no big bad boogieman like the "NWO" ... what if it's just us being us ... who will you blame then?

From the sound of most of the responses so far, the mirror is but an abstract concept to so many of you ... whereas the NWO apparently is as sure as the sunrise.

You see the problem?

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

i agree that it's all about who we are and what we are doing... but the thing is, some people are exploiting it to their own advantage. they are organized, there are many signs on earth proving just that. in fact, it would be insane for them not to organize. and the problem is, they are allowed to do what they do, simply because 'we are no better' - that's their excuse.

the difference is, many of us want to do better - but we're not allowed to. we don't have the opportunity, usually. the worst things done to our planet are done by governments - via corporations, via military, and so on. take US for example. how do you want to stop them, if both political options are just two sides of one and the same coin?

also, there are many scientific ways to provide free energy to the world - with zero point energy being just one of the solutions in my opinion. some people are trying to use it, some people are doing some research, some of them even have working devices. still, we all know how Tesla ended up. we all know some technologies are being supressed on worldwide scale, and that it is good only for the few at the top, not for us. humans 'just being humans' can be helped. but not by those who do their best to exploit humanity's flaws instead of being an example of how we should live.

NWO is just a label. label born of their ambitions, label that fits them really well. but the question is not 'who are they', or 'how should we call them'. the question is, when humanity will awake to the fact that those trying to rule upon us, are doing so out of their greed, and that their dignity is long time dead.

[edit on 2-12-2009 by jedi_hamster]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
So as a mere mortal canine, I now ask you this: What if there's no big bad boogieman like the "NWO" ... what if it's just us being us ... who will you blame then?

From the sound of most of the responses so far, the mirror is but an abstract concept to so many of you ... whereas the NWO apparently is as sure as the sunrise.

You see the problem?

Yes, you talk the language of FAIL. YOU failed to see my point. Contriving a lie is a FAIL and an excuse to many for not seeing the TRUE source of FAIL. And as such, failure to look in the mirror is FAIL on high-- compounded FAIL of all redundancy, doubly failed.

[edit on 12/2/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I see we are not familiar with the concept of literary license to make a point ...

The NWO didn't lie to you, or if they did, how the hell would I know ... I nor anyone else can say with certainty that there is such a thing as the NWO. Heck no one can say with certainty if the earth is cooling or warming or to what degrees humans can make such impact. As far as I'm concerned all we're doing is sticking our finger in the air and making assumptions.

What I am trying to get across with the OP, is that IT DOESN'T MATTER!

All the things I outlined in the OP and the above post should have nothing to do with the bloody weather.

And ultimately this is what worries me, now that some folks have what they think is conclusive evidence of mmgw hoaxing, they will go back to exactly as they were ... if there is such a thing as the NWO, THAT would be their plan!

Unless of course you think that the email "leak" was a goof ... come on now.

[edit on 2 Dec 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I think I had it, at least according to my biases which I'm not sure gave the result you indended. To me it was about assuming personal responsibility, not abdicating it. The NWO, whether a figment of our imagination or not, serves as a scapegoat and an excuse not to change.

Alarmism, whatever the source or subject, does no good to help to make good decisions about priorities. If collectively we do wish to look in the mirror, it should be a relatively undistorted mirror.

You did get my S&F BTW.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I think I had it, at least according to my biases which I'm not sure gave the result you indended. To me it was about assuming personal responsibility, not abdicating it. The NWO, whether a figment of our imagination or not, serves as a scapegoat and an excuse not to change.

You and I sir, are on exactly the same page!

The metaphor/parable imho still stands, inasmuch as we're as a species falling past the second existential floor, and we keep telling ourselves "so far so good."

[edit on 2 Dec 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:02 PM
Nice thread SD. That's an interesting perspective, but I have another. I liken the GW attitude of, shall we say, independent minded individuals to Edgar. That is, Edgar from the movie Men in black.

Remeber this?

Bug: Place projectile weapon on the ground.
Edgar: You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.
Bug: Your proposal is acceptable.

Memorable quotes for Men in Black

Of course. we all know what happens next. The bug runs off in a brand new Edgar suit.

I can't believe how everyone is blowing these e-mails all out of proportion. All I can say is there is some comfort in knowing that if they are successful in squashing the NWO, after we poison the Earth to the point where we go extinct, all these Edgars will go with us.

[edit on 12/2/2009 by Hal9000]

[edit on 12/2/2009 by Hal9000]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:29 PM
well I see your point here,

this would be same thing as people blaming God why evil or thing doesn't work out, we need to stop blaming God, we need to take our own responiablity and our own actions, we made the choices, God created us and helped us, but what God can't do is our own freedom of choices.

Stop blaming someone and learn what YOU CAN DO.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 06:56 PM
so yuo are telling me taht you lied to me?
why sohuld i believe you now if you lied to me already?

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:18 PM
Listen Columbo, don't as if your crap don't stink. The best way to deal with this as a nation, worldwide, is through mass education. People want to understand what happens in the world and if they are constantly lied to they lose interest.
We deplete our oceans? You pay us to do it. Our species consumes itself? You are apart of my species. We are children? Because you run the school system. Self destructive? Because the government allows it. We won't change? How do you know? Have you tried putting all the money from wars into education?

You speak as if you were from another planet. Condemning people will not get you anywhere except farther from unity to help this Earth. I am all for restoring our planet, but there are better ways then just lying and killing. In the end, everyone wants to be satisfied. If us, as a society, set the standards as a whole our kids may very well grow up a great generation. But if all this lying goes on, what do you expect from the younger generation?

I am old enough to understand what is right and what is wrong. If a kid grows up with all your lies and propaganda then that kid will think it is okay.

That is where you fail.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:24 PM
If only we were still like the "silly monkeys" we wouldn't be in this mess. We are "takers" but we used to be "leavers". In a mere 10,000 years or so, living the life of the "taker" we are on the brink....

Great post SD

[edit on 2-12-2009 by Anamnesis]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:25 PM
Well, thanks for nothing, NWO.
Thanks for making sure my 530ah Surette batteries cost USD $330
Thanks for ensuring that the best PV cell I could get is only 32% efficient, 220w cost USD $650 each.

While I'm at it, thanks for double-dinging me on all of the above with your high-priced fuel-driven shipping, and what the HELL is the point of TRIPLE-dinging me by charging me with export tax, duties and in effect penalizing me for trying to do the right thing????

Don't I pick up the drift from the beach every week? It's YOUR plastic crap that floats up from the passing tankers. You suck!

Listen, when you finally make these things priced so that you make a reasonable profit rather than the 500-1200% that you do, we will FLOCK to these "green" energies, and won't have to be tricked into it. Man, and I thought TPTB were money-lusting manipulative leeches, but you take the cake. Well, you'd take the cake if we could afford to still waste therms on baking one. Oh yeah, and thanks for corrupting the concept of "green" with your putrid policies and pusillanimous pundits.

Where was I? Oh yeah.

Thanks for the last runs of human pathogens. Pretty clever. You're getting better, I admit.

I appreciate the confession, o smiter of dreams, but if you really were penitent, you'd deal with your buddy Monsanto; he's screwing up the global grain production with his frankenfoods, and as an extra bonus, trying to wipe out the open-pollinated seeds with which we MIGHT have a chance at growing some nutritional crops.

Thanks for the wars. That's one of yours, isn't it, or am I confusing you with the OTHER elites? I get so confused sometimes, trying to figure out how you're going to stick it to us next. I have to admit that the whole 2012 thing was brilliant. You've got many of us too scared to live. Not me, though. Ever been attacked by a hoard of naked blue-painted warriors? No, me either, but it's fun to think about.

Sweet dreams, NWO. May the neo-chipboard base frame of your $12,000 tempurpedic bed slowly bow and cause you back pain. See? I'm so indoctrinated into your systems, I can't even frame a good curse.

Well, I sleep well at night -- the sleep of working one's adz off in the sun, working the land and guess what?? I actually share some of that produce. What a dang fool, huh?

You have nothing I want, other than the power to effect positive changes. I'd hate to have that power though. It must be seductive, and I'd hate to become.......... you.

Thanks sdog. Enlightening as usual. Cathartic even.

[edit on 2/12/09 by argentus]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:33 PM
I lied to you to do you a favor ...
You lie to me for what you consider the greater good of the species, truth is the greater good of the species is a dictatorship, but in taking away our freedoms you take away what makes us human.
I lied to you because your species consumes itself ...
I am a being of unlimited potential, I am an individual, not my species
I lied to you because you're a child ...
Yes I need protecting at times, but corruption is inevitble when a minority has power, give the power back to the people, use technology to give every person the right to vote on anything and everything. The cost would not be more than the wars you wage trying to take the world by force.
I lied to you because you're self destructive ...
I am not self destructive, my species is. You punish individuals for others crimes.
I lied to you because you are indifferent ...
The universe itself is indifferent
I lied to you because you won't change unless I threaten you with death ...
What gives you the right to dictate the direction of change?
I lied to you to save you from yourself!
You forget we are one and the same, who will save you (and me) from yourself?

Great post op, these would be my replies to the NWO

Edited to add missed answer

[edit on 2-12-2009 by byteshertz]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Ok, Mr. NWO,

FYI, Information AND Technology is being WITHHELD from the common man!

Case in Point:

When this "Charade of Usury and Illusion" comes to an end, then we can have a better world.

Until then, make yourself useful and get this technology into the daylight.


posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:42 PM
where do you think all this greed, consumerism, materialism, corruption and war comes from? The very people who are lying to us are the people who are causing all of what you just mentioned.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:49 PM
i always thought the nwo was a group of people not just one person. but i guess you can be anybody on the internet.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by SpaceMonkeys

"they" can't do it without us consuming and defraying our own responsibility in the process, though, can they? If there IS a "they", I'm sure they love being the source of our blame. Makes us more complacent.

Remember Pogo? Possibly aren't old enough. No worries. Meet Pogo.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:50 PM
Well I think you're full of it, and I'm not talking about literally, but philosophically.

You go on and on about how people treat their environment, but fail to recognize the level in which the people themselves are a product of their environment.

Oh look at that rich man give to charity, and oh the poor are such lazy bums. But it is easy to give to charity in the environment of the rich man, it is not so easy to give to charity in the environment of the poor man.

What is being done here is the equivalent of blaming people for not being able to create a Ferrari out of a bunch of toothpicks. Give them the parts they need, then complain.

The entire thing amounts to nothing more than trying to make people guilty for things they aren't responsible for, as a means of telling them to accept whatever is thrown at them - with no guilt on those who toss it.

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