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"Liberals" the New Hate Group

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posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Yes, I do believe the destruction of the family and the community is their modus operandi. Just look at what happened in the Katrina debacle.

Now, look at what happened more recently in the states of Minnesota, North and South Dakota with the flooding.

The communities banded together in that emergency. No need for big government coming to the fracking rescue. If a community cannot or will not come to the aid of each other, what happens? They fail. Just like in a business situation, if a community or state cannot band together to help each other out, frack em. Let them fail, why destroy the entire country to save a bunch of corrupt communities.

The corruption I seen in the Katrina disaster had woken me up to the utter failure of these larger communities. If a community cannot band together to help themselves, let them fail. I believe New Orleans should have been left to go back to a swamp.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:44 AM
Seriously I don't see the defense of this material life

Do you wake at an hr natural to your body?

Is any of this healthy? Fulfilling?

Do we work all the damn time? Is that Natural?

Is it conducive to LOVE to Family to relationships a system with zero yin Yang where both partners work and kids are barely raised?

Can traditions be maintained? Diet? Exercise?

In a Nation where 40 Million people work in Telemarketing just for Cash... is that somebody's dream of a good life? Calling on the phone begging for money?

I see the Internet as being able to give us back...the Family unit...

Call it...The Virtual Farm

And I feel like they are doing everything possible to make that very hard to do and suck us into a corporate system I can only see as a New kind of Feudal society centered around cities and corporations and the Lure is GREED

Get in touch with higher priorities, you can break the cycle of greed

Get into living for the sake of living and you can ignore the lure if you make the things of value in your life Human not status, power or Money

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:45 AM
You are hard to follow OP, but I will take you at your word that your intent is to point out that this left vs right thing is one big red herring.

Sorry for calling you a lib basher in disguise in so many words, but your message is kind of diluted by the length of your earlier posts. It just makes it hard for some of us to understand what you're trying to say is all, I'm not trying to be critical.

When Kennedy was shot I was almost two years old.

I have to agree with you that Kennedy very probably was our last legit president. And I too wish the populace would have marched into DC by the millions. But they were in too much shock I suppose.

I was really hoping that perhaps Obama might actually be a legit pres, but I am growing ever more doubtful of it with each passing day.

I also voted for Bush in 2000. Kerry in 2004.

I will not be so believing of any presidential candidate ever again. I don't know that I will even bother to vote anymore to be honest.

Both sides are being told by the media all day long just how dirty, evil and anti-American the other side is. I wish everyone would see this. I am not optimistic about the future.

I used to think about how lucky I was to be born when I was...I was too young for Vietnam and never had to fight in any wars as so many others have had to do. Now I am actually wondering if I will be fighting in the second American revolution, as an old man.

I think this is purpose for all of the left right baiting going on. TPTB fear us, they would rather have us fight each other. Unity terrifies them.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by Aircow]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

I'll go out on a limb here and don't beat me up for it please i've been beat up enough today lol people

I think they might have steered the storm RIGHT into New Orleans on purpose.

don't feel like elaborating it's a different thread...

Bush's "this is some kind of weapon" comment threw me given that we have stated directly we plan to "own the weather by 2020"

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Aircow

No worries it is my fault for ranting rather than thinking through first but as I explained I was emotional from a personal perspective on this topic.

Those are hard words to hear...

"I will never trust another President again"

One of the reason I defend Palin... is that i think she at the least, started this uninvolved in any of the power games and was a real person... I think she nailed Mc Cain to the wall on purpose and bimboed herself because the guy was treating her like show piece and I respect that

I have hope...

That maybe we can get past all this PC stuff where any dirt on anyone or wrong words or lack of any thing the media says is out of bounds goes out the window...

And we just throw them an elect some GUY or some Lady not involved in the system at all... then maybe we have a hope...

I'd throw a stab at a Jesse Ventura having been a hope...

I'm not looking for some major intellect or some inside knowledge of politics... that will fix all our problems there are experts to consult for that in all aspects...

Just ANYONE not part of the system who can come in a fire allot of people

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

One just needs to not fall into the social Darwinian trap of so long as I am not the one Darwinized, let them fail. If you like that, the Gilded Era is for you. Personally, I don't wish to regress into old and cruel paradigms. If I find I'm being a bit too cavalier about hardcore "sink or swim" I will examine my thinking. It's not really how I wish to be treated nor treat anyone else.

In general, noone outside of that distressed community should consider them as "other". They are human. They are life.

If there's anything that makes helping each other difficult or impossible, nothing should get in the way of anyone volunteering to come to their aid. Corruption, hate and greed must not enter into the equation.

Of course a true "world community" cannot be built by coersion and forced uniformity. When humans gets sick of fighting one another and willingly come together, that's when it will happen. As long as there is hostile division (as opposed to simply diversity), someone can find a way to exploit it for control, pitting one against another.

Without pathological attachments (on many levels), the wisdom of moving the city out of a swamp might be readily seen and acted upon.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Dude. Pull yourself together. If you want to live on a mountain and start your own business, that's fine. It really is.

I fully understand that such harsh criticism from a long time friend with no opportunity to respond would be upsetting. You're all over the place on this thread, though (and not without a healthy dose of contradiction). At least the post I'm responding to pulls it together, giving us some perspective and some underlying motivation, and I thank you for that.

So far I've read through the thread up to this post and nothing I've read so far supports your position for the subject line. From your OP I first thought: whoa--drunk guy with a crush on Palin. There's more to it than that. In essence, it's retaliation by proxy and we (ATS readers in general, liberals specifically) just happen to be in the line of fire.

Hope you can work it out with your friend, see your children more often and get your business to work out the way you envision it.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by elfie

Please allow me to say this and spell it out very clearly...

The only thing troubling me is listening to and watching people sell out themselves completely.

My friend might have been the trigger, but I have felt this way for a long time... since I was a teen...

I can actually recall exactly when I felt it for the first time, this has nothing to do with my personal life other than I just got sick and tired of listening to it and rather loose a few friends at this point than hold back.

The first time I felt this was working at a store in the mall when i was 16 and watching the register pull 16,000.00 and realized I was being paid 64.00

At that Moment I knew I was getting completely jacked by the system entirely...

I have always had a business in one form or another since then

I have never bent from my ideals

And it goes deeper...

Back to grade school actually where I listened to moronic teachers spew things I simply knew weren't true...

Like the way they told be back then about the coming "ice age" like they tell me now... about "global warming"

I knew very young everyone in power was basically full of crap

Don''t worry I have no intention of going Ted Kazinsky up here.. It wouldn't be worth My time... but I do enjoy getting it out in a good long rant.

As far as my personal life I am very lucky, I could be very angry if things had worked out differently but i'm actually Uber pleased at the moment, being single again which honestly is a blessing and I have no issues with my kids any more... was a trial at first but I'm a great guy in that dept and a complete victory is mine...

So I can't whine on that accord honestly, not anymore at least...

When I THINK of what happens to some guys though... particularly friends who are so bought in to following along It makes me sick.

IMHO allot of these guys have been practically feminized... we talk about it every day in here, The chemicals in the water, lower sperm count, these guys have hardly any testosterone...

Liberal...the opening of this was maybe the wrong choice

But I can't Understand for one second... being a Man and having a situation where your wife goes of and works for some other guy in some corporation doing crap like yourself she doesn't even like and you get a couple of hrs a night together and she serves some Man or some entity all day not you not your children...

The corporate system stinks and rips us off, the govt is in the business of looting and pillaging

And I can't Imagine any other generation of men putting up with this and accepting it

Don't get me wrong I'm all for a woman's right to work, i'd also gladly support a woman working and a Man staying home... but not this parent less generation we have achieved

We accept caped salaries, we accept 30 Years to pay off a house on average,....

we accept work we don't want to do until death...

We accept the cameras the monitoring of the internet where once it was a felony to so much as touch your mail, today we allow ourselves to be monitored...

We go through College shutting up about blatant lies because "we can't get a job if we don't"

Which is a joke in a nation that once cast off the Monarchy and founded on free Enterprise

We are brainwashed as Guys into a world where we can't fight ever, can't even raise our voices...can't protest without sonic cannons coming out and every single day... we are policed over our personal behaviors, we can be searched and checked anywhere detained at will and humiliated and we go along with it, you resist you get years in jail even if your rightfully resisted.

I see all this and listen to some one tell me i should Just conform go along with it I'm smart enough they will let me in...

I don't want in... it's selling your soul...

This is an unnatural existence they have pushed on us and some people...

take a label like "liberal" or any other and just wave that banner like when a politician stands up and CLAIMS they will support your cause it's anything more than divide and Conquer

Anyone that doesn't accept is forced out of the pack, we feel we have no choice so we simply ostracize any one as a criminal or Unstable or whatever word they use to demonize anyone who tries to buck the system

I Hate the man.. have always hated the man will always Hate the man and it has nothing to do with any personal circumstance... I have lived most my life managing to stay out of that crap 9-5 world, do it without faking for props from any institution and I will always seek to NOT BE A SLAVE as long as I live.

So please...

No one address me as troubled for saying these words...

There is nothing wrong with me... I go through allot of effort to retain my balls in a castrated society.

And this is how I view anyone who doesn't know what it really is... being a Cog in a machine... we all do what we have to do to survive and I have no comment on that but if your not seeking every possible way to free yourself from slavery, if you believe the history they give us in school is Real if you listen to what they say and believe the hype...particularly when they tell you you can't get Mad about it... your being a fool

I hate this collective stuff... i hate being told I have to agree with or deal with behaviors I don't like...

I don't care at all what anyone does...don't get me wrong, but I do NOT have to approve, participate or involve it my daily life if I chose not to like it..

I can understand anything... and that we should all strive for, but I have every right to fight what is inflicted on me if I do not wish it.

I have a problem with authority...


I don't think anyone should tell me what to do if I am not harming anyone else...

I would be best off in a world where there was territory left to explore...

And if this was still a tribal world... I'd be chief or i'd die in the fight to be Chief because I will not be ruled, lied to or made a slave

Allot of righteous spew huh?

It's how I feel...

In day to day life i'm the happiest guy walking, almost always a smile, at least lately and through most of my life...

Just so long as no one is trying to tell me what to do or give me orders...

And right now.... they try to tell me how to think, how to live who to like what to accept how to speak...

And I am not fooled by this PC nonsense... I know there is Nothing Liberal about this administration i'm not a fool....

Nor am I a nutter... I know I can't fight the world, but drop out of a big aspect of it...yeah that I can do.... I can absolutely get the heck away from clones who would try and FORCE me to be like them... Misery loves company as they say.

I can control my physiology and not become a neutered cat, I can keep my work lo scale and anonymous and still make more than enough and not participate...

ad that is key...

because despite how mad it makes me... I know the only answer is non participation, anything else is an insane path for my personal life and loved ones, but I can listen to ghandi, I can be smart about it and walk away...

And when I see people ranting (and okay maybe palin has become a media whore) about hill billies or rural America when so many....

SO MANY of us have had the brains to walk away from it... to not participate that makes me want to open my mouth

You'd be surprised how many Americans have walked away from it gone to places where they know the sheriff and are left alone and they can quietly ignore the machine in peace...

And it's genuinely being threatened and when they leave people no where to run... it's going to probably get Ugly and I don't want to see that... i'd rather people all over listen and understand they have been enslaved and start doing all the little non participatory things they can to break the machine...

And the use of the term Liberal

Well it's simple...

Those were the last people I thought I'd see take up the word Authority and start telling others what to do and worshiping the govt...

An yeah... it aggravates me to see people with such high ideals, the Liberal Intellectual, fall to propaganda Dogma and Govt and Corporate controls...

I never thought i'd watch them all grow up and sell out to the system so blatantly for greed Let alone support it so viciously, to sit back while not a single aspect of the sick legislation went through during Bush and Tolerate it when NOT A SINGLE LAW handing power over us has been deleted from the books...

Kids who once screamed in the street that the govt was sick and that they would fight for legalization and many other things... grew up to simply sell it all out for a 2,000.00 raise a life of servitude and health insurance...

absolute control handed over and the great "liberality we are offered" Penicillin lol for 1600 a year when even Mexico lets you just go to the Pharmacy for 15.00

It's just pathetic that we tolerate it... participate in it...

And I just wanted to rant about how sold out we really are, how un liberal this govt really is... how our rights and freedoms and family life has been stripped and we say "thank you"

And that's all man... Just a rant, It's all i got is my voice...


it's NOT ME I MOURN FOR IT'S EVERYONE ELSE, people including you to a degree are saying I have issues and stuff, maybe...normal ones, I have made mistakes nothing I can regret long though...

I just care, even though I know it's a waste of time... It's NOT ME I'm mad for though...

I KNOW, I have taken measures, I have Freedom albeit sometimes it's not always easy but whatever is that's worth it...

No bro... I mourn I anger for the rest, for my friends... for strangers when i see them walking through the street with that blank look of servitude...

Because they rationalize it... "This is the way it is..."

And no it's not... it never has to be, you have free will

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 07:45 AM

You know...

It wouldn't matter what the dominant system was... when I see people gather like lemmings and not question , particularly when the leaders are as they always are Egomaniacs...

I'd be right there bagging it...

It wouldn't matter what the dominant position was...

So no one should get offended... I just think Liberals need their cages rattled atm

I'll be right there to Bag on whatever ISM takes it's place

I always mention being Jewish in here, but really i'm not by birth... I'm actually Scottish

I try and figure me out sometimes too... and sometimes I think maybe it's just that highlander in me combined with exposure to the Jewish Intellect, it makes for some radical attitude I think...

But I like playing the heel sometimes...

My favorite wrestler was Rowdy Roddy piper growing up...

I can see myself in a kilt marching along with a sword to bagpipes to go kick some oppressive blankity blanks....

But i've always existed to be pain in the systems rear end...

Even as a kid, I almost got killed for telling the class in Second Grade there was No such thing as Santa Claus...

I don't trust power seekers ever, no matter how noble they claim their cause to be... To me it's a sickness to have such an Ego you wish to run a Country or City like you are some savior or best equipped to rule

I don't crave any control but in my own life... I hate being a boss when running a business too...

Every time I start a new business it takes me like a year because I don't relish doing it...the giving orders part...I hate the role... and innate distrust those that like it.

So no one should get so offended...

Like I said, I don't trust rulers and i wont be ruled it probably doesn't matter what the dominant philosophy is... i'd want to kick it to the curb because i'll never be a person of ONE way of doing things

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Wow... you start off by saying liberals hate everyone then launch into knee-jerk long-winded screed about why YOU hate liberals.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 09:55 AM
Funny, out all the liberals I meet about 9/10 of them are the most racist people I know- even the gay ones. I recall having a conversation with a group of coworkers, all liberaldemocrats and gays, and when it came to Obama one little gay guy came out and said, "I don't want no ni---er in office. Can't stand blacks and hispanics and I don't want them in power- they should all be shot."
In fact that was the general consensus amongst managment as well, as they are proud liberal Democrats . The evidence lies in obscure facts- minorities being fired for accidents (i'm talking one accident), being relegated to gardening jobs or other stereotypical positions, or being made to work for lower wages amidst back bracking conditions while their white counterparts can sit around and do NOTHING, racist jokes spouted by managment, and last but not least, NO MINORITY HAS EVER BEEN PROMOTED INTO MANAGEMENT.(note this is one store out of hundreds)
I myself no longer work for the Socialist Kroger company (under the banner of Fred Meyer) because I refused to work with this pile of $h17. I even got a year of unemployment because I had documented these facts as well as details of harrasment (by the gay nazi). In the end, the dept of employment ruled in my favor because they refused to turn over the documents.
So yeah, don't be fooled by the BS liberal rhetoric out there. And Obama doesn't serve a white or black or political agenda- he serves his own.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus

So in this was a challenge

To a person to please debate your horrid life...

And a challenge to those that really THINK that their Star ship Trooper like existence has any merit whatsoever or is anything other than a Fascist nationalistic ploy...

That person works in EDUCATION and sits BLINDLY by while our kids text books push social agendas not Math and Science and Education is a National One sided portrayal of views. And I say to that NO BALLS to stand up and do something about if your an educator...

There is 0 Creativity in National education standards
Creativity is what will allow us to be competitive not become some big beige Fascist super state with no dumb ass child left behind while smart kids suffer and are forced to CONFORM THOUGHT

That this is happening now under the guise of LIBERALISM scares the crap out of me...

I'm no threat to the MENSA roles but I can differentiate between genius and a brain fart. I have been following your thread and this post was a beauty. I don't do you justice singling out one point but this one in particular hit close to home living close to NYC and a witness to the high income unemployed. How many highly educated people are s.o.l. in the current economic crisis? Where did our pigeon holing educational system get them? Did they innovate to earn their former positions and income? No, they were led like cookie cutter cows into the slaughter house. Star Ship Troopers all. People don't follow their muse into math and sciences, they follow the money. That doesn't seem liberating.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:00 PM
First of all, what is the purpose of this thread?

Yes, I understand that you have something against the liberal community, but your arguement is flawed and, essentially, incoherent.

If you hope to address a problem concerning the Liberal community, please do so using solid facts. Don't just ramble nonsensically about how "Liberals are unhappy; They don't have children because they can't afford to keep them in Their $2500 a month flat." All this information is blatant steroptyping, all of which has been spoon-fed to you by Fox News.

Not all Liberals are unhappy. However, not all conservatives are unhappy.

Your arguement makes no sense!

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
I once knew a man back in NYC who would spew Descartes from his mouth onto a plate with Plato on the side, he knew every Law, every Geographical position on the map, followed the news daily had something to say about every group and every cause and every political situation there was, knew ever buzz word had a Masters from NYU, spent time buzzing bookshops and attending lectures, read night and day, supported every alternative lifestyle had friends among every group of intellectuals in NYC

He was great friend,

He also died when he was 37 coming out of a KFC of a stroke.

I use him as an example, of why Liberals Hate everyone else and this is in response to rampant Plain Hating on this forum...

There is an old saying

If your not Liberal when you are 20, you have no Heart

If your Not conservative by the time your 40 you have no brain.

In life I have found this to be utter and absolute truth.

My buddy would have Hated Palin, there was a time I would have hated her too actually...

The thing is though, he's dead, a hard lesson in Liberalism in practice vs Liberalism as a heart felt philosophy.

Take Obama, the MAN IS A CONSERVATIVE, he supports liberal ideals, combined the liberal votes, gay, Black and Other into a win... he offers health care and slams against the rich.

But in practice he's a Conservative, he doesn't even give out presents on xmas... he's tight, pinchy, relatively healthy, hard working.

If he wasn't he couldn't be successful...

So while he supports those who can't be for whatever reason, in day to day life he's a solid conservative.

And facts are facts a Liberal life style will inevitable by comparison wreck you compared to a conservative lifestyle... lets face it, if you party a couple of times a week... instead of devote time to family or savings, your going to be a train wreck eventually

I'd like to address my typical Liberal friends back Home in NYC

1: They pay 3-5x more for a house than I will

2: population density dictates they face constant crime

3: Commute by subway is much longer and less time for family

4: health and exercise, fresh air, fresh water is harder to come by

5: Stress and noise pollution take it's toll

6: Law and enforcement are part of daily life...more stress, cameras, lights, crowding, stops, checks, grilling....

Hahaha, dude that is such crap...

Dont you realize that MOST people in cities seem miserable??

It doesn't matter whether they're liberal or conservative, people in cities are exposed to more stresses/pollutants than people in more suburban/rural/wilderness areas.

I'm sure there are PLENTY of fantastically happy, well-adjusted, healthy, bright, cheery, family-oriented, etc. etc. left-wingers that live all over the country.

I could make the same case about miserable old conservatives being xenophobic and mistrusting of anyone but themselves. Sitting around American Legions pissing and moaning about things they don't actually learn much about.

You really wanna make up anecdotal # about an entire WING of philosophy/politics? I could easily say right-wingers are more prone to drinking too much beer, not caring about their health (being anti-hippie/health nut), and also being more controlling/abusive of their families.

But seriously... this is just speculative bull# and gets you nowhere.

Everyone's got their problems, and it hasn't much to do with their politics.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:52 PM
May i ask a question?

What ever happened to being a nation of the People?
What happened to having small communities that were self-sufficient?
What happened to our "old-time" America?

Either we have people whining about how we should have Healthcare for everyone, or we have people whining about Gun-Control.
Either we have People whining about Government intruding your personal life, or we have People saying we need More Government.

What happened about Personal Responsibility?
Hmmm, science proves that pouring used motor oil into the enviroment is bad for the enviroment, bad for health, bad for looks. (in a world with no epa) so is it common sense that you should not pour used motor oil into the ground?
Everything in this world is a TOOL. hair clippers, bottle openers, Eye drops, bullets.....
THEY are all TOOLS. its the person who is behind it, who is operating the tools that is the important thing. Hair clippers can be used to cut the throat of an unsupecting patron. Bottle openers can gouge out an eye. Eye drops can be used as an laxative. Bullets can be used to end a life.

It is the PERSON behind the tools that has to have the Personal Responsibility of using the tools correctly.
It is the PERSON who can commit crimes.
If it was GUNS that kill people, WHY don't we have more GUNS in Jail?

The internet is a TOOL. Telephones are a TOOL.

WHY are my Conversations on the Phone recorded or Wiretaped?
Am i threat to The State? Why are they trying to regulate what i do on the Internet?
If it was the internet that is responsible for the proliferating of Pedofiles, the proliferating of other lifestyles( forget being politically correct, its"homosexuals")Why is the Internet not outlawed?

Its because its PEOPLE that are responsible for CRIME, MURDER, RAPE, ETC, ETC,ETC...

What happened to "HUMANITY"???

If we all had more Personal Responsibility, we would not need "healthcare reform."
If we all had more Personal Responsibility, we would not need "more censorship."(wiretapping,political correctness, etc, etc,etc...)
If we all had more Personal Responsibility, we would not need "nore gun control."

Liberals and Conservatives BOTH are HATE GROUPS!!!

Me personally, i have been burned by both groups(i believe its called BEING A VICTIM OF HURRICANE KATRINA)
Both groups have f'ed me when that happened.


If its outlawed to have an opinion, only outlaws will have opinions.
Thank you for your time on reading this post.
Robby228(an soldier in iraq)

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Angus123

Your practically illiterate incapable of forming any actual thought or insight or holding the attention span to read through all I wrote or how I responded to these comments prior.

And this gets me...

Those who have had any form of attack...

One liners all

Yet you would not listen or even understand that once upon a time, you could have read these 7 small pages in full and followed them even if admittedly I bounce around a bit absorbed and had some meaningful input.

And you would not believe that Liberals have been brainwashed into following a completely non liberal agenda...

But yet... with such serious ADD rampant, perhaps you should try, to understand what is being said about Flouride and Phylates and lowered Testosterone levels and Concentration and how much easier it is for the media to influence your thinking...

Because those that deny

Are always the One Liners...

So tell me... those that don't "get" what I am saying can't "See" the bigger themes...

Can you concentrate anymore?

How would you even know If i'm right or wrong if you can't truely focus like when you were younger anymore are kept constantly busy and when not being fed messages through the airwaves?

The appeal to me of a more Conservative life...

Free of most chemicals, away from massive Em fields, Eating cooked foods not packaged, drinking water less exposed and not fluoridated.

Although, I could have actually put this together better


posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by robby228
May i ask a question?

What ever happened to being a nation of the People?
What happened to having small communities that were self-sufficient?
What happened to our "old-time" America?

Either we have people whining about how we should have Healthcare for everyone, or we have people whining about Gun-Control.
Either we have People whining about Government intruding your personal life, or we have People saying we need More Government.

What happened about Personal Responsibility?
Hmmm, science proves that pouring used motor oil into the environment is bad for the enviroment, bad for health, bad for looks. (in a world with no epa) so is it common sense that you should not pour used motor oil into the ground?
Everything in this world is a TOOL. hair clippers, bottle openers, Eye drops, bullets.....
THEY are all TOOLS. its the person who is behind it, who is operating the tools that is the important thing. Hair clippers can be used to cut the throat of an unsupecting patron. Bottle openers can gouge out an eye. Eye drops can be used as an laxative. Bullets can be used to end a life.

It is the PERSON behind the tools that has to have the Personal Responsibility of using the tools correctly.
It is the PERSON who can commit crimes.
If it was GUNS that kill people, WHY don't we have more GUNS in Jail?

The internet is a TOOL. Telephones are a TOOL.

WHY are my Conversations on the Phone recorded or Wiretaped?
Am i threat to The State? Why are they trying to regulate what i do on the Internet?
If it was the internet that is responsible for the proliferating of Pedofiles, the proliferating of other lifestyles( forget being politically correct, its"homosexuals")Why is the Internet not outlawed?

Its because its PEOPLE that are responsible for CRIME, MURDER, RAPE, ETC, ETC,ETC...

What happened to "HUMANITY"???

If we all had more Personal Responsibility, we would not need "healthcare reform."
If we all had more Personal Responsibility, we would not need "more censorship."(wiretapping,political correctness, etc, etc,etc...)
If we all had more Personal Responsibility, we would not need "nore gun control."

Liberals and Conservatives BOTH are HATE GROUPS!!!

Me personally, i have been burned by both groups(i believe its called BEING A VICTIM OF HURRICANE KATRINA)
Both groups have f'ed me when that happened.


If its outlawed to have an opinion, only outlaws will have opinions.
Thank you for your time on reading this post.
Robby228(an soldier in iraq)

we do not have to fight fires on our own, but it should be a personal responsibility situation. I did not cause that fire, WTF do I have to pay for ???
Someone was being irresponsible and they got burned, not my fault or concern.
If they cared they would have stopped the fire or not let it start in the first place.

Same with a car wreck, your fault, you drove, I don't want to pay to rescue you. If you wanted to be safe you would have stayed home...

Or disease, you don't want to die of cancer get a job or get healthy, not my fault.

responsibility is everything

[edit on 29-11-2009 by Janky Red]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by R0BCROW75

You bring up a great set of point about PC which has replaced Liberalism

These people ARE the worst racists

1: They encourage racism on an agenda of pure integration because they can't handle the concept of racial integrity, they use people like Hitler as justification that anyone who wishes Racial integrity is doing so for reasons of hate when the reality their preferred method would be racial elimination by integration so they never have to deal with racial differences.

2: Often they have been programmed either Black or white particularly white tho in America to Hate their own race, a typical Liberally educated American these days has been taught every single misdeed ever performed by this culture and often can't tell you a simple thing historically but knows... "we killed the Indians" and "we started slavery" When in fact the first attacks were by natives on settlers in this hemisphere and per fact it was islamic slave traders that inflicted both White and Black slavery in that time period... The Self hatred is in it's own way just as racist

3: Cultural preference and bias is still just as rampant, simply the names and races have changed i.e. blacks are better athletes, Asians are better students, White Men are control freaks... and are these things ever true across the board no, but racial stereo types are still rampant they have just changed

There would be many examples

But the most poignant

When we had to stop saying BLACK and start saying AFRICAN AMERICAN

I had never honestly thought about skin color, a person was Black or White respectively I had no negative connotation...

But somewhere, some white people...yes White and almost certainly LIBERAL, decided that,.... and was spending a great deal of time thinking and worrying about skin color lol

And what does it do actually? But remind us... hey they are a different color they are from AFRICA...

and here I was thinking they were AMERICAN'S Period

How many brothers do I know from Africa 0 because I can't understand a damn word they are saying and they are often seriously idiotic of belief system

I know a Million Black Guys I like tho...

But it just demonstrates how scared and concerned and racist these people, these white people actually were to bend the language of the Nation for no damn reason

And allot of Black people laugh at this... Just sayin

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by NoHierarchy

That's interesting...

I have said more than once that I perhaps phrased this title wrong and I really don't want to mince words on semantics...

You for all intents and purposes agree with what I say from a stand point of Rural vs Urban to hang onto a self perception of the term LIBERAL

and Yes you can have Liberal values and live the other life, not hold hatreds, not be a fundamentalist on and on...

I would simply contend however...

That while your heart remains liberal in those circumstances...

Your actions and LIFESTYLE are conservative...

This is how I feel about Obama... his words his HEART is Liberal but his LIFE is Conservative...

It's all semantics at that level really and no cause for argumentation...

You agree the city life is Miserable for most that get Trapped in it, I contend mainly..beyond a certain age it has allot of downsides...

But when you choose RURAL to a certain degree.. your giving up, the fast life changing how you work very often opting out of allot of typically Liberal behaviors...LIFESTYLE

(yes I know the rural areas have been inflicted with gangs and drugs these days in cases) but those gangs and drugs come from..Urban locations and are inflicted upon...)


When I say Conservative... or Liberal I am very often speaking of lifestyle choice and ACTION not necessarily heart felt wishes

I'd say I am a Conservative person in many ways now... I still support Gay marriage, I believe in equal rights etc etc...

But if I do not wish to Live in that environment, if I am not sure i am happy about homosexual education in Public school for my children, if despite belief in Gay rights... I wont eat a damn thing packaged in cardboard or plastic because I know it contains Phylates and produce's Estrogen... I wish for masculine sons... despite my support for those who are Gay... Am I actually Liberal?

No i don't practice it in my life...I have compassion yes... I have Empathy yes, but I do not myself LIVE the lifestyle...

So by my definition... basically most City dwellers who Choose to Live the life are Liberal while regardless of belief when you center yourself in a more unicultured setting by practice you are being conservative...

it's all personal definition really...

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

I think you misread what i ment about Hurricane Katrina.
I Lived in Bay St. Louis, Ms.
Google my town with katrina and see the results.
But Both Parties in power(liberal and conservative) have f'ed me even though i lost EVERYTHING.
There is no reason for anyone to help your fellow man out in time of need, but you should help because you WANT to. Not because your insurance will increase or itll make you money. Healthcare should be taken care of by the small communities. you know whats going on with joe down the road or jane next door, so you (having common sense) would want your community to be healthy and succeed.

if jane has a car wreck because of a drunk driver hitting her, should you say oh well, BIG GOVERNMENT SHOULD TAKE CARE OF HER or will you be a compassionate neighbor, have PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY(of yourself, of your community of your area that you live) and help your fellow neighbor out.

Wow. amazing isnt it??? amazing how if a person can take personal responsibility in a community, how it can affect and make better a situation.

We do not need Liberals or Conservatives, we need Communities, We need Personal Responsibility.

If its outlawed to have a opinion, only outlaws will have Opinions.
Thank you for reading my post
Robby228(a soldier in iraq)

[edit on 29-11-2009 by robby228]

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