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if you cross borders illegally - this is what you get...

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posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
What we need are land mines and Marine snipers. And politicians with the backbone to use them.

Murderers and monsters. (sarcastically: ) "Kill them other humans, they are not one of us, they are not in our clan, our gang. This is OUR land, our turf, we #$%@ing stole it from those natives that were here before us, so get off OUR land."

ha ha ha Friggin hypocrites, most American ARE!

I hope and pray KARMA is REAL!

[edit on 1-11-2009 by Divinorumus]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
reply to post by Aggie Man

You know what would happen if we had a world without borders? Everyone would be living where the United States used to be.

If we didn't live in a country with open borders, the United States would not exist because we wouldn't have killed millions of native Americans to make it. We also wouldn't have the tens of millions of descendants of Europeans and Asians who came to the US looking for a better future for their children.

Your insights are meaningless because you are ignorant of history.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Divinorumus
My take on the OP message was the way the pendulum swings between the U.S. and other countrys.I guess if we thought the way you seem to think we need to trash the rule of law and just become chaotic,is that how it is where you are??

That being said you and Aggie Man are perfict examples of why we need the mines and snipers on the border,at least for you,Aggie Man I think is in the U.S.and no doubt an Obama boot licker.

You will get your Karma,but I doubt it will be what you expected,have a nice day.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
Let me see if I understand all this....



Oh well sure. That makes perfect sense.

*this is not my brain work - it was sent to me Annonumous.... but I agree whole heartedly and I wish thought about it like this person did....

Why would I want to cross into any of those countries?

Do you want to?

It's a completely valid question to ask of the person who sent the email to you.

As for the wonderful benefits granted anyone entering the U.S.: vote. if that doesn't work, take arms. Done.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Divinorumus

Hey, I got a great idea....

Why don't we export all the 10's of millions illegals to YOUR country to leach off YOUR government.

Hows that sound???

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 10:20 AM
The problem is that countries don't care for their own, so America is taking responsibility when they shouldn't have to. The problem with open borders is that anyone can come through. There are no background checks, so gang members, pedophiles, murderers etc. can come through just as easily as good people. We have laws for a reason.

Let's say I see an illegal and feel bad and let them into my home. I share all that I have. They ask if their spouse and children can come and I agree. It ends up where I cannot afford to care for all these people and my own family is suffering because of it. I have nothing left to give.

America is no longer the America it used to be. We are broke! We are running out of jobs and there are too many people vying for the same positions. To continue to allow people to break the laws and enter illegally will not result in harmony. If it could, there would be no problems.

Yes American citizens do have a right to jobs and other things.How dare anyone tell us different. Don't you see, we could have all the compassion in the world, it doesn't matter. If we can't care for own, how can we care for others? It's not that we don't want to. It's not that we don't care. We simply cannot continue on this path of allowing millions of people to enter without suffering greatly for it.

It has cost the US billions to care for illegals. Cuts have to made somewhere and that somewhere is from the American people.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by mrmonsoon
reply to post by Divinorumus

Hey, I got a great idea....

Why don't we export all the 10's of millions illegals to YOUR country to leach off YOUR government.

Hows that sound???

(I'm already here inside YOUR (so-called) gangsta territory ... he he he he he ha ha ha ha ha ... scared?)

Say, what about your own home grown moochers? Get THEM off everyones back, they are even worse than any so-called illegal moocher, because they feel they are entitled to mooch off others because they aren't illegal moochers, ha. A blood sucking moocher is still a blood sucking moocher regardless of where they came from.

Say, would illegal humons be such a problem if there were no moocher entitlement programs for ANYONE here?

One day future humons will look back at this gangsta turf nonsense and call all the racist bigots of this era a bunch of primates, Neanderthals, because of all this stupid racist and bigoted crapola.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:34 AM
If you cross planet Earth's borders you get a life of physical existence in a prison you can't escape, or is this a little too much thought baring?

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:41 AM
no borders, internationally, intergalactic, interversal.

god (or what ever you believe) created the universe it is his not ours.

stop btchn.

be human not an animal.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

Hmmmmmmmmmmm...North Korea, Iran, those excellent countries known for brilliant leaders, governments, human rights etc
In my opinion, anyone who tries to cross borders illegally should be fined and deported unless they have a decent enough reason to stay

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:24 PM
Ya know what all this is like? Reminds me of my brother when we were young. "Mommy, Mikey has his foot on my side of the room again, tell him to stop." ... "Mommy, now he has both feet on my side of the room. Mommy, send daddy to kill this illegal brother for me." ... "Mommy, now he is breath MY air, air given to just me by god, air meant only for ME and my kind. Can I kill him mommy, can I kill the illegal bastard? Oh no mommy, this is intolerable, now he's now pointing and laughing at me, calling me a little wussy cry baby. Please mommy, send daddy to punch him in his illegal face and toss his illegal ass back on his side of the room."

I tell ya, all ya border and fence loving bigots out there in the world are sure a bunch of greedy little conceited ugly cry babies! Ya must have been hell to live with as a child, ha ... just as ya'll are as adults too.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Phlynx

Originally posted by Aggie Man
IMO that is one of the things that sets the US above the barbaric nations you mentioned. Geopolitical lines are B.S. We are all born as children of planet earth. It's sad that governments and many citizens of the world feel like they can "own" land. It's yours, It's theirs, It's mine, It's ours.

to borders
The first person I have seen on ATS who I agree with on borders. It's our land, it's the Earthlings land, so why should there be borders?

So profound. Why stop at borders, let's abolish all notion of ownership. Now hand over your money, car, house, and laptop. Think harder next time, please.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Guidance.Is.Internal
So profound. Why stop at borders, let's abolish all notion of ownership. Now hand over your money, car, house, and laptop. Think harder next time, please.

Money? Car? House? Laptop? Your god did not give those things to you to share among yourselves, but the planet Earth he/she did. Think harder next time, please.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:14 PM
Even indians fought other indians for territory. So wether you 'own' land or not there would be disputes.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Divinorumus

I realize that you fully think you are coming from a position of the moral highground, but most of us who live in reality see it as childish, pie-in-the-sky ignorance. Do you lock your doors at night or do you leave it open for anyone to enter? Personally, I want my doors locked - with a peephole so I can see who I'm letting in.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by bagari
Do you lock your doors at night or do you leave it open for anyone to enter?

I lock my doors for the same reason ya'll lock your doors, because we live in America among Americans (lol). There are places that still exist in this world though where there is no need to lock your doors, but I'm pretty sure once ya'll discover those places they'll have to start locking them doors too.

[edit on 1-11-2009 by Divinorumus]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Divinorumus

Originally posted by Guidance.Is.Internal
So profound. Why stop at borders, let's abolish all notion of ownership. Now hand over your money, car, house, and laptop. Think harder next time, please.

Money? Car? House? Laptop? Your god did not give those things to you to share among yourselves, but the planet Earth he/she did. Think harder next time, please.

So, uh .. now the planet Earth is a sentient being which gives us things .. and not only that, but specified that they are to be shared (equally, I assume). And who is going to enforce the equal sharing? Cops? Soldiers? Also, animals don't share too well if you haven't noticed .. so apparently The Earth (let's call her Julie) .. Julie exempted animals from having to share. But these pesky humans - they have to share. Well, of course .. even the "natural" native humans didn't share too well, either. Heh, never mind .. I don't think you ever intended to be taken seriously ..

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Divinorumus

First off, Divinorumus, the word is HUMAN. Please start spelling things correctly. Your grammar makes you sound like an old southern man that has been out in the heat far too long. You talk as if you are better than everyone else on the forum, but you type like my 13 year old cousin from Texas. (Sorry. I will applaud you later though i promise)

Everyone, please stop bringing up old S#&%. Yes, the original colonists did massacre Native Americans to take their land. We all know this, but talking about it, and bringing it up, and using it as a reason why illegal immigrants should be allowed in this day in age is absurd. I am f&%#!%# TIRED of being blamed for killing Native Americans and taking their land because i am white!!!! Both my mother's side and fathers side of the family LEGALLY immigrated to this country (from Germany) within the last 100 years, but yet I am called a bigot because I want immigrants to immigrate the legal way. Not a van with 10 illegal immigrants hiding in the seats. I'm tired of paying for them, and I'm REALLY tired of the children they give birth to here getting citizenship!

Divinorumus, I cannot let this go without being said. You brought up the "home-grown moochers". I COULD NOT AGREE WITH YOU MORE.
I'm sick and tired of the people that sit and get their welfare check twice a month, because they get paid "under the table". I'm tired of the drug dealers that rely on their welfare check so they can flip the money selling crack. These people are poor because they want to be. (Aside from the small percentage of people using welfare for legitimate reasons) these people need to be deported as we are giving them SO MUCH MONEY every month, when they could just get off their lazy butts and get a job.

Sooooo I believe eventually that I will buy some land up in the mountains and live a self sustained life away from the troubles, torments, and depression that is life in America, and the majority of the world...

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 06:38 PM
Divinorumus, if you hate Americans so much, why are you in America? It's clear that you don't respect our laws. Illegal immigrants are breaking the law. It is clear that you prefer illegals to legal citizens because you go on and on about how they have rights and we don't. You call us racist when we are not racist. This land was built on immigrants. Our friends and neighbors are of different races and cultures.

You think it's ok for just anyone to waltz in, cutting the line as though these people matter more than the ones who have come here and intend on getting their citizenship legally, as though they mean more than the legal citizen who is trying desperately to feed their families, keep a roof over their heads and afford life saving medicines.

There are millions of people who are running out of un-employment checks and losing their cobra medical coverage, and at the end of the year they still have to pay taxes. Their tax money goes to helping illegals when they cannot afford care for themselves. You going to tell me that's right???

I read in the newspaper this summer how the waiting list for subsidized housing was so long that it would take some people years to get cheap housing because of all the illegals. At the same time, homeless shelters were filled to capacity and tent cities were rising. There were so many people who never in their wildest dreams expected to be in the position they are in now, people who worked hard their entire lives. Some have commited suicide, some die in the long cold winters. But that's ok, they are just Americans. Right? Wrong!!!!!

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

Originally posted by Anti-Evil


You do not get a drivers license or a social security card.

But yea, you do get health care.

(not sure how welfare and food stamps work).

You obviously don't live in CA, Illegal Aliens Can applied and obtain drivers Licenses. Close the boarders, Or TAX the # out of them. Don’t tell me they Do, If they are working under the table or have a fake S.S. card.

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