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Not 1, Not 2, But Three!

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posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:10 PM
I’ve been meaning to bring this up for several months now but keep forgetting, well today I decide enough!

I am sick and tired of people telling us the bright light (singular) in the night sky is Jupiter, or Mars…. Well what about the second and third one? That’s right, there aint one, or two… but three extremely bright lights in the night sky now. And neither is the North Star... just to get that nonsense out the way.

One you can see right at sunset just above the horizon for a few minutes…. The other is now visible in the southern sky at sunset as well… but the third, that one used to follow the sun to bed and was only visible for about 10 minutes, well now it comes up around 4am pacific standard time…

The fact that there are three extremely bright lights in the sky doesn’t mean Planet X is going to kill us all. However, one of the theories I have been thinking about for years now, and even mentioned it a couple of times here on ATS over the last couple of years is… What if the three wise men in the bible are in fact three extremely bright stars letting us know a NEW BEGINNING is about to start? If that is true, when they all converge in the night sky will we know something is about to go down? Remember that story is told in just about every culture, damn near word for word… let alone it is in the Bible, in both the old and new testaments… Some of you may recall I don’t believe the bible is talking about a God or the Son of Man, rather I believe it contains ancient knowledge that was told in such a way that less advanced people could understand, and has since been spun into a world religion, whether by accident or design is not the point. The point is, could that have been a warning… when you see these three wise men, (three extremely bright stars), had you better get right with your family and God?

Now I would really like to hear from all the astrologers here on ATS telling us what are all of these extremely bright stars/planets are… Once again, not one, not two… BUT THREE of them… and what is causing them to be so bright… Don’t give a theory, rather, explain what is causing it… Also, I would like to hear people thoughts on the three wise men concept… I’m not saying the end is nigh, however, I am saying perhaps we need to start asking more questions of TPTB because they seem to know something we don’t…. seed vaults/D.U.M.B.S./trillions of dollars just vanishing/extremely rich and powerful people buying land in Peru because science says that area has never been underwater, etc… etc…

So, explain the lights and then lets have some fun and ponder what they could have meant to ancient man.

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 17-10-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:33 PM
I work at night and i love the tranquility outside.
I happen to watch the sky a lot and something that i don't remember is to see so many stars in the sky.
Is the atmospheric pollution dropping or are there new stars?
Also,they're shinning more than usual,aren't they?
I've been thinking a lot about it lately.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by upnorthtrip

Before I continue considering what 3 lights converging in the night sky might mean, I just want to point out that nowhere in the Bible does it say three wise men visited Jesus. It does say wise men visited and brought with them three different types of gifts. Also, Jesus was a bit older when they visited him, not a baby in a manger. He was a young child and lived in a house. Just on to consider what three bright lights in the sky might mean.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by upnorthtrip

Letting the dog out late last night and early this morning, the Big Dipper looks like it is on my back porch! It is so clear and huge, as well as other landmark/ space marks in the sky. It is more like, Less Sky, More Stars!!

Not much light pollution out here where I live, and everything lit outside is LED, and most inside.

Even at 10 pm tonight, the sky is filled with stars. I also believe I am seeing more than 2 bright stars. I will go out a little later and check it out!

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:53 PM
I don't see why they couldn't be satellites. Since I'm not certain what, exactly, OP is referring to, it's hard do say what the lights could be. However, we've got hundreds, if not thousands, of items orbiting the Earth, many of which would be clearly visible from the surface. I don't find it mysterious that among those items, a few shine more brightly.

As for the wise men and Jesus, that already happened. There is nothing in the Bible to suggest that it's going to happen again.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:57 PM
If say you are in Los Angeles looking east at about 4am give or take you will see 3 planets

- Saturn
- Venus
- Mercury

The bright light just to the right of the sun would be SPICA (Virgo Constellation) and to your left a distance is Arcturus (Red Giant) the third brightest star in the sky.

Try and give more information about your location eg direction, are rural or urban

[edit on 17-10-2009 by greenfruit]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by chiron613
I don't see why they couldn't be satellites. Since I'm not certain what, exactly, OP is referring to, it's hard do say what the lights could be. However, we've got hundreds, if not thousands, of items orbiting the Earth, many of which would be clearly visible from the surface. I don't find it mysterious that among those items, a few shine more brightly.

As for the wise men and Jesus, that already happened. There is nothing in the Bible to suggest that it's going to happen again.

I can guarantee you they are not satellites, that's for damn sure... I have witnessed hundreds of satellites and I have seen the ISS so many times now I don't even bother looking for it anymore, or when I do happen to notice it again I go, “hey look there‘s the ISS“, and not hey look there‘s a UFO.

When these lights were first talked about on this site, back in 2006 I believe, the answer given was Venus, even though the star everyone was talking about back then didn't seem to track with the rest of the stars, I felt the answer was good. Then in 2008 when a new bright star reared itself in the eastern sky, and when we talked about it here on ATS some said it must be Saturn. Again I felt the answer was good.

I have been doing a lot of studying over the last few years regarding ancient cultures and their beliefs. Before everyone starts talking about the Bible only, I believe it is important for everyone to (re)- watch this video. Now this is an old video called Zeitgeist, however, without pointing everyone to books they should read to find out how many cultures talked about that same old story, that movie does a decent job. I'm also pretty sure if you have been a member of this site for more then a year you have probably seen this video posted several times. Even if you have watched it in the past, I strongly recommend you watch it again so we can have a more in-depth conversation about these three wise men/stars and what they could possibly mean.

Perhaps a casual conversation is all this thread deserves, or perhaps in order for us to understand what has inspired all these underground bases and seed vaults, perhaps, just perhaps, we should talk about this with a little more seriousness. I'm just sayin!

Are these bright lights planets? Yes I strongly believe they are… However, having watched the night sky since I was a child I have never, ever seen these planets as bright as they are today. They seems to becoming brighter with every passing year. While at the same time more planets seems to be becoming more luminous/brighter. What is happening to our solar system? What is causing it? If it is happening now, did this happen in the past, and the survivors gave us, our time, the clues to look for. I don’t know if that is true or not, but I know for an absolute fact something is going on that we cannot explain. Sure we can say all our planets in the solar system have been warming over the last 10 years… but why? Sure we know our planet is losing its protective shield, and our Sun NASA warns could possibly have one heck of a season in 2011/2012. Or the fact that the Mayan’s, Hopi, Egyptians, Sumerians, and other ancient cultures left us clues as to what could happen in the future. Are these three bright lights just more proof all those warning/clues are happening right now? The quick answer from me is, I don’t know… but I do believe serious people should have a serious conversation so we can attempt to find out if there is truth to be discovered… instead of all conversations being lost upon the alter of those bright lights are Probably Venus, Saturn, Mercury and/or Mars? I don’t doubt that they are planets… What I wanna know is why are they so damn bright and why in the hell did ancient cultures feel so compelled to warn us that these signs will exist before the new beginning occurs?

--Charles Marcello

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by littlebunny

I'm with you on this!
Last year i was amazed with venus.
Never saw a planet so bright and close to earth.
However this year we have objects as bright as venus.
I want to learn why this is happening or is it a mass hallucination?
The astronomers are not reporting unusual observations.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 08:38 PM
I found I had some time today so I decided to use that Stellarium several people have been talking about and posting links to all over this 2012 board. What I find interesting is after using that program for several hours, jumping from one ancient location (or there about), to another… How anyone can say that Stellarium programs proves there is nothing to fear… is completely beyond me…. What kept me working within that program for hours was this… The reBirth and the three wise men kept showing up… And then When I was looking at the night/early morning sky in Egypt I was like…. Holy crap… Perhaps that is why the pyramids in Giza are aligned the way they are… could the ENTIRE GIZA PYRAMID setup be giving a DATE in time to watch for? From location to location I kept seeing the rebirth and the three wise men… I was in complete AWE!

I’m not going to post all the different locations I have looked at. I’m only going to point to one, seeing how this forum is mostly about the Mayan Calendar. If you do as instructed below… You will be pleasantly surprised, maybe even a little frightened… And who doesn’t like to be frightened?

If you haven’t already, you will first need to download Stellarium.

Now Pick a place in Southern Mexico… Then have your view within the Stellarium facing the big red E or looking to the Eastern Sky. Fast forward your Stellarium date to 8.01.12 at 4:20 am. Now From that date just sit back and enjoy as you fast forward to 12.12.12 (4:20am) and then on that date, (and after seeing what our ancient ancestors would have seen many moons ago) …slowly click the minutes forward.

For those who do so, let’s talk about it.

--Charles Marcello

(P.S. If you really want to see what our ancestors saw from beginning to end I would suggest you do an hour by hour scan of the night sky from east to west. It is amazing… and… some very old stories truly start to make perfect sense… At least they are starting to make perfect sense to me…)

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:40 AM
Wow 2 hours have passed since I suggested peeps take a look at what is to come via Stellarium and still no responses... WOW! Nobody has looked, especially you debunkers... Hmm, must be a slow day on ATS...

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:46 AM
The supernal triad?

if you are seeing three bright lights in the sky, maybe it's a personal/existencial problem/metaphor/riddle...

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by littlebunny

How is looking at the sky through Stellarium on 21/12/2012 going to show us what people in the past saw?

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by dunwichwitch
The supernal triad?

if you are seeing three bright lights in the sky, maybe it's a personal/existencial problem/metaphor/riddle...

Oh its much bigger then that... Its not just about three bright lights... In order for you to understand just how awesome a find this is, and what it could mean for deciphering ancient texts, you truly need to take a look to understand.

Its takes all of five minutes to download that program and all of five minutes from beginning to end... just slowly allow the minutes to move forward from 4:20 am to about 5:46 am, I believe, and watch as that story unfolds and how that could explain why a story is told in multiple ancient cultures from all around the world.

What else it could be teaching is something we should discuss. What I find interesting in the extreme is how this whole 2012 stuff keeps leading somewhere... I don’t know where yet. But.. How the Mayan's could've known is pretty dang important, let alone if the Pyramids in Giza really are a time stamp as some people have been claiming for decades.

I ran that program first to Dec 21, 2012... And then ran it backwards to present day. There are several months along the way that are very interesting indeed. But I think this day Dec 12, 2012 is very telling... So to is Dec 2, 2012... What exactly all these days, weeks and months, when all put together mean is something I believe everyone, especially the debunkers and the hardcore believers alike, need to sit down and talk about.

Remember our ancestors did not have a TV or radio so the Stars/Planets/Moon/Sun was there story book. We just need to slow down and listen... What a very interesting day I had… My eyes are opening, I wonder what I (or we) will find next…

--Charles Marcello

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:20 AM
All I can say in that case is keep going, and once you find a tempting answer.... keep going....

Three is the magic number, you know.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by littlebunny

How is looking at the sky through Stellarium on 21/12/2012 going to show us what people in the past saw?

Well the simple answer is, the heavens continue to repeat themselves over and over again... Some believe and science agrees, our planet on Dec 21, 2012 is going to complete a 26,000 year cycle. Now that is interesting, if for no other reason you will be among a very select few to witness and to be alive on that day…. Your place in history will repeat itself only once every 26,000 years… AWESOME! Now that doesn't mean the world is going to end, hardly... And just like when you turned 18, the heavens won't open up and make you a rock star and your parents will always act like parents no matter how old you get... However, the fact that what is going to happen on that date is a cycle.... What I discovered makes we wonder… are we also going to witness a cycle that ancient cultures from around the world believed was so important it has been told and retold in every corner of the Earth, and almost everyone alive today already knows this story.

Stars (the heavens) are truly the only unimpinged connection to our past, and that is how we know what we are going to witness on Dec 12, 2012 from 4:20 am to 5:30ish am (PST) they witnessed as well...

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 30-10-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by littlebunny

actualy you got me interested, but i had to defrag and make room before i could install, now its telling me, no such file found, so i have to reinstall it.
seems weird to have all the junk software with it.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:40 AM
got it to load, but way to much program for this old computer..
sad, would be interesting to play with.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by severdsoul

Ahh dang that sucks... I will see about creating screen shots this weekend. Not sure if the program allows for that, but I will see what I can do. If it does, I might even be able to find the time to turn it into a slideshow movie or something. I hope you find away around that technical error... If not the good news is you can witness it in real time on 121212.

--Charles Marcello

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:55 AM
its ashame this computer is to slow, looks like a real interesting program.
could have many uses, many here on ats could use it to solve the questions of "whats that bright thing in the sky" they could pick their location, point it at the direction and set the date and know what it was, and verify if its a star/planet, or something unusual.
Once i get a computer upgrade, i will definatly install it and play.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:44 PM
Here is one of the pictures I promised...

Egypt the Pyramids and Dec 2, 2012

I am working on uploading a video showing what Dec 12, 2012 will look like... It will freak you out...

I keep telling you people Stellarium will show you some fantastic truths about 2012... What I'm wondering about the picture linked above is, in relation to 12/12/12 is... Why is what we are going to witness on Dec 2, 2012 as seen in that picture… so important that monuments were created for it? Are those pyramids a warning? I guaran-damn-tee we are gonna find out... Like I said, this is something that needs to be talked about…

Working on that video now… be back later…

--Charles Marcello

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