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Never Underestimate The Stupidity Of The Masses

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posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Because maybe America does "Suck" as you like to put it, and lots of people agree and see the truth for what it is instead of hiding behind a false sense of "pride" for a country that has now been exposed for being the biggest liar in the history of mankind.

This American civilization is going to crumble because of the ignorance of its masses.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 09:36 PM
So... in a nutshell, if someone doesn't agree with your opinions and ideals, they are stupid? If they don't believe everything you do, they are stupid?

yea.. ok.. you are all that.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Emerald The Paradigm

So then--Just move to Zimbawe, or someplace else...

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:01 PM
Believe it or not, insulting those who disagree with you is not a legitimate form of rhetoric.

Believe it or not, the evidence of alternative explanations isn't as clear-cut as you would like to think.

Believe it or not, it is entirely possible for intelligent, thoughtful people to disagree with you.

How about focusing on the issues and facts, and skipping the part where you express astonishment that someone might not accept everything you believe?

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:03 PM
A bit dodgy down in New Zealand also! I've been writing and researching about pandemic risks from GMO foods & antibiotics, and was shot at on my own land in the dead of night with a silencer. We have a global problem.
Collectively the species may not be worthy of survival. The yelling on this site is about vaccines, my concerns are about a mutating pandemic related to a flu that has killed 10's of millions. I got no replies on the last posting (cases & causes of swine flu mutations) Figure you lot are a waste of time. I too do not trust vaccines, is this a reason not to follow the pandemic risk?
Is it so hard to believe that the causes for this is our greed and irresponsibility?
Quote "there is an urgent need to address biosecurity issues in relation to transgenic microorganisms; however , the group did not have time to address these specific issues in sufficient detail"
Stakeholders workshop - Future directions & research priorities for the USDA biotechnology risk assessment grants program

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

Well Said.
Is it my imagination or do post liked these bring out all the America hating Freaks...?

(BTW-Since the original poster tof this thread has the audacity to conisder himeslf so far above the average American; I would suggest that the freak of nature apply to another country for political asylum.. yeah-he'd make a damned good frog....)

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:55 PM
I would not go so far to use the word stupid, although the action and attitude have displayed these qualities in the recent past. I would say lazy, but only in the since that they let the MSM tell them how and what to think without doing much research at all. I am an American and I see this all of the time, People are confused and I will have to say beat down from everything that they listen too. I mean if your not paranoid of a attack from some other country , then you must be feeling paralyzed from the economy. If that's not it well we have more scare tactics with the swine flu....etc etc etc. I think the American people need to start controlling our country once again like we once did, instead we put it on the news or something of that nature and get told what to do what to think. I still have faith in this country, but we as Americans need to wake up and quite falling for the good ol bait and switch tactics that our government has been throwing at us the last 10 years.


posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 10:59 PM
star and flag

I agree 100%. Many of those attributes you speak of can be found right here on ATS.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:03 PM
Who Do YOU think you are?
You have absolutely no right to call anyone stupid. That comment itself tells me everything that is needed to know about you.
The fact that the OP of this thread allows you to post a rant like this amazes me, and thus; I will have my turn in this discussion, and offer my opinions, one’s that I’m sure you will not agree with, since I already can feel-out the type of person you really are.
Your nothing short of a traitorous sniveling little weasel! People like you make me sick to my stomach. You are allowed to sit there and post this garbage, because better people than you have given their ‘everything” and “all” to allow sorry A%&@$!! Like you to sit in the comfort of their hovels, and condemn everything that they have stood for.

You post reeks of foul stench, and would I have my way, you’d be gagged, handcuffed, shackled and tossed in back of the first chicken truck headed to the airport; unceremoniously dumped on the tarmac in Fallujah, or perhaps Karachi Pakistan, with instructions to the receiver; “Here, take this traitorous piece of @!*!^ and do what you will with IT!”. A place probably better suited to people like you.

You hide behind your computer condemning those around you, but have probably never in your life taken the very first step to change anything, other than your socks every week. Asking if you had ever served in the military would be a total waste of time.

When was the last time that you donated money to the homeless shelter? How many hours of community service have you offered to help people? Did you EVER shake the hand of a soldier, thanking them for their service, and wondering if his twenty year old life will be snuffed out next month, even though you stand against the war? Probably not. That’s the kind of person people like you are. Greedy, self centered, and out of touch with realities. You surround yourself with people that agree with your demented and jaded views, yet falter and stumble whenever asked to help out.

The minimizing white lies, conspiracy theories, and all that other CRAP are draining your capacity to think clearly, evidenced by your post herein. You’re life is probably so screwed up, and you’ve just come to realize it, that you lash out in anger at everything around you, and stand in contradiction to the very system, people, government, and military system that feeds, clothes and allows you to prosper, in your own evil little way.

If you hate America that much, get your sorry $!#@ out. Go live someplace more suited to your kind. I think the FROGS would accept you, but they’ll probably be snickering behind your back as well. Find a spot in the world and become a citizen, then sit back and reflect how different it feels. Beijing would be a good place to start. Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, other suitable places. You’d be a foot taller than everyone else, and definitely stand out in the crowd. Of course, they live in a Utopian society of communism, you might want to learn to keep your mouth shut. --Naw, your kind never learned how to do that.

Leave Now, Get Out, Be Gone, Bye-Bye, Adios, Sayonara, auf weidersen. Good riddance too!

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Pathos
reply to post by Emerald The Paradigm

reply to post by Emerald The Paradigm

Wow! You have a cynical and hollow perspective. You have absolutely no faith in humanity.

I never underestimate the stupidity of cults. UFO and conspiracy cults are the best forms of stupidity. Sure, governments have their own agenda, and if they go unchallenged they will succeed. Here is the one thing you are missing. Our government and laws are preventing you from killing us.

I put more faith in the enemy I know (the government) than the one I don't (you). When the enemy I know (the government) comes knocking, I know damn well what to expect and how to prepare for it. If the enemy I don't know (you & cults) comes knocking, I have only one option and that is to defend myself.

What I do have that you don't have is faith. I have faith that there are honest people out there. Even though it can be hard to see through the thick of things, I have faith that good and honest people do exist. You can call me naive, or anything else you want. When it all comes down to the line, people have shown the ability to change.

I have faith. You are hollow without it.

[edit on 7-10-2009 by Pathos]

Romans and others put their faith in the enemy they knew (the emperor and senat) we ve seen the result

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:39 PM
Great thread...really, I have to say - without bashing ignorant people - that anyone who DOES believe the official story to go ahead and never pay attention to any other courtroom procedure. I mean, there's simply no need to give any credence to anything like...oh, say; evidence, proper procedure, witnesses....anything like that in any situation must be disregarded for the non-believers.
Sardonic post, I know, but thing about it: the commissioners themselves have come out and said the investigation is compromised. What would happen if that happened in a County courthouse? Do we dispel those statements. Maybe if you're watching Nancy Grace, and therefore already have your mind set up - despite evidence to the contrary.
These people who still hold on to nationalism and patriotism are still holding onto the the notion that the "government is not capable of harming it's own people." Again, just disregard things like the USS liberty or the injecting of herpes (or whatever it was) in the 50's and 60's..which was admitted by Clinton in his presidency.

Sorry...your "faith" only reduces you down to the animal-level mindset. Dont use logic, argument...just trust it because your government said so....

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by AlaskaFranke
Who Do YOU think you are?
Leave Now, Get Out, Be Gone, Bye-Bye, Adios, Sayonara, auf weidersen. Good riddance too!

Aurevoir and it s perfect ^^

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by calstorm

I do not feel offended by the OP's post at all.

Surely you can see the dumbing down in our school system. Kids are being indoctrinated not educated.

An entire culture here in America has grown up thinking the TV set is as the only legitimate source of news and information. Another percentage think they don't need to take an entry level job because somebody owes them something for occupying time and space. The first step in addressing a problem is to first admit a problem exist.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 01:54 AM
I'd like to say hell yeah man i'm glad to see another than shares my veiws i hate this place

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by mikerussellus

To pin this on any one politician or political party is ludicrous. Both parties have failed us. Clinton, Bush 41, and Bush 43 all rolled back post Great Depression-era regulations that were enacted to protect the economy. The current economic crisis started many years ago. Obama was handed a sinking ship.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:16 AM
I dont hate America...I just feel it's ignorant to say that Nationalism (or Patriotism) is absolute - like the Bible or whatever - and therefore never subject for scrutiny. In my opinion, we have enough people who think that "god" or America can solve all of there problems and that there's no reason to distrust it. Yes, both parties have failed us...but both parties are essentially the same...Obama has the same elitists in his administration as all the others had in there's. People just need to wake up, I know that sentiment is becoming somewhat cliche but for f*ck's sake; are they telling me that it's possible for a man to walk on water, and IMpossible that the government knew about 9-11 and let it happen to further a war? Thats whats absurd.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Anarchist69]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by Atlantican

what part of america are YOU in that you dont have lazy ignorant people? i grew up there and that pegs the majority of the US citizens! there are always exceptions of course, but for the most part the claims made in the original thread are spot on really.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:57 AM
I agree with the maker of this thread whole heartily. Theres really no need for opinions. He is yet correct.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by Full_Vision
reply to post by Atlantican

what part of america are YOU in that you dont have lazy ignorant people? i grew up there and that pegs the majority of the US citizens! there are always exceptions of course, but for the most part the claims made in the original thread are spot on really.

I live on the North East Coast. But that doesn't matter any. The real hard workers tend to be further South. Still, I've seen too many great examples of intelligent self starters and yes, some that trust and depend on their government a little too much. That's conditioning, not stupid. You might want to slap your parents for that one. Most people I know are too busy working and being as un-lazy as the "sheepsayers" could only dream.

Yes, some are somewhat asleep because of that lack of spare time to pick out all the boo-boos and watch dumb youtube poop videos full of "streaming text" and irritating "beats". Most of those people would appreciate and respond to a well narrated professional video but the authors tend to be too stupid and overlook that. There's also too much dilution in the "movement".
Properly organize! If a bunch of "stupid" BONEHEADS like PETA can do it, why can't the "movement"? Because that's TOO MUCH EFFORT.

Look at Zeitgeist. The most poorly researched documentary in it's class yet everyone has seen it and most believe it. Professionalism.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by Emerald The Paradigm
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Because maybe America does "Suck" as you like to put it, and lots of people agree and see the truth for what it is instead of hiding behind a false sense of "pride" for a country that has now been exposed for being the biggest liar in the history of mankind.

This American civilization is going to crumble because of the ignorance of its masses.

Oh my god what a troll !!!!!!!!!!!!
completely baseless ignorant statements from the beginning.
You could at least try to back up your statements as opposed to simply insulting people for no apparent reason.

These type of statements RUIN ATS for everyone because there is no adult, logical, cohesive discussion but random personal attacks en masse.

What a shame !!!!!!!!
Waste of good bandwidth given to someone who hasn't a clue !!!!!!

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