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If your Going to Protest PEACEFULLY,At Least Do It Right

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posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 09:47 AM

If your Going to Protest PEACEFULLY,At Least Do It Right

Police and military units savagely attacked peaceful protesters in a Pittsburgh park last night, cracking heads with billy clubs, deploying LRAD sound cannons and shooting rubber bullets at close range, according to Infowars’ Jason Bermas. Fellow Infowars reporter Rob Dew was arrested during the melee.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 09:47 AM
First I would like to express the sheer unorganization is the first reason these peaceful protests will never work.

Everyone needs to organize and figure out 2 simple tactics to really contribute a positive outcome to their protest.

I can't understand why nobody figured out a simple tactic to protest in their favor which would confuse the hell out of those enforcing the riot.

1...... knowing what gear the riot police/national Guard/Military wears is the key
2...... Organize and make 2 groups who will wear appropriate gear.


Group 1 wears the tactical black with riot gear


Group 2 wears the ACU(army combat uniform


Just look how these protesters stand out like a sore thumb. If they were in the tactical gear (which is perfectly legal, The police would have severe problems distinguishing who was who).


At no time EVER claim you are police or any law enforcement and do not wear their insignia as it is legally a crime to impersonate.

This is just something which popped into my thoughts as I was watching videos/pics regarding the issue.

ORGANIZE people....This is the Key
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 27/9/2009 by Revealation]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:16 AM
Peaceful protestors don't throw rocks.

Peaceful protestors actually know what they are protesting.

Want a great example of peaceful protests? How about the TEA Party protests? These people actually cleaned up after themselves, and didn't have to have the riot police be called in.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:25 AM
Its a nice thought to equip yourself in similar gear, but the average person is not going to spend the money on such gear because its not cheap. All told I've probably spent 500$ or more on my various pieces of tactical gear (Blackhawk drop leg rigs are bleepin expensive) and thus wont be apt to clothe themselves in gear. Then you have the fact that anybody seen wearing say a gas mask who is not in police uniform and load out will likely be seen as an even greater threat than the vanilla protester. And yes in some place such gear is illegal, such as body armor or facial coverings, so you just give them more charges to hit you with when they catch you, and unless you run they will most certainly catch, detain, charge and likely convict you of several offenses.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by RRconservative

Ok, and what have they achieved?
Last question; if peacefull protests leads to absolutly nothing..what is your suggestion they would do? When no one is hearing, absolutly cero respons. WHAT are you supposed to do?

I´ll give you an example; we have been asking to hear the fed...REALLY hear them, expecting answers! And this leads to nothing, should the people just sit quietly..race their voice? Throw a stone? Do you ask them to be beaten in silence?

lol, war is inevitable FINALLY! And people like you are responsable for a lot.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 10:34 AM
A brief "how to" for civil unrest.....

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Helig

If they are serious protesters this shouldn't be an issue and is a relatively small sum to pay, but unfortunately you're right, there are people who are too cheap. The alternative is to wear just the uniforms w/out the riot gear and those who choose could wear the gear which is a great effect.

As for the body armor I know it's illegal and am suggesting the shins helmets and chest protectors, gloves , tec.... Either way I just think the organization of a protest (if people are going to continue to do so) should be done proffesionally for their point to be taken a little more seriously.

Everyone looks like they're clueless, unorganized and very unprofessional.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 11:14 AM
LOL. Buy gear to look like them. That is truly silly. Instead, lets dress and express our selves exactly how we want to because we are free Americans. We should show up in the millions. I don't think a few dozen policemen will stand up against a million angry Americans.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by Longtimegone

It is silly but you gotta admit how funny it would be. The police would be buggin.....

Protest in the millions, I would definately say yes, that's the only way for real protesting. Remember the milion man march?


posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 09:37 PM
It didn't look like there were that many protesters. The police had to expand into the University area and rake in students going to & from class to have anyone to beat up. The police had a lot of new equipment and new techniques learned from DHS to employ and did the best they could to beat up the protesters they had available. This was like the War in Vietnam. Whenever you give your military new weapons and new powers they will want to use them. We have given our military a lot of powerful weapons, even HAARP. Google the May 08 China earthquake. They seem to be using them. Now we've given them riot gear to use against civilians and have obligingly shredded our constitution for them, so what do we expect.
We sent our military to kill innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan to defend our liberty from mythical al Qaeda. What is more devastating is that we've given them the ability to say when the war is won or ended, therefore it will go on forever. There are always more innocent people to kill, we will never find al Qaeda because besides being assets of the CIA they never existed, so we can never defeat them so we can go on fighting forever until liberty is totally defended and the Nazi Rockefellers are ruling us


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