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Diversity boss: Whites must 'step down'

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posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:36 AM
What I want me as a "white dude" is to be able to walk with the black dude hand in hand and show him the tricks to be able to do what I do and be able to also demand what I demand. I want to show him my perspective and we both agree and unite against the coming tyranny. In our working sector, in our public sector, in our personal lives. is that too much to ask?
I don't want him against me as the cheap labor alternative.
I don't want him cast out with the "rest of the minorities" this is disgraceful. Why does this arrogant PTB always have to lamp everyone who appears different to them in a big lamp, what does the black minority has to do with the gay minority for example?
The black dude wouldn't want me as the cheap labor alternative too, because the PTB will keep playing these cards against us. we are all people we demand human working conditions and quality of life. we don't want to be used.

Also what does sexual preference has to do with racial differences for gods sake?

The PTB are becoming more and more moronic in their statements, their demands and their decisions, will we follow them, the white dudes the black dudes, everyone else they have labeled "different"?

Why shouldn't this idiot who is playing the race card step down and make room for someone with a bit more brains for once?

Why it is always that every step they direct us to make is about going down, going lower, going with less and all of them lauphing all the way to the bank?
Why step down and not just step up?
Has that worthless PTB decided there is no room for development in this society except them and their ilk?
Nobody should want to step down!
Stepping down is a sign of weakness, a sign of complacence, a sign we are giving up!
Are we giving up? Do we like to be complacent?
Is this the kind of life we have dreamed off?
Do we want to be divided by tricks played by the PTB for their own benefits?
Do you know why they propose that the "white dude" to step down?
because the "black dude" or any other "dude" will not have the guts to demand what the white dude is accustomed to to demand for centuries now, or so the PTB believes, because the PTB made it so, through years of conditioning against me and the black dude. Mostly people in power. I didn't make this, you didn't make this. THEY DID!

Let's all take it to the streets and demand for the society to take a step up for once and not down! All of us!
Don't play by the cards they deal you, everyone. White dude, black dude!

Instead of division, unite!
Instead of hostility and suspicion, embrace with understanding!
Instead of tricks and lies, demand the truth!

These are the weapons God has armed us with.
These are the weapons we are going to fight with!
Anything else is helping THEIR agenda.
Anything else is doomed to failure.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by spacebot]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:51 AM
What these people need to understand is that the race issue is a problem. It's not a problem that can be forced to go away. Using force on the race problem is only going to wedge in any progress that has already been made. Like I have said before on race issues, let people do what they want so the issue can naturally get better.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Chronogoblin

So now the Obama administration wants to gain even more power by using this tactic... Wow....

Nice excuse to put the people they want to put in. I am certain they would not accept Republican Latinos, Republican Women, nor Jewish Republicans.... only minorities that agree with the Obama administration, and the Socialist agenda....

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:51 AM
I am so surprised by this thread. I thought we all knew that the people in power have their "clubs", "fraternities" and groups of the sort. These jobs are not earned they are given.

One day I might read on ats how we need to get rid of the people in power. But now that they are identified as white ats claims racism. I'm not talking about everyone but that seems to be the general theme here.

For those of you who think racism against blacks is nonexistent I think you're crazy. Sure it may not be as widespread as it used to be but that doesn't mean it's gone. I have personally been witness to many acts, knowingly or unknowingly, of racism.

I wouldn't say whites should step down I'd say those powerful groups of people which just so happens to be mainly whites need to step down.

Disclaimer: Not Serious.
If you want real equality in america why don't we give black people white slaves and give them the time to build up economic and cultural fortunes. I mean isn't that what whites did?

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 08:54 AM

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:02 AM
So you choose to pick out the only part of my post that is clearly not serious. That right there is what causes problems. I wrote that to show that things are not fair. Whites basically took the economic lead by keeping slaves.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:12 AM
What made the US great are the white folks. Sure some may have been built from the sweat of slaves but without leaders there cannot be anything.

Equality and hand-me-downs are not the same. All this empowerment will produce lazy people that will bring the US down.

Is it just me or are white people being conditioned to hate these "minorities". I'm not caucasian but I'm starting to dislike minorities already with all this racism towards whites. Could this be a plan of reenacting the holocaust during the Nazi era?

It's a lot easier to control people to hate minorities if the government continues to push this empowerment movement. It may not be for the next 3 years or not for the next 10 years but the longer this goes on the more intolerant the majority would be of all the wrong that is being done unto them.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by Unregistered]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Donnie Darko
Isn't it disturbing in itself that Obama's advisors/staff are called czars? I mean god, at least try to avoid the communism accusations!

In all fairness the Czars where killed and tossed out of power in russia by the communists. The term is in outself not communist related, just russian related.

If you want to find a secret meaning in the term it would be better if you assumed Obama intended to become Emperor as then the Czars would be under him. Or if you want a communist model you can assume he intends to kill off the Czars once they have consolidated power and assume there power himself.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:19 AM
White People were slaves too, Chinese people were slaves, Japanese people were slaves, Indian's(both the country and native Americans) were slaves, Latino's were slaves, Arabs have been slaves.

Want to hear some cold hard truth? Slavery still happens to this day, in fact it is still happening in every continent in the world. Right this second, and it's happening to all races.

So really I'm going to call a duck a duck here, but these people want power and control and has nothing to do with "equality". That is just a word they use to get the ignorant masses to agree with them.

If they really cared about slavery then they would be trying to eliminate it from the world instead of thinking of themselves. The fact of the matter is these people are very selfish and have been brainwashed.

All this crap still happens today, they don't care about it though, instead they just want to push a power grab agenda under the guise of "equality". This guy should take his own advice and step down and let a Native American take the job. Or does that not apply because Lloyd is a member of one of the "qualified" races?

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by PowerSlave
Wow, just wow!

Is this really happening? I mean are these people for real? It's like some hollywood script.

What a surprise - considering how Hollywood fawned over obama. And it is terrifyingly real.

Where is Obama finding these people? And more importantly are they pushing an agenda put together by Obama? Or are they just rogues?

Where? These people have been obama's confidants and mentors for all his adult life. So, they're clearly not "rogues" to obama - or they wouldn't be "czars".

I predict that it won't be long before we see obama throw this guy under the bus like he did his pastor and van johnson when it became clear the country (except for a few here on ATS that see nothing wrong with anything obama does) wasn't having any of their reverse racist diatribes.

Question. How long before all these reverse racism types say, "Hey, wait a minute", and also turn on obama?

[edit on 9/25/2009 by centurion1211]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Chronogoblin

I see where your coming from on that one, but I somehow think my definition of fairness is different from Mr. Lloyd's. It is shameful that people would use terms like 'Fairness' and 'Equality' to promote themselves and their own twisted agendas.

No slight to you. s&f.

Just wanted to show how someone can take a word or concept with "good" connotations, and twist it to justify the opposite of what it describes -- "Orwellian."

I just thought it amusing the OP would be cast in terms of "fairness" (innocently, no doubt) when that is precisely what Obama claims to be seeking through this "Diversity Czar" -- "Freudian."

Don't EVEN get me started on the bastardization of "diversity" given Lloyd's personal and philosophical outlook and policy goals.


posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Unregistered
What made the US great are the white folks. Sure some may have been built from the sweat of slaves but without leaders there cannot be anything.

Equality and hand-me-downs are not the same. All this empowerment will produce lazy people that will bring the US down.

Is it just me or are white people being conditioned to hate these "minorities". I'm not caucasian but I'm starting to dislike minorities already with all this racism towards whites. Could this be a plan of reenacting the holocaust during the Nazi era?

It's a lot easier to control people to hate minorities if the government continues to push this empowerment movement. It may not be for the next 3 years or not for the next 10 years but the longer this goes on the more intolerant the majority would be of all the wrong that is being done unto them.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by Unregistered]

First of all whites have nothing to do with America being great. Our(all Americans) constitution is what makes this country great.

Equality and handouts can indeed be the same.

A. 1 1 1 1 1
B. 1 1 1

How do you make lines A and B equal without adding numbers and devaluing the whole system.

Empowerment produces lazy people? Explain that to a woman.

So If the plan is another holocaust. (which is absurd in my eyes) And right now they are planting the seeds of hate. Who is at fault? The blacks for trying to take advantage of the system? Maybe the Whites in power that created the system and loopholes through which they could enact their devious plan. Or maybe it's the general population of whites that will sit back and watch your "holocaust" happen.
ps: I say "your holocaust" b/c it's the first I've heard it put like this.

[edit on 25-9-2009 by ScRuFFy63]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Chronogoblin

Diversity boss: Whites must 'step down'

With former Obama green jobs czar Van Jones gone, along with his views about whites directing poisons to minorities, focus is now shifting to race-based views of "diversity czar" Mark Lloyd, who has suggested "white people" step down from positions of power to allow "more people of color, gays" and "other More..people" to take those positions.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 25-9-2009 by dbates]

I know that everything WND posts is the Gods Honest Truth and all...but as a general rule I like my "news" sources to provide full, complete qoutes in context so I can decide for myself what was suggested.

Rather than have a "journalist" do the thinking for me....

[edit on 25-9-2009 by maybereal11]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:04 AM
IMO this thread is a joke, BH has laid out sufficient research for ATSers to look into but you fail to read. Many of the quotes are taken out of context but yet many of you cry Black Vs Whites. I heard several audio clips that are cut short and that leaves questions or causes one to draw their own conclusion which most of you are doing instead of reading.

Based on some of the responses I have read( and there are many ) I think some of you truly need to revisit this thread.
Racism is for Ignorant Fools, not ATS.

Im almost certain that the majority of americans actually work for what they have, and dont want anyone to Step Aside based on their skin color.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:06 AM


posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:11 AM
Thanks for the full qoute BH.

Interesting how much WND distorted what was said...

Even what they had in qoutes wasn't actually said.

I wonder as well what was said after they "clipped" the audio?

He flatly acknowledges "we have really, truly good white people in important positions."

and then asks a rhetorical question that many who oppose affirmative action also ask...who is going to step down so someone else can have power?

I say rhetorical...because I doubt he was expecting some white Senator to leap up and say ...oh, me please...I'd like to step down.

IMO Obama could have appointed Newt Gingrich and the GOP would be scrambling to call him a socialist racist.

WND DRAMTICALLY DISTORTED this as usual. It can easily be filed under the blanket attacks on any Obama appointee.

.....yawn...same old, same old. It would be refreshing to see folks think for themselves once in a while and sniff a little before they eat what is fed them.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

The self proclaimed far Right media watchdog blog Newsbusters has found yet another SHOCKING story, FCC’s Diversity Czar: ‘White People’ Need to be Forced to ‘Step Down’ ‘So Someone Else Can Have Power’ in which they do provide the full quote. Which does not support the headline unless one is inclined to discombobulate what someone says into partisan spin,
"Because we have really, truly good white people in important positions. And the fact of the matter is that there are a limited number of those positions. And unless we are conscious of the need to have more people of color, gays, other people in those positions we will not change the problem.

We're in a position where you have to say who is going to step down so someone else can have power?


And then, the recording is promptly cut off so we can't hear what he said right after that.

I know it's not going to make a difference to some of you, but hopefully, those who really want the truth instead of a which hunt, will appreciate it.
[edit on 25-9-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
White People were slaves too, Chinese people were slaves, Japanese people were slaves, Indian's(both the country and native Americans) were slaves, Latino's were slaves, Arabs have been slaves.

And which of these circumstances made slavery more acceptable for the USA?..ya know...a country actually founded on the premise of freedom?

Want to hear some cold hard truth?

Yes please!! but I am not holding my breath.

If they really cared about slavery then they would be trying to eliminate it from the world instead of thinking of themselves. The fact of the matter is these people are very selfish and have been brainwashed.

Who is "they" and "these people"...just curious....

Yah!! If "they" actually cared about slavery they would have appointed a czar or Special Envoy or something to combat it!!

Oh....I guess "they" did....

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Barack Obama announced the appointment of Luis C. de Baca as Ambassador-at-Large to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons at the State Department.

But I am sure with a little digging and some creative writing WND will reveal that Luis de Baca actually runs a human trafficking ring

[edit on 25-9-2009 by maybereal11]

[edit on 25-9-2009 by maybereal11]

[edit on 25-9-2009 by maybereal11]

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:32 AM
Things are happening along racial lines just as Thomas Chittum predicted in "Civil War II" many years ago.

Affirmative action does nothing more than further polarize the "tribes" rather than integrate them.

If groups are continually segregated from each other and some groups elevated while others are oppressed it can only result in more conflict.

The only way peaceful integration can be achieved is through true equality. Giving any group precedence over another provides an ripe environment for oppression and prejudice.

Stupidity, idiocy and incompetence know no color.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by merkaba93
Things are happening along racial lines just as Thomas Chittum predicted in "Civil War II" many years ago.

I see a lot of chatter about a comming "race war" these days on ATS.

In my experience those that rail on about how how the white man is being descriminated against and a race war will come....they are cowards in public settings...knowing their hate rhetoric isn't shared by the vast majority of Americans.

That is why the KKK wears hoods when they say and do horrific things.

Bottom line, most racists are more comfortable with the anonymity of the internet and they are a small cowardly minority...the interent is the new "hood" they wear. I am not expecting a "race war". Just an uptick in ugly anonymous posts as more and more racists figure out they can share beliefs on the child predators etc.

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by maybereal11

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Barack Obama announced the appointment of Luis C. de Baca as Ambassador-at-Large to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons at the State Department.

No wonder Hillary has been so quiet lately. As Secretary of State, that makes her the ring leader and the one to make the most profit from the State Departments illegal activity.

(Note: I'm being facetious. Some people are quick to ridicule if you don't point that out)

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