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CNN Finally Fires Lou Dobbs[Op Ed]

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posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by GideonHM
As for Anderson Cooper, he is one of the hardest working news casters there are. He earned his career from the ground up as a nobody in a suit, and he has finally made something of himself and does his best to keep his personal feelings out of his reporting.

Firstly I havent said anyhing bad about Larry King or Lou Dobbs.
What I did say was that Anderson Cooper is a fraud.

And yes he is!

Me thinking goes back to an interview with an "economist" during the bailouts. And how he portrayed the entire situation was disgusting.

He badmouthed the representatives that there voting nay against the bailouts and asked someone if these representatives knew how much harm they were giving to the economy. He did SOOO MUCH Work and put so much effort into making the viewer think the Bailouts was not only a good idea but a necessary one. He also said that the worst the govt. can do is nothing, as if the only option was the worst possible thing to do.

That's why I am saying he is a fraud. He put so much effort into making the viewer be pro-bailout and now I think he's a disgusting animal.

Originally posted by daniel815
At least indicate it's a rumor in the headline. This is similar to crap Fox does, like putting a (D) next to Sanford's name.

Dude, I can't!
ATS rules is that headline must match the article headline word for word and punctuation by punctuation in this section.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:08 AM
i did a little research i couldnt find anything to confirm this story. but if it is true than this should be a message to everybody that the msm is just a tool for tptb.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by daniel815

I disagree that this type of unverified information makes ATS look like a non-serious website. The story itself may have been a sort of spoof, but it only goes to show that the good people of ATS won't take just anything at face-value and that they'll resort to investigative research of their own to find out the truth. That's why I like ATS, because you have people on here that aren't always readily willing to accept information posted as truth.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:14 AM
This is ridiculous. Whether this is true or false, I am astonished at the comments from ATS'ers on this subject.

First let me say, I am not american nor am i dem or rep leaning. Bush was a joke, but Gore and Kerry would probably have been no better. I liked Clinton to a degree as well as Reagan. Obama to me is a shadow who refuses to walk into the light to show himself, some transparency....

Anyway, I do not get/watch MSNBC or FOX, but I do get and watch CNN albeit less and less every day.

Firstly, there is almost zero Republican or independant representation on CNN period. I saw somewhere last fall, a list of most of the anchors on CNN and their registered voter status. They were ALL dems. Not surprising since they none of them really hide it very well, the worst one being Campbell Brown (her show no bias no bull is freakin joke).

by the way, who ever mentioned caferty (sp?) in a positive light needs some re-evaluation, he is a way over-the-top liberal.

Lou Dobbs was the only one on that station who talked against both sides. I used to think he was a joke to back in the bush admin, because he usually attacked the right, until the Obama admin came in and he started attacking from the otherside more often, much to the displeasure of (many on this thread) and his CNN bosses. After watching him through admin switches I sort of got the leanings to be against the party in power.

I will no longer watch CNN and the Obama lovefest period if he is gone.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Mr. Suave

I guess if one shares an opinion different from rest of the liberal status quo, they get the heave-ho.

Heeeere it comes? Do you hear it? I do. It's the slow creeping footsteps of censorship.

It is shameful. So if you don't follow the "talking points" of the MSM you are silenced? And people wonder WHY we don't trust the Media!

How can anyone in their right minds now doubt the slant of the MSM? They are doing all they can to promote a one party message. I know some love to paint Fox with the demonic, satanic, evil-incarnate brush, but least I can get a couple of different opinions from them a few times a day.

That's just a sample from page 1. Numerous more examples throughout the thread.

[edit on 8/15/2009 by Kellter]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Hal9000
but because I know what his motives are behind his Obama bashing before and after the election, I have lost all respect for him.

His motives? Perhaps his 'motive' is simply to tell the truth about Obama when everyone else around him doesn't. Perhaps integrity is his motive.

Nope. Before Obama mentioned Lou in that speech on immigration reform, he was very balanced treating all the candidates pretty evenly. After that speech his toned turned sour and has been that way ever since. He has a right to his own opinion but I wish he would go back to being his old self.

I have to agree with what someone said earlier, that he will probably rail against anyone who is currently in power, because that is his style. I guess it was alright when he was doing it to someone else.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Mr. Suave

I don't believe for a minute that people are out there looking for the truth. People agree with stories that conform with their believe system and reject those that don't, regardless of truth (politicians know this very well). That's the reason why people believe in conspiracies of all kind and whatever is presented out there as truth. I would hate for ATS to become another purveyor of junk news and missinformation mascaraded as news.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by kettlebellysmith

Fox works for TPTB. Don't be fooled especially by Glenn Beck.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by really
reply to post by kettlebellysmith

Fox works for TPTB. Don't be fooled especially by Glenn Beck.

And MSNBC, CNN, CC, and the rest don't. You can trust anything they say.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 02:38 PM
I find it funny how people just spout platitudes about things they clearly know nothing about. For instance that Fox is a "mouthpiece"

At Fox , now, are two people who both had their own shows at CNN... Greta and Beck.

They both describe almost identical experiences of having worked for both. And both of them say that CNN is a top-down corporate-control, 10000 Chiefs and 2 Indians organization... and at Fox , Roger Allies lets the shows do whatever they want without interference.

We also know that GE exerts its corporate control on the various NBCs

The blatant ignorance about the independence of the various channels and hosts doesn't surprise. The Left can barely recognize reality .. and those lofty "both sides are evil" people are just on their own plane of rarefied existence that reality does not really note their absence.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 03:03 PM
CNN should have fired that idiot a long, long time ago. Not because he's right or left, but because he's stupid.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by VinceP1974

>> The Left can barely recognize reality ..

Well after 8 years of Bush/Fox "surrealism" you need to give people sometime to comeback to their senses.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by daniel815
reply to post by VinceP1974

>> The Left can barely recognize reality ..

Well after 8 years of Bush/Fox "surrealism" you need to give people sometime to comeback to their senses.

Does this actually mean anything?

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 09:39 PM
thanks for wasting my time. the first task is to control the media..

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by VinceP1974

Originally posted by daniel815
reply to post by VinceP1974

>> The Left can barely recognize reality ..

Well after 8 years of Bush/Fox "surrealism" you need to give people sometime to comeback to their senses.

Does this actually mean anything?

Bush's administration was so surreal that people perceptions of reality have been warped? I think it was basic reading comprehension but if you need an explanation, there you go.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

"And MSNBC, CNN, CC, and the rest don't. You can trust anything they say."

I never said that at all. There all good for nothing but entertainment and sometimes the weather. I was responding to what someone else said. You don't have to protect Fox News.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by VinceP1974

"At Fox , now, are two people who both had their own shows at CNN... Greta and Beck."

Shocking. You mean they're sticking up for their employer? I'm amazed. Maybe they don't want to lose their jobs. Glenn Beck is one of the biggest idiots i've ever seen... aside for Hannity. He's the worst.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by CuriousSkeptic

I'm getting a little sick of everyone on here blaming everything on something they don't even know exists.

Have you ever heard of the CFR, how about the Federal Reserve.

Satan's most effective attribute is his ability to hide his existence.


Now everyone can attack me for being religious, blah blah blah. But even an atheist can agree that megalomania and psychosis can exist, can't they?
Or is it that mass murderers were just not raised properly and if the government raised everyone things would be much better.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by VinceP1974

Oh, their you go with the FACTS again, really, the American People really want the government to run every single aspect of their lives. If you don't believe me, ask me. LOL

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:30 AM
There is absolutely no basis to this report. As of this response (08/18/2009) Lou Dobbs is still very much on the air. Sorry to disappoint our brothers and sisters on the left wing of the ol' bird.

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