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Watch: At forum, white man destroys black woman's Rosa Parks sign, woman is escored out

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posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 06:26 PM
I think most people on this thread agree that the man who tore up the woman's sign was the real aggressor. I couldn't tell from the vid that she had unrolled her poster, only saw the man angrily grab it from her and tear it up.

It looked to me like the police hauled her out because she was (justifiably) angry and ready to fight. The police were like the teacher who calls out the student who is loudest (not necessarily the one to blame) when there is a fight.

It's hard to tell from what I saw if there were any racial insults exchanged, so it might not be a racial issue so much as it was the man's attack on her freedom of expression (her choice of poster).

What is also distressing about this vid is the real damage that is being done to American democracy. America's founders envisioned a country in which people could assemble in their town halls or districts and conduct civil debates on the pressing issues of the day. There are still places in this country where town halls are organized frequently and all points of view are heard.

But if we've fallen to the point where civil debate is no longer possible, and the sole objective of the participants is to disrupt and drown out any debate, then our whole democracy is in trouble.

A senator in my state used a telephone town hall instead of a meeting. For some reason I was called, even though he is not of my party. But I was interested in hearing his point of view and the ideas expressed by different callers and I listened to the whole thing. If you wanted to ask a question or make a remark you could dial (I believe it was) *53.

Maybe telephone and/or video conferencing is the solution.

Something needs to be done to restore sanity and order.

[edit on 16-8-2009 by Sestias]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Sestias

A senator in my state used a telephone town hall instead of a meeting.

Maybe telephone and/or video conferencing is the solution.

Something needs to be done to restore sanity and order.

Nevada's Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, is doing the same thing. But his office is calling people the day OF the call to participate on a Friday. Which makes it easier for him to handpick the people he wants on the call so he can state there was no opposition in 'his' state. I highly doubt that my number will be called that day, considering the emails I've sent to his office.

I think it's because he's a chicken $h!t and doesn't want to face people like me - a registered Democrat - who are tired of the self-serving games the 'elected officials' are playing with OUR lives.

Yes. something needs to be done to restore sanity & order and that begins with impeaching these people, NOT these people hiding behind a wire (phone, internet, or otherwise).

Until people turn off those blasted 'reality tv' shows, de-zombify and get fired up to actually do something, not much change (for the good) is going to happen.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 04:31 AM
Notice how the article pointed out the race of police? Why does that have anything to do with it in this particular situation? Both people were escorted out. It seems these days that whenever white police arrest anyone black it automatically becomes a racist situation by default. How pathetic our societies are becoming.

It seems society deems anyone who is white racist by default and I'm getting damn well sick of it.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by Nivcharah

She was escorted out. HE was arrested for assault.

At least the cops did do something right.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Oatmeal

yep, they escorted her out, she didn't belong there if she couldn't obey the rules.starred

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

why not? why cant she walk anywere witha any type of non threatening signs she wants in free america. people arnt getting arrested are escorted out. for putting up obama is hitler signs. or is it the fact of what her and her sign were there to represent. a black women who played a part in black history and in the civil rights movement. maybe to some that is threatening to what they believe.

to me if people can go to political forums with hateful sign's and ar-15's.
why cant a black women. bring a rosa parks sign?

im not attacking u are trying to label u in any way. so please dont take it that way im just responding to ur comment.


posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by Hawkwind.

i dont think that is the case at all. alot of people believe (i am one of them)that alot of cops make racially motivated choices with people. wrong choices i might add. not all cops are racist. not all white folks are racist. the racist in america take up a small percentage.

the racial tentions in america right now are very high. in some states, and in alot of political forums. im just as sick as u of everytime i turn on the tv are read here on ats there is something race or religion related hate.

since obama started running to becoma th president alot of racist whites have done alot of shady things on and off camera's. then claimed ignorance saying they dident know it was racist. like the "barrock the magic negro song" the food stamp with black sterotypes on it with obama's face in the middle. the monkey t-shirts that depicted obama. the new york times add with cops shooting a monkey saying who's gonna to sign the stimulis now( those arnt the exact words but close) and so ..........

not to mention the gates things and the boston cop. thats all just adding fuel to a flame that has never gone out. since blacks have been granted our rights to be treated as human.

its not all one sided eigther when it comes to todays racial issues. alot of blacks use it as a crutch or an excuse. i really wish racism ould go away. to me it is stupid to hate some one cuzz they look different, or they pray to god differently, or are atrracted to their same sex. people are people. we are no better then anyone else. but in todays world. were politics and the government is more corrupt then ever. it makes me think maybe the powers that be want to keep the lingering hates of the past fueled for some reason.

just my 2 cents


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