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Anti-depressants... your own experiences...

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posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 01:52 AM
for all you people on wellbutrin/zyban, NEVER take Aleve!
It made me so depressed i couldn't even think straight!

btw, antidepressants are good. they keep me from killing myself.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by GnomeLord
btw, antidepressants are good. they keep me from killing myself.

No they don't, i took 8 of my Zispins in one go the other week.
Life sucks, i don't care what people say it does. My advice is don't fall in love when depressed because it will go wrong and will hurt you more. Been there, done that and brought the t-shirt lots of times.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by GnomeLord
btw, antidepressants are good. they keep me from killing myself.

No they don't, i took 8 of my Zispins in one go the other week.
Life sucks, i don't care what people say it does. My advice is don't fall in love when depressed because it will go wrong and will hurt you more. Been there, done that and brought the t-shirt lots of times.

but it sounds like you, Infinite, don't have the right medication, and then something bad happens that triggers your depression, and then it gets deeper.

Like GnomeLord, my depression got so bad at times that i wanted to die. crash my car, hang myself, slit my wrists, whatever. i just wanted to die- and for no apparent reasons. BUT, with the assistance of antidepressants, I've gotten my life back on track, and can now function better than i have in years.

so dont deny the fact that antidepressants help people just because you haven't gained anything from them. DENY IGNORANCE! something in these drugs obviously helps most people, you just havent found one to help you yet- don't give up though.

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 11:05 AM
Maybe...maybe not.
I don't know anymore, i've just given up now. You name, i've tried it, nothing has helped to even put a smile on my face. Ah well, sh$t happnes

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 10:30 PM
[edit on 16/8/2004 by jameo131i]

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 11:20 PM
Well ive been on Zoloft since a little before Christmas 03.
It stopped the depression but I really don't care much about anything. School, family, future., money.. Nothing. I think i'm going to stop taking them after I take the last 10. Withdrawal sounds fun.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 12:21 AM
THAT is exactly HOW i felt wen i took them too... i didn't give a flying "F" about anything... i got really moody and irritable too... LOL!
That is why i stopped taking them... i was being a right little biatch! LOL!

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 01:51 AM
I too have stopped my daily dosage of effexor xr. I prob shouldnt have gone cold turkey on it, which did make me feel rather sick. But while I was on effexor i always seemed to have random stomach aches. Now that ive been effexor free for a little over a month i havnt been experiancing the annoying aches. But my negative aspect of thinking continues along with my withdrawl and irritability.

Pity party!

[edit on 20-8-2004 by gloamstur]

[edit on 20-8-2004 by gloamstur]

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 12:33 PM
[edit on 10/2/2004 by esther]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 10:22 AM
I took them while trying different drugs for the treatment of ADHD. Depression is often misdiagnosed as ADHD, and so drugs used to treat depression often work on folks who have had this misdiagnosis.

Anyway.. I was taking Wellbutrin, and found myself angry at EVERYTHING. I was angry at people, I was angry at doors, and pens, and boxes, and cars, and any object I might happen to come across. I dropped a book, and it was that DAMN BOOK for having a slick cover. What's interesting, is that I'm not usually one to get mad at all. I take a lot more crap than most people, and had a great time working customer service over the phone because people just didn't get to me at all. This anger was sudden, and was there only while taking the drug.

When the situation *did* call for some normal anger, I found myself with absolute rage. Hateful, violent rage. My boyfriend didn't do the dishes, so I threw them out of the sink around the kitchen breaking whatever happened to be around. It got to be truly scary.

After 2 weeks, the meds went straight down the toilet.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 03:11 PM
I've never taken anti-depressants, seeing as I don't find the concept of having my brain chemistry fiddled with very enticing, and the side effects would drive me mental, but I'm beginning to realise that I probably should give them a go. I tend to have pretty serious mental crashes, where I just can't function, am incredibly suicidal, and I even cut on occasion..bla, I don't know


posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Becs
I tend to have pretty serious mental crashes, where I just can't function, am incredibly suicidal, and I even cut on occasion..bla, I don't know


You�re not the only one
. I have tons of scares on my arms from when I have cut my self endless times when I was feeling bored or depressed. I even have a rope that I tried to hang myself with hanging in my basement. Oh well, I but a handle on it and now I hang off it when I am angry
Too bad I don�t have a punching bag I think it would work a lot better.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by SirKillallott

Originally posted by Becs
I tend to have pretty serious mental crashes, where I just can't function, am incredibly suicidal, and I even cut on occasion..bla, I don't know


I have tons of scares on my arms from when I have cut my self endless times when I was feeling bored or depressed.

I feel your pain

I do have scars and cuts from when things get to much for me

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by SirKillallott

Originally posted by Becs
I tend to have pretty serious mental crashes, where I just can't function, am incredibly suicidal, and I even cut on occasion..bla, I don't know


I have tons of scares on my arms from when I have cut my self endless times when I was feeling bored or depressed.

I feel your pain

I do have scars and cuts from when things get to much for me

OMG! I thought I was completely alone with this..holy hell. I'm just shocked..I thought I was the only one

Take care,


posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 03:48 PM
[edit on 10/2/2004 by esther]

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 04:45 PM
I have a big one down my arm from when I cut myself with a paper clip over and over again
. My mom wasnt too impressed when I got home and she discovered it.

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 05:25 PM
My upper arms are a mess of scars

I did Google it, and WOW, we are definitely not alone! It's still very taboo though, I mean mention to people that you're mentally ill and they'll shun you, imagine what the most common reaction to cutting would be


posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Becs
My upper arms are a mess of scars

I did Google it, and WOW, we are definitely not alone! It's still very taboo though, I mean mention to people that you're mentally ill and they'll shun you, imagine what the most common reaction to cutting would be


Some take drugs to kill the pain, some even drink the pain away, others cut and harm ourselfs to kill the pain. I know this sounds weak of me, but i've done all free, i would be lying to you guys if i said i can handle life....

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 05:40 PM
I have been taking Prozac for several years now, with some side effects: weird dreams, hunger that never dies, weight gain, and sleepiness(depending on dosage), and for the last few years(1 or 2) I basically stopped taking it, mainly because it only helps with depression(for me), and not the rage I feel inside tward the world for being sh*t on my whole life, and I basically feel that I am the only one who feels like this,(altho I know it is probably not true), still I feel that MOST of the time.
I too know what it feels like to think it is hopeless(life) and I STILL feel this way, I am a loner and a recluse(have been my whole life) with MAYBE 2 or 3 friends(if that). So I have decided that my condition will always be the same and life is hopeless, and lonely.

Not to mention the fact that the damn insurance companies dont wanna pay for the real stuff and if it were not for the help of a relative who pays an insane price for ONE refill of prozak, I would have to take a generic brand, that sucks and does nothing for me, but cause problems.

Maybe I should just take the Prozac and try to live a little before I get too old.

arcana imperii.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 04:52 PM
Just reading over this thread and i can feel all of our pain, depression is like a burden, it feels like you are carrying all of the worlds problems on your back. Im too weak to carry it
but at the end of the day, we are all strong here deep down, one day all us will find our deserved happiness.

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