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Another uncomfortable discussion

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posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by RussianScientists

Thank you. For asking Russian scientists. The post I just put here might help to answer the question:

I am not the only one who knows:

Thank you.


[edit on 16-6-2009 by noconsequence]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 11:51 AM
woops same post twice.

[edit on 16-6-2009 by noconsequence]

Ok. I gained the knowledge through first hand inter-reaction with the ones running the show in a variety of ways.. It has all been a bad experience..

The depth of my work, "required" the highest of their attention.. Thrusting me into the height of world movement from my humble position.. I know more about them and the height of what is occurring than normal, "conspiracy" theorists..

Thank you.


[edit on 16-6-2009 by noconsequence]

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by noconsequence

Hi No Consequence,

I found another person who's story is sounding pretty much along similar lines as yours.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 12:35 PM
I am not sure what a chronomonitor is.... There was some reference on the net for this reference going to Time Variance Authority. Maybe you could shed some light on what you have learned from igas - international guild of advanced sciences..... That all looks a little scammish to me. Visa and Mastercard accepted.

I tend to agree with yoiur assessment about how things work out as far as consequences of actions and losing everything due to bad karma or whatever...

You said something in your post... that your love was your key element. I would suggest that you try something different because love is blind. Might I suggest that you seek some reference to the Laws of Sympathetic Vibration into your skillset.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by mapsurfer_

Maybe a, "little scamish" in that these things should be free to the race. In light of the world we are presently in though, I am grateful that there are places where things like this are collected and might be purchased.. They also had a college.

No comment on the bad karma thing..

I do not believe it is love that is blind.. I believe it is that we, as a purposefully dumbed down race are ignorant to the many things occurring; being a result of a very, "illusive" agenda.. Love is raising us.

It is our love for those which move our hearts that empowers us with a vision of hope.. The bible says that we perish without a vision of hope..

What has kept you going in spite of all resistance? I would like to refer you to your own signature for the answer..

BTW. Thanks for joining the thread. You are welcome here.

Thank you. NoconsequencE..

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 01:26 PM
noconsequence, I believe I learned because it is my purpose; I faced certain circumstances in my life, got certain levels of awareness, and my choices became clear to me. It is true, that if you seek ye shall find. Of course, that involves sincerity. If you do not fear, you do not develop pride. If you do not develop pride, you do not become vain. If you are not vain, you do not become narcissistic. If you are not narcissistic, you do not become a slave to your lust, which, for lack of a better way of putting it, tells you to do the opposite of what you should. Think of the riddle with 2 computers in a room with 2 exits. One door leads to life, the other leads to death. One computer always lies. The other always tells the truth. You have but one question to ask, and it can only be asked to one of the computers. You ask a computer what the other computer would say is the door to life, and you do the opposite. Succumbing to lust spirals us downward onto this sort of binary switch, on and off, yes and no, etc. The only way out of the beast mode is to start killing your false self by doing the opposite, eliminate your false programming by programming the inverse.

I truly feel for you. I am now writing a book, but I have been on a short hiatus. It is obvious that I am trying to be sidetracked at every turn. The closer you get to being, the more active are the attempts at stopping you. I will be fine however, because it is in my purpose to help bring about the destruction of the "beast." The utmost majority of our species lives behind a veil. It is impossible to expect sleeping people to behave with any sense of morality. The deceiver of deceivers has grown to a large scale, only to have its bubble burst. The gig is up for institutionalized evil in the future, in what I think is the very near future. People will see the vast interconnection, see the manifesting patterns in this world. It will happen. When people are aware of their choices, they can then make them.

noconsequence, I went through what has been called a "dark night of the soul." I am now reemerging. I decided I want the truth, no matter what. I also decided I wanted to use that truth for love and beauty. I have been rendered powerless up until now, but that is the only way to gain the proper perspective to properly apply power when it is given to you. We are cells in a giant body, so to speak. The problem is some of us are viruses. It is time to make every one aware of their choices, so they will make the choice they knew they had to all along.

Also, to answer your question on emerging awareness. The signs of dark manipulation are all around us. There is a michelob clock on the wall of a gas station locally. It has the eagle, the purported sybol of freedom, but alchemically the symbol of ruthless leadership, freedom for the elites, the leaders, if you will. It is sitting in the anheiser "A" in a sort of constraing, masonic-type fashion It is bound. "Freedom is slavery." Below the a extends a ruler. In other words, this rules you, this is how you are measured. The red bull symbol is 2 bulls colliding inward in a mirror image, a total symbolic representation of the false self. Most all banks use the sun/star symbol, essentially programming that the banks are god, as the sun/star is a most ancient symbol of the divine. Some are even so brazen as to use pyramids. They are stating that they are the true possessors of wisdom, as the top of the pyramid represents a sort of singularity, a convergence of everything that leads to a higher understanding. Yet the material exploitation anchors people to their false selves. The examples are endless, and I am not even saying that it is all conscious. It is was however, inevitable. It is not, however, forever. It will eat itself.,

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by orwellianunenlightenment

Incredible insight.. You summed up quite a bit there.. So insightful that I seem to be unable to respond. You said it all.. lol.

I will say that i am unclear as to whether or not the race will be progressing beyond the events that are soon to prevail upon the race. Assuming it continues, then the outcome will be what you said.. If it does not then servants like yourself will be preserved..

Thank you.


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