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911 Truth - Somebody Please Give It To Me!

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posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by seewithyourmind2012
.then the 4 Israelis caught with explosives on the George Washington Bridge! NO news on that.=/

I can confirm this fact,with first hand knoledge of someone on site on the bridge..

To see with yourmind..White van,steel box ring a bell?

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 04:01 PM
The truth is that the government brought the buildings down in a controlled demolition. They then made up an ellaborate story about al Qaeda and them hijacking planes. What they didn't know is some people are a lot smarter than they think and we saw all the holes in the story. That's the truth, believe it or not.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I almost U2U'd you with this, but I feel it is best seen by the community. When I started getting into the 911 BS, I saw a few on one side and a few on the other who were fighters. You were on the Official story side and still may be. But back then you were cut throat on how much crap you would take. You almost sound like you would entertain a question or two about the things that happened on that day. I am in no way smart enough to debate your position, but I admire your comments. You have become a trusted source of information for me and I applaud you for it. I just thought you should know.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by network dude

Ahhh, come on!

I am in no way smart enough to debate your position,...

I've seen some great stuff come from you. In fact, there are a lot of voices on this issue, obviously. Some, better than others.

My contribution is limited to what I know (or think I know).

If the discussion is about thermite, or thermate, (or the latest, "nano" thermite...they just keep coming up with new ideas) or controlled demolitions...well, I just sit back and read those. To me, each time I see the Towers fall, it looks like a structural collapse. Or, I should say, it looks a lot like a cascading failure, initiated by the tremendous forces of the masses above the impact points. Also, merely as an observer, I note that the second Tower to be hit collapsed first. Why? Seems obvious -- the damage was lower than on the other Tower, hence the weight above was greater.

I just cannot reconcile a "planned" demolition as being necessary for any imagined 'NEO-con' evil government purposes. The horror of the airplanes being used as weapons was sufficient.

WTC7 is said to have housed a boatload of top-secret stuff, belonging to any number of Alphabet Agencies. Wouldn't it have been far more efficient, al less obvious, for them to simply move the stuff??? I mean, why call attention to it, so dramatically? Doesn't make sense.

But, since I'm not a spook, and don't think like a spy, then maybe I'm missing a very good's almost as if Boris Badinov and Natasha Fatale were running the 'show'.

(Obscure reference, many likely too young to get that one, eh?)

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I know of rocky and bullwinkle.

I am old too, but not quite out to pasture yet.

It will take a while to convince you that everything you see and hear was a conspiracy created by Dick Cheney. In time, it will be done.

posted on Jun, 16 2009 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Redpillblues

You mean this news?

4:27:11 AM

Reports from New York are saying three people have been arrested with a van of explosives.

The van was stopped along the New Jersey turn-pike near the George Washington Bridge.

Problem was, like MANY times during that day, the news media, in their haste to scoop the competition, blew it.......this was one of the next stories on that particular news line....

4:34:43 AM

NYPD officers have confirmed the arrest of three men on the New Jersey turn-pike.

However officials denied any explosives were found in the van.

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 07:47 AM
My thorie about 9/11 was that it was all set up by rouge elements of the cia.The rouge elements of the cia needed a us navy office destroyed at the pentagon to destroy sensitive papers.They had no other way of geting thoses papers.So they allowed teorrists to come into the united states to attack the twin towers in new york just to cover up there attack on the us navy office at the pentagon.The pentagon was hit by a missle fired from a converted truck

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:24 AM
The only truth I can give is there was a group of AMERICANS who lived in Miami from 1998 - 2001 who received fake birth certificates and fake VISA's. How do I know this? I rented a room in my apartment out and my roomate was one of the guys that got fake papers!

Surprisingly the same apartment building I lived in also had at least 4 other pre-911 terrorists living in it. Mohammed Atta was once in my living room along with at least 17 others who's pictures now riddle the FBI's most wanted terrorists website.

These guys were so discreet I never suspected any "terrorist" type activity. But before 9/11 most Americans didn't understand the warning signs.

I was tailed for 2 - 3 years after 9/11. Every evening there was a car parked outside my window with a man inside. FOR THE ENTIRE NIGHT...
It wasn't until I watched a foxnews story that interupted the main programming. It showed the face of my former roomate and the name on the fake papers he had received. Something seemed awfully fishy. Out of fear of my own rear end I called the FBI and confessed I thought the guy on TV was my old roomate. I met with a couple of field agents and told them my story. Not even once did someone contact me back with questions. I always felt that was very odd.

( My old roomate told me once to swear to god I would never say anything. At the time I had no idea what he was talking about because the statement was kid of random out of the blue and he made me swear to god. When I asked him what it was about he told me I would know oneday. )

As I began to think about the past I realized there was an evening we were all hanging outside the building. One of the neighbors was a younger kid maybe 18 - 19. We were all talking and I came to find out his father worked for the CIA and lived in the building.

After all the chirades I felt I had possibly not understood who was behind 9/11 and why. I began to feel my own government had to have known about these guys. CIA was living in the building with pre-911 terrorists including one of the guys who bombed the US embassy in Tanzania. Am I really suppose to believe they didn't know?? In fact, I find it hard to believe the terrorists had the kind of resources and support they received in the US without CIA backed support.

The puzzle was starting to come together.

Meanwhile as I began my research into who these people were I began to uncover more and more familiar faces.

I moved away from Miami to New Jersey and somehow was called by a military contractor offering me a job on an Army base in NJ. Is that also just coincedence? Sounds more like they were keeping tabs on me.

I Swear on everything I've said as truth and it barely scratches the surface of what I know as truth but am too afraid to speak up. I would testify before congress or any judicial panel under oath but only after I finally gather all my thoughts and write a book.

Apartment building on the right is where they all lived.


[edit on 18-6-2009 by libertytoall]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 11:45 AM
This is my thoughts on 911 as person not from the usa,when i saw the attacks on the twin towers i was angry that someone could do that and thats the effect it had on the the people of the united states there plan worked perfect because they had all the support of the people to after osama bin laden but then turn around and invade iraq.911 was the steping stone into iraq no 911 no war its that simple we were all duped and now the world is a much worse off its was never about osama is was about the 4 trillon dollars of oil left in the ground so it all points to the us government or whoever runs the real show,its always got me wondering why george bush snr blew up sadams entire army got to bagdad slaped on the hand and said bad boy and the then 12 years later hes son gets in there hangs him and one more thing back in 2000 with that al gore voting stuff up does anyone think if al gore was president he would have invaded iraq?

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 11:58 AM
Originally posted by gravitydrive77

This is my thoughts on 911 as person not from the usa,...

Thanks, and welcome! Great way to introduce yourself!

...invade iraq.911 was the steping stone into iraq no 911 no war its that simple

we were all duped

YES!! The "NEO-cons" that resided in the upper echelons of US Government took the 9/11 attacks as a "carte blanche" to further their agenda.

9/11 literally 'fell into their laps'!! The current (last few years) attempt to lay "blame" of 9/11 on Government insiders seems to be missing the bigger picture, here.

The "NEO-cons" had an event 'handed' to them!!! They took it, and ran with it. Twisting the facts, in order to 'justify' the Iraqi invasion....

THAT IS the 'conspiracy', folks!!!!!

ALL of this 'truther' stuff about 9/11??? Smokescreen.......

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker

YES!! The "NEO-cons" that resided in the upper echelons of US Government took the 9/11 attacks as a "carte blanche" to further their agenda.

9/11 literally 'fell into their laps'!! The current (last few years) attempt to lay "blame" of 9/11 on Government insiders seems to be missing the bigger picture, here.

The "NEO-cons" had an event 'handed' to them!!! They took it, and ran with it. Twisting the facts, in order to 'justify' the Iraqi invasion....

THAT IS the 'conspiracy', folks!!!!!

ALL of this 'truther' stuff about 9/11??? Smokescreen.......

I'm not really sure what your trying to say or the point you're trying to make.. Fell into their laps?? You must be kidding me.. They were planning 9/11 before 1998 so I don't see how 9/11 "fell into their laps."

The most amazing thing to me is the ignorance of ones own ego to claim truth to things that are read second hand or regurjitated. I assume many people here actually do want to know the truth but are afraid to let go of their own viewpoints if someone else finds them wrong. So my question remains are you all more interested in truth or proving your version is right?

I highly recommend to read my previous post again because I was embedded with pre 9/11 terrorists. Who better to describe then actual first hand experience? I'm amazed after all I mention in my previous post, even at the risk of my own life, naming names and addresses, not one person responded with any interest..

This is why I refuse to take part in these "truther" threads most of the time because everyone is caught up in proving their version of truth is the right way. I mean be honest with yourself what proof do YOU YOURSELF ACTUALLY HAVE??

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 12:39 PM

I note that the second Tower to be hit collapsed first. Why? Seems obvious -- the damage was lower than on the other Tower, hence the weight above was greater.

I just cannot reconcile a "planned" demolition as being necessary for any imagined 'NEO-con' evil government purposes. The horror of the airplanes being used as weapons was sufficient.

I have a serious problem with these superficial analyses of this event.

Yes the south tower was hit lower down and collapsed first. BUT since it was lower down and it had to support more weight then it had to be stronger and the designers must have put in more steel.. Therefore it had to be more difficult to damage due to impact and fire.

So why is it after SEVEN YEARS we don't have a table specifying the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE on every level of the towers? Every skyscraper must hold itself up and withstand the wind. And it has to be documented to be constructed.

So why doesn't even RICHARD GAGE make a BIG DEAL of needing to know the distributions of steel and concrete to analyze these phenomenon?

Are guild secrets more important than solving 9/11?

It is also curious that those models are too complex and expensive for any of our engineering schools that charge $100,000 for 4 years to have produced. At least Purdue does slick computer generated graphics.

Of course we already knew a plane flew into the building. But how much did the mass affect the motion which affected the amount of damage. I emailed Prof. Sozen at Purdue about the distribution of mass. NO RESPONSE!


posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by libertytoall

I highly recommend to read my previous post again because I was embedded with pre 9/11 terrorists. Who better to describe then actual first hand experience?

I will read, and re-read your post.

My point is -- the so-called 'truthers' refuse to acknowledge an outside "force" in the 9/11 events. They continue to claim it was an internal, US Government plot, all along.

Your mention of "terrorists" is going to give the "truthers" conniption fits!!!

I will repeat, either what I've already posted on this thread, or perhaps on another: The concept of some immense Government cover-up is just, well....smoke and mirrors thinking. Sure, there was some CYA going on....but, that was AFTER THE FACT!!!! NO ONE wanted to get the blame for missing the parts of the puzzle....NO ONE wanted to stand alone as THE reason for the lax security, and the subsequent attacks!!!!

Finger-pointing abounded, and still abounds. HENCE, we now see fringe-element 'conspiracy' theories abounding. It is inevitable, given the circumstances.

Slightly OT, but just peer into the immediate reaction of certain ATS members when a "mysterious" crash occurs, over the Atlantic Ocean....I'm talking about Air France 447, of course.

EVEN before any verifiable reports came in, the ATS community jumped on it!!!! (I, with experience, also commented. BUT, I also did NOT comment on some of the more outrageous notions....)

The events of 9/11 evoke a similar pattern.....albeit, with the passage of more time, even more outrageous "theories" are put out there, on the Internet, for all to ponder......

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by libertytoall

I highly recommend to read my previous post again because I was embedded with pre 9/11 terrorists. Who better to describe then actual first hand experience?

I will read, and re-read your post.

My point is -- the so-called 'truthers' refuse to acknowledge an outside "force" in the 9/11 events. They continue to claim it was an internal, US Government plot, all along.

Your mention of "terrorists" is going to give the "truthers" conniption fits!!!

I will repeat, either what I've already posted on this thread, or perhaps on another: The concept of some immense Government cover-up is just, well....smoke and mirrors thinking. Sure, there was some CYA going on....but, that was AFTER THE FACT!!!! NO ONE wanted to get the blame for missing the parts of the puzzle....NO ONE wanted to stand alone as THE reason for the lax security, and the subsequent attacks!!!!

Finger-pointing abounded, and still abounds. HENCE, we now see fringe-element 'conspiracy' theories abounding. It is inevitable, given the circumstances.

Slightly OT, but just peer into the immediate reaction of certain ATS members when a "mysterious" crash occurs, over the Atlantic Ocean....I'm talking about Air France 447, of course.

EVEN before any verifiable reports came in, the ATS community jumped on it!!!! (I, with experience, also commented. BUT, I also did NOT comment on some of the more outrageous notions....)

The events of 9/11 evoke a similar pattern.....albeit, with the passage of more time, even more outrageous "theories" are put out there, on the Internet, for all to ponder......

I agree with you 100%. The key words being "verifiable" which many conspiracy theorists are not. They spew beliefs mainly produced by fear and creativity rather then sound factual evidence.

In order to stay on topic of this myself all I can offer as truth is some insight into what the hijackers were like as people and what they did in their day to day lives before 9/11. I know their real names which fail to be mentioned on any FBI website. Only the names found on their false papers and birth cirtificates exist. Along with seudonyms which they chose for themselves. Not one mention of their real names exists anywhere to be found even though the FBI was repeatedly told.

Isn't that strange?

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Redpillblues
sorry but i'm starting to think that your just stirring the pot a bit..From what I remember seeing the architect saying the towers were built to withstand two impacts..I may be wrong..

Indeed, the buildings could withstand multiple jet liner impacts as well as natural disasters. I don't have any links or info I can spout here but the information is out there.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Solar.Absolution

Who in there right mind in the 1970's would hae built a tower too withstand more than one jet impact at a time. What would be the freakin' odds of that happening?

[edit on 18-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by Solar.Absolution

Who in there right mind in the 1970's would hae built a tower too withstand more than one jet impact at a time.

Apparently, Frank DeMartini, in January of '01 ...
Frank A. Demartini, on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center, spoke of the resilience of the towers in an interview recorded on January 25, 2001.

The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door -- this intense grid -- and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting.

That's but one example of Many who are either knowledgeable in the engineering involved or were contracted and part of the Towers' construction/design.

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by 12m8keall2c

Yeah he specifically says one fully loaded 707, not a fully loaded 747. Then he says he BELIEVES it could withstand more, not that he has any proof that it can.

Also, what happens when you hold your screen in a bucket of jet fuel and light it on fire?

[edit on 18-6-2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Hey weedwhacker as a commercial could you tell me and all of us here if commercial planes are painted with radar reflective paint so that the planes show up real easy on the ground controllers radar screens?

And if such is the case, is there any kind of way that a US commercial air bus could "Disappear" from the radar screens completely in the north east flight corridor?

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by 12m8keall2c

Yeah he specifically says one fully loaded 707, not a fully loaded 747. Then he says he BELIEVES it could withstand more, not that he has any proof that it can.

Also, what happens when you hold your screen in a bucket of jet fuel and light it on fire?

The NIST says the south tower moved 12 inches at the 70th floor as a result of the impact. That was 130 feet below where the plane hit. An extrapolation would show that the 81st floor must have moved about 14 inches.

There were 76 perimeter wall panels around the building every 36 feet. So if each of those panels weighed 10 tons that is 760 tons. The plane was less than 150 tons.

My point is that this entire event cannot be analyzed without knowing the distribution of steel in the towers regardless of what caused it. So how is it that after SEVEN YEARS the NIST can't tell everyone the quantities and weights of the 12 types of exterior wall panels? There were more than 2500 of them on each tower. They can tell us that one plane had 5 tons of cargo and the other had 9.


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