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California Will Run Out Of Cash In 14 Days!

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posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
reply to post by secretagent woooman

Not only do they work for less than minimum wage, but they also send a lot of that money out of the country. They only buy what they need to get by for the most part.

I personally think this is more the exception then the rule. My first hand expierences are $40.00 + per hour and illegals making a life here for themselves and their families while they are pushing the paperwork to become legal.

The real problems IMHO are:

1.) Healthcare - I can speak first hand that even though some have been provided with health care, they still went to the "clinic" or other "free" health care that doesn't ask many questions.

2.) Education - There are too many "illegals" burdening the schools. Free lunches, extra books, and extra time needed to overcome the not speaking english barrier.

3.) Education (vocational training) - There is nothing wrong with being an electrician, plumber, or some other profession that works with their hands. Teaching more of these classes in High School and continuing for a year or two after would be very helpful for the employer's who rely on "illegals" to perform these services.

4.) Self Pride - Too many American's are too proud to do the "dirty" work. Our society is all about giving our children a better life than we had. At some point that is going to equate to nobody to pick fruit, fix cars, hammer nails, or flip burgers because that would be the same or less than the parents. There are people south of the border that will happily do these things with a smile on their face.

5.) American Pride - People used to immigrate here to become American. People wanted to better themselves and their country. / American is wrong. Your either American or your not. Too often people wave flags from some other country that they love/are loyal too. I wonder why those people don't go back to what ever county of the flag they're waving.

6.) Passing the buck - Start with yourself. If your are an employer, don't hire "illegals". If nobody hired "illegals" there wouldn't be an attraction to come here to work (this works for drugs too). People are getting upset at the goverment, shouldn't people be getting up set at the employers? If you are an employee, help your employer out. Maybe he/she doesn't know someone is "illegal". It also helps to have a person qualified ready to be hired (a friend or family member works great). If you aren't part of the solution your part of the problem.

Those are just the tip of the iceberg. I think things are going to get better. I think as a society we are going to become closer. I think as an individual, I need to do more for my country, how about you?

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:23 PM
Save California = Legalize Marijuana
They'd have no money troubles at all if the blue-hairs in Washington would get their heads out of their a-holes.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

I'm already there now! The job I have pays about $7,000 less than industry standard, and that is dropping rapidly as well along with news position across the board. If I'm lucky I'll clear $22,000 this year, counting insurance and "benefits" l also pay for. I was set to make close to $30,000 before being laid off at the last job last year, the first time ever including one year where I worked three jobs. It's pay to play time, just like a lot of fields.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by TonyClifton

Where do you live and what do you do?!? Ferneries all across East and Central Florida have been caught running actual slave rings, been busted up and are still at it, paying people pennies per hour and keeping them in what amounts to slave houses, no less. Migrant farm workers fare better but not by much.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Oreyeon

Yeah, that and make it legal to grow hemp for manufacturing purposes..

Oops.. wait.. that all makes too much sense.. DuPont and the Alcohol companies will be quick to make sure those two things never see the light of day..

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by secretagent woooman

Illegal immigration causes all sorts of problems. We don't even have to launch a massive campaign to get rid of them.

Its simple just send undercover INS up to the corners where they all hangout ask for Tax ID or SSN they type it into their computers doesn't come back detain them and call in the paddy wagon, put them on a bus send them back to Mexico.

What they do around here is they go apply for a job and its takes about 6 months for the SSN check to comeback and when it does they just go find another job using another SSN. Instead of telling the people that the SSN came back wrong just call the cops to come pick them up. In a few years they will all be gone for the most part.

But illegal immigration screws up the job market for everybody else and it isn't fair to the people that immigrated here legally. Around where I live the schools signs are suffering budget overruns too many students in class, and now they have signs in both English and Spanish. Its crazy.

Real simple to deal with Paddy Wagon to a bus, the other problem is that the county wants to get the cash for housing them when they are caught, then they just jump from county jail to county jail then eventually they end up in Mexico.

It's a problem that needs to be dealt with. We need immigration reform just there is always some nut job politicians that want to grant them all amnesty and give them all kinds of benefits that American Citizens don't even get. Then you have the sanctuary cities like LA and I think it is Houston in Texas. It doesn't make it any easier.

I mean we would still be in hard economic times, but it wouldn't be as hard.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

I too support deportation of illegals but this is a dangerous time to tip the cart, if they can't budget normal operations how will the state finance mass deportations? I'm willing to bet you most of those menial jobs won't be filled as quickly as people claim if they were theoretically all deported, that is why they are here to start with. If people will even show up to work them, do you really think people in Barstow, Compton or Venice Beach will queue up to work at Burger King, pick up garbage or fix potholes? Me neither, or the Silicon Valley layoffs who probably couldn't handle it. Not to mention, how to pay for the increased costs across the board? The only solution for some of it would be to tax the daylights out of food, booze, cigarettes, and yes, to legalize and tax the hell out of marijuana which means open season from the Mexican cartels, they will want their slice of the pie and they don't share. The only other quick labor fallback is convict labor (while they are supposedly downsizing prison operations) and you know what that means.......when things really hit the fan there if they cannot find last minute stimulus packages money it is open season on a state full of ex-cons and other marginal people who can't fight back.

Not to mention illegals far outnumber the combined military and police force just in California, guestimates I saw last year put them at about 36 million across the US. As far gone as Mexico is at the moment I doubt they will go quietly, you'd be sending them to the slaughter. South America is no better either. Either way, I am more glad than ever I turned down work last year in South Cal!

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by secretagent woooman

That is why I will always choose liberty over safety, with liberty I can always create my own safety.

What it sounds like our political "leaders" don't have the backbone to wage war on the illegals. But you always have to look at it this way though, yes economically it will suck, but right now people are willing to just about anything including working in the fields. I remember just a few months ago there was an open janitor job and they had over 900 applications. The real problem isn't that American's don't want to do the jobs its that the jobs don't pay enough to support a family. You are witness to that.

Also the other side is if we let this go on much longer there will be noway to turn back the hands of time. We have to do something about it now or nothing at all. And I don't know about you, but I don't really want to see America turned into a Third World Country which is where we are heading quickly.

Something has to be done, but everyday the thing that looks like that needs to be done is not what I want to be done. I'm glad you didn't take that job in S. Cali too that place is literally about to explode.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife

That is why I will always choose liberty over safety, with liberty I can always create my own safety.

Very profound statement there.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 08:33 AM
Well, maybe now is the right moment for a new form of management - so called Government 2.0 , or "Distributed Republic" - simply meaning that the civil servants can be replaced by gropups of volunteers, working together for common good. Bit of an Anarchist utopia , but WHAT ELSE?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 09:02 AM
I have an idea why doesn't the Hollywood movie star and music crowd start a fundraiser to save the state of California? Although what they would raise monatarily would be a drop in a bucket but it would make them feel good about themselves.

This fundraiser would be a major event called (Help Save Our State of California) and could be broadcast worldwide. Maybe China and Saudi Arabia would donate a billion or two for the cause to keep the 9th largest economy in the world, California, a float since the U.S. government is broke and can not help. Would this be too embarrassing to everyone to even attempt such a fundraiser?

Is what is happening to California financially a precursor to what is going to happen to the entire U.S. economy in the near future?

[edit on 3-6-2009 by amari]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:05 PM
This is a difficult and fascinating problem for CA. On the one hand, the drop in property taxes, loss of jobs, lowered business profits all eliminating a lot of the tax revenues. On the other hand, no existing contingency plan to make the state work on a restricted income level.

Enforcement of existing laws by the state would have prevented the budget shortfall, and it is here one can place the primary problem. I am referring to deportation. Deportation of illegals would be a problem for farmers and small businesses who need low income workers to function. Loss of low income workers would cause business failures for a time, but these gaps could be filled with locals who are willing to work for the right price. Increased wages provide increased income for the state. By not enforcing their laws, the state has restricted revenues while at the same time provided benefits for those who have no entitlement.

This is a problem of government, which is not caused by the will of the people. If people have enacted legislation to prevent these problems, the state should have enforced these laws. I have no idea why the state is not enforcing the laws. If it is a problem of cost, manpower, or will I will never know. However, the fruits of inattention are borne in the hours of aftermath. The people speak in ballots to prevent the use of bullets. It is the oath and responsibility of the elected officials to hear and obey the will of the people. If a disconnect has occurred, we are now becoming aware of it.

Likely, the US will reneg and provide bailout funds. However, the CA financial standing would so suffer as to make government more (if you can imagine) difficult next year.

CA has a record of party before participation in the budget process, now again blossoming as a carrion flower to attract the usual maggots of special interest while the people do their usual work and silently trust our officers of state with the safety of future generations. Simple politics are needed today: balance, inspect, enforce, reward....not flim-flam.

[edit on 3-6-2009 by Jim Scott]

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife

They only buy what they need to get by for the most part.

That's called "Living within your means". Something you might also call "Personal Responsiblity"

Gee, maybe that's something those of Us who are upside down in our "MAcMansions" (bought on ridiculous low interest ARM's), with our gas-hog, still-being-paid-for SUV in the driveway, watching the game on a bought-on-easy-credit 52" flat screen, should consider.

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
It isn't hard, you send the paddy wagon around pick them all up put them on a bus and send the bus across the boarder to be dropped off. They already know where to pick them up at.

Right. You think one paddy wagon will be enough? Who get's to pay for all the wagons we'll need, Huh? And those buses don't run on dreams you know. Some one's got to buy all the gas, right? That gonna be you? Didn't think so.

And who's going to drive all those paddy wagons, my friend? You think they'll just Volunteer their time "for the Good of the Cause"? Or do you suppose that they, too, might like to earn a living wage for their efforts?

Who's pocket do you propse to pick to pay their salaries?

That's right, bubbie, those are TAXES we're talkin' about!

The same taxes your kind are cryin' about being "too high". Sounds to me like you want to raise them even higher to pay for your "Fianal Solution".

Well, I'm not biting.

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
Most illegals work under the the table, which means most of them don't pay taxes, replacing them with legal labor will employ American's.

Ignorance speaketh. At least in California.

To work, you need a social security number.

No, it does not have to be Your social security number; any number will do.

Who's responsibility is it to verify that the SSN matches the employee? The Employer, that's who.

Of course the employers complain that it's "too expensive", too much paperwork", "too much government interference with the small business-owner", to bother with SSN verification.

By and large, illegals are more likely to file their tax returns than legal citizens.

Who are the folks most likely to be paid "under the table" and to avoid paying taxes by not filing tax returns: Dead-beat Parents!

Illegals file thier taxes to gain access to the same benefits that All taxpayers have a right to; things like education and medical care, as well as roads, clean water, and police and fire protection.

True, proportionately, illegals pay less in state and federal taxes than legal citizens. But this is simply because they make less than the average citizen.

Many don't make enough to even have to pay any taxes, living so far below the poverty line you'd hardly call it "living".

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
Sorry I don't have sympathy for people that break legitimate laws.

Unless they look like you and are willing to give you a job, right?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife

That is why I will always choose liberty over safety, with liberty I can always create my own safety.

Very profound statement there.

Until some one decides one day that your liberty threatens Their safety.

"An Eye for An Eye Leaves the Whole World Blind".

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 02:54 PM
So California runs out of money in two weeks. Shock horror, who cares? The US government has been operating in the red for quite some time now and they seem to be doing just fine.

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