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What if DNA is an alien implant

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posted on May, 10 2009 @ 06:37 AM
What if our DNA is actually the thing that is holding us back? What if DNA is actually an alien implant that is controlling us? Could DNA be the control behind our matrix?

DNA as an Implant
Let’s return to the link between DNA and consciousness. Scientists have tried for many years to establish how DNA could be influenced by emotional states and consciousness, and, vice versa, how DNA can influence us. Eric Kandel, who won the Nobel Prize in 2000, discovered that genetic differences between individuals are due to society and mental conditioning, as well as to parental genes. Japanese scientist Masuro Emoto has conducted experiments with water in crystalline form that show how ice crystals are affected by sound. He also conducted a series of experiments that show how the formation of water crystals is determined by certain words of a positive and negative connotation. With positive words, the structures generated in water are regular, harmonious and esthetic in form. With negative words, they assume jagged, irregular forms. Recall that DNA is an aperiodic crystal that reacts to waves and other electromagnetic phenomena. We may assume there is an influence of a vibratory kind between DNA and its environment.

Recent work by Russian biologist Piotr Garjajev and some Russian linguistic experts suggests the same thing, and, more specifically, this research may show that junk DNA, rather than being a discard, is “a computer hologram that works with laser-type radiations.” In short, DNA is an extraordinary generator of perceptions, an instrument of virtual reality.

DNA is an instrument of virtual reality! Could our DNA be what is creating the matrix I believe we live in. I believe we are beings of higher awarness and have been trapped by other entities many thousands of years ago. Did reptilians implant us with foreign DNA to control us?

David Icke, a well-known investigator of the "reptilian agenda", has proposed a much-discussed idea concerning the link between DNA, emotion and consciousness. In fact, human consciousness manifests mainly through the medium of emotions. These fall roughly into typical categories: love, hate, fear, anger, desire, etc. With plenty of nuances, of course. It can be said that these emotions encapsulate our consciousness, they channel our means of expression into narrow bands. Icke reckons that DNA is actually responsible for the reduction of consciousness to the point where our emotional activity has nothing to do with our real consciousness. A great many spiritual disciplines (for instance, Buddhist meditation) address this situation. Pure consciousness has nothing to do with our emotional states, on the contrary, our emotions imprison us — so Icke would argue. By accepting the link between DNA and emotional and mental activities, we may begin to imagine DNA as a complex program that directs the life process (regulating our metabolism, for instance), but impedes our consciousness from complete manifestation.

I dont really follow David Icke much but he seems to be saying DNA has nothing to do with pure consciousness , which I would tend to agree with. Is DNA a complex programme placed in us by reptilians?

Nigel Kerner says something similar when he treats both DNA and the entire human body (brain and skeleton) as a sort of antenna structure. It is through this antenna that our consciousness manifests, but in a deformed and diminished manner. Our consciousness, Kerner says, is inspired by the Prime Being, the perfect state from which we issue. But this antenna suffers interference by parasitical entities, and so our consciousness is altered and manipulated in ways that make us suffer.

Our consciousness comes from the prime being (source) but this "DNA implant" is being used as an antenna for parasitic beings (greys/reptilians???) to alter, control and manipulate us and seek energy through.

Were we totally different beings before this DNA was implanted into us? I must admit when you think about it, DNA is the perfect alien implant. Yes DNA is required to code for our bodies but it also plays a great role in generating beliefs, emotions and also through this holds us back. Many of us have lost age old wisdom I believe that has either been taken or blocked possibly by a DNA implant.


[edit on 10-5-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 07:27 AM

Kerner says that due to the intervention of the Greys we are no longer in touch with our true potential, our true spirit and our link with the Prime Being that created us:

We are caught in a physical existence because we have certain ‘restrictions’ certain qualities that reflect a lack of understanding of the true nature of reality. Qualities such as hate, envy, greed, aggression, etc. These qualities are mental momentums that separate parts as the Universe separates parts. They are the consciousness equivalent of the physical entropic momentums for separation in the universe. Thus they provide ‘scratches’ and ‘dirty marks’ on the individual ‘lenses’ through which the light of God shines into us. These blemishes distort and twist that light defining each of our individualities as extents of difference to that light. That’s how we defined our individualities in the first place. Alien interception provides extra scratches and dirty marks that are extra to our own ‘restrictions’ or ‘sins’. Thus alien interception is an imposition on us.... Their predatory nature is due to the fact that they see us as their experimental subjects. If they were human and were acting out of motives of cruelty or hatred then these things would lead to their own destruction as a people in time but because they are just self-generating machines – they can continue following their agenda as long as there is physically-based sentient life to prey on.

So did the Greys "scratch" our link to the prime creator? Did they along with the reptilians implant/alter DNA to keep us physically based sentient beings in order to continue their agenda and prey on us?
Maybe as we progress as beings we are altering our own DNA back to what it should be and this is why we are being abducted, samples keep us in their we become aware on a genetic level they just come in and alter us again. If we advanced beyond the point of control..who would the reptilians/greys then have to continue their agenda of consumming/using 3D entities . They need energy/slaves from somewhere and so its in their interest to keep our DNA implanted maybe.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 07:42 AM

It very well could be.
I think I read one guys thread about 2012 and the ascension and apparently we'll get 26 strand DNA.
With that we'll develope telepathy etc.

So yeah, everythings a possibility.



posted on May, 10 2009 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by JacobNH

It very well could be.
I think I read one guys thread about 2012 and the ascension and apparently we'll get 26 strand DNA.
With that we'll develope telepathy etc.

But what if we DONT need any of this DNA, what if its all just more alien intervention, more implants to keep us constantly imprisoned? What if we actually need to get rid of DNA? Why would we possibly need 26 strands of DNA?? DNA is a physical requirement, isnt ascension (going to the 4D) all about becoming more aware, becoming less stuck in the physical? To me more DNA even if its is crystaline, is just more encoding, more anchoring not less?
When people travel astrally, they dont use their bodies is that right? So why would more DNA help us become 4D?
I know they say we need these strands to activate these so called light filaments to rise as light or what ever but really is it true???

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Ah now i see where your going.

But what would happen right now if someone took all our DNA right out of our bodies?
I dont think its possible, but what would happen?
It contains all our genetic information etc.
Like Jurrasic Park for example, they re created Dinos because they found a DNA strand and cloned it.

I just think it contains all our gentic info, but like i said, everythings a possibility.



posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:07 AM
Is it true that Humans have a part reptilian brain?

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by DEM0N
Is it true that Humans have a part reptilian brain?

yes I think that is true. Maybe thats the core of our reptilian implant, the one thats coded in this foreign DNA implant. Its going to be very difficult to re discover who we really are while we have a reptilian part to our brain maybe. I just think maybe we have TOO much foreign DNA, maybe as 3D beings we do need DNA but ours is no longer pure human, so we are unable to progress to the 4D correctly. Aliens have seen to this and made it very difficult now for us...maybe?

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by JacobNH
reply to post by Mr Green

Ah now i see where your going.

But what would happen right now if someone took all our DNA right out of our bodies?
I dont think its possible, but what would happen?
It contains all our genetic information etc.

What would happen if all our DNA was removed? Well the shell we live in would be just that a shell of form. I believe we are consciousness trapped in physical form anyway so I think Id just become pure consciousness again and experience what a dead person experiences...what ever that is...the source maybe?

Im not saying as 3D entities we dont require DNA, we do as our bodies are coded in it...but what if our DNA has become an alien implant..its not our true human DNA anymore.

I believe our main directive is to become more aware, move through the densities, as we do this we become more energy than form, we come closer to our true form which is pure consciousness, and DNA is required less and less maybe. Consciousness exists without form so why would it need DNA , or more DNA as it gets closer to its source and further away from the physical dimensions?

I think form is just a manifestation of the one source, it created the physical to experience form but is not of form. DNA is just a tool to code for form so why do we need more and more of it as we move away from form?

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 09:13 AM

Some individuals, doubting claims of reptilian humanoid sightings or contacts, suggest that the mythological preeminence of reptilian forms could stem from a genetic memory of instincts developed millions of years ago, when mammals were the prey of the reptiles which dominated the Earth. Dreams of reptiles are often interpreted as symbolizing "ancient drives" and "instinctive responses".

What if this did happen million of years ago, and now we have a reptilian genetic memory due to being dominated by reptilians, and now this genetic memory (implant) is blocking our true human memory?

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 10:47 AM
Hey, I had a bit of an experience last night watching all 11 of Coast to Coast's interview with Mary Rodwell, the founder of acern. I highly recommend this, for all people in any way interested in ufology, or who feel they have been experiencing contact through any form including abductions. My own experience seem to be in relation to seeing some of the drawings of script yet again, and was a very positive one. I don't think the future is bleak for the human race, and feel instead our leaders have been trying to prevent our upgrade from taking place by putting out microwaves, cell phones, MC, NLP, to block it. I saw a future of being taught, being greatly enhanced, a world were everyone shared equally and no one was hungry, and religions transformed as well, where ownership became joint and people started providing homes for themselves and each other (cooperatively in eco villages). I just saw this around the corner.

I wish we could get a big online forum/group like hers going here in North America, with local chapters. She looks for the patterns amongst her clients and has discovered so much. This is part 5, because I took notes on it as it pertains to the dna, to the Russian language study, but I recommend starting at 1.

"One of the things people are impelled to do through having contact was manifest things like strange languages um they would actually write strange scripts and hierogliphs, sometimes geometric drawings, some which were sacred geometry, this kind of thing. I was absolutely fascinated that this wasn't an area that generally was being explored and its very much, as any art therapist knows, you manifest from your experiences through artwork and other expressions phsychologically and emotionally of course as well. And what I found was some of these scripts was being done by many many many people all over the world. The two documentaries that I did actually show visually some of these scripts and I've had people writing to me from Alaska, Japan, who have said, "Mary, I used to do those. And I didn't know why I did them." ...

She said not only did she learn her healings through her et contact but some of these scripts are hollographic information. She said like one script alone is enough information to fill a room with encyclopedias if you like so it seems like they're bringing through information in a hollographic way, in a quantum way almost...

(asked about coming away with psychic powers, healing gifts etc) Its absolutely enormous for some of them ....they seem to be aware of energy and how frequency works... in the beginning I was...trying to look for patterns because thats all I could many ways now science is coming to the party ...some of the things my clients would be telling, for ex., some of the frequencies they're bringing in are here to change our very dna for and upgrade homosapien sapiens into homonoeticus...we need certain frequencies and they're bringing these frequencies in through the languages...through the drawings...through the crop circles. ...the latest research in Russia, our very dna can be changed by language, by words and frequencies, and this was mindblowing because it fitted in so much with what the experiencers were saying....we don't acually need to splice out 40 genes, we just need the right language to reprogram our dna and here we get experiencers saying they're here to change things, to help humanity and they're bringing in all these languages and frequencies..

[edit on 10-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 11:02 AM
Heres a philosphical/logical argument for the positive nature of the hierarchy of evolution of ets, and what is happening. I watched or read a scientist stating that some of of the stars are billions of years older than ours. That one sentence is all you need.

In the universe, if only a tiny percent were billions of years ahead of ours, and out of that small percent, only a small percent developed senitent life, and out of that small percent, only a smaller percent avoided major reset buttons and warfare, and moved away from their home planet, you still have a huge number of civilizations that are billions of years ahead of us technologically and spiritually, and this universe is now their project, co-creationally with the Creator.

[edit on 10-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 11:13 AM
And another incredible series of coast to coast interviews with David Sereda:

Hidden Harmonic Codes of the Universe.

[edit on 10-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 11:38 AM
I don't think anyone on earth is really going to figure anything out as fact about any of this. We're going to continue to throw around theories but never reach an end. I'm not saying that we're not smart enough, but more like we don't have the capacity to know how these things work. A cosmic ignorance I guess. We base all our knowledge on science we've collected and studied on earth. There's way to many factors of environments, elements, biology, etc. to consider when thinking about other star systems, galaxies, planets and EBEs.

For all we know, all our ways of measuring things could be completely wrong according to the other civilizations. We are a young planet, and like kids we can't figure things out on our own, we need to be taught...but not by other kids, by adults and until we find them or they find us, I'm afraid we can't grow up, spiritually, physically or mentally.

[edit on 10-5-2009 by conjure314]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by JacobNH

It very well could be.
I think I read one guys thread about 2012 and the ascension and apparently we'll get 26 strand DNA.
With that we'll develope telepathy etc.

So yeah, everythings a possibility.



where did you read that if you could post the link id appreciate it id like to read it

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 11:45 AM
If you would watch Mary Rodwell's interview, who works with experiencers, and is contact with countless more around the world, you might understand this is not philosophical. Its hands on contact with a purpose. As an experiencer, with testimony given on many posts of the et script activating and bringing together all the numerous memories, sitings and information I already had since childhood as to what was occurring in my life, I have to say, her work is the best I've seen so far. And the positive accounts generally experienced with over 40 species her clients have described and drawn, including in the medical, that when many were taken deeper into the memories they suddenly realized, this was being done to help them, fits into my own, which I still perceive as positive. This is the best look at contact, drawing connections and comparisons amongst countless experiences, you will find.

[edit on 10-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 11:53 AM
Good thread, Mr. Green.

From what I read and understand about this density talk, the higher you go in densities, the more mass you lose from your body (vehicle) thus shedding DNA, no?

The goal is to get to a light-being, which has no flesh - no DNA...

But maybe our DNA right now as we know it is not activated correctly, or it is on the verge of being activated. Maybe 4th density entails the activation of our DNA. That's what I believe.

Oooh boy, I can't wait to make it to the 4th, although I may have to repeat it here in the 3rd a few more times until I get it right(I hope not!)...


posted on May, 10 2009 @ 12:33 PM
I love all your threads! But what got to me was that this is far more than a coincidence, the similarity between this concept, and my experience last night, when I woke up trying to make sense of it, trying to see where it fit into what was currently being discussed on ATS, and when I read what you wrote about the Russian Study and the potential rewriting of our code, the synchronicity and timing became even amazing.

Based on the similarities being brought forward in the script, and what it does to people even, this made me think of the ancient phoenician, sanskrit, aramaic languages, the heirogliphs of Egypt. Were these also to reprogram dna itself?

The cartel knowing this themselves, successfully brought in the change of our musical scale from the 432 hz, the universal mathematical harmonics, to the 440 hz that brings discord in the 50s, but its more than discord. This along with their poisons and frequencies are designed to negatively reprogram our dna.

But what I saw happening was something so positive, I saw our leaders and those they serve giving up. That part about non-terran civilizations being billions of years ahead of us in technology, means that the big brass is far beyond many different groups of visitors even. With decisions of this nature coming down from the highest levels, what point is resisting the upgrade? Its going to occur anyway.

[edit on 10-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
The cartel knowing this themselves, successfully brought in the change of our musical scale from the 432 hz, the universal mathematical harmonics, to the 440 hz that brings discord in the 50s, but its more than discord. This along with their poisons and frequencies are designed to negatively reprogram our dna.
[edit on 10-5-2009 by mystiq]

Hey, I've heard this before. And I don't mean to deviate from the topic, but I''m a musician and I make music. I wonder how it would sound if I pitch shifted my songs down 8 hz.

Ok, maybe I can make a contribution here...
What if we took all of the music we listen to and run it through a pitch shifter down 8 hz? I would have to do math to figure out how many cents that would be, but it would be interesting to see if it had some sort of effect on us.

I'm sure a script could be made to do a batch pitch-shift. Would take some computing power and time, however...

Is this even worth it what I am talking about???

Edit for spelling!

[edit on 5/10/2009 by impaired]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by impaired

Originally posted by mystiq
The cartel knowing this themselves, successfully brought in the change of our musical scale from the 432 hz, the universal mathematical harmonics, to the 440 hz that brings discord in the 50s, but its more than discord. This along with their poisons and frequencies are designed to negatively reprogram our dna.
[edit on 10-5-2009 by mystiq]

Hey, I've heard this before. And I don't mean to deviate from the topic, but I''m a musician and I make music. I wonder how it would sound if I pitch shifted my songs down 8 hz.

Ok, maybe I can make a contribution here...
What if we took all of the music we listen to and run it through a pitch shifter down 8 hz? I would have to do math to figure out how many cents that would be, but it would be interesting to see if it had some sort of effect on us.

I'm sure a script could be made to do a batch pitch-shift. Would take some computing power and time, however...

Is this even worth it what I am talking about???

Edit for spelling!

[edit on 5/10/2009 by impaired] Really good thread on this subject! But theres a lot of information on google, and apparently easily done. I was listening to the 432 hz music on youtubes and it just made me sag in relief, like a huge sigh from my spirit, and I felt a kind of initial healing taking place. It was such a strong feeling I turned off my car radio, because I feel sensitive to the other.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 12:58 PM
this could be a big breakthrough for science

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