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Jim Boswell incident - PROOF POSITIVE!!!

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posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 04:24 PM
see for summary and videos.


Jim Boswell has been a target of suppression in recent weeks (March-April 2009 timeframe). Since articles were posted online several weeks ago discussing Jim's advanced energy technologies, Jim has experienced the following:

* Jim has received multiple death threats over the phone.

* Jim received a hard copy death threat - placed on the windshield of his vehicle.

* Unmarked vehicles have been parked outside Jim's house at night on several occasions. Whenever Jim walks outside to confront the person(s), the vehicles quickly drive away.

* Two uninvited men interrupted a meeting in Texas between Jim and a prospective investor, one of which claimed he was former NSA, using a fake name to identify himself. After one of the men briefly walked out of the room to make a phone call, this man walked back into the room and mentioned information that could only have been known by someone monitoring Jim's email/phone communications.

* The morning after Jim posted a video on youtube demonstrating his technology, a man parked his personal vehicle outside Jim's house, placed a PG&E cone behind the vehicle, and was loitering around Jim's house and accessed Jim's home electrical box outside. Jim walked outside and confronted the man. The man immediately walked to his vehicle. Jim walked inside, grabbed his camcorder and recorded the man leaving. In one of the videos, the man can be seen holding a taser close to his leg. The license plates were recorded on the video. The local police department said the gentleman has a long list of convictions, to include being hired as a hit man. A private investigator identified the owner of the vehicle by name, and an internet search for the name brought up only one name on the Fresno area. This individual's mother was also listed on the registration of the vehicle. She was murdered in 2006 according to online articles. This individual is considered very dangerous, so do not approach or contact him directly. For the videos, see or

* PG&E confirmed that no one was scheduled for an appointment to work on Jim's house electrical box on that day. The phone call is recorded.

* Jim received a death threat on paper the night after the abovementioned incident stating:





Jim's phones are apparently monitored by an outside party with covert electronic surveillance capabilities, based on information conveyed in the threatening phone calls and from one of the two men who interrupted Jim's meeting with a prospective investor in TX. Jim can hear a click shortly after he begins a phone call. The measured voltage on his phone line increases from ~24V to ~40 volts when the click occurs, and the voltage returns to ~24V when another click is heard towards the end of his phone calls or when it is determined that he is talking about an unrelated topic that is not of interest to the monitoring party.


Based on other advanced energy researchers' experiences of suppression, the next likely event is vehicular assault, where someone will drive into Jim, run him off the road, try to hit him in a parking lot or on the street, etc., in order to stop him from continuing his work and public interactions, to ensure his technology does not make it out to the public. All of the abovementioned information can be confirmed upon request. Simply repost this information somewhere on the internet with a request to be contacted via email (anonymous email OK), and within a few days the search engines can be used to identify keyword phrases from this original post, and a message will be sent to the email posted along with this message.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 04:38 PM
He also sent a letter out, saying that unless he gets 100,000 dollars immediately this will continue.......


Actually i'm not sure if it's the same guy?

[edit on 20-4-2009 by Republican08]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 06:20 AM
The $100K thing must be someone else. Standby fellow forum members. One way or the other, there will be closure on this one. Someone in the overunity forum brought up an article posted by Sterling Allan, so let's address that. Sterling is a blogger...nothing more, and his articles are biased to read whatever he wants to spoonfeed the public, in order to make a name for himself and as much money as possible off the google click ads. I met with Jim Boswell four days ago, as well as his father, mother in law and three kids. The guy in the video where the car is parked outside his home happened to be carrying a taser before he left - it's on one of the videos. Jim made a good decision in hindsight to stay inside after initially confronting what has been determined by local authorities to be a very dangerous character and his identity was confirmed by a private investigator. You're not allowed to carry firearms outside your home in CA without a permit. Worth noting is how difficult it is to convince outside parties that something is going on when no one is siding with an inventor, so imagine how much fun it is to convince authorities that official intervention is warranted...there's a reason adv energy techs have yet to see the light of day, and this is one of the reasons - overzealous (and blind) skepticism. Some skepticism is warranted, yet one must also possess the ability to see things as they are, or nothing will look real enough to support, even if it is open sourced.

If you've been watching the news, you've probably noticed how cold fusion is suddently OK...20 YEARS LATER?!!!...give me a break. has over three THOUSAND publication listed on cold fusion - an ongoing field of research, and yet if the media suddenly gives its blessing, it's real. pathetic. Cold fusion units could have been fully developed by this time if the skeptics hadn't won out 20 years ago, so don't think skeptics are doing us favors - more to the contrary...they serve to perpetuate the status quo, which is destroying our civilization and planet's ecosystem.

The primary intent of this post is to bring attention to what has transpired as a means of minimizing the possibility of future incidents. Death threats should be taken seriously, don't you think? And...Jim continues to discuss the possibility of open sourcing, as recently as a few hours ago in an email. Sterling's caustic articles and disposition over the phone towards inventors like Jim rub them (and everyone else) the wrong way, and when an inventor doesn't provide Sterling the info he wants so Sterling can make money off of them, he turns on them, as evidenced by his recent activity, specifically with Peter Sumaruck and Jim Boswell. ALL INVENTORS are warned not to work with Sterling or his "former" NSA sidekick Jim Dunn, as they will immediately start telling the inventors what to do and what will be posted or not posted online, and if there's money to be made through conventional venture deals, they demand the techs 'go black', with virtually nothing remaining online about the techs. I was on a teleconference last year, and the first thing they did when the inventor agreed to work with them was to have everything on the Internet wiped clean. Well, word is already out on the street, so none of the researchers who actually have something are ever going to work with Sterling at the blog helm. Also, everyone I've talked to find it completely mind boggling for anyone to justify taking as much money for open source techs as the inventors themselves, something Sterling is also doing with that recent magnetic tech, as if the rest of us aren't doing anything to bring these techs into the light of day.

Ditch self for a change and you'll be AMAZED at what becomes possible...what a concept.

[edit on 21-4-2009 by toddhathaway]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by toddhathaway

Hi Mr. Hathaway,

I have to say, I'm rather shocked to see you slagging Sterling Allan, when he and NEC have one of the best, most in-depth, most informative sites in the New Energy community.....

Surely the last thing the new energy movement needs is in-fighting amongst the top players?

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 04:35 PM
I don't think this machine is for real, and if it is, I got 15.000 waiting for a unit.

To be honest, deep down, I hate people like this guy. If, by any chance, this machine is for real, he aught to share it with the world, so that we can become independent and make real progress.

I can allready hear those who say "this man has a right to earn money of it", well, maybe they are right. But think about this, if he ever goes in to production, there is allways some jackass (living in china) who rips the machine apart and replicates it. Specially seeing it is so easy to make. But guess what, it will NEVER go in to production, he will be dead before he can ever enjoy his riches.

If he keeps this invention to himself, he will also be killed, for if the machine is real, there are powers out there who will do anything to stop it from being sold to the public. So, either way, he's #ed, and we keep paying our electric bills, like we allways will.

The first thing I would do, is dump the blueprints on the Internet. It's one thing to invent and sell a gadget that makes computing 100 times faster for instance, it's another when you invent something that mankind ABSOLUTELY needs, in more ways then one.

Just a (nother) wet dream....

[edit on 21-4-2009 by 2Faced]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 07:01 PM
Regarding serving the world with the technology, you're a fellow forum member after my own heart (minus the bashing the inventor you never met part...). Standby, mon amigo...standby. The stage is being set. Future updates (from me) will only be made available at

Regarding bloggers like Sterling or the legitimate energy 'community', I have no interest in identifying myself as a person of significance or a leader in the alternative energy community, if you so choose to identify the collective efforts of independent parties as a community. There is a purpose to fulfill in supporting advanced energy inventors, and it is NOT to criticize their every word and deed in order to cover your own a$$ and perpetuate self-interest. The only reason specific threat info on Jim Boswell has gone public is to ensure his safety and prevent other inventors from making the mistake of collaborating with parties who do not have the interests of the inventors at heart first and foremost.

[edit on 21-4-2009 by toddhathaway]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 07:09 PM
I was highly disappointed in the huge price tag for this home-made energy source. Ready to clear my savings, I balked at $15,000 - $30,000 (two sizes). Those figures do not imply, to me, that he's looking to provide a cheap energy source, and if he's considering soaking the government for all he can get without them knowing who he is - he's delusional.

Another site indicates he's already sold a few. If that's the case, he'd have a glorious lawyer and money for body-guards. That is, if he just happens to not be smart with money even though he can recreate a Tesla design? Really, now. And the guy in the car? Easily bought with money, so I'm not buying it. I think that's why no one else is, either.

He should sell the knuckles out of 'em and let be what will be- if it's real.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 07:20 PM
link basically what you're saying is you just hate the guy and want him dead. Well, you're not the only one apparently, as evidenced by recent incidents - hey, maybe they're wonder adv energy researchers who actually have something stay away from public forums...

It actually costs money to make the units and go into production - Jim told me the entire saga from start to finish and his actions make perfect sense. He sold a few and installed the most proprietary component himself once the Chinese build the shell of the unit, but he was informed by who he considered a reliable source that the Chinese were planning on stealing it outright as soon as they got ahold of a complete unit, so he stopped production...makes sense. My experience of him suggests that his technology is legit, and you NEVER talked to him or visited him, so your comments are borne out of ignorance.

What is noteworthy is the purely negative comments towards adv energy inventors like Jim without any inkling of what is happening, suggesting that it would be impossible to move adv energy initiatives forward through public forums such as this. This is the same negative disposition I experienced over ten years ago when supporting cold fusion sad.

There is no plan B in place to salvage what's left of our economy...skeptics to new ideas are the worst enemy to any hope for a solution. A solution will certainly NOT be found through online forums and bloggers, so future posts to public forums will not be made available. is the only web site where future posts (from me) will be made available to the public.

Originally posted by moviemoron
I was highly disappointed in the huge price tag for this home-made energy source. Ready to clear my savings, I balked at $15,000 - $30,000 (two sizes). Those figures do not imply, to me, that he's looking to provide a cheap energy source, and if he's considering soaking the government for all he can get without them knowing who he is - he's delusional.

Another site indicates he's already sold a few. If that's the case, he'd have a glorious lawyer and money for body-guards. That is, if he just happens to not be smart with money even though he can recreate a Tesla design? Really, now. And the guy in the car? Easily bought with money, so I'm not buying it. I think that's why no one else is, either.

He should sell the knuckles out of 'em and let be what will be- if it's real.

[edit on 21-4-2009 by toddhathaway]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 07:43 PM
Considering this is my first post, I will conclude that all my future posts (if I do so) will be automatically construed to mean that I am a terrorist. Please, keep it nice, man. I'm just looking for hope like the rest of the universe. I hope the guy is sincere. In time, I will know you better, then I can validate the source of your posts. Until then, I will be respectfully patient. Meanwhile, unless I directly refer to ya, I'm not talking about YOU, so there's no need for you to take it personally. Btw, I'm a manufacturer. I know well that high production reduces the overall price. Like every one else, until there are facts to the ingredients, etc. It just doesn't add up. Logic is, as transparency evolves.

Please, don't ever refer to me in the negative terms as wanting to 'hate' or 'kill' anyone again. I wish you well.


posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by toddhathaway
Regarding serving the world with the technology, you're a fellow forum member after my own heart (minus the bashing the inventor you never met part...). Standby, mon amigo...standby. The stage is being set. Future updates (from me) will only be made available at

Regarding bloggers like Sterling or the legitimate energy 'community', I have no interest in identifying myself as a person of significance or a leader in the alternative energy community, if you so choose to identify the collective efforts of independent parties as a community. There is a purpose to fulfill in supporting advanced energy inventors, and it is NOT to criticize their every word and deed in order to cover your own a$$ and perpetuate self-interest. The only reason specific threat info on Jim Boswell has gone public is to ensure his safety and prevent other inventors from making the mistake of collaborating with parties who do not have the interests of the inventors at heart first and foremost.

[edit on 21-4-2009 by toddhathaway]

You're right, I don't know the guy. But I have read and heard these kinds of story's before, and they all involve an inventor and some "black van types" who try to prevent the invention from being brought to the world.

Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to buy one of his machines, if it really works. Even the price is reasonable, but If the machine is real, the threat to his life is also VERRY real, Because he holds the future of mankind in his hands. The bad guys know this, and want to keep control.

I do not hate his person, for that I have to know him and his objectives. But I do hate the way they go about presenting an invention that will have the most dramatic impact on the way we people live our daily lives. It will change the world within days of switching on the first consumer model.

I even think that his riches will only last for a short while. Because once we get rid of the energy/polution problem, people could become more self sufficient. For instance, growing your own food will become MUCH easyer with the aid of free energy. Even eskimo's will be able to grow corn and bananas at home. EVERYTHING needs energy. Economies will fall like flies.

I can only dream of what could and would happen, if this machine is real and sold all over the world. Like I said; WET DREAM.
Nothing personal.

I will be following your blog with great interrest. I really hope he has the real deal, and hope he does the RIGHT thing with it.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 05:22 AM
the right thing being making it open source immediately so that it doesn't get suppressed into secrecy, and lost forever...

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by sticky
the right thing being making it open source immediately so that it doesn't get suppressed into secrecy, and lost forever...

Amen to that!

Line two is an Hooray for opensource!


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