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Apocalypse Means a Revealing of a Secret.

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posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 02:39 PM
An infinitely loving God intentionally created a world of good and evil in order to experience mercy, compassion and other emotions. It would not be enough to merely reason what it might be like to lose a loved one; a loving God would have a great desire to experience the emotion of grief in order to understand love. God would have to hide His presence from us since He transcends time and would have to experience many emotions through us.

Creation would have to be done in just the right way. Satan was given power, but was not given the ability to love others. Humans were given the ability to love, but were made puny. God prefers the humans, but Satan is jealous and views them to be insignificant.

God established a Law that will cause all evil to be destroyed in the end. Satan must be careful to avoid violating the Law, so Satan brings a spirit of self-love into the world causing humans to violate the Law. By doing this, Satan believes he has shown that power is the true measure of greatness. The Law is based on love, but loveless Satan can live up to the Law through his powerful will while loving humans fail to live up to the Law because of their weakness.

Satan expects God to revise the Law, but the devil does exactly what God knew he would do. With loving humans influenced by a selfish spirit, conditions are created for the existence of creatures capable of both good and evil; and this is one of the conditions that God needed to establish in order for this learning experience to be successful. Within creation God lays a trap for Satan.

There is only one God. The Spirit that came into the body of Christ was a small piece of the essence of God, like a ‘chip off the old block’. This is why Jesus is called Son of God and not brother of God. When Jesus was on the cross, God looked away and the devil felt safe unloading his hatred on Christ. This is why Jesus feared the cross. Jesus overcame the Law and returned to God; but in the end Jesus will return to complete Oneness with God. The memories of Christ become the memories of God, and God will be a witness against Satan.

Jesus must discard His flesh, so it is only fair that our flesh be discarded. This means our spirit will be judged separately, and the spirit of love within us is perfect so we overcome the Law. This is true for all people who possess the ability to love unselfishly regardless of their religious belief or non-belief. All people who possess the ability to love will have eternal life in Heaven by the grace of Christ. Love is shown to be the true measure of greatness since billions of tiny spirits of love were all able to overcome powerful Satan, but powerful Satan could not overcome his inability to love.

This is why Satan becomes enraged and must be cast from Heaven in the end. Satan will be enraged once this revelation of his demise is distributed sufficiently for him to take it seriously. By getting Satan cast from Heaven, this revelation triggers Armageddon, so it could not have been revealed until just before the end, and the “unorthodox” label is unavoidable. It may be unlike any traditional theology; but it makes more sense than substitution atonement and other concepts that have been part of theology for centuries.

This theory is remarkably consistent with the actual text of the Bible. It causes the Bible to make more sense. God was a harsh disciplinarian in the Torah since God was laying a trap for Satan. The Bible says we are judged by our works, but it also says we only make it to Heaven through Christ, and it says that God predetermined who would go to Heaven. People have argued over these conflicting passages for centuries. According to this new view of the Bible, God predetermined who would be born with a spirit of love, but only through Christ can the separation of spirit from flesh be justified, and on the Day of Judgment, both spirit and flesh will be judged by their works. The solution to a riddle reconciles all the clues.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Done222

Why would an all-powerful God have needed to lay a trap for Satan? Why make a game of it all?

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:03 PM
so god created an enemy that he knew he would defeat??

He should of created the xbox 360 for himself, would save him alot of hassel.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by '___'eviant

God's not going to destroy Satan without justifying it. If, in fact, Satan is destroyed.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:14 PM
god created all beings becuse he was alone, just him and the void in the begining.So ya he created stuff he made friends,and he didnt want them to be slaves or robots so we all have personalitys.And just like some of our kids some beings rebel,its not hard to see,just think of parents and children lol,and ya u dont always get or want to pick what your child will be like,the little suprises make it worthwhile.anyway just my thoughts

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Trolloks

It's not a game. It's not about winning.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by devareous

God transcends time. God saw the end from the beginning. As stated in the Bible, “God created evil for the day of destruction”.

You may need to avoid or re-define those parts of the Bible that say God created evil. I have no problem with these passages.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:21 PM
Here's a thought....everything works by polarities....with that thought in mind all
that is positive in the Creators universe would need the negativity of the Christian concept of "Satan" to balance things out...thus the explanation of such so that humans could understand it.

In the end, destroy the "evil" (opposite) of "good" and one would have an apocalypse...because the polarities would have no balance point.

Who ever said that the Creator didn't have a sense of humor???


posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

I hate to think that evil is necessary for existence. That means things can never be better than they are now.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Done222
reply to post by '___'eviant

God's not going to destroy Satan without justifying it. If, in fact, Satan is destroyed.

Now, which are you talking about, Satan, the creation of man, or, Lucifer, the angel cast out of heaven? There is a difference between the two. One was created by man to take the blame for his own wrong doing (you know the story, why should man take responsibility for his own actions, why not create a fall guy?), and the other was created by God and cast from heaven.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Done222
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

I hate to think that evil is necessary for existence. That means things can never be better than they are now.

There is balance in ALL things. As in good and evil. So, why can`t things get better? It will balance itself out with time, just hang in there and watch.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 06:54 PM
I think you are all very silly for even thinking that you can possibly understand or interpret God's wishes.

As a race, we are not evolved enough spiritually to even understand the concept of God, let alone attempt to follow the rules. Relying on a 3000 year old book, rewritten and adjusted for the time, is simply not good enough.

We must understand all of "god's" creations in order for us to possibly even begin to understand the creator.

God is not some dude in the sky with a beard who watches everything we do, God is a life force, and infinite and ever expanding web of life. Satan is nothing more than a man made myth in order for people in power to abuse and control people with weaker spirits.

Organized religion has ruined our abiblity to truly understand the path of the sould and spirituality. Until we realize that we truly dont' know anything about anything, can start to understand something so complex and truly holy.

It makes no sense that God would have created somebody to fight with, as this ofcourse would only lead to large scale conflict among other creations. If this is in fact the work of "god", having created all of this hate, and "Satan" as you would call him, then we are nothing more than his little science project.

We are here to understand that we do not know everything, will never know everything, and do shed our souls of the ignorant thought that we are "special" or more than a bunch of extremely well timed coincidences.

It seems we have been cleverly fooled into thinking that darkness and evil is necessary in order to have a "balanced world". This is not the case. The world yes at times does need to destroy in order to rebuild. But there is no reason why we as a species could not live in continuous peace amongst ourselves as we truly have nothing to fight over other than ridiculously flawed ideology and chest pumping.

Only when we stop drawing imaginary lines in the sand, and stop attempting to tell people that their ideas are wrong, that anybody in this world is better than anybody for any reason, will we truly begin to move towards the light.


[edit on 3/10/2009 by tothetenthpower]

[edit on 3/10/2009 by tothetenthpower]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by FiatLux

Originally posted by Done222
reply to post by '___'eviant

God's not going to destroy Satan without justifying it. If, in fact, Satan is destroyed.

Now, which are you talking about, Satan, the creation of man, or, Lucifer, the angel cast out of heaven? There is a difference between the two. One was created by man to take the blame for his own wrong doing (you know the story, why should man take responsibility for his own actions, why not create a fall guy?), and the other was created by God and cast from heaven.

Many people do believe Lucifer and Satan to be one in the same. Some believe the whole thing is a myth including God, but to each his own.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by FiatLux

Originally posted by Done222
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

I hate to think that evil is necessary for existence. That means things can never be better than they are now.

There is balance in ALL things. As in good and evil. So, why can`t things get better? It will balance itself out with time, just hang in there and watch.

Yes, but evil will still exist right? There will always be hatred, there will always be violence, there will always be falsehood. The level may rise and fall, but things will always be screwn up to some degree.

Granted this idea may be true, but it isn’t all that comforting.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 07:11 PM
Man can't even figure out how the mind of man operates yet in his
arrogance he knows the mind of GOD; How and why God thinks the way he does using primitive conceptual models.

More human intellectual masturbation that results in what?
Keep it up and you will go blind!!

[edit on 10-3-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

Relying on a 3000 year old book, rewritten and adjusted for the time, is simply not good enough.


[edit on 3/10/2009 by tothetenthpower]

[edit on 3/10/2009 by tothetenthpower]

Allegedly this 3000 year old book was inspired by the Creator. If true that would make the Bible the primary source for wisdom and an understanding of God to the degree that we are able to understand God.

Many have a problem with the Bible because of the violence and contradictions. If a person can explain the violence and reconcile the contradictions, this gives the Bible greater credibility and increases the possibility that the Bible really was inspired by God.

Try to overcome the Bible thumpers and the perception of the Bible that they have created. This is not to say that you should agree with me, but understand that this is a different view that changes the perception of the Bible completely.

“Relying on a 3000 year old book, rewritten and adjusted for the time, is simply not good enough.”

Yes, but what if that book was inspired by the Creator?

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Man can't even figure out how the mind of man operates yet in his
arrogance he knows the mind of GOD; How and why God thinks the way he does using primitive conceptual models.

More human intellectual masturbation that results in what?
Keep it up and you will go blind!!

[edit on 10-3-2009 by whaaa]

I don’t claim to understand God. I believe God to be the highest level of reality. I believe God to be infinite perfection. I believe God to transcend all things and be perfect love, compassion, mercy and justice.

What I do claim is to have discovered clues in the Bible that reveal the story of creation.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 07:26 PM
What is God revealing through apocalypse?


Those that think someone will destroy them unless someone or something exists to save them....

Are they in for one almighty surprise?

I'm not in a position to reveal such things.

Evil is curious because it exists a quality which is almost kinder than good.

Being good just because you've been told to be good is not true good, it's lying to get what you desire... but being good out of the virtue of knowing the reasoning for good... knowing why good prevails over evil... BEING good.... that can only be accomplished by experiencing evil.

Evil thinks it is gaining power by enslaving more and more people and things.... but in truth, it is teaching the enslaved how to be free.

How do you break free from material enslavement? You realize who you are..... and you realize how Satan/Lucifer/demons?evil.... is just another half of you. You transcend both good and evil. You become not only a part of God, but God as well.

Once you've fully understood yourself.... then the next step.... is unknown to anyone still here. Hopefully, you don't just wake up born again into the same life over and over again....

Psychotic psychedelic nightmares aren't fun.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Done222

Originally posted by whaaa
Man can't even figure out how the mind of man operates yet in his
arrogance he knows the mind of GOD; How and why God thinks the way he does using primitive conceptual models.

More human intellectual masturbation that results in what?
Keep it up and you will go blind!!

[edit on 10-3-2009 by whaaa]

I don’t claim to understand God. I believe God to be the highest level of reality. I believe God to be infinite perfection. I believe God to transcend all things and be perfect love, compassion, mercy and justice.

What I do claim is to have discovered clues in the Bible that reveal the story of creation.

Originally posted by Done222
An infinitely loving God intentionally created a world of good and evil in order to experience mercy, compassion and other emotions. It would not be enough to merely reason what it might be like to lose a loved one; a loving God would have a great desire to experience the emotion of grief in order to understand love. God would have to hide His presence from us since He transcends time and would have to experience many emotions through us.

Uh, perhaps it's just me but the above quote sounds like you think you know how GOD thinks, his emotions and his motives.

Anthropomorphizing God is a fools errand.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by Done222

Originally posted by whaaa
Man can't even figure out how the mind of man operates yet in his
arrogance he knows the mind of GOD; How and why God thinks the way he does using primitive conceptual models.

More human intellectual masturbation that results in what?
Keep it up and you will go blind!!

[edit on 10-3-2009 by whaaa]

I don’t claim to understand God. I believe God to be the highest level of reality. I believe God to be infinite perfection. I believe God to transcend all things and be perfect love, compassion, mercy and justice.

What I do claim is to have discovered clues in the Bible that reveal the story of creation.

Originally posted by Done222
An infinitely loving God intentionally created a world of good and evil in order to experience mercy, compassion and other emotions. It would not be enough to merely reason what it might be like to lose a loved one; a loving God would have a great desire to experience the emotion of grief in order to understand love. God would have to hide His presence from us since He transcends time and would have to experience many emotions through us.

Uh, perhaps it's just me but the above quote sounds like you think you know how GOD thinks, his emotions and his motives.

Anthropomorphizing God is a fools errand.

I cannot comprehend infinity.

Time is a dimension and like the dimensions of space it was created by God, and God transcends time. I cannot comprehend existence without time. I cannot comprehend the great Love that God has.

No, I do not claim to understand the mind of God.

People make statements about God all the time. People make statements of their religious belief…about what they believe concerning judgment, sin, righteous, and everything else that is related to religion. Do you accuse them all of claiming to know how God thinks?

People read the Bible, or whatever book they choose and they develop an opinion on it; are they claiming to know the mind of God? Perhaps.

Supposedly the Bible was inspired by God, and if so, God gave us some clues so that we can understand things, but only to the degree that he has revealed them.

I am no more claiming to know God than everyone else who expresses their opinion.

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