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Illegal immigrants might get stimulus jobs, experts say

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posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Next_Heap_With

Guess what, most animals are territorial, so they don't have to share their hard won meals with anyone. So another animal can't take off with a family member.

And just like any animal worth its salt, if I worked hard to get something, and another animal tries to come in and steal it, you can be I am gonna bring out the teeth and claws.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by sadchild01

well well, its survival of the fittest , don't worry the NWO bankers like jewish rothschild and company regard mexicans as better and fitter goyim than the american goyim , they are going to wipe you out with poverty and civil war , so then don't lament to God, when elites show you no mercy and slaughter you americans like a bunch of dumb cattle which you americans are ,

You know what, you just made me think of an excellent point
when i have these discussions people always say "ya well the natives lost their land it's survival of the fittest, too bad"

now whenever they say that i'll say "and when the NWO bankers, power elites, corrupt govt.s rob you blind and become rich while you work like a slave for a zimbwabe-like currency... too bad, they won you lost"


posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Next_Heap_With

Originally posted by Revealation
Illegal Immigrants are criminals and should be treated as such

you my friend have some issues....racist and xenophobic issues....

Sorry to bring this to you but, they are braking the laws established in the US to deal with illegal immigration, so guess what, When you as a citizen brake the law, what happen to you, you get preferred treatment, a slap on the hand, an eye turn to the other side?

No you are prosecuted accordingly.

Sadly when it comes to Illegal immigrants we The tax payer citizens become the loser.

That is reality, the only prejudice here is against American citizens.

[edit on 9-3-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Next_Heap_With

Originally posted by Revealation
Illegal Immigrants are criminals and should be treated as such

you my friend have some issues....racist and xenophobic issues....

Actually he's right. It is NOT racist and xenophobic to state the truth.
Illegals are criminals.
Some are very nice and hard working. (I wish they were legal)
Some are drug runners and killer gangsters.
But they are all criminals.

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
oh puleeaseeee come on man
they are human beings just like you and I

I'm not a criminal.

Illegals cost this country billions of dollars every year. They flood our schools. They flood the hospitals. They flood law enforcement. And as much as you might want to think they are all really nice people just looking for a job... that's not the case. The gangs and the drug runners come across our open borders. The California legal system is swamped because of the violent crimes they commit there.

Those that are nice and are hard workers send much of their $$ home. They suck off the economy.

If they want to come here then they need to go through legal channels.
Otherwise, they are a drain on our country.

Originally posted by ACEMANN
The mexicans HAVE their own country. The indians LOST their land

That's pretty much it. And someday America will belong to some group other than Americans because we have too many people who refuse to see what is happening.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You know what with all the problems going on on the US border states and the drug wars in Mexico, if the US doesn't do anything many of those states will be run over by drug cartels making legal citizens impossible to live in them.

This no a joke things are getting very bad on those border states.

Drug money is very profitable and attractive now that the economy is so bad.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Thank you FlyersFan, I couldn't have said it better.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

It's easy to talk like that about a country you don't live in isn't it? I see you always have something to say about the US, the US military, the US immigration law, the President and our political parties.

How would you like it if your country was in a recession and millions of Canadians were being laid off? How would you like it if millions of Americans went there illegaly and started grabbing the few jobs that were available and you went hungry?

You can sit back and tell us that you read this or you studied that, but until you live it, you don't know jack. As arrogant and anti American as you are I imagine you are one of those snobby french speaking Canadians.

My point is get off your arrogant, pierre drinking, snail eating, Celin Deon loving soap box.

You don't like what I'm saying, tough as an equal human being I can crap on you all I want, after all that is what illegals are doing by taking our jobs and you are ok with that.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Next_Heap_With
you my friend have some issues....racist and xenophobic issues....

i wonder how many "Illegal Immigrants" died for you and your freedom....
[edit on 9-3-2009 by Next_Heap_With]

Last I checked, "illegal immigrants" came in all shapes and colors. The term denotes no race. So for you to jump to RACIST is extremely slanderous and baseless.

Tribes conquer tribes, nations conquer nations, etc. But that doesn't mean the current inhabitants shouldn't defend their land. The established nation of the United States has every right to defend illegal invaders. Immigrants WELCOME! But do it legally, please. That is all....

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by jd140

Hey, i'm canadian as well. We are not anti-american, we are your neighbors and whatever happens in the US is bound to happen here soon after.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by teklordz

Tell me about it, as the situation in the US keeps deteriorating economically you may have a horde of illegal Americans crossing the borders looking for a better life in Canada.

Just joking.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by jd140

It's easy to talk like that about a country you don't live in isn't it? I see you always have something to say about the US, the US military, the US immigration law, the President and our political parties.

I speak of the powers that be in the U.S., not the american people most of the time.

If I speak against those that bankrupt you I must be a good patriot no?
Despite them being elected officals.

Originally posted by jd140
How would you like it if your country was in a recession and millions of Canadians were being laid off? How would you like it if millions of Americans went there illegaly and started grabbing the few jobs that were available and you went hungry?

Ummm we are in a recession here in Canada thanks to.....never mind

Guess what buddy, we have hundreds of thousands of american nam and iraqi veterans coming into canada and even deserting here because blind 'patriots' like some don't take good enough care of them.

I guarantee you these vets are being taken care of better here than they would in their own country that they signed up to what they believe was to protect, despite many of them being on the streets.

Originally posted by jd140
You can sit back and tell us that you read this or you studied that, but until you live it, you don't know jack. As arrogant and anti American as you are I imagine you are one of those snobby french speaking Canadians.

It's time to wake up buddy and smell the corruption.
I am in no way anti-american
Many americans here on ATS have sent me V2Vs thanking me on many threads I made that people like YOU would call anti-american.

If I speak against the people that are bankrupting your country I am anti-american?

If I speak against the people that have defamed your country to the fullest extent with illegal wars started by evil dictactorial presidents i'm anti-american?

Dude if you support these people then YOU are the one that is anti-american. You are stuck in the matrix!

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

My friend If you are anti American what will I be, after all I stand next to you when it comes to bringing out the truth about the corruption eating at our nation in the US.

Hopefully Canadians will learn from the mistakes in the US and they will avoid their nation become what US has become.

A big, bankrupt super power.


posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:26 PM
that should be a stipulation of the bill that only citizens can get the jobs.

If illegals get the jobs, then all they are gonna do is send the money back to South America.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:41 PM
It seems the fair thing would be to insure that the jobs go first
to people who are in the United States legally -
Doesn't that just make sense?
I'm relatively sure this is how it would work in any country.
Its not a racist move -
It's a legal move.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Hmm it seems human nature has kicked into gear. I hope most of you realize that immigration from certain groups have been looked down upon since America's inception. I mean if you were Irish at one point you were treated like modern Mexicans, if you were Chinese, Germans, even Catholics were treated like the red headed stepchild of America at one point. Now its the Mexicans or South Americans. Itll be someone else later Im sure like the Arabs or something.

That being said I think we send way to much money overseas and outside of our country. We ship good paying jobs over seas and then give the people who do it big tax breaks. Now the same applies to a lot of the illegals of today who earn their money here and then send most of it back to their home country. This is not good for our country at all.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Of Coures they are huimans! Noone said otherwize.
Those humans are ILLEGAl and therefore CRIMINALS that are taking food out our mouths!
ILLEGAL = : not according to or authorized by law : unlawful , illicit ; also : not sanctioned by official rules
ILLEGAL + Unlawful, is used to describe something that is prohibited or not authorized by law or, more generally, by rules specific to a particular situation

American jobs and services for American Citizens ONLY ...

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Oh I see you are in a recession because we messed up your government. Thats why I don't see any anti canadian posts from you. Fight your own government instead of blaming ours for your problems.

You can play to the masses who believe the crap running from your mouth if you want. I don't buy it.

How many of those "vets" are there illegally?

These mexicans want to come into our country legally then I have no problem with it.

They want to come here to better themselves then they need to learn english. I am tired of going to Wal Mart and seeing both English and Spanish signs. I am tired of buying a hot pocket and seeing both English and Spanish instructions. I'm tired of seeing mexicans on television marching for legal status and yet they carry the mexican flag instead of the flag of the country they want to live in.

Most of all I'm tired of people like you.

You can reply with whatever you want, the way I see it as a non citizen you have no say so in the matter. I don't care how many messages people send you.

Any reply from you will be ignored by me so keep it.

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by jd140
Oh I see you are in a recession because we messed up your government. Thats why I don't see any anti canadian posts from you. Fight your own government instead of blaming ours for your problems.

Oh you see? Oh no you don't see anything
You MUST be blindfolded!

Let me tell explain something to you, and for your country's sake understand this. Being anti-american govt. does NOT equal being anti-american. That's why you see the real patriots, thousands of protesters and anti-war activists in washington almost every single day!

Secondly, now that you hopefully understand the difference, it's foolhardy to compare the american govt. to the canadian govt.

you said "Thats why I don't see any anti canadian posts from you."
ummm, does the canadian govt. have over 800 bases in over 140 countries????? Seriously, do I really need to go on?

Originally posted by jd140
How many of those "vets" are there illegally?

You know, do some research and answer that question for yoursef instead of "running your mouth" as you so eloquently put it.

Originally posted by jd140

They want to come here to better themselves then they need to learn english. I am tired of going to Wal Mart and seeing both English and Spanish signs. I am tired of buying a hot pocket and seeing both English and Spanish instructions. I'm tired of seeing mexicans on television marching for legal status and yet they carry the mexican flag instead of the flag of the country they want to live in.

Oh I see, so let's dissect your thought process shall we?

So you are tired of people? You are tired of other people's language and culture? Well i'd so many american citizens don't care for that way of thinking, sooo many.

You are tired of a group of people but you aren't tired of your govt. that robs you blind? That has defamed your country through illegal wars based on thousands of lies. Bailing out criminals and forcing stimulus packages that are more corrupt than the ones that prolonged the great depression? And to be against these initiatives you are labeled as an anti-american?

my friend, will you continue to say this when your currency is worthless?
Will you keep kissing the feet of your oppressors due to your blind patriotism?

For you to support these initiatives you are for the robbing and defamation of your countrymen, that's the furthest thing from being patriotic!
And if you aren't for these initiatives then how am I anti-american?

lol, and its not that you won't answer because you don't want to
you just have no answer
have a good sleep, sorry to have woken you up for a very brief moment

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

It seems to me that Canada has its own accountability for the treatment of the Canadian side of Native Americans. And that it is about as bad as ours. Which rivals ours if not worse.

In fact, the native populations of Canada are still the poorest are they not? Last year Canada was one of the few nations that voted against the UN declaration of the rights of indigenous peoples.

The UN identified the reservations of Canada as being akin to third world countries.

We don't like in others what we don't like about ourselves, huh?

posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 05:04 PM
Good news to hear.
They need jobs to keep living, and support their children. Just like the Irish did. Only difference is these people are native to this continent.

Thanks for the good new for the day.

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