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Illegal immigrants might get stimulus jobs, experts say

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posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

You know if I wanted to move to Canada, I would have to pay quite a few thousand dollars for an application process. I would have to prove I have skills that would allow me to get a job there.

I have to prove I wouldn't be a drain on the system.

I have to have six months minimum of income to survive on till I can get a job and be self sufficient.

Even Canada has laws that state that despite their programs, they really don't want you coming there to drain the system.

And because we don't have that kind of dough, we haven't tried it. We thought it would be a nice respectable place to live, so I checked out the immigration policies.

But since it is North America, and no one actually owns land, should we just barrel over the border and make ourselves at home?

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
Mexicans are not Native Americans, they are Europeans, Spaniards more precisely, descendants of the conquistadors. Their ancestors were far more brutal to the native Americans than the ancestors of Northern Americans. The U.S. and Canada are first world nations with immigrants from all over the world, while the Latin American nations remain mired in poverty, and primarily Spanish or Portuguese, or the descendants of African slaves. Latin American nations are poor, because their governments are far more corrupt than the U.S. or Canada, and they always were, which is why they have yet to prosper.

People who claim that Mexicans have some ancestorial rights know nothing about history. You might want to look up the Zapatista revolution not too long ago. They want their independence, their own nation, but they expect to be able to go to the U.S. and mess up our country as badly as their own countries are messed. Oh, and they guard their southern borders more closely than we do.

At least try and get a grasp on history.

Yes please get a grasp on history. Mexican natives were raped by the Spanish, men were killed and women were raped. That is not the fault of Mexicans today. It was raped into them. But they stil have native blood in them.

Funny you mention the Zapatista revolution. Do you even know why it was started? It was in protest to NAFTA, they are anti-globalization. Yes they were protecting indigenous people whom were left, and wern't raped by the Spanish, but they wouldn't close their borders to anyone who wanted to join them. Subcomandante Marcos isn't even indigenous.

Yes please take a lesson from the Zapatistas.

posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Yes, the average American works 400 hours more a year then any other industrialized nation. And we don't cheat on the numbers by including business vacations and dinners as working hours. We have less vacation time and days off then any other nation. We average 12. That is if your lucky. The next lowest? France with 25. Our average maternity leave? 12 weeks. Just barely long enough to get over the cesarean section.

Anyone can work for under minimum wage if they didn't have to pay for their own education and healthcare and only wanted to live in a grass hut.
That is also why we have developed child labor laws. Instead, these companies import labor or export it to countries where people don't have to pay a fortune, roughly a house worth in some areas, for education, and with lower inflation, and get paid far less.
The only mistake Americans make is continually to support the companies that insist on this practice.

So now its the hardest working in industrialized nations.

These people make next to nothing, it doesn't matter if they don't have to pay a fortune. The less they make the more they have to work to eat. Just because someone makes more doesn't mean they work harder. Child labor laws are not enforced. If anyone is caught, a month later its goes back the way it was.

Originally posted by nixie_nox
"Despite what your personal views are, and the level of maturity, American's money is still American's money. And to illegally drain the resources of another socity is theft. Period."

Then the U.S. are the biggest theifs in the world, and if claiming theft of others, they are hypocrites as well. The clothes on your back were made by the draining of resources of another society. Look at anything you buy, it rarely says made in America. Why? Because it is cheaper and easier to drain anothers society. A U.S. company from San Francisco tried to commodotize water in Bolivia. People were going thirsty. The things the U.S. has done and will continue to do is far worse then these immigrants getting jobs here.

Capitalism crushes people in order keep itself up and make Americans comfortable. The reason Americans are angry is because capitalism is not working, its still crushing others, but not making its people comfortable. If it were we would not see these threads.

[edit on 12-3-2009 by lucidclouds]

[edit on 12-3-2009 by lucidclouds]Having problems with the quotes.

[edit on 12-3-2009 by lucidclouds]

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