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Revealed: The headset that will mimic all five senses and make the virtual world as convincing as re

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posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by DirkDiggler

Yes, I read that but I should have made it clear what the next step would be. Sorry, I was responding to another person who had brought that question up. My fault for not clarifying the difference between what was being presented as possible and what the next logical step would be.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 11:47 AM
I think this kind of device has wonderful possibilities for education. To be able to visit the places through VR that we are learning about, FANTASTIC! This could have wonderful implications. For the disabled, to journey to places through VR that they can never go to otherwise. It would be a real boon to visual and kinetic learners, like me. The possibilities are endless.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
The possibilities are endless.

I think that's what scares me the most.
The possibilities truely are endless.
It wont be long untill they come out with one that taps into your neural network and then....good luck deciphering reality from V.R.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by DirkDiggler

I'm reprogramming mine as we speak. there really is a way to do this and it works but people think its ridiculous if one talks about it..... also death IS part of the program. death is not natural it is not the way humans were originally created. the mutations done to the DNA are what need to be healed and reprogramed. but whatever i'm just flakey and/or crazy right......

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 12:08 PM
I really can't see this being used for any type of brainwashing.As far as i can see,we all are pretty helpless allready.Masses can be manipulated way too easy,it'd just be a waste of money imho if they have any intentions like that.

To DirkDiggler:
It'd take you five "virtual" lives to convince me (if you would at all).You found the wrong guy,sorry for the bad news.
You're trying to sound wise but that doesn't mean that you are.
Why don't you look for other "clients" instead?I see that someone starred you,go find him/her.

Row, Row, Row your boat.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 12:17 PM
next step will be as the movie "Lawnmower Man"

Leave the virtual world into the mainframe...

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by Oceanborn

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Please explain.

[edit on 5-3-2009 by DirkDiggler]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by DirkDiggler

lol Nevermind.I think we both got offtopic more that we should be.
Anyway,i'll keep wearing my VR helmet,i heart it!

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 12:44 PM
For all the naysayers, what is to stop it? Human morality for the preciousness of actual experience as opposed to simulations and fakery?

Imagine now. Parents now concede to kids getting their exercise from playing nintendo. Parents now think that kids sawing a man's body apart and using it as a shield is acceptable behavior.... as long as it's virtual.

Have you noticed graphics capabilities lately? It's almost lifelike. I can't even play videogames with killing in them anymore because it feels so REAL just seeing it in such detail.

It is frightening. It is frightening to see the way videogame addicted kids behave now, or what videogame addicted children who are now becoming adults act like now. It's sadism, apathy, and debauchery out there in young adult land. Just think how teenagers watch television and movies and they've been raised on the stuff, how much the "reality" of the media world becomes actuality in mainstream society. Dude, MOST teenagers are SHAPED by media. We're already wearing ideological VR goggles. Our brains are simply programmed by media to perceive what those in control want us to see.

Just imagine the generation who grows up on perfected VR sets. How much different is killing a person virtually than killing a person physically? Once reality and perceived reality become technologically less and less distinguishable from one another, morals and personalities can be molded, tested, and refined to whatever a programmer wants the objective of the program to be.

Imagine strapping a baby into a VR set which mimics "true" experience every day from the time it was born 8 hours a day every day until its 18th birthday. Imagine the programmer ran nothing but ruthless bloody combat training and desensitization programs such as tricking the mind into fearing an excruciating pain response whenever the person chooses not to kill a chosen target. Imagine that, after killing the target, a euphoric and extremely happy "reward" feeling was produced. Run that program and similar types of rograms for 8 hours a day everyday for 18 years..... and imagine what kind of personality would emerge.

Once the brain cannot distinguish reality from virtual reality, it wouldn't be so far fetched to think that you'd start getting the two confused....even regular gamers NOT strapped into the machine for extended periods of time each day their whole lives would easily be able to forget they were in a virtual world if they got too addicted to the thing. What about sex deviants? What about the Porn industry? Oh man, that will totally ruin human relationships for good.

What do you say to a person who's got schizophrenia or who's having a bad "experience" and is traumaized by disturbing hallucinations? Can affirmations that a vision isnt real make the vision any less impactful to a person who experiences the vision as real?

This is obviously where the videogame industry is heading, and it is a very bad idea. VERY BAD! Place your videogame controllers into the garbage now.

Just to show you how addicted people are to escaping reality now... step out into the public and listen to conversations from people. Sports, the economy, politics, television, professional gobbldeegook, small-talk and polite banter.... None of THAT is reality!

Look how apathetic these generations growing up with televised alternate reality and an assault of fake plastic corporate society have become.... and then think about how much worse it will get when these distractions can plug themselves directly into the nervous system.

What will humans ultimately be useful for when we have robotics and computer processes working and thinking for us?

Consuming. No more use for money. Just consume your tubefed nutritional fluid that virtually tastes like swedish meatballs or the dish of your choice and continue believing that you are sitting in a restaurant, when actually, you are strapped to a chair-type device which is hooked into your central nervous system and provides your fluids and your sanitation and your exercise..... and power the machine while living in a fantasy land fed into your head.

The Matrix isn't farfetched at all. It's the inevitable end to technological advancement at the expense of humanity, which it already is detrimental to. Technology wins, once humans give it enough power over them.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 12:46 PM
Don't you have any dignity?
Don't you have any self-awareness? Do you really like that? Don't you know anything of real experience?

I don't sit in my room and let me spray synthesized trash into my mouth. Don't let come one machine 1 metre near to my face. Virtual reality, ha. Sheeps.

I get out, see some good reality, while you enjoy Doom 26 with your helmet on and rust in your mouth.

Poor people

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Wachstum

But can you fly in real life?

I bet we will be able to fly feeling the g-force, the wind on our face, and hanging around with sonic at high speed races, sounds like fun, too bad you will be missing out!

I wonder if some people had your reaction when they first heard about the internet. hmmm

[edit on 5-3-2009 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

You mean: Have a fan under your mouth, a picture in front of your eyes and the flavour of bird S'hit in my mouth

Thanks, me, i will meditate or lucid dream my flight under the stars. Ha. Sheep

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

I wonder if some people had your reaction when they first heard about the internet. hmmm

They had that reaction when they first heard about ______. (Fill in the blank.)

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 01:19 PM
You don't even need that big ugly helmet for something like this. One tiny microchip implanted in a person can do the trick. Bring it on! When you think about it, there is really no difference between reality and VR. In fact, the word reality is abstract and cannot be properly defined, since it has different meanings for each person.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 01:35 PM
Sure, VR has many potentials that could be used to desensitize humans and other things. But I also think it has fantastic potential in other ways.

Life is a dream. VR's a dream within a dream. (Anybody who hasn't seen the movie "The 13th Floor" should go rent it. It's excellent. Don't read anything about it, let it surprise you.)

Maybe it's just gut-response to things. I don't look at technology and feel fear and see how THEY THE CONTROLLERS will use this to further humanity's doom.

I look at technology and think, "These are the dreams of mankind, as we continue to recreate what is inside of us, outside of us."

As above, so below; as inside, so outside.


[edit on 5-3-2009 by RedCairo]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by RedCairo

Good post, RC. I'm actually kind of surprised by many of my fellow ATSers' lack of vision here. Things are not so black and white. You simply cannot say, "Technology BAD!". The sentiment being expressed here is that PONG is evil because it led to Grand Theft Auto which is responsible for the decline of modern civilization.

I played pong. I play GTA. I've never felt like stealing a car or beating up an old lady with a golf club. I am not the "exception". The decline is the result of many factors. It is the responsibility of the individual not to contribute to this decline. I'm not saying that is easy, it's harder and harder because each subsequent generation is taught less and less about their responsibility to the next one.

I used to blame this on overpopulation (which is still a factor) but the real culprit is the exploitation of our natural sense of desire by the greedy and powerful. The barons of industry (with help from church and state) have programmed us to think we need to live right down the street from a Walmart and that we should have the biggest, shiniest truck to drive there in. So the planet's natural resources are distributed poorly and we appear to be suffering from overpopulation.

Some people still know how to benefit from technology without being tricked into becoming slaves to it.

[edit on 3/5/2009 by Teratoma]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 03:48 PM
What would be the point of this?

Can we not already experience all of these things?

The only benefits I see for this are for the disabled or people with phobias trying to conquer them...

I'd rather see more research in cancer cures than a virtual reality helmet.

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Teratoma
The sentiment being expressed here is that PONG is evil because it led to Grand Theft Auto which is responsible for the decline of modern civilization.


I really suck at video games. PONG is about my speed. I like it! Even when the video world moved on and my friends were playing all kinds of things in the arcade, BREAKOUT -- basically, "one person pong with features" -- was always my favorite. Long live pong!

My 12 year old plays World of Warcraft. One day she said, showing me, "You kill them all, then you loot the corpses." I nearly keeled over. I spent a day thinking, "I let my 10 year old play WoW. I'm going to hell." But I got over it. She's a compassionate kid especially for her age, and I don't think that I am in any danger of her using an axe and magic spells to take out a classroom so she can steal the gold from their pockets. Here's hoping.

I do make her spend time reading, and doing art, and karate, and music.

the real culprit is the exploitation of our natural sense of desire by the greedy and powerful.

I think this is present in every imaginable level. Strawberry jam exists to seduce you with your own sensual desires, addict you with its sugar, and make a corporation a stock profit. There are few things that in one way or another, to some degree or another, don't qualify in that category. I think it's just that, as you mention, a lot more conscious awareness of this is now present and utilized intentionally.

My ex-husband escaped from behind the iron curtain. He said once that I was a 'born consumer'. That when I had a problem, I thought, "I bet if I had product X, I could do something about that, and wouldn't that be fun!" [This is the genesis of all the Soloflex clothes hanger-furniture in the world lol.] I eventually realized that to some degree he was right. Though I am vastly less 'materialist' than many people I know (eg I have no sense of competition with anybody, and my idea of splurging is buying a quality pan), still the way I looked at the world and the way he did was pretty different.

Of course, this had other factors. If I don't have enough money, I think, "What can I do on the side to make extra money?" whereas he would think, "I can't have that, because I'm too poor." Faced with any new situation he would try to figure out how to make do, how to survive it; I would try to figure out how to buy something to help deal with it, or even how to turn it and make it work for me. It was like for him, bottom-line survival was the expectation. For me, new interesting shiny stuff and being-happier was the expectation. Neither of us were all that realistic I suspect, but you see where I'm going here. It really is a whole different approach to the world.


posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by AceOfAces
What would be the point of this?
Can we not already experience all of these things?
The only benefits I see for this are for the disabled or people with phobias trying to conquer them...
I'd rather see more research in cancer cures than a virtual reality helmet.

Gosh, I see lots more than that!

First, visualization has been demonstrated as at least sometimes helpful in dealing with disease. Imagine how much more effectively you could visualize, and your brain could respond to that input by knowing what you were talking about, if you were quite literally interacting with the inside of your body.

Imagine that you could learn to operate a bulldozer, fly a jet fighter, play a grand piano, practice your standup routine, close a sale, rebuild an engine -- all in VR, so you didn't actually have to own all those things.

For you, maybe you can go out and do all those things. Most of the world can't. Most of the world walks or trains to work, barely gets by and is lucky to afford a flute. Genuine VR could open the realm of the most advanced academic education, musical performance, healing specializations and more to anybody with a VR input. A poor kid in the barrio in Puerto Rico could apply for a grant from the Air Force based on jet fighter handling of extreme skill, or check one for any of the other options.

You could dissect animals (and people) in VR to learn medicine and hugely increase the number of qualified surgeons in the world without having to experiment on, mostly, actual animals and people. You could actually experience having ten different kinds of jobs and consider in a far more realistic way, at age 18, what you might like to do for the rest of your life. Education could be taken out of the already vastly outdated butt in a chair format and made so anybody on earth could 'sit in' with a teacher, or join for a game of racquetball for exercise--even if you live with your ailing mother, can't go anywhere, and your room is a 8x8 cube that is your whole world. The possibilities in this kind of technology are endless!

There's also a lot to be said for human intuition in any situation, and being able to use technology to get into areas where humans cannot go (space, ocean, underground) but then letting a human explore down there and use all those interconnective neurons for ideas or new questions, that could be very interesting as well.

To share a few of my faaaaaavorite quotes with you that kind of impinge on this "vision for technology" -- or lack thereof, of course! --:

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." --Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977

"The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" --David Sarnoff's associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s.

"The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a 'C,' the idea must be feasible." -- A Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith's paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. (Smith went on to found Federal Express.)

"Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." -- Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre.

"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western-Union internal memo, 1876.


[edit on 5-3-2009 by RedCairo]

posted on Mar, 5 2009 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by RedCairo

Gosh, I see lots more than that!

A star for a very constructive post. All I could think of was chiding Ace of Aces for their lack of vision (nothing personal Ace, I'm just having a crappy day) so I opted not to respond at all.

Your reply articulated what I wouldn't have been able to in the mood I was in, and did far more than answer his question. Kudos!

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