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Ghost Rides Rocking Horse (Video)

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posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Bikereddie
I noticed that when the child was on the horse, the springs were under tension. When the horse moved without the child, there was no tension. Also at 3.36 / 3.57 / 4.36 / 4.51 in the video you can here interferance from a mobile phone. At these times I can see the camera move ever so slightly.

There is no camera movement during the vid. The slight movement you see is the pixelation (due to compression) giving the impression of slight movement.

Please test this: by using the Youtube watermark as a fixed point of reference, run the vid and you'll see no movement from the actual video frame.

Originally posted by Bikereddie
in the video you can here interferance from a mobile phone.

The Video was made in 1992. There were not too many cell phones in operation. The EI (electrical interference) you hear in the video can be caused by a number of electrical devices. Such as - interestingly enough - CB radios. And it just so happens that at 4.35 in the Vid, the EI starts, accompanied by what sounds like a heavy vehicle passing by outside the apartment.

Check it again for yourself.

[edit on 6-3-2009 by mckyle]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by HolgerTheDane
OP clearly states that an 8mm was used.

Where does he say that? Here are all his posts in this thread. He opens by mentioning the footage was taking with a video camera, and never mentions "8mm" in any of his posts. Am I missing it?

Got confused by the family reunion...

MethosWare wrote (page 7)

Im uploading another part of the video which repeats a little of the end of the first video then shows me in the room again with the lights on after the horse has been moved so you can see the layout. Turning the camera off to not waste tape isnt weird but moving the horse is weird I must admit, but i wasnt the camera operator XD. I couldnt get it to rip from the dvd correctly so i had to try multiple times at getting this bit of video without baby video in it haha thats why i have 2 copies. but when i get a hold of the dvd again ill try some more

Just asked my dad what they were taped on he said 8mm? no clue what that is lol but maybe that will help you guys. Im as skeptical as most of you guys and i think its weird that the time stamp doesnt show during the ghost part but shows before and after.

And here is the second part it says its still processing and may improve but there you go

For some odd reason - and I cannot begin to explain why - I was confused by MethosWare and OP not being or being the same person.

And why someone would turn of an 8mm to save "tape" is beyond me. Perhaps MethosWare really has no clue what an 8mm camera is?
Also it is a weird notion to use 8mm film to set a trap unless one is fairly certain to capture something really soon. In those days 8mm film was expensive to buy and process. At least it was so in Denmark.

[edit on 6.3.2009 by HolgerTheDane]

[edit on 6.3.2009 by HolgerTheDane]

[edit on 6.3.2009 by HolgerTheDane]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by HolgerTheDane
Got confused by the family reunion...

That family reunion thing is really bothering you, isn't it?

Originally posted by HolgerTheDane
And who someione would turn of an 8mm to save "tape" is beyond me. Perhaps MethosWare really has no clue what an 8mm camera is?

Or perhaps he was just three years old at the time and didn't take note of the make and model. I dont know - what's wrong with three year olds these days.

Forgive me, but if you had of actually read the thread, you wouldn't have made these faux pas in the first place.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 01:31 PM

Yea the family reunion is a little confusing I guess, the OP DancedWithWolves is my aunt, rarewings is my dad, and I (MethosWare) am the 3 year old in the vid. My dad is a techy person still is, he called last night and told me he is going through them again and he had at least 30 to look through so they couldnt have costed a fortune. And no I have no clue what an 8mm camera is lol =).

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 01:33 PM
[edit on 6.3.2009 by HolgerTheDane]

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by HolgerTheDane
Not that is is wrong to call the video a hoax.

Of course not. Why should you eat humble pie - just because you admitted yourself that your counter-arguments were wrong.

Ever heard of humility?

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

It's a very believable video on fisrt sight and I indeed could be real ....

On the other hand ... it aint difficult to debunk video's like this: it could also be an old rocking horse with a
1. timemechanism on it
2. or reacting by a remotecontrol device

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:12 PM
A remote controlled rocking chair in 1992? I think that would be more interesting to debunk personally!

Enjoyed the video myself, the first word is liar without a shadow of a doubt (its said pretty loudly aswell I would of said you can hear it from the next room or even down the hallway)

There was a comment somewhere about the horse doesn't seem to move downwards only back and forth.. I wouldn't have thought a ghost would even have "weight" or "mass" so thats that sorted, and this also means there would have been no creaking on the floor to alert anyone it was moving, the only noise we hear is the noise of the springs.

Last point.. the second post on here says someone please debunk this.. I thought people on here were open-minded? Just enjoy the vid as much as the spook enjoys its rocking horse

My 2 pence

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:17 PM
OK, I'm pretty new to this site and as such I haven't quite worked out all the small eccentricities of the posters and the unspoken rules that usually exist on such websites but I'm going to try and give my personal opinions on this little video that is causing such a stir.

First of all I would like to first point out that all though I have read almost all of the posts on this thread there may be a few that I have missed or have forgotten about so if I step on anyone’s toes or mention something that may have all ready been mentioned then I apologize in advance.

Now like most of you I have deduced that this is on first sight a compelling video. It has all the makings of a proper ghost sighting. Spooky backdrop and prop is involved. A little kid is involved, eerie noises in the background and so on. But breaking it down it starts to lose credence. So in no particular order I will point out my own problems with the video and accompanying story.

1. The layout of the video is firstly quite peculiar, without actually seeing someone leave the camera unsupervised and the camera being stagnate in one position it's impossible to tell if the room is unoccupied.

2. The ongoing argument over the voice that can be understood as saying "wire" was what really got me doubting the authenticity of this video. Now I know some believe its whispering and some believe it's more of a shout. To me it sounds like a whisper coming from someone standing behind the video and thus being picked up clearer than the background noises coming from outside the room.

3. The story that has been played out via this thread and the corresponding thread on YouTube has really captured the imagination. But from what I have gathered on here it breaks down as DancedWithWolves as the Aunt/Sister and MethosWare as the little boy. Now here is what I find suspect (and apologizes again if I offend anyone) from what I can tell DancedWithWolves is a long standing member of this website where as MethosWare has only joined from the start of this post. The story being that he was asked to come and give his perspective on the whole thing. My problem with this being is that it has been MethosWare who has replied to all the posts and when suitable sometimes only one minute apart from the posts from DancedWithWolves. I find that a huge coincidence for supposedly two people who do not live with each other. It seems to me that it is quite plausible that MethosWare is nothing more than an alter-ego put in place to help build this story.

4. Finally I would like to point out when dealing with videos like this, Psychologically speaking it is quite common for people to hear things in a way the corroborates the story. I.e. fiendish laughing; EVP and so forth.

I am a firm believer in paranormal studies. But from what I have seen and heard there is nothing that has convinced me that this is nothing more than a poorly edited hoax with a strong attempt at a back story to give it credence.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the post all the same. So thanks for a giving me a good read.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:22 PM
Forgive me if somebody mentioned this already, but I went ahead and did some color correction and apparently what we are looking at here is either Ghostrider himself or Nicholas Cage.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Melyanna Tengwesta

It's a very believable video on fisrt sight and I indeed could be real ....

On the other hand ... it aint difficult to debunk video's like this: it could also be an old rocking horse with a
1. timemechanism on it
2. or reacting by a remotecontrol device

A remote control??
That's the best skeptics can do???

As far s I can see, thus so far, the family Troika (hope you don't mind me - it's just a lot easier to type than all your names again ;-)) have been completely solid in the information they have so patiently provided.

I think it's safe to say that they are batting a thousand compared to the Skeptics who have not been able to hit single homerun yet.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:32 PM
I think this might help.... I am the "camera" man the father of the boy in the video.

I have started another thread to try and cover any TECH question camera and things like that

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:38 PM
reply to msm1003

1. Yes and I assume that was due to some editing in the conversion of 8mm to vhs or vhs to dvd, but my dad is in the process of acquiring an 8mm player inorder to get more of the video.

2. Everyone can think it is what they want, but if I were going to pull a hoax then I obviously wouldnt say wire (especially from behind the camera) if im going to be messing with fishing wire/line to make the horse move (which is what a few people have said is a possibility). Also if someone said wire to someone else then that would imply there were at least 2 people in on it which would be grossly inefficient and I know for a fact there were only 3 of us living in the house and you see my dad leave the room and talk to my mom before she leaves to go on an errand XD.

3. I dont see the time thing being that big of a deal considering I was wary of this forum and she told me to come on a few occasions, but after that there were larger gaps.

4. Id have to agree.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by MethosWare

Well, like everyone else here I can only draw my own conclusions, and that is exactly why this is such a well responded to thread. People love a good mystery. I am not one to have a closed mind on matters such as this. Hence why I became a member of this website. I just write what I see as I'm sure you can appreciate.

All in all, I stick by my original post as that is what I can deduce from the whole thing. But, alas I am only one voice in a sea of thousands. Let the masses continue to argue their point.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by msm1003

3. The story that has been played out via this thread and the corresponding thread on YouTube has really captured the imagination. But from what I have gathered on here it breaks down as DancedWithWolves as the Aunt/Sister and MethosWare as the little boy. Now here is what I find suspect (and apologizes again if I offend anyone) from what I can tell DancedWithWolves is a long standing member of this website where as MethosWare has only joined from the start of this post. The story being that he was asked to come and give his perspective on the whole thing. My problem with this being is that it has been MethosWare who has replied to all the posts and when suitable sometimes only one minute apart from the posts from DancedWithWolves. I find that a huge coincidence for supposedly two people who do not live with each other. It seems to me that it is quite plausible that MethosWare is nothing more than an alter-ego put in place to help build this story.

Prove It. Prove your supposition.

Maybe our posts were close together because we both cared enough to follow the thread as it developed in real time and provide answers to questions. When you start a thread on ATS you have to make a certain time commitment to respond - we both did that.

And thanks in advance for the apology you delivered prior to your summary of me and my nephew - as a matter of fact you did hurt my feelings. But I'll get over it. This type of representation of us as individuals - all of us - is a natural by-product of any forum because we are electronically converted to only words on a page - not real people. It was expected though so I, unlike you, will give you the benefit of the doubt and let your advance apology be accepted. And, for what it is worth, you are wrong.

Enjoy ATS and welcome - we don't all have to agree....and frequently won't.

So back to the question I asked - if it was your family who had captured the video, what would you hope posters could advise to you as a means to authenticate and preserve this video....


posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 03:00 PM

4. Finally I would like to point out when dealing with videos like this, Psychologically speaking it is quite common for people to hear things in a way the corroborates the story. I.e. fiendish laughing; EVP and so forth.

I agree, but in this case I was not looking for EVP (I never have in my life, being a naturally sceptical person) - in fact it's not random noise or implied words as evidenced with reverse speech. It's there, outright refusal of the laugh/breath's existence is not valid, claiming it's from a hoaxer or the TV would be - do I need to post screenshots of the waveform to prove that it's more than background noise?

Besides, fiendish laughing would not corroborate the story when it was implied the ghost might be of an Amish child - it's dead against (pardon the pun) that argument in fact.

Unlike you I thought the video was hoaxed from the start, but have since changed my mind completely. I believe the phenomenon is genuine and that nobody is lying or covering things up - however the rocking might be caused by something natural we haven't yet determined (rather than supernatural).

Perhaps when the higher-quality video is uploaded to ATS it will provide more insight so we can completely write off the wire/string argument, etc.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 03:04 PM
A well thought-out post msm1003. A star for you

Originally posted by msm1003
1. The layout of the video is firstly quite peculiar, without actually seeing someone leave the camera unsupervised and the camera being stagnate in one position it's impossible to tell if the room is unoccupied.

This has been explained. The vid was edited for the sake of brevity - ie the relevant bits were selected and cut. If we did not have this explained to us by rarewings (the Dad who shot the vid), then I agree the continuity would pose some questions. However in light of rarewings explaining his reason for the edit, I'm not so sure that is a big issue.

With rarewings going through 30 something tapes at the moment, maybe we'll see the uncut sequence.

Originally posted by msm1003
2. The ongoing argument over the voice that can be understood as saying "wire" was what really got me doubting the authenticity of this video. Now I know some believe its whispering and some believe it's more of a shout. To me it sounds like a whisper coming from someone standing behind the video and thus being picked up clearer than the background noises coming from outside the room.

I am really starting to suspect this 'belief' that the word "wire" is being said and not "liar", is a product of group dynamics. The first time I listened to it, I heard Liar as clear as a bell. So did, I might add, people who were not familiar with the story at all.

If credence is given to rarewings, then we know what was said, and what room it was said in.

Originally posted by msm1003
3. The story that has been played out via this thread and the corresponding thread on YouTube has really captured the imagination. But from what I have gathered on here it breaks down as DancedWithWolves as the Aunt/Sister and MethosWare as the little boy. Now here is what I find suspect (and apologizes again if I offend anyone) from what I can tell DancedWithWolves is a long standing member of this website where as MethosWare has only joined from the start of this post. The story being that he was asked to come and give his perspective on the whole thing. My problem with this being is that it has been MethosWare who has replied to all the posts and when suitable sometimes only one minute apart from the posts from DancedWithWolves. I find that a huge coincidence for supposedly two people who do not live with each other. It seems to me that it is quite plausible that MethosWare is nothing more than an alter-ego put in place to help build this story.

Or, they have chat set up and are discussing the thread's progress in real time. Factoring the Dad in as well suggests the most likely scenario. Don't you think? Or is the Dad another of DancedWithWolves alter-ego's?
Are you really thinking about this one seriously??? A well-respected and seasoned poster, all of a sudden deciding to construct a very elaborate hoax? Which one do you really think is the most likely scenario?

Originally posted by msm1003
4. Finally I would like to point out when dealing with videos like this, Psychologically speaking it is quite common for people to hear things in a way the corroborates the story. I.e. fiendish laughing; EVP and so forth.

Agreed. But that's where being aware of your own preconceptions and countering with an objective analysis becomes the challenge. When I first listened to Goathief's first of two audio recordings, I didn't hear a sinister laugh - just a laugh or two laughs: check my post, Page 9.
It was only after listening to his second recording that I something dramatically different - yes, a sinister-sounding laugh - which I may add, is something that rarewings cannot explain.

Originally posted by msm1003
I am a firm believer in paranormal studies. But from what I have seen and heard there is nothing that has convinced me that this is nothing more than a poorly edited hoax with a strong attempt at a back story to give it credence.

That's your opinion and I respect that totally. But I must ask: what mindset did you have when you initially entered this thread? You seem to have a very cynical view of the three family members putting forward their story together as a unit. And I wonder where that is coming from?

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Goathief

Besides, fiendish laughing would not corroborate the story when it was implied the ghost might be of an Amish child - it's dead against (pardon the pun) that argument in fact.

Good point and well said

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 03:16 PM

This has been explained. The vid was edited for the sake of brevity - ie the relevant bits were selected and cut. If we did not have this explained to us by rarewings (the Dad who shot the vid), then I agree the continuity would pose some questions. However in light of rarewings explaining his reason for the edit, I'm not so sure that is a big issue.

This video is From a DVD of a VHS tape. We lived in Indiana, my family in Colorado so after a month or so of taping EVERY little thing my son did I would edit the "good" parts and send them to my family. That is the tape that was converted to DVD.

As stated... I am just waiting for my used Sony Handycam to show up and then find the 10 minutes of film in 30 differant tapes.

posted on Mar, 6 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by DancedWithWolves

Well. Thank you for firstly accepting the advanced apology as it isn't my aim to hurt anyone’s feelings. But as someone who has been a member of such a website for some time can surely appreciate that when dealing with such things there is a very real chance that it is nothing more than a very well elaborated hoax. I was only pointing out something that seemed irregular to me. It was in no means an attempt at a debunk. I was merely pointing out an observation that seemed odd to me.

Like you pointed out that when dealing within an online written based discussion all one can go on is what they see in front of them and unfortunately that means that a level of trust is required in order to take everything as how it seems. Like I mentioned I am new to this site so I do not know you or any of the other posters. So I may be out of line by making such a claim, but from a neutral standpoint it was one possible scenario.

I should point out that what might seem like cynicism is nothing more than me trying to take an objective stance on the video. And as such my theories might not be well received by those in avocation of the post.

In either case it is a fascinating post. I am enjoying seeing how people respond to something that is ultimately hard to explain.

I would like to answer a question that where directed towards me from McKyle. First off, like I mentioned I do not know DancesWithWolves from the next poster. I do not know what her reputation is like on this site so my opinion was coming solely from observation of this post. But I should point out that such things aren't uncommon. And given a quote from early in the thread, from a totally neutral point of view, it could give credence to such behaviour

(Once again this is nothing more than one person giving his own view of how this thread has played out. I am not looking to offend anyone and I am certainly not claiming that I am correct, just making observations).

I'm just glad to finally be able to contribute some content I find amazing to the many folks here at ATS whose information, photos and videos have so amazed me in the past.

It is conceivable that someone may try to back up their own story through such methods.

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