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Ghost Rides Rocking Horse (Video)

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posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:53 PM
Finally, I can share this video with everyone. It dates back to 1992 but just became digital as far as I know. For years, this recording of an apparent ghost riding my nephew’s rocking horse was misplaced and in a not so digital format.

When my nephew was young, his grandmother found an old rocking horse at a garage sale in Colorado and sent it to him. Late at night, his mother and father would hear the rocking horse squeaking. In an attempt to “catch” their young son sneaking into the room and riding his rocking horse they set up a video camera. The camera captured something else at play as you will see.

I also find it interesting that my nephew asks his father, “Who’s that” when he is riding the horse before leaving the room. The “other” rocking horse rider begins about 2:14 into the video or so. This video has long been a topic of conversation around campfires when the ghost stories come out. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. I think it’s amazing…..

[edit on 3-3-2009 by DancedWithWolves]

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 07:09 PM
Wow! Since it's a personal video of yours I'm going to assume everything is as we see it. Which means I'm pretty stumped as to what ELSE it could be.....

Good job bringing it to the internets
great video man

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 07:15 PM

OK I gotta ask somebody here please debunk this one it's too creepy to be real!
Thanks for coming forward with this.

Just for argument sake how would somebody fake this? How could you do it?
Lets see if somebody can come up with a debunking of this and explain exactly how you would do it.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 07:35 PM
I'm not saying it's not real since I have seen things that "weren't supposed to be moving," but I would use fishing line if I was going to fake it. Tie the fishing line around the bit/nose area, run it down through the stand and back across the floor to the person holding the line, out of sight of the camera. Simple.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 07:39 PM
Do people still not believe in ghosts? To me this isn't really proof, more like, oh my, a ghost...again. It's amazing to think about what their function is tho. Seems like more often or not they're messing with or involved with kids in a way. Wonder what's up with that? snf.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 07:45 PM
While I can appreciate the need to debunk this as it does make the hair stand up on your neck - I have to tell you that to the very best of my knowledge it is real.

My sister (the mom of this little boy) is one of the most honest people I know and she will never forget seeing this tape for the first time after recording the ghost rider. My sister and her husband thought it was my nephew sneaking in to ride when they would hear the rocking horse squeaking late at night and were simply trying to catch him in the act. I have begged her for years to locate this tape and finally my nephew got hold of it again. I found out today he had put it up on the net and brought it to all of you.

There were other "sightings" in their home - one of a young boy who looked for lack of better descriptions - like an Amish youth in suspenders, dark pants and a white long sleeved shirt. The young boy walked down her staircase and she only saw his image briefly. She also had little balls the kids had bounce down the stairs when no one was around and things were sometimes moved from where she thought she had left them.

I know my sister - this is as real as it gets - and I would stand by her word any day. I hope you all enjoy watching this as much as I have enjoyed her getting "chills" every time she told us about it. Finally I understand....

I'm just glad to finally be able to contribute some content I find amazing to the many folks here at ATS whose information, photos and videos have so amazed me in the past.

Yep - to the best of my knowledge - it's the real deal.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by DancedWithWolves

Yeah, of course it could be faked. What can't? But I'm inclined to believe you. It has the ring of truth. So was the little boy ever disturbed or troubled? Was there any evidence that the 'spirit' was malevolent? It doesn't appear to be the case, for which I'm glad. If you have nay other details, please share. And I'll give you a star if I can work out how to do it.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 07:54 PM

That my friend is a Djinn\Spriti at play. Could be a child Djinni as well.

That might be one of very few videos ever seen of these beings interacting directly with the material world.

It is also possible to fake the rocking using some rope. But I'll give you benefit of the doubt.

Yep, Djinni\Ghost\Spirit\Poltergeist\incubus\sucubus all the same thing.

[edit on 4-3-2009 by Jinni]

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 08:00 PM
Do you know what happened to the rocking horse itself? I would be very interesting if you found it and it still happened to be haunted.

For one I do believe in ghosts. Im just not sure what purpose they serve in our world, and that's why I love reading up on this type of thing.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 08:32 PM


posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:04 PM
That's one of the best, and most creepy ghost vid's I have ever seen. wow. Definitely a winner. I really cant say how someone would hoax that. I would be taping that thing every day if I owned it. Creeeeeeeepy. Nice, I'm gonna star you for this great vid. Tell me, do you still own it? Man you could clean up on ebay with that video!

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

That's a good question so I called my sister to ask. She said she hasn't watched the video in about five years and she still gets chills. She thought it was great fun that her son had put it up on youtube. I have also invited my nephew to join us here if he could to discuss this video and other happenings he might remember.

My sister added right off the bat when I called her and told her the video was up that, her son, "has always had a ghost."

About the rocking horse she add, "When we got it the leg was broken. We glued it back together."

She said she and her husband at first would hear bat and ball game noises coming from my nephew's room but when they would check on him he was asleep. Later the rocking horse noises started which is what led to the taping of this video.

That nephew is a college student now.

My sister also said that when her son was older she remembers one time he was in trouble and she was mad at him (I have to defend him here and her because he is an amazing person who hardly ever causes her frustration. They are close.). Anyway, my sister said the ghost broke figurines and a picture frame when her son was in trouble – and his room had always been the coldest in the house no matter where it was located in a home. She doesn't describe the breaking of things as being threatening to her but merely as "something" clearly standing up and stomping its foot in defense of her son.

Thanks for asking about the rocking horse. It was a good question and I learned a little more about their ghost.


posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by rizla
reply to post by DancedWithWolves

Yeah, of course it could be faked. What can't? But I'm inclined to believe you. It has the ring of truth. So was the little boy ever disturbed or troubled? Was there any evidence that the 'spirit' was malevolent? It doesn't appear to be the case, for which I'm glad. If you have nay other details, please share. And I'll give you a star if I can work out how to do it.

Haha I'm the little boy in the video, Im not disturbed or troubled, and in fact I dont really believe in ghosts that much. I asked my parents what we did with the rocking horse afterwards and my mom said they probably threw it away when we moved and my dad said they gave it to a good will type store (parents divorced so who knows). We had a lot of weird things happen when I was younger though. For one at the top of the stars my mom had a little table full of little frog collectables, keep in mind its not like ready to just fall down the stairs its about 2 or 3 feet away from the top. Anyways one day we were arguing about something and i slammed my door, and went into my room and a view seconds later her table went down the stairs frogs and table in all she came up yelling at me and im like i couldnt have i just slammed my door. Most of the weird happenings occured when i was angry at her so she always joked that it was my ghost haha. Think what you will. peace

[edit on 3-3-2009 by MethosWare]

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Springheel Jack
That's one of the best, and most creepy ghost vid's I have ever seen. wow. Definitely a winner. I really cant say how someone would hoax that. I would be taping that thing every day if I owned it. Creeeeeeeepy. Nice, I'm gonna star you for this great vid. Tell me, do you still own it? Man you could clean up on ebay with that video!

Actually, faking would be easy.

All one would need to do is to tie a fine strong thread like fishing wire to the nose and separate one to the back and pull. The video resolution is waaay to low for such a string to show.

Fakeable? Of Course! Not a problem at all. Just look at what magician tricksters can do and all we have is a youtube video.

It is simply a case of whether we trust the source itself.

I don't think there is anything paranormal about the horse itself. More like Djinni are interested in it.

TO THE OP: Have you noticed any other paranormal activity [resembling poltergeist] in the house? Like things moved, opened, etc.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by MethosWare

Welcome to ATS from your Aunt Mimi (shrugs shoulders from behind the anonymous data bit stored on Above Top Secret and gives you a big wave and hug.) Thanks for coming over for a virtual porch sit. Welcome.

[edit on 3-3-2009 by DancedWithWolves]

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:26 PM
Awesome video, one of the best I've seen.

One question though, to all that have seen the video, is it just me or can you hear something wispered at approx 1:39

I can make out one word only and it doesn't seem to come from the T.V that can be heard in the background. It is clearly coming from in the room, either the word "Wire" or Liar"...


[edit on 3/3/09 by 7even]

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by MethosWare

Thanks for stopping by. Very interesting. The piano and guitar in my house used to play by themselves (very badly) but that only happened for a while and was nothing like what you have experienced.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by 7even
Awesome video, one of the best I've seen.

One question though, to all that have seen the video, is it just me or can you hear something wispered at approx 1:39

I can make out one word only and it doesn't seem to come from the T.V that can be heard in the background. It is clearly coming from in the room, either the word "Wire" or Liar"...


[edit on 3/3/09 by 7even]

My dad says it was him in the next room playing with me lol im not sure if it was the tv or him or what kind of crazy game we were playing haha.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by MethosWare

Not trying to discredit you in anyway but it sure does sound like it's coming from in the same room, as if someone was right next to the camera.

Also was the horse moved to a different room? At the beginning of the video there was wallpaper and the room seemed smaller then the second part when the rocking took place.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by DancedWithWolves
My sister added right off the bat when I called her and told her the video was up that, her son, "has always had a ghost."

Children are easy "puppets" for unseen manipulators. So are people under influences of substances or just overly tired, or sickly. Since children are such easy targets, it's common to think that they have a "guardian angel" or "ghost" etc.

[I have personal experience with this sort of thing, in my own home, but it's something that I don't give too much attention to, still, I don't dismiss it.]

Has anyone considered it may have been the child's thinking about playing on the horse that caused the movement?

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