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The World is Rioting While the USA does nothing

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posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by Dermo

Oh, yeah, that'll accomplish a lot. Get some people killed, or hurt...yep, nothing like burning down a gov't. building to accomplish a whole lot...that .01 percent of my taxes can be used for something a bit more constructive, such as repairs to infrastructure or a myriad of other much better things than replacing a building that a bunch of hopped up idiots decide to burn down...

Maybe I was over dramatic with the whole arson thing but the point remains the same... even though I would really enjoy throwing a few petrol bombs at some of our politicians.

Once your government knows you won't hand them their asses, they'll walk all over yours.

Protesting and unfortunately.. rioting.. keeps leaders aware of their fallibility. And even though there could be a plethora of other things that the money could be spent on than cleaning up after the previous, its worth it to voice mass concerns and anger.

If you don't agree.. then thats just a difference between us.

Maybe its a European thing.. nothing we like more than a good oul protest when we're pissed off.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Dermo

Wishing to lob things at politicians is a favorite fantasy of many people, including me, though petrol bombs might be a bit much...

I understand what your saying, and sympathize to a degree...but politicians are people too, and what are most peoples reaction to being threatened, or even a perception of being threatened? Digging in their heels, and resisting.

Threats are met with threats. Violence with violence. It isn't yet time for anything like violence to foment change. People, as is their wont, are beginning to wake up to the issues facing us...and change will come, too late in some cases, just in time in others, and ahead of time in still other cases; that's the way it works. No amount of violent rioting or civil insurrection is going to change that, they'll only create different problems. The only way to truely solve these issues is to come to the answers peacefully and with as much concensus as is possible in politics.

[edit on 2/5/2009 by seagull]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:00 PM
You are looking at two different scenarios playing out here in America.

One group contains people that believe if they keep their eyes closed and pray hard enough it will all go away.

The other group knows what is going on but they are smart enough to know that the demonstrations in the street are not going to do anything but play into the hands of those that are in charge right now.

They are looking for an excuse to use strong arm tactics and to take our guns and they are prepared. I will even go so far to say that they are disappointed that we are not going along with their game plan so you are going to see some orchestrated civil unrest and escalated violence more then likely with guns.

They are going to need to find something to push us over the edge or to hoodwink us into going along with their plans for total control.

I just hope and pray the American people are way too smart to be manipulated.

We will have to make some changes and we will have to demonstrate but we have to demonstrate in a way that we really get their attention. In a way that really shakes them up. A way that makes them realize that we are not stupid lemmings that are going to led goose stepping into their traps.

The only language they understand is money so we will have to pull the rug from under their feet.

We don’t nee money. We need goods and services and if we work together long enough we can win this game.

There will be many battles to fight but we don’t have to fight them all at once. We only have to take them on one at a time.

We really do have the power.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by xbranscombex
"Too much work...
Bottom line.

Work 8 hours + 2 hours running around.
Home, cook, feed kids, sit down. It's like 930..

Pretty late for a revolution.

Plus, start to Riot or confront officials.
Get arrested."

You forgot to take this to it's end.
Riot, get arrested, get bailed out, go to work, get fired because you now have a record, lose car- can't make payment, lose house- can't make payment due to going to riot, now plenty of free time so go out riot, get arrested, go to jail for free food an medical. Sounds like a plan to me.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:20 PM
It is completely intentional, America doesn't join the rioting just to cheese the rest of the world off.

Couldn't have anything to do with the fact those of us that do still have jobs do not have up to three months paid vacation or provided health care.

It might just be that we are saving ourselves for open warfare with defined goals and objectives instead of just mob mentality for a flavor of the month.

Maybe we are just disorganized clods that don't socialize enough to have a concentrated effort in mass. Or take a look at our Revolutionary War: 10% of the population either fought or was involved in establishing the new government, 20% were loyalist Tories, the other 70% were more or less neutral.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:50 PM
Who cares about the rest of the world? The USA is in a minor slump right now,but most of us are unaffected by the goings on..The small scale riots that are happening in a few select countries are completely irrelevant to what happens in the USA..We are an almost totally untouchable nation..Most americans are completely unaware/indifferent there is a credit/economic problem in their beloved homeland..

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by BostonBill99

Please.. try and understand WHO is rioting.

MOST of the riots, save for Iceland, are political opposition parties rioting against the incumbent political parties.


In France the riots and demonstrations where organized by the Communist Party. Not the Socialist Party, the Communist Party. It was once a more fringe political party, the Socialist and Conservative parties where the largest.

But since more and more people are loosing their jobs etc, more and more people decide the Gov should essentially feed them from a bottle. The outcome in France, was that membership in the Communist party sky rocketed the past 3 years and they organized massive movements to further their parties agenda.

At this point.. what the hell is there to riot about?

I lost my job, oh the Government should pay! .. ok .. because that makes sense? .. Do you expect us all to become Communist, or what ever other political party just because we are in an economic downturn?

Even if their where protest in my area, I doubt I would attend simply because I would not want to associate with that particular political ideology.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by pieman

Ha HA HA! You put a lot of faith in someone who has absolutley no record of achievement. You glassy-eyed drones who've bought into the hype are going to be very disillusioned when you find out that the Messiah is only one individual and a mere mortal. But, you've probabley already noticed he has tried to place the same old "usual suspects," aka Washingto insiders in his cabinet--and two already eliminated for not paying taxes. Hopey-Changey can't even get his pork-laden Stimulus Bill passed. What a joke on all you suckers.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 12:01 AM
"The other group knows what is going on but they are smart enough to know that the demonstrations in the street are not going to do anything but play into the hands of those that are in charge right now.

They are looking for an excuse to use strong arm tactics and to take our guns and they are prepared. I will even go so far to say that they are disappointed that we are not going along with their game plan so you are going to see some orchestrated civil unrest and escalated violence more then likely with guns."

I agree with that. We Americans are playing it cool and close to our chest, cos we all have alot of guns, and when it bust's loose, it's gonna be a seriously messed up situation. All those Icelanders and wherever else they are rioting were all neutered and de-gunned a long time ago. No all that they CAN do is march and scream. When WE riot, it will be a different scene. Totally different, unique and powerful.. like we in America like to keep it.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by xbranscombex

Thats hilarious but so very true for sheep or cattle.The 9to 5 is the pen and while your there for 8 hrs a day its hard to see the forrest for the trees.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 01:11 AM
I refuse to live in fear. Having said that, I will say that I am armed and dangerous, I will protect my family. If American Citizens choose to riot against their government, that's fine. Just don't get to close to my home or family.
We have legal, effective ways of dealing with not only this "crisis" which will resolve in anywhere from a few months to a year and a half, anyway.
Remember people, we have the right to recall our congressmen and senators if they consistently ignore the will of the people.
Perhaps it's time for us to start recall petitions.
I would suggest Nancy Pelosi first. Since California rejected prop 8, mabye ithat's the place to start.
Or maybe Nevada should recall whorehouse Harry.
I'm ready to start a recall on Blance Lincoln and Mark Pryor. I am researching the procedure now.

[edit on 6-2-2009 by kettlebellysmith]

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by pieman
unlike a lot of the world, americans have some light at the end of the tunnel in the shape of the new pres. i imagine that america will wait to find out if it's daylight or a train before they start to riot..

Obama will save us all !

or perhaps he is a CFR member, signing on prior clinton ppl faster
than water running downhill and picked a few Trilateral ppl already
to boot.

Don't take me wrong, I was no fan of the prior bunch of crooks either.

I am just saying don't get your hopes too high, the fix has been in
for decades.

[edit on 6-2-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 02:22 AM
Don't You Understand People are Going to Stick Thier Head in the Sand Like Ostriches ( Yes I know they don't do this ) and pretend nothing is happening. They are as if they are sleeping. What's it going to take to wake them up you ask? Did 9/11? Did the War? Did Bailout 1? It's going to take Aliens landing on the Whitehouse Lawn.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by seagull

Throwing these criminals out may help. Constitution said it was okay, and the rest of the world seems fine with it. # the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by pieman

if you haven't figured out that this new president is clueless,there may be no hope for this country. how many croonies does he have to hire before you realize its business as usual?
all that barry is doing is putting the same screwing we've been getting, on the fast track.

wise up...he's about to steal a trillion dollars for his buddies.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 05:32 AM
I don't know everything about the USA, but it seems like you may be right, OP. Activist groups hafve become completely retarded and unefficient in their approach and tactics, and seem to don't have any more clue of what's going on than the average joes out there. All stuck in their ideological battlefields, crappy sub-bureaucracy and pacifist pathology. Same goes for the labor unions.

The only people who could shake up things in this big messy country are the militias, but many of them seem to be just a bunch of White supremacist boneheads, so I'd rather have the Illuminati than this sick whitetrash trying to run society.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by kettlebellysmith

Remember people, we have the right to recall our congressmen and senators if they consistently ignore the will of the people. Perhaps it's time for us to start recall petitions.

Now that is a demonstration that I can enthusiastically embrace.

This is one of the ways to protest that has teeth.

We have to shake them up. Right now they think they are safe and all powerful.

Time to wake them up and bring them home boys and girls.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 09:35 AM
There is absolutely no need to burn down your neighborhood. No need. However, attacking federal goverment's buildings (banks, police departments, etc) is a very good direct action.

We don't need the goverments. We need SELF-ORGANIZATION.
Self-Organization in society by WIKIPEDIA

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by ArioK
It's going to take Aliens landing on the Whitehouse Lawn.

That would be news for about a week and then it would business as usual.

Americans are afflicted with "It didn't happen to me" mind set.

If they are not directly impacted then they don't care and the will not do anything.

This same people are the ones to cry the loudest and claim disbelieve and anger when no one will help them.

A new day is dawning and it is time to wake up. We do have the power to change this but it going to take us actually doing something, working together and keeping our eye on the prize.

I think that recall petitions are a great first start. We have to fight one battle at a time. We can not be discouraged by the few fatalist that will always have a reason why something will not work and never have a suggestion for something that will. They are like a pimple on your back, annoying, ugly and reoccurring but you deal with them as they raise their ugly heads or just leave them be to fester.

We do have the power to fix this.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 09:59 AM
i think the USA considers itself more mature. Unfortunately that maturity will get Americans manipulated and destroyed to an infinite degree. Prison Camps, orchestrated terror by rogue spy agencies blaming its patsies.. its all so sad and pathetic that creatures act this way towards each other.

Hail the lost idealism of liberty. Futuristic cities, gone, personal space craft..gone, eternity in the year 1993, priceless.

Buildings modeled after communist insurgency and conciousness entrainment. The dominant paradigm becomes crime and it is worshipped and hated. A machine to grind the artificially created mindsets into the money producing machine for the slave driving soulless beasts who claim they run law and order.

Americans are basicly stupid cows, pretending to know themselves within the lie of not knowing because they are scared of reality, which is why there so self pitty self concious and self knowing. Bars and sports, woo. its all crapola.

Ditch modern america, stop identifying this country with useless nonsense paradigms, they bring you together, in stupidity, that is the danger. I think wwe should ban sports events because they sometimes spark drunken riots. Since the safe intellectually loved plants cannabis is illegal i think its only fair that the drunken sports events should be banned too.

no im not mad at unjustice.

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