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The World is Rioting While the USA does nothing

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posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:01 PM

The rest of the world has seemd to get the message of SHTF mode. What's it gonna take for the USA to realize that the walls are tumbling down, and the DO something about it?

I read in another thread about a "stay Home" and "no shopping" day on Mar 13th. If that's the best we can do, then we deserve what we get.

Frustrated and disgusted at the Government's handling of this mess.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:05 PM
You are right, we Americans will not and won't protest/riot/hold people accountable.

I see something as small as a person at a red light, the light turns green but they are not moving, no one wants to blow the horn and tell that person the light is green so we all wait. For something on a small scale, like this, people are just taking it with no Vaseline.

I am super amazed at how other countries stand up to their government. I guess when the starbucks and the lights go out for Itunes, maybe people will start waking up.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by BostonBill99

Just curious. What would you suggest be done? Riot? Burn down buildings? Loot business's? Kill all the politicians? What?

Many people know things are bad, really. I work in retail, I know what people are buying, and more importantly, not buying. This tells me that people know what's going on. What they're doing is what ordinary people throughout history have done during bad times, making sure that they and their families have roofs over their heads, and food in their bellies, if at all possible.

Protesting, rioting are extravegences they simply can not afford...they've got more important things to do.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:08 PM
We have reacted with a change of leadership but if they don't start doing something for the people and not the banks and the rich there will begin to be major problems across the country.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:08 PM
Too much work...
Bottom line.

Work 8 hours + 2 hours running around.
Home, cook, feed kids, sit down. It's like 930..

Pretty late for a revolution.

Plus, start to Riot or confront officials.
Get arrested.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:09 PM
Many people are doing something. Many are calling and emailing their legislature night and day. Some are trying to talk to them in person.

There is a thread here about how states may soon be taking the fed on.

There is a thread where there is a bill to get rid of the IRS and Federal Reserve.

IMO, protests don't always have to be in form of showing up in person.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:10 PM
unlike a lot of the world, americans have some light at the end of the tunnel in the shape of the new pres. i imagine that america will wait to find out if it's daylight or a train before they start to riot..

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by xbranscombex

Plus, start to Riot or confront officials.
Get arrested.

That's the thing, we have been instilled with fear not to question. Even asking the wrong question in a civil manner will get you on the list or put out or ignored all together. There is no accountability at all.

[edit on 5-2-2009 by jhill76]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:11 PM
From my vantage point, most Americans seem to fall into two current groups: those who are elated with the new president and are taking a "breather" from the emotional tumult of the past few months, and those who are disgusted with the new president and are anxiously awaiting his failure, with the gleeful "I told you so!" that is expected to follow. As such, few Americans are in a state of mind to engage in active revolt. It's a bit of a waiting period right now.

[edit on 5/2/09 by paperplanes]

+2 more 
posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:11 PM
The reason nobody here in America is doing anything, in my estimation, is because the majority are still telling themselves that if they keep on going to work every day and keep on driving their kids to their soccer games and keep on paying their taxes and being a good consumer that things will somehow, miraculously go back to the way they were.

I believe it is called D-E-N-I-A-L and it is rampant. Closing your eyes, sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling LA LA LA LA LA as loud as possible will not save us from the fact that our nation is bankrupt and that very soon we are all going to have to make some very tough decisions.

I guess it is easier to irrationally hold out hope for something that isnt going to happen than it is to freely admit that we are in serious trouble.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:23 PM
I'm going to echo others here and say what do you suggest?

Riots, looting, illegal activities... all of these things will damage society more than anything the government does.

What I suggest is that people follow Iceland's lead.

Protest, legally, and be civil about it.

Then, when they refuse to allow you to protest, all bets are off.

You don't just jump to the next stage, there has to be a build up. Try protesting first, see what that does, and if (when) they bring out the dogs, water cannons, rubber bullets, pepper spray, then take it to the next level. They will have been the ones breaking the rules, they will have been the ones denying you your right to freedom of expression, assembly and protest. That's when you have every right to defend yourselves.

And by "them" I mean every corporate scum company that's robbed you and run away with the money. Every slimy politician who holds a baby and smiles for the cameras before sticking it to the common man and making themselves a million $.

Show that the American people won't stand for it, but do it legally. Then if they refuse to allow that or respond as a government should, do whatever it takes to bring them down while respecting the common man.

That's my opinion.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:23 PM
The difference being that the crisis came during our election; we were in the midst of it before we had a chance to change leadership. That is what has caused the 'complacency' of the U.S. population. Most are just giving him time, waiting to see if he will do it correctly or if he screws it up royally.

If it's the latter then the U.S. will resemble the rest of the world and the Elite will be screwed. Fact of the matter is that many people still have 'hope' that the new Administration will follow through. Democracy at work but whether it is what we actually end up needing is another story.

Time is both something we don't have and something we need right now.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by xbranscombex
Too much work...
Bottom line.

Work 8 hours + 2 hours running around.
Home, cook, feed kids, sit down. It's like 930..

Pretty late for a revolution.

Plus, start to Riot or confront officials.
Get arrested.

Hey, that's the truth!

anyway riots accomplish NOTHING except giving the facists more reasons to oppress and observe you. Burning down your neighborhood is out.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by stikkinikki

You are right, and Im almost positive that is the intention behind the building of all of these FEMA camps.

They already have a place to put the ones who act out, now they are only waiting on a reason to do so.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:41 PM
Rioting/looting accomplishes – destruction of property, injuries and death, loss of jobs.

If we start to riot and loot all we do is harm the guy next to us. What I never have understood is the rioting/looting in the neighborhood where you live. Seriously why would you destroy property of those who might stand by you? Why would you steal from those who might stand beside you? Why would you put your neighbor out of a job just because you are hurting?

The politicians/thieves do not care if you destroy your own area you live in. They live someplace else that it has no affect on. What will rioting/looting in my area do for me when the fat cats sit on Wall Street and in Washington? Maybe I could go there and riot/loot, but I have to work to feed my family. You going to pay my bills? If you do I will come and protest/riot/loot for you. Right now I have other things to take care of. Taking from those who have not hurt me is not it either.

Only an idiot destroys the things of those who might be their ally.


posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:43 PM
Why riot?

Why should we run around destroying things?

It is just going to bring thousands of troops with automatic weapons and microwave devices.

It would be better to just starve the beast.

There are politicians pushing for higher taxes but not paying it themselves. There are industries that ruin the economy and at the same time get a bailout. The government is printing money like there is no tomorrow but we the people who can't print have to pay taxes on that.

It would be better if a good chunk of the population just goes into non-compliance and stops paying their taxes or something of that sort. Hey if the tax code is too complicated for the head of the Department of Treasury, it is too complicated for us as well, why should we have to figure it out?

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by paperplanes

I believe this is not by accident!!!'s the way the American system works....

Does divide and conqour ring any bells??

(is a combination of political, military and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy)

Wake up America!! You are that large concentration of power

Aslong as your fighting amongst yourselfs your not fighting......ahh you get my point.


(ps: sorry, don't know were that can from and i didn't mean to offend anyone...

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:49 PM
Its funny you bring up this topic as I met a very smart young man from africa that is now living and working in oregon. I was buying a Jeep and he was the finance manager and somehow we got on this topic. He said somthing like and you know why america doesn't follow everyones lead? I said somthing like most people are affraid and he cut me off and said no america realizes fighting and killing of your neighbors and burning down building doesn't lead to solutions. Americans realize we have processes in place that can be followed to avoid a situation like Darfur. We may need to push and band together to get the processes going but we at least have them.

I really had to think about what he said as I was driving home happy in a wrangler. This guy had escaped a very bad situation and was working his butt off to make a better life here. He goes back to visit with his wife and child every few months because they cant come over yet. This man has lived through more pain and hardship then I can probably imagine and probably has a much more clear view on American policy then I ever will.

So maybe Americans are so weak for not conforming to chaos and anarchy that is griping the world because we have be conditioned to realize that we actually have hope here. We have a chance to change things without riots and fires. We don't need to overturn or assassinate people we just need to care and hope.

Sure its a fufu message of peace and love but it took a man that has seen hatred and wars to make it clear.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:51 PM
??? It's all good up here in Canada.


posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by whoshotJR

I totally agree with you. As a canadian it amazes me how people all over the world put all this pressure on american citizens when private corporations are reaping all the sizeable benefits of their country. The world needs to demonize ameria because if they looked at it like your african friend then they'd have to take a long, hard look at themselves.

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