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Smoking Banned in Homes-California Adopts 'Hitler's Policy'

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posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by johnsky
"Smells good, what brand?" (Djarums black if you're curious)

I hate to post before I've even gotten off of the first page of a thread, but I loved your post! It is getting ridiculous with the laws and chipping away of locations one can smoke in. There isn't much left to ban at this point.

And to add nothing to the topic, I'm also a Djarums smoker - the menthols.

Take care,

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:29 PM
really piss's me off how smokers are now second class citizens. Im a smoker, and i respect non-smokers by first asking if it is ok to smoke, never smoke around food and always blow smoke straight up or the opposite dirrection of anyone else, even if they smoke too.

The image TV gives smokers is that there dirty, disgusting, rude and are the scum on the earth.

In england now, if you smoke you have to wait longer to get treated, even if its not smoke related! they moan on saying "its self inflicted so we see others first" ITS A GOD DAMM BROKEN LEG!!!

And if it wernt for smokers in the first place, you would not be treating anyone because you would not exist! They state that smoking causes the NHS to loose 2bil a year. Fair enough, but they never state that we GIVE them £4bil a year from the tax on fags!!

Treating people first, because they wernt self inflicted? Ok, lets see how far there commited to this rule. Next time someone is saved from overdosing on pills to kill themselves, lets leave them in the waiting room wile they die then shall we???

Hypocritical. The whole smoking image and rules around it is starting to seem like the blalck/white divide in the 1950's, apart from instead of black people being looked down upon and having to wait for white people to do anything before they do, its now smokers.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by asmeone2
reply to post by skeptic1

Keep your eyes peeled, cigarettes will be outlawed before you know it...

That is going to hurt EVERYBODY because many states get a good chunk of their income from "sin taxes" like this.

I don't care what anyone says, America is getting more and more conservative!

[edit on 29-1-2009 by asmeone2]

where did you get the idea that banning personal choice was a "consevative" idea?

You really need to enlighten yourself a bit.

Thats just sad.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
I wasn't a real good student in school, but I sure think I remember something in the constitution protecting the privacy very seriously in one's own home.

I'm in Utah and they've passed the Utah Indoor Clean Air Act... the part that is most upsetting is the law allows condo associations to make the entire association "smoke free". My 4 member board decided to implement this - not caring about requests of current OWNERS to at least grandfather in their units. No vote was taken, outside of the 4 board members (all mormons of course).

It is now against our General Rules to smoke IN our unit, on our PRIVATE balcony, or anywhere within 30 feet of a building or clubhouse.

Somehow that's not discrimination? My husband has only ever smoked on our private balcony - and no neighbors have ever complained. Now he's breaking a rule that has a $100 fine!

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:17 PM
Go California!

You'd all be dancing to a different tune if this were heroin or, for a hallucinogen that is legal, Salvia, being banned from being used in homes.

Smoking is unhealthy, and is bad for everyone. I don't care about your rights, you should not be allowed to destroy your body.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by sadisticwoman
Go California!

You'd all be dancing to a different tune if this were heroin or, for a hallucinogen that is legal, Salvia, being banned from being used in homes.

Smoking is unhealthy, and is bad for everyone. I don't care about your rights, you should not be allowed to destroy your body.

I should be able to do what ever the hell i want to do to my body, ITS MY GOD DAMM BADY! With your philosophy, you shouldnt be allowed to drink alcohol, fatty foods, caffine, pritty much anything that is enjoyable.

People work hard and long, scraping and scrubbing, or in stressful envirotments, all they want to do is go home and be able to chill out with a fag, why is that so wrong??

And for the drug issue, i believe it would be better if ALL drugs were legal. Less people would start on them because they no longer have the rebelious factor that many people start off for when they are teenagers. There would be less crime, police will have more time to help stop crimes that matter more, and for the people who do the drugs? fine, if they want to be a smack head lying in the gutter, thats there own problem and for them to sort out.

I dont do drugs or condone them, i just recon it makes alot more sence.
One thing that does anoy me is how everyone believes that the people who do drugs hate the drugs. Im sorry, i know people who do drugs, and do alot of drugs, and they love it. If they didnt, they wouldnt do it.

Leave people to be people and stop trying to gert involved by forcing "help" for them, when most of them clearly dont want any drugs.

As bill hicks once said "Your child is shooting heroin uinder the vains of his cock because he is sick of this hypocritical bolloks he is being fed to by TV and the schools and your god dam way of life!"

p.s. excuse the bad spelling

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:35 PM
Having finally managed to read this whole thread, I'm just .. I'm just.. nearly speechless. I'm sitting here with my mouth hanging open.

Is this what they've been doing in the schools? Have they snuck all this misinformation and disinformation and propaganda to y'all in the name of education? Because I haven't seen it in the news ...

Smoke goes through walls? Umm, no. In poorly built or connected buildings it may travel (a little bit) through airspaces used to connect wiring, plumbing, and ventilation, but that's cheap construction. Smoke can get through very small spaces around doors and windows but it can't pass through solid walls.

Smoke "damages" buildings? Oh please. I used to be an apartment manager. The lady who had 2 dobermans living (and toileting) in her infant's bedroom in the NO PETS complex .. now, THAT was damage. We had to rip out all the carpets and part of the floor and re-paint everything before we could rent that unit again.
Most apartments have to be repainted and the carpets replaced (or at least cleaned) every time someone moves out anyway. And I promise you, once an apartment has been properly cleaned and repainted, you will NOT know it if the previous tenant was a smoker. And smokers don't do half the damage to properties they live in as CHILDREN and PETS. If I owned a complex, I'd be tickled pink to have all smokers if none of them had any kids.

Anyway, where and when did you acquire the inalienable right to never have to be offended by smells, and how come I don't have it?? The guy behind me in the grocery store who has pukeworthy B.O., I don't get to say anything to him. The gal down the hall who burns the really awful smelling candles, the scent of which comes through the air cycling vents even if both our doors are closed, I don't have anything to say about that. So where do you get the right to live without ever having your precious delicate nose assaulted by the smell of cigarette smoke?

And don't start with me about the health issues again. It's BUNK. You've been brainwashed. "Second hand smoke" is less dangerous than the fumes of most cleaning solutions. Funny how all of my parents' generation who grew up in homes with their parents smoking and started smoking as kids, their cancer rate was LOWER than ours is now when people "know better" than to smoke in a home with kids.

According to the TV ads we "know better" than to eat butter now, too. But ain't it odd how butter consumption is way, way down but cholesterol and heart disease just keeps going up? It's even funnier that I'm overweight, use real butter and coconut oil and eat all the stuff they tell us NOT to (like red meat) but my cholesterol is great! My skinny old doctor is annoyed because mine's better than his.
Last time I saw him he was mumbling something about oatmeal under his breath as he walked away...

Canola Oil is FDA approved as a PESTICIDE.
Ask someone old how great movie popcorn tasted 30 years ago. That was COCONUT OIL, now demonized for the simple reason that we can't grow coconuts in most of the US so American's can't make money off coconut oil.
Meat is not bad for you unless the animal it's coming from has been pumped full of drugs and hormones and fed an unnatural diet all of its life.

Please wake up! At least half of what you think you know is a pack of lies designed to make you buy what they want you to buy, and the entire medical/health care industry in the USA is invested in keeping you - not healthy - but alive and SICK, dependent on their drugs and treatments to live - or so you think. Wake up! They aren't telling you the truth about anything, least of all about the "dangers" of cigarette smoke.

And, I remind you again, if the cigarettes were just tobacco and paper without all the added chemicals and stuff (like sugar) that shouldn't be in them, they'd be much less offensive and much less toxic. So why aren't we collectively trying to have all those nasty chemicals banned from the cigarettes instead of banning tobacco itself? In some respects the smokers are as much the victims here as anyone. Do you think we WANT all those chemicals? No! We just want the tobacco, but "natural" cigarettes cost 2x to 3x as much.

You're on ATS for crying out loud. Please tell me you have some capacity left to think for yourself?

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:40 PM
Smoking was banned in the woman's apartment building.

Am I the only one who finds this logical and not a big deal?

When you aren't able to smoke inside a House, then maybe make a big deal. But until then, this isn't groundbreaking.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Heike

i applaud, couldnt of put it better myself!

All this propaganda is more food for the self righteous non-smokers (not all none smokers, only the few really anoying ones)

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Trolloks

Originally posted by sadisticwoman
Go California!

You'd all be dancing to a different tune if this were heroin or, for a hallucinogen that is legal, Salvia, being banned from being used in homes.

Smoking is unhealthy, and is bad for everyone. I don't care about your rights, you should not be allowed to destroy your body.

I should be able to do what ever the hell i want to do to my body, ITS MY GOD DAMM BADY! With your philosophy, you shouldnt be allowed to drink alcohol, fatty foods, caffine, pritty much anything that is enjoyable.

People work hard and long, scraping and scrubbing, or in stressful envirotments, all they want to do is go home and be able to chill out with a fag, why is that so wrong??

And for the drug issue, i believe it would be better if ALL drugs were legal. Less people would start on them because they no longer have the rebelious factor that many people start off for when they are teenagers. There would be less crime, police will have more time to help stop crimes that matter more, and for the people who do the drugs? fine, if they want to be a smack head lying in the gutter, thats there own problem and for them to sort out.

I dont do drugs or condone them, i just recon it makes alot more sence.
One thing that does anoy me is how everyone believes that the people who do drugs hate the drugs. Im sorry, i know people who do drugs, and do alot of drugs, and they love it. If they didnt, they wouldnt do it.

Leave people to be people and stop trying to gert involved by forcing "help" for them, when most of them clearly dont want any drugs.

As bill hicks once said "Your child is shooting heroin uinder the vains of his cock because he is sick of this hypocritical bolloks he is being fed to by TV and the schools and your god dam way of life!"

p.s. excuse the bad spelling

Fortunately, I don't drink alcohol, have been cutting down my fatty food consumption (even though you are ignoring the fact that some fats are necessary for a healthy diet), have never had caffeine, and my life is pretty enjoyable. And healthy!

If people don't like working hard and long, they could probably do to rid themselves of these unhealthy, expensive habits and hobbies. They'd probably be able to afford to take a few less hours, or get in a few college classes that'll get them to a more satisfying job.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

Are you freaking kidding me?

The state of California seems to be getting more and more ridiculous by the day.

Now you can't even smoke in YOUR OWN HOME in the city of Belmont, because of it "posing a health hazard to others".

What kind of gestapo rule of law are they pulling here.

Adolf would be proud to live in good ol' sunny cali...LOL
(visit the link for the full news article)

So if I lived there and my neighbor saw me smoking in my house say through a window, he could call the police on me and have me arrested or fined???????????????

WTF IS WRONG WITH OUR COUNTRY! I don't even smoke. ( tobacco) but WHY do we always pass laws that like 5 people want that effect 5 million or in this case maybe like 50,000 but still that is a dumb ratio.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by sadisticwoman

fair enough if it works for you thats fine. but dont force your way of life on others. Everybodys life is different, we aint all the same, just remember that. If we were all the same, conversation would be so boring we wouldnt even talk to one another and we would all seclude ourselves and not move forward with knowledge or ideas.

As for the work thing, if there was no one doing the low paid jobs, who would be cleaning our your bins? maintaining sewage? packing your parcels and making your cars??

Also, many people do go to college and university to end up working in banking, health care, etc, which are very stressful, and they also enjoy a cigarette as a vice for relaxation.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

she said she came 40 years ago to USA... and the topic is about "adopts hitler's policy"


i just shut my mouth now, bc threads here are sometimes worse than chit chat

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by asmeone2
reply to post by skeptic1

Keep your eyes peeled, cigarettes will be outlawed before you know it...

That is going to hurt EVERYBODY because many states get a good chunk of their income from "sin taxes" like this.

I don't care what anyone says, America is getting more and more conservative!

[edit on 29-1-2009 by asmeone2]

The people of the US are getting less conservative but the few douchbag loses who nobody wants to be around anyways are getting their way.

I don't say this and mean it often but those people should be exiled from our country. If you dont' like it move to another country. seriously.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Trolloks
reply to post by sadisticwoman

fair enough if it works for you thats fine. but dont force your way of life on others. Everybodys life is different, we aint all the same, just remember that. If we were all the same, conversation would be so boring we wouldnt even talk to one another and we would all seclude ourselves and not move forward with knowledge or ideas.

As for the work thing, if there was no one doing the low paid jobs, who would be cleaning our your bins? maintaining sewage? packing your parcels and making your cars??

Also, many people do go to college and university to end up working in banking, health care, etc, which are very stressful, and they also enjoy a cigarette as a vice for relaxation.

Stop polluting my air, and I'll stop imposing my views on you.

Sure, we need people working the low paying jobs- but they shouldn't have to work over 40 hours a week just to support a stupid habit. Smokers should be forced to go into rehab just as heroin users are. If people stop needing to work so many hours, that leaves hours open for more people to take, which helps alleviate unemployment.

If people want a "vice" to use to relax, let them get into kinky sex. At least that won't pollute my world and raise my taxes.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:12 PM
This thread is a riot! Comparing a ban inside peoples homes to 6 million people who died in concentration camps? It does give you insight into how strongly smokers feel about their right to be addicted.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

Are you freaking kidding me?

The state of California seems to be getting more and more ridiculous by the day.

Now you can't even smoke in YOUR OWN HOME in the city of Belmont, because of it "posing a health hazard to others".

DD, I believe the issue of smoking in Cali is a county to county regulation. In other words, each city votes and determines these laws within their own legislature. For example, I live in San Diego, where it is perfectly legal to smoke indoors and outdoors. However, in El Cajon, just 20 miles away, it is illegal to smoke outdoors anywhere. Not because the state issued that mandate, but because the citizens passed that law into effect. I can only assume the same happened in Belmont.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by sadisticwoman

raise your taxes??? Here is an example on how we KEEP YOUR TAXES DOWN!

for an example, Amber Leaf tabacco. Packed and produced in northampton, england. Sent to Holland. For holland, they buy this product for £3, in england, £11. how much tax is that?!?!

polluting your air? for gods sake use some common sence! Have you ever used transport?? do you own a car? do you use aerosols? do you use gas? do you use electricity? do you like cows or enjoy beef, milk, cheese and butter??

40hr a week to sustain the habit?? no, 40hr a week to keep their family eating and keeping warm, and spend a little bit on the side for cigeretes.

Kick your arrogance to the curb, its starting to blind your eyes and upset your logic.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Trolloks
reply to post by sadisticwoman

raise your taxes??? Here is an example on how we KEEP YOUR TAXES DOWN!

for an example, Amber Leaf tabacco. Packed and produced in northampton, england. Sent to Holland. For holland, they buy this product for £3, in england, £11. how much tax is that?!?!

polluting your air? for gods sake use some common sence! Have you ever used transport?? do you own a car? do you use aerosols? do you use gas? do you use electricity? do you like cows or enjoy beef, milk, cheese and butter??

40hr a week to sustain the habit?? no, 40hr a week to keep their family eating and keeping warm, and spend a little bit on the side for cigeretes.

Kick your arrogance to the curb, its starting to blind your eyes and upset your logic.

Please. Two wrongs don't make another wrong right. Also, I don't own a car, and walk anyplace that is a 1 hour or less walk.

I am under the impression that quite a few smokers smoke about a pack a day. If you smoke marlboros, and buy them from CVS, that's about 5.10 a day. That's 35.70 a week. That's 4 less hours they could be working. If there are just 4 smokers in a company, that opens up a part time job for someone else if they quit.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:26 PM
If they go through with this travesti of a law, then I want them to enforce it on ganja smoking hippies as well! See how fast they scream "Hey man! You're intruding on my home and my privacy!"

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