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Obama on Gaza: 'No Comment'

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posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:19 PM
Maybe Obama knows a few home truths.

The world is only ready for one good idea at a time.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by LowLevelMason
The man makes weekly youtube addresses trying to start his own "fireside chat" tradition - and he IS NOT YET PRESIDENT OF THE USA.

The man has press conferences every few days to comment on news events and have the press fawn over him - and he IS NOT YET PRESIDENT OF THE USA.

Perfect definition of Narcissist isn't it.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:21 PM
Maybe Obama knows a few home truths.

The world is only ready for one good idea at a time.

Him getting in was one , other will come but in time.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:22 PM
Iran has been waging a proxy war with Israel and the US by actively supporting, encouraging, and supplying arms to Hezbollah and Hamas.

Behind the scenes Israel is backed by the US and even Sunni Arab regimes like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Emirates, etc. Note Egypt from whom Gaza was taken ion the 1967 failed attemt to overrun Israel, refuses to take it back.

The WeEstern World, tired of incessant terrorist aggression in the Middle East, was quietly pissed off with Israel when they didn't finish off the job they started in Lebanon two years ago. Israel is supposed to be the pit bull of the Middle East, maintaining a fragile antagonistic balance of power. Muslim countries all hated them but feared their wrath and military invulnerability.

So Israel, trying to sustain some kind of peace with Hamas, has been provoked into lashing out and showing everyone - pointedly Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran - that they're not to be messed with.

Hopefully Iran will get the message - better to deal with their own internal problems and back pedal on trying to spread their Islamic Revolution Holy War that is supposed to start with the destruction of Israel. Next on the agenda, of course, was to be the Christian World.

Obama has enough headaches and does not want the added one of trying to be a peace broker in the Middle East.

No one, not even Israel, enjoys seeing Arab blood shed this way, but sometimes you have to show that you're willing to fight your enemies when they push you too far.

Mike F

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by JustTheFacts

Uh hum....and FDR, using the radio, when the Country needed a calming influence, a voice of reason.....

THIS is somehow different???

OK, keep trying to instill your fear tactics, they are well understood by modern audiences, and wil not not work any more. Sorry......

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:25 PM
Not an Obama fan here, but either way he would be screwed. He speaks and is accused of one upsmanship of the sitting President or He says nothing and is accused of not caring ect. To be honest he is taking the correct course by letting the sitting President speak for the Nation. It does less damage that way.

Not to say that his "voting present" attitude will have to change, soon he will be the "decider".

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:27 PM
"but sometimes you have to show that you're willing to fight your enemies when they push you too far. "

That could describe the reason for the formation of the PLO.

The situation was a balls up from the start . It took outsiders to make the mess , it will take outsiders to clean it up.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by ChocoTaco369

Actually, the title of this thread/article is a quite misleading. They called it Obama on Gaza:"No Comment", even putting no comment in quotations making it appear as if Obama gave no comment as and answer to a question.

If you read they article they say, "“There was no immediate comment on the Israeli air strikes on Gaza from Obama". They never states that Obama has given a no comment statement about this situation.

It's just bad writing in my opinion.

[edit on 27-12-2008 by Styki]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:31 PM
Maybe he has no comment because its above his pay grade?

Here we have the future "leader of the free world," as America likes to call its President, taking a vacation in the state he's been pretending to have been born in while people are being massacred by America's pet psychopath in the Middle East.

But we can hardly blame Obama. He's just the latest pawn in the game. I'm sure, when the time is right, TPTB will hand him a script and he'll read it to us. And I'm sure the mindless Changlings will eat it up, as always.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:34 PM
How sad it will be when there are incoming nukes and Obama has "no comment" when asked if he wishes to return fire. Kind of like voting "present" in the Senate, methinks. BTW, Obama's staff was asked about an unrelated incident today. They too had "no comment."

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

yes, I have to say it is quite a bit different. 200 deaths in the Gaza strip and you people want to declare it WW3 already. I've been around a long time and 200 deaths in that place (pardon the very non PC term) is freaking laughable.

But now that we have the mighty obama you people think he should wave his hands or produce a thunderous voice saying to STOP !
And it will all get better.

It is the obamunists that I find laughable at this point. I'll give him credit for doing the right thing so far - sitting back and keep his freaking mouth shut until he is told what to say.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

You are exactly right, but it was just a matter of time until someone like a Presidential candidate took advantage of the power of the internet.
A double edged sword for sure.

The question you need to ask yourself is, does Obama own the internet, or will the internet own him?

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by mattifikation

Oh no!....NOT another one!!!!

The issue of the Birth Certificate from Hawai'i has already been done to is a NON-ISSUE....but, of course, ANY attempt to resurrect a lie, on the Internet, is viewed as a solution to attempt to promulgate the stupidity, only, if, of course, stupid people wish to indulge in this nonsense.

Let's give a little history lesson, for the young'uns!

You might see a movie where the US Flag has 48 Stars....A good Film, that pays attention, will be sure to include a proper Flag 'Prop'....because, during WWII, there WERE only 48 States.

Of course, EVERYONE knows that in 1949 Hawai'i was included as a 'State' was actually the '50th' State, whilst Alaska was the '49th' State....and NOW we have the current Flag, with the Fifty Stars, one for each State.

Guess what?!? According to our Constitution, anyone who is born in the United States, is eligible to be President of the United States.

Barack Obama was born in Hawai'i (AFTER it was put on our FLAG as a State) so he is, indeed, eligible to be a President.

Here's a funny thing....Pres-Elect Obama's main opponent, Sen. John McCain, anctually was NOT born in the USA!!! He was actually born in what is known as the 'Panama Canal'.....but, the argument has been that, even though this area is in a 'foreign' country, it is 'US Territory'....AND, the secondary argument is, well, his FATHER was in the US Military, so THEREFORE John (Jr) is 'natural borne'.....

Well....hmmmmmm....when we consider that Hawai'i is an actual STATE, it even has a STAR out of one of the fifty STARS on our flag.....and Barack Obama was BORN there, in a hospital, on Oahu....BUT, John McCain was actually born in a Territory, in the Panama Canal Zone, even IF it was on a Military Base, because of his Admiral father....well.....

These facts are NOT up for discussion....they are simple facts.

SO, sour grapes, and all that. Face it, the 'thrilla from Wasilla and her $200,000 wardrobe didn't make the cut.

The mere fact is, Obama is off for a much-needed is, after-all, the Holidays. To INFER anything else is, simply, disgusting......

EDIT....I made some typos....but left them there, for all to see....enjoy!!!

[edit on 12/28/0808 by weedwhacker]

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by JanusFIN

You might have missed this but, possibly, he didn't respond because he is not the President, yet. It is still Dubya's job to respond for the country and the job of his administration to deal with the issues. Obama has no power and no say in anything. Why would he interfere at this point?

Well it seems he must of had a change of heart. I mean he had no problem interfering when he was running for office. He didn't even mind trying to undermine the president back in Sept. when Bush was trying to make a deal with the iraqi's regarding the troop pullout. Funny, he felt there could be at least 2 people who had the authority to make a decesion that only one had the power to make.

Obama isn't saying anything, because his team has yet to figure out which statement will make him look the best. So for now he sticks to his old tried and true "no comment". Remember, popularity IS the most important thing to Obama.
[edit on 28-12-2008 by paxnatus]

[edit on 28-12-2008 by paxnatus]

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 12:24 AM
You sound surprised or something, I mean after all he is only a politician not some sort of God. I think a lot of Obama supporters are going to be disappointed that he isn't some messiah who actually meant that he was going to change anything. Silly silly people believing a politician.

Although to be fair, he isn't exactly president just yet. Maybe when he is actually president then he will have had time for someone else to come up with a 'comment' for him. So hard to be a puppet these days, everyone is a critic. LOL

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Not that you're addressing the main point of my post, but I was referring to the fact that Obama has failed to prove his Hawaiian birth to... well, anyone... not whether or not Hawaii was a state. And I never said a word about McCain, because he did not win the election, and it is therefor irrelevant to me where he was born. Had he been the winner, I'd be questioning his birthplace and ignoring Obama's.

If you read my post with an ounce of comprehension, you might realize that I was primarily denouncing his Presidential eligibility based on the fact that he's a globalist pawn (top political adviser = Trilateral Commission Founder, that says it all.) I was merely mentioning his birthplace (his real one being a popular tourist attraction in Kenya, you know, because Obama was born there) as a secondary reason why he should be jobless and out on his butt in the cold.

You're right, though. His birthplace is not up for debate, because it's not the topic of this thread. You Changlings will do anything to divert attention away from his holiness's shortcomings, won't you? I must say, you people are good at it. Please stop doing that, so those of us who aren't swayed by his empty, militant chants can discuss ways to actually make things better for ourselves.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 12:49 AM
The Audacity of Hope.........

My dad used to have a saying that went:

"You can HOPE in one hand, and SH*T in the other, and see which one fills up faster."

I'm sorry but this country wasnt built by people who sit back and HOPE... It was built by people who understood that if you want things to change for the better, you have to go out and take it. Make it happen.

This 'no response' from Obama elect, is just another small red flag warning our country that the majority made the wrong choice for President.

I've talked to alot of people on this subject, and the Obama supporters say, " Give the guy a chance to show what he can do before you judge him." Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not the person who will wait until he ruins the country to say, "jeeze, maybe he's not the savior that eveyone made him out to be. What are we going to do now?"

This whole thing seems hugely contrived to me. This must also be the first president elect that doesnt have to prove his citizenship. I never really put a whole lot of credence in the whole 2012 doomsday theory, but this guys makes me think there could be some truth to it.

I hope I'm wrong guys, but I think we're on the first page of the end of our once great nation, with Mr. Obama as the catalyst.

Final note, my father had another saying: "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck."

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 12:51 AM
Are you a neo-nazi? Do you and the people who gave you stars really hate Jews that much?

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by hannamtong

Ah. Bring on the baseless accusations of nazism, anti-semitism, and other Jew-hating "isms" from the mindless, sickeningly zionist folks who think anything criticizing Israel is bad, regardless of how many hundreds of people Israel has dropped bombs on today.

It's about time. I was starting to worry there'd be nothing in this thread but Obama fanboys mindlessly screaming "YES WE CAN" at their computers while valid questions about their messiah go asked and unanswered.

All we need now is somebody to come along and accuse the OP of being racist, since any questioning of Obama MUST be racist, since Obama is black. Then we'll have the full three-ringed circus of idiocy in here, representing the stupidity in all of America. I can't wait!

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by kozmo

was that sarcasm? A joke for us ignorant serfs perhaps? maybe you are laughing at people who did not get the joke? or are you a neo-nazi terrorist??

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