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The "up-to-the-minute Market Data" thread

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posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 08:25 AM

British workers strike over retirement benefits

London (CNN) -- Mass strikes began across the United Kingdom Wednesday, with up to 2 million public sector workers walking off jobs in schools, hospitals and police stations to protest proposed pension reforms.

What do you think hits more headlines? This or mob attack on British embassy in Tehran?

Do you English speak Greek?

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Mass strikes began across the United Kingdom Wednesday, with up to 2 million public sector workers walking off jobs in schools, hospitals and police stations to protest proposed pension reforms.

This is just the beginning... they are NOT getting their pensions. No way in hell.

ADP Payroll Print Of 206,000 Comes 4 Standard Deviations Higher Than 130,000 Consensus, Above Highest Wall Street Estimate
Total bull...

Albert Edwards On The BRICs As A "Bloody Ridiculous Investment Concept"... And A China Hard Landing

Just in time for the Chinese 50 bps RRR cut, we get a note from Albert Edwards reminding us just why this desperate and sudden move from China comes: "We have identified a China hard landing as one of the biggest investment shocks next year."


China Begins Monetary Easing, Lowers Reserve Ratio By 50 bps: Gold, Crude, Futures Spike

It appears that China has already forgotten its close encounter with inflation as recent as a few months ago leading to assorted riots, and is instead far more concerned with the collapsing housing market. As a result it just announced a 50 bps reserve ratio cut, well in advance of when most commentators thought it would happen, on what is now the start of a monetary policy loosening cycle.

China's data is coming due tomorrow... so it's probably pretty weak...and they are trying to prop it up.

About Those "Record" Black Friday Sales...

Yup. The rumors were all true: record sales... on negative margins. Because it is not difficult to dump product when you are, well, dumping.

So losing money on every sale... brilliant.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 09:28 AM
And surprise: German 1 year yield turns negative

Prost! or Cheers! from Germany as it becomes the European liquidity sponge. After the Chinese have lowered the reserve ratio requirements and the FED lowered the swap interest rates, thereby setting loose more easy money, German 1 year yields have reached the all-time, mind puzzling value of -0.068%. Yes that is a negative yield and it means that investors are preferring to store their money in the relative safety (and probably tax advantaged) German Treasuries even if it means that they have to pay for such a right. Although a temporary situation, it still comes to show that large institutional investors are bidding the German bund into negative territory.

No Comment...

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Shenon
Watching this Lunacy from the Sidelines for now...

Here Comes The Global, US-Funded Liquidity Bail Out

This means that the global situation is far, far more dire than the talking heads have said. Luckily, when this step fails, which it will, Mars can always come and bail us out.


Did A Large European Bank Almost Fail Last Night?

Need a reason to explain the massive central bank intervention from China, to Japan, Switzerland, the ECB, England and all the way to the US? Forbes may have one explanation: "It appears that a big European bank got close to failure last night. European banks, especially French banks, rely heavily on funding in the wholesale money markets. It appears that a major bank was having difficulty funding its immediate liquidity needs. The cavalry was called in and has come to the successful rescue." Granted the post is rather weak on factual backing and is mostly speculative, but it would certainly make sense. That said, it harkens back to our original question: just how bad was the situation if the global central banking cabal had to intervene all over again, and just what was not being told to the general public? Lastly, and most important, slapping liquidity bandaids on solvency gangrenes does nothing but buy a few days at most. Furthermore, we now expect the stigmata associated with borrowing from the Fed to haunt each and every European bank as vigilantes will now use the weekly ECB update on borrowings from the Fed as a signal to hone in on this and that weak Italian and French, pardon, European bank.

Only Speculation of course,but i think it is highly likely that one of the Big Banks (if not several) were Days or Hours away from going down...

Lets see how much Time this is going to buy...a few Days at most i reckon

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by Shenon

I wonder who it was... Deustche Bank? BNP? SocGen? Maybe even an American bank... BAC...

And this probably happened during the night because of the downgrade last night. I would bet all my money that the bank(s) that nearly failed is on that list.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Shenon

Probably a lot more than just speculation if the same such information appeared in Forbes as well . . .

Big Euro Bank Failure averted?

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:23 AM
So, If I am to understand the news this morning what they basically did, in so many words, was to implement another QE/TARP for the financial sector worldwide without having to rely on a vote from legislatures, congress, and the like . . . Is that right? And if so won't this just mean more trouble around the corner?
edit on 30-11-2011 by nonnez because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by nonnez
So, If I am to understand the news this morning what they basically did, in so many words, was to implement another QE/TARP for the financial sector worldwide without having to rely on a vote from legislatures, congress, and the like . . . Is that right? And if so won't this just mean more trouble around the corner?
edit on 30-11-2011 by nonnez because: (no reason given)

Yep. This will just delay things for a while... a week, a month, who knows.

As long as the printing presses work and new ones are installed, we're all good!

Print to infinity!

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo

Originally posted by nonnez
So, If I am to understand the news this morning what they basically did, in so many words, was to implement another QE/TARP for the financial sector worldwide without having to rely on a vote from legislatures, congress, and the like . . . Is that right? And if so won't this just mean more trouble around the corner?
edit on 30-11-2011 by nonnez because: (no reason given)

Yep. This will just delay things for a while... a week, a month, who knows.

As long as the printing presses work and new ones are installed, we're all good!

Print to infinity!

WHAAAOOOO!!!!! This is a ragular PAR-TAE.

Death by hyperinflation BEZZYES
If the bernake cant save the world, no one can

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by GoalPoster
reply to post by Shenon

Probably a lot more than just speculation if the same such information appeared in Forbes as well . . .

Big Euro Bank Failure averted?

The Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, the Swiss National Bank, and the Bank of Canada in a coordinated action moved to provide liquidity to the global financial system.

Notice how screwed up this mess is. Its so screwed up that all these above banks have to throw money at it other wise its end game. If this was not a big deal, these banks would not act the way they did.

We are in it deep guys.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:45 AM
The end is near...

Fed Cancels POMO Due To "System Difficulties"

Ok, what the hell is going on? This is the first POMO ever cancelled in QE/Lite/Twist history. As a reminder, today the Fed was supposed to sell $8 billion in 2013 bonds: a liquidity withdrawing operation. Just how little liquidity is there in the "system"?

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
The end is near...

Fed Cancels POMO Due To "System Difficulties"

Ok, what the hell is going on? This is the first POMO ever cancelled in QE/Lite/Twist history. As a reminder, today the Fed was supposed to sell $8 billion in 2013 bonds: a liquidity withdrawing operation. Just how little liquidity is there in the "system"?

but i thought the FED could pull whatever amount of liquidity out of the print presses that they want? I dont understand this one?

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by nonnez
So, If I am to understand the news this morning what they basically did, in so many words, was to implement another QE/TARP for the financial sector worldwide without having to rely on a vote from legislatures, congress, and the like . . . Is that right? And if so won't this just mean more trouble around the corner?
edit on 30-11-2011 by nonnez because: (no reason given)
They did and I am stunned, outraged. Last night I read about the banks being downgraded and woke up to this. My first thought was who in the **** gave the Fed permission to do this? I sure didn't vote on this nor did my representatives. It is out of control, I am floored that this could happen. It is like patching your boat with bubble gum. The illusion they have created is so much worse in reality.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by AuntB

Originally posted by nonnez
So, If I am to understand the news this morning what they basically did, in so many words, was to implement another QE/TARP for the financial sector worldwide without having to rely on a vote from legislatures, congress, and the like . . . Is that right? And if so won't this just mean more trouble around the corner?
edit on 30-11-2011 by nonnez because: (no reason given)
They did and I am stunned, outraged. Last night I read about the banks being downgraded and woke up to this. My first thought was who in the **** gave the Fed permission to do this? I sure didn't vote on this nor did my representatives. It is out of control, I am floored that this could happen. It is like patching your boat with bubble gum. The illusion they have created is so much worse in reality.

Notice how you hear little news about it on the MSM. Cant scare the sheeple from there x-mas shopping now can we....

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by camaro68ss

but i thought the FED could pull whatever amount of liquidity out of the print presses that they want? I dont understand this one?

Well it seems they are spending faster that they can print... they'll need to install new printers tonight!

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
reply to post by camaro68ss

but i thought the FED could pull whatever amount of liquidity out of the print presses that they want? I dont understand this one?

Well it seems they are spending faster that they can print... they'll need to install new printers tonight!

I was saying on ZH that they must of ran out of ink and needed to take a road trip to the store and buy some more.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:40 AM
Well, well, well, such great and fine news, more to push the one unified earth, BTW is not that the failure of banks are "adverted" is just that they has been "delayed", two different words and meanings.

So, when will Italy is going to default?

2012 is going to be a fabulous year. The only thing that will grow globally is the population and debt

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:40 AM
This post is about something positive going on


NYC to get electric truck manufacturing plant

By Channtal Fleischfresser | November 28, 2011, 4:12 AM PST
more +

New York will soon be getting a little greener. Smith Electric, a company that makes zero-emissions commercial trucks, will be manufacturing them in the Big Apple starting in 2012.

The company already has plants in Kansas City, MO, and near Newcastle, England. NYC officials gave the company roughly $11 million in incentives to build in the city. The plant will reportedly be in the South Bronx, and the move is expected to create 100 jobs.

Smith’s all-electric trucks can travel up to 150 miles on a single charge, at less than half the annual operating cost of comparably-sized standard diesel trucks. Frito Lay has used Smith trucks, and Coca-Cola has also agreed to use them.

While a range of 150 miles is unlikely to make the truck a widespread alternative to its diesel counterpart, for companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint and to save money on short-haul routes, Smith trucks could be a viable solution.

Photo: Smith Electric

what i see is a beginning of the change in the paradigm

local manufactures, in this case NYC, the Bronx... building then maintaining a fleet of electric trucks for Metropolitan specific use

this thinking can be franchised in many metro areas in the USA, Europe eventually, where major cities fabricate their own metro use vehicles...(with parts shipped in from other sources, but assembled within the 2-5 million population metro area,...

not so much a 'niche' business but rather a significant grass roots, fundamental change from the status quo of transportation/infrastructure that once relied in Detroit or regional car/truck builders then shipped to the buyer...

micro-brewers now micro electric metro-trucks made for the areas needs... yay i say

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:56 AM
Typical introduction of inflation as a means to run economy.
We shall see more fighting in rows for coffee, detergent, and power-outs will begin...
As for electric trucks, did they consult big oil for this one? There will have to be oil crisis in order to change this paradigm.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 03:05 PM
Lucky Germany :

'Germany approves subsidized sale of military submarine to Israel'

A senior German official said Wednesday that the government has approved the subsidized sale of another Dolphin-type military submarine to Israel.

The official said Germany has set aside €135 million ($180 million) in next year's budget to pay for about a third of its cost.

Seriously when will this ridiculousness end? Will Germans pay for the mistake of their grand-grand fathers forever or what? Not to mention that money is used for WEAPONS... now if it were to fund education in Israel, why not... but funding weapons? Disgusting.

Between Germany and the US giving billions of dollars to Israel to buy weapons, they still are trying to say that Israel isn't a military advanced post in the middle-east... PLEASE.
edit on 30-11-2011 by Vitchilo because: (no reason given)

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