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Zeitgeist Addendum Released

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posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Zepherian
Just watched this movie.

I agree with pratically all of it.

I do too. The only thing I disagreed with was the origin of religion. My assessment is that we were inhabited by aliens - who were overthrown by other aliens who control us from the shadows...

I read The Terra Papers and suddenly I understood so much that before made no sense to me. And given that the Papers are the history of Earth (Eridu) as given to the Hopi by a rescued ET in a UFO crash in 1947 - and I have enough corroborating statements to conclude that they are most likely as close to the truth as we are likely to see - I must disagree with the assessment in this film that religion was merely a superstitious explanation of the Universe as observed.

Too many stories are consistent around the globe.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 05:57 PM
No one can control what others chose to believe spiritually, but for an equal civilized society to be formed, they can certainly enforce a basic principle that everyone is created equal and may not be subjected to ancient practices in any scripture written anywhere, that worship should be in spirit, not abuse of the rights of others, nor should it be a civil governing force.
In otherwords, an upgrade to current religions as they stand is in order.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:09 PM
Don't have time to read the whole thread right now but I want to put this out there before I forget. Anyone else find it "ironic" how the movie deals mostly with monetary matters, and it just happened to come out in the middle of that largest worldwide economic crisis in most of our lifetimes?

Now, please note that I thoroughly enjoyed this as well as the original, and I'm the last person who is going to cry "disinfo" because it dismantles my precious belief system (LOL) but the timing seems almost TOO perfect. So, is it synchronicity, or something engineered? And even if the makers of he movie did create the film with foreknowledge of what would happen around the release date...does that necessarily mean that they are agents of TPTB? Or could they be on "our" side?

Honestly this is what's tripping me out more than the contents of the movie itself (which is same-old same-old kinda stuff to those of us who are constantly reading about this kind of stuff.)

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:09 PM
Okay, time for my little say in this.........

Simple as it, I loved it. It presented great ideas and concepts that if followed, have good consequences.

What really messed me up was reading

This threw me off my rocker. It made my head spin a lot.

Anyways, if you read that site, which I suggest, it is only applying to the first movie, which was a lot different. If he is really as evil as the website portrays him, I can finally believe that you can trust no one.


posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

You have a point there, but the origins of religion were taken on more thoroughly in the original Zeitgeist, and the conclusion is that they are a astrotheology, not just a simple mythology. Because everyone was looking at the same sky we get the same general theological backdrop. Add in a few historical texts and some spirituality, mix and add a couple of millenia of noise and fear and you have the mess we're in now.

I agree with him in that one book religions should not have as active part in human interaction at the group level as they do now, imo it should be a personal discovery process based on the mountains of information out there and one's own experience. If we had a resource based economic model that gave people time to think I am sure most people would come to a similar conclusion and break the conditioning.

There is some value in religion, but it struggles to outweigh the massive negative influence modern religions are having on the group mind and the safety and prosperity of earth's population.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by shipovfools

Those, like the author of Zeitgeist, who understand the current monetary system, know that financial turmoil is inevitable. He probably scrambled to get the movie done before a major meltdown and threw it out asap.

Or it could just be synchronicity, the universe's way of favouring change and giving the silly monkeys the message that the gig is up, time to grow up and get back in line with the natural laws of things...

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:47 PM
I was tod by a soldier they knew where Saddam was and he told me he was giving orders not to shoot.I believe him.He was a sharp shooter and was in iraq during the first Iraq war.they knew where he was,They left him alive on purpose.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 06:58 PM
My vDownloader software will not download this. Only YouTube videos. Can anyone help? I really want to avoid downloading even more programs. Thanks

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Saidar
If I understand correctly that video says we all should give up our religion. I know religion MISUSED like the catholics in the past has caused human enslavement etc, but religion is not the problem there its the system taking advantage of people's believes.

But it does. It says, in essence, this is the "one true" religion, and this is divisive. It removes us from a symbiotic viewpoint, making it "Us" and "Them," not Us.

The Bible doesn't teach anything in it that is today wrong with civilization!

Sure it does. It says it is right and all others are wrong. Over half (closer to virtually all) the wars fought have been over religion, with the Bible particularly used to justify taking out the "heathen."

Nowhere in the Bibles says it to start global companies and dominate the world and kill everyone and let half the world starve!

True. But it does say other divisive things...

in fact it's the opposite, the Bible encourages growth, prosperity, technology, creativity, peace, love and above all being free.

Does that explain the Crusades? The Inquisition? The witch hunts? The torturing of scientists (or other coercion) to recant ideas like the earth goes around the sun? Seems the Bible is open to interpretation for justifying stagnation, poverty, primitiveness, lack of creativity, war, hate (Oh, God Hates Fags!
), and slavery...

The venus project or whatever they called it can and will NEVER work. People need to feel that they are going to get something out of doing stuff.

If you LOVED to paint, and had all your time to paint, and had all you needed to paint, do you think you would be less inclined to paint because all you would get was praise and not money for your work?

I'm betting you would follow your bliss and paint your heart out.

If you LOVED to fix things, would you choose to mope around not fixing things because you would only get the satisfaction of having made something whole and not a payment?

If you LOVED to dance, would you listen to music and sigh, not dancing, because you wouldn't get money for your performance?

If you LOVED to do needlepoint...

It's all about following one's bliss.

If the money factor is taken out of society what is going to replace the "need something out of doing something" factor??


Everyone will just sit on their ass and do nothing because they don't need to work anymore!

Maybe you would, but *I* wouldn't. I would be following my bliss. So would most people I know.

Does anyone here really believe that the entire world will work towards a better society without reward?

If you only feel rewarded from getting paid, I feel very sorry for you. When people follow their bliss, the following is all the reward they need. Many get more reward from a "thank you" than from a paycheck.

Why would anyone work their ass off if not necessary?

No one would. But following one's bliss is NEVER "work." And what need would there be for someone to "work their ass off" if it is not necessary? This makes no sense to me.

And robots will never be able to do everything, somebody needs to repair them and build them!

Have you considered:

1. Robots can fix robots?

2. Some people find their bliss in fixing things?

This is a non-issue.

But we can argue that there will be robots for that job but who is going to do the maintenance.

ALL robots will have robots to fix them - even repair robots. So, who is going to do the maintenance of what?

The 2nd law of thermodynamics can't be overcome with only mechanical devices, everything tends towards disorder. If I'm wrong with this statement please correct me.

I recommend you look into the study of Complexity and Chaos Theory. LIFE is a biological mechanical device, and though the individual cells die, life ever progresses towards greater complexity, a higher order.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:21 PM
The reality is, just as in the native resource societies, there would be some shared work. We do need mechanics, technicians, some specific labor. Houses do not build themselves yet. Things would have to be shared, but at much less hours per week for the able bodied.
Perhaps with so many people, only 5 hours a week would suffice. We would have much time for our passions and our families, and even educations. Contributing the things that interest us the most from our talents in an open-source manner to the world, freely giving and taking.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

whose bliss is it to unclog toilets? to clean latrines?

how about to sit around drunk all day? to smoke drugs and feel bliss in their heads? to slack and take the path of least resistance...?

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:38 PM
Actually, without a little r2d2 at our command, everyone does need to learn how to unplug toilets.

The others, you've lost me a bit. Although if you research Rick Simpson you may discover that our Creator provided some very good herbal remedies for disease, though smoking it isn't recommended.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by kidney thief
reply to post by Amaterasu

whose bliss is it to unclog toilets? to clean latrines?

I would suspect very few. Are you suggesting that robots can't do these things? From where I sit, I would place my money with VERY high odds that robots CAN do these things.

how about to sit around drunk all day? to smoke drugs and feel bliss in their heads? to slack and take the path of least resistance...?

And these behaviors are your problem because...?

If all people have access to what they love to do, it will be that very few will decide getting drunk is the way to go. People drink to drown out the fact that they CAN'T follow their bliss. They are UNHAPPY - because they HAVE to [go to work at a job they hate, can't afford to live as they wish, etc.].

As for drugs... The ones that are not beneficial will fall from abuse. Alcohol included. Other drugs, that have beneficial use (usually in enhancing the experience of following one's bliss) will continue being used.

But the point is... WHY is that YOUR problem?

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
The reality is, just as in the native resource societies, there would be some shared work. We do need mechanics, technicians, some specific labor. Houses do not build themselves yet.

This would only be needed in transition. Soon, there will be mechanic robots, technician robots, labor (of all kinds) robots - even house-building robots.

Things would have to be shared, but at much less hours per week for the able bodied.

Only in transition.

Perhaps with so many people, only 5 hours a week would suffice. We would have much time for our passions and our families, and even educations. Contributing the things that interest us the most from our talents in an open-source manner to the world, freely giving and taking.

Soon, it would be that we will have ALL our time for this.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by kidney thief

And who is to say that toilets need to "clog" at all? There is certainly a better way to dispose of or recycle that material than flushing it with gallons of water, it just needs to be explored. And eventually it would be possible to recycle waste and reuse it for many applications. An atom of carbon is an atom of carbon, whether it came from tree bark or human waste.

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by shipovfools
Now, please note that I thoroughly enjoyed this as well as the original, and I'm the last person who is going to cry "disinfo" because it dismantles my precious belief system (LOL) but the timing seems almost TOO perfect. So, is it synchronicity, or something engineered?

I think they saw this crisis coming and put together this movie, probably hoping it would come out earlier, but pushed themselves to get it out as soon as possible. And it made it before the 7th (when the world is "scheduled" to have extreme novelty - and maybe it will help the novelty go positive... I can surely hope so).

And even if the makers of he movie did create the film with foreknowledge of what would happen around the release date...does that necessarily mean that they are agents of TPTB? Or could they be on "our" side?

I think their "foreknowledge" was deductive - I mean, *I* saw the general trend, if not the specifics. Given the monetary system's Ponzi scheme setup, it was bound to happen. And the bailout... I think we all knew where it was going, despite our tremendous outpouring to the congresscritters.

If the footage was available already, I could easily edit it into this presentation in a week's time, including narration.

Honestly this is what's tripping me out more than the contents of the movie itself (which is same-old same-old kinda stuff to those of us who are constantly reading about this kind of stuff.)

Don't be too tripped out. Until we know what the process of producing it was, we cannot know whether it was a PTB thing or an "OMG! We must get this out NOW!" with a lot of late-night effort. *I* suspect the latter.

[edit on 10/5/2008 by Amaterasu]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 08:23 PM
"Physical slavery requires people be housed and fed. Economic slavery requires people to feed and house themselves."

Brilliant film. Much better than his previous incarnation of the film, especially with how relevant the film is with today's financial turmoil.

Well done.

Oh and the part on the Mag-Lev trains that could travel at 4,000 MPH really made my jaw drop. Imagine traveling to China just for the day?

[edit on 5-10-2008 by ModernDystopia]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 10:14 PM
3rd step is war...
It will never end and will kill us all.

We'll be all LONG DEAD before 2012 at the rate we are going..

God help us all.

[edit on 5-10-2008 by xbranscombex]

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 10:21 PM
Man! There is a video or 3 to post everyday! I just finished watching this, & the ending touched on the purpose of my project. - We must unite!

posted on Oct, 5 2008 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by xbranscombex
3rd step is war...
It will never end and will kill us all.

We'll be all LONG DEAD before 2012 at the rate we are going..

God help us all.

[edit on 5-10-2008 by xbranscombex]

I hope not... I want to see if there will be a significant event, like a staged alien invasion, that everyone has been warning about, but like 9/11 was warned about, it still happened... So with Martial Law, THE TIME IS NOW to get the truth out!!!

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