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Measles is back, and it's because your kids aren't vaccinated

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posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott


Vaccines do not prevent diseases. Good hygeine and clean water and strong immune systems prevent disease.

This is an attempt by the PTB to get you to feel fear about not having vaccines so you run down and inject poisons into your precious little kids. This happens with the flu shot every year which the CDC tells us does nothing to prevent the flu... it only MIGHT lessen the effects... MAYBE.

I, for one, will not poison my daughter... or myself with vaccines.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 05:54 PM
I didn't read the entire thread yet, so apologies if I am regurgitating already posted info here.

The OP asked many times for the anti-vaccine crowd to post evidence, yet failed to post any compelling evidence himself to support that the MMR vaccine is:

1: Effective
2: Necessary
3: Safe

I posted at great length in several threads about 6 months back, and after more than 20 pages not a single strand of undisputable evidence to prove vaccines do what they are alleged to do.

Mostly, the vaccine believers simply revert to "Well I remember the hospital wards full of polio victims... you don't see those now do you" - ergo, vaccines worked. Errm, well, you don't see wards full of scarlet fever victims anymore either, yet a vaccine for that terrible disease was never implemented.

Measles like most if not all of these epidemic illnesses, was all but gone from the various countries that kept records BEFORE the vaccine was introduced. I believe this data has already been presented.

Vaccine manufacturers are reaping the benefits of general improvements in health, brought about by access to clean water, sewage systems, improved nutrition, hygiene, transportation systems and education. The medics have had very little if anything to do with this, we should be thanking the engineers etc., yet the sheeple still harken to the doctors and medical scientists as if they are omnipotent and infallible super beings, rather than the single biggest killers (as a group) in America today.

Vaccination is a huge money spinner for big pharma, and whether or not it is part of some more sinister program of eugenics, (let's not get started on the stuff they are sticking into kids in Africa under the guise of humanitarian vaccinations) - who knows.

However, for anyone who cares to take the time to review the overwhelming amount of easily available evidence, vaccination is a potentially dangerous and questionably effective practice at the very best, and at worst, something to avoid like the plague - pun intended.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 05:55 PM
I wouldn't trust THIS news source. I don't trust the CDC either. I knew a doctor who was friends with the former gov. of Wisconsin (Tommy Thompson) when he was head of the CDC. Let's just say that they don't tell US everything that we shoud know. If you believe it go take it yourself. But leave the rest of us alone you medical Nazi mafia freak. 151 cases for 300,000,000+ people is HARDLY a comeback let alone an epidemic. SHould we vaccinate against scrapped knees too?? I was never vaccinated for measles. I had it THREE times even though you're only suppossed to get it once. The first was when I was a little kid and it lasted a week. The second was three days, and the third was three days and I wouldn't have even known that I had it if it weren't for my girlfriend in college who told me that I had spots on my face. Big whoop. Everyone I knew got it and survived it fine. Better than chancing a vaccine. Same old stupid argument: people are getting sick because "others" aren't taking the shots. Ooooooh lets start a war between them. And sheeple are so damned stupid that they actually believe that to be true and fight with family and friends. Maybe that's the whole point: to tear families apart and end friendships so that from a social standpoint, no one is connected to another and won't trust or rely on each other if they should need to band together against their own government. By that logic, the ones who get the shot SHould be "protected", right?? Unless maybe the shots don't work, right?? And more people get sick who took the shots according to the CDCs OWN statistics which they are not afraid to tweak on their own behalf in order to look good. How can the unvaccinated make the vaccinated sick if the vaccinated are protected?? Either its a lie, or the shots don't work that well so why bother taking them. The eugenicists are in control of it now. So until they're not, no one in my family is getting them anymore.

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Measles is back, and it's because your kids aren't vaccinated making a comeback in the U.S., thanks to parents fears over vaccines. Fifteen children under 20, including four babies, have been hospitalized and 131 sickened by the red splotches since the beginning of this year....

The CDC had announced in 2000 that the disease was eliminated in the U.S. thanks to a vaccine that can completely control it. But fears of autism have led some parents to forego this treatment and at least 63 of the sickened children were unvaccinated.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Wildbob77

We've lived for sometime where serious diseases have been controlled by childhood immunizations.

If you can show some REAL evidence to back up that PR then I'll give you a thousand bucks and consider vaccinating my kids.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 06:41 PM
I'm not so certain about that. This appears to a 'new' form of measles that can afflict people who have the permanent vaccination scar on the shoulder.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by whitewave
Here's a thought: instead of mandatory vaccinations for every child born, how about only vaccinating "high risk" areas? If there's an outbreak of some previously controlled disease, offer vaccines to those in the area.

Yes, vaccines CAN confer immunity but don't always. Why take the risk of injecting substances into our bodies if there's no need? If a need arises, offer the vaccines. Forcing human beings to inject foreign substances into their bodies, under protest, for questionable benefits and real potential harm is, to me, the ultimate sign that we are nothing more than cattle to TPTB. Expendable cattle, at that.

that would be a nice idea if vaccines actually did work, but there is NO evidence to show that they do, only big pharma and govt PR.

why not offer health advice (not drug advice), and better access to clean water, sewage and nutrition to high risk areas - Now that might work! Oh, it seems they tried that in Leeds (or was that Luton), England in the mid 1900's, as well as banning vaccinations, and it did work - what a shame we haven't followed the example.

[edit on 26-8-2008 by RogerT]

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by mzrti

I work in a doctors office and I have given countless vaccinations over my 2 years here, and I have never ever seen or heard of a child that i have vaccinated to have autisum all of a sudden. I believe that parents should indeed get their children vaccinated.

Well if vaccines are so safe, how come the US govt has a program for compensating vaccine damage:

2006 During National Infant Immunization week, statistics are released that show to date,
the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has paid $1.2 billion to
families who have proven that their children suffer permanent disabilities or have died
from a vaccine reaction. Less than 25 percent of families who apply through VICP ever
get compensated. Many more families never apply for compensation since they do not
recognize the symptoms of vaccine damage.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 07:38 PM

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

It's a lie. It's because of all the foreigners illegally sneaking over our borders and bringing these diseases with them. Look it up. CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 07:58 PM

Mostly, the vaccine believers simply revert to "Well I remember the hospital wards full of polio victims... you don't see those now do you" - ergo, vaccines worked. Errm, well, you don't see wards full of scarlet fever victims anymore either, yet a vaccine for that terrible disease was never implemented.

Priceless quote. It would seem the biggest cause of disease is not our natural susceptability, it's poverty. Plus we are living in a toxic society, and the excessive use of pharmacological compounds just adds to the toxicity, creating more problems perhaps than they solve.

I've heard plenty of people with vaccines up to date complaining of chronic health issues, and I've heard mos people who are not vaccinated saying they have good health and very rarely get ill.

Something isn't adding up.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 08:55 PM
I'm just curious, given the sentiment of many of the respondents here. If this vaccine is indeed the real deal and people start dropping from bird flu when the flu season hits, will you refuse to vaccinate yourselves and your children?

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
A new and improved avian flu vaccine to combat pandemics has seen success in clinical trials.

Aug. 26 (Bloomberg)
Novavax Inc. said its experimental vaccine spurred an immune response in humans that can protect against a deadly strain of bird flu linked to more than 100 deaths.

In the study, 160 patients each received two injections, in doses ranging from 15 to 90 micrograms. At the highest dose, the vaccine produced a response against one version of the lethal H5N1 bird flu in 94 percent of patients, Novavax said in a statement today.


[edit on 2008/8/26 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Zepherian

Very very well said, Kudo's!

In No Jersey, I've heard from many friends and of 'friends of friends' that something peculiar is happening all around here.

Same symptoms, but the source is a puzzlement.

Body Rashes, Swelling, Burning Feet and Hands, particularly after pressure at a point on or close to that part of the Anatomy effected.

No doctor has yet taken time to investigate this phenomena. We're just given Claritin or Benedryl to relieve the symptoms but it isn't 100% reliable.

Interesting, No?

Everyone seems noticing one common thing, and has been becoming a quiet concensus only recently voiced aloud, these rashes seem to worsen or become more commonplace AFTER people have witnessed "Chem Trails".

I know that this is not scientific, however, we don't know each other, we've made a similar observation, and some of these people never heard of "Chem Trails" before.

All this seems related and very odd.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

If I believed any medicine was real and necessary I would take it, I think anyone in their right mind would, so this isn't an anti medicine stand of mine in this thread. I believe in some medicine, it's saved my life in the past. But I don't just blindly accept all of it because some of it is good, we need a case by case knowledge here.

The thing is I don't believe the hype. Bird Flu, imho, could be biological warfare and state terrorism. And if you think this is outlandish, then you need to check out what's happening in regards to the US anthrax attacks, which are known to have the contaminants come from the US military.

[edit on 26-8-2008 by Zepherian]

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Amaterasu, I doubt your source. Could you possibly find a more reliable source that shows that vaccine ingredients include such things?

Just wondering because I checked the flu vaccine that is pretty common, Fluvirin

I did not mean to imply that all the ingredients were in all vaccinations. Here's a source:










Ok. Some of these should meet your "reliable source" criterion.

You're wrong, sorry. Do research and use decent sources.

I have done reseach. Biavax uses aborted fetal tissue... And it turns out, RESIDUAL OR NOT, formaldehyde should NEVER, in any amount, be in our bloodstream!

It may be CALLED "residual," but that does NOT mean it is HARMLESS.

Please, climb off your high horse.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

Grady, getting the bird flu shot may not be optional. There's some talk about making it mandatory. I believe there are already 10 million shots waiting to be used (last checked a few months ago). I'll hunt for the info and get back to you about avian flu-forced or voluntary.

If people want to get shots-fine. Just let it be a choice, not a mandate.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 12:50 AM
I am 26 years old, and I was vaccinated against the measles as a child.

Guess what childhood illness I got at a later date? Bingo! But I will admit that my case of the measles was really very mild. The scarlet fever had me a lot worse off. (I know... that's like a pioneer disease).

26 years and counting with no chicken pox though. Never got a vaccination for that, and never will. Now that I am an adult and done with school, I am done with vaccinations. I am already fighting with my doctor about Rhogam (because I am O neg and my husband is O pos), and I am not even trying to get pregnant yet. I just don't want them in my body at this point. My immune system is pretty awesome... maybe because those "pioneer diseases" I got when I was little kicked it up a few notches. They sure did suck though.

I plan to vaccinate my children when I have them, however I am not giving them any vaccination that I didn't get, and I am going to read the ingredients list from the FDA to make sure there's no mercury used as a preservative. I also plan to space the vaccines out, rather than nailing them with a bunch of shots on one day.

I don't necessarily believe that the vaccines cause autism, but then I am also not sure that they don't. I just want to minimize, if I can, the crazy chemicals that go into the bodies of myself, my pets and my (future) kids. My husband is a nurse and has to get all kinds of vaccines as a work requirement. I don't like it, but as a member of that profession he is kind of screwed.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

Absolutely. Vaccines do not work, plain and simple, no matter how glamorous the pharma PR makes them appear. Inject that toxic sludge into your veins at your own risk, but into my kids over my dead body. Is that specific enough for you old timer

BTW, Nice company you picked to believe in. NVAX the naked short sellers scam stock with rather shady management. Sometimes the financials will tell you more about what's going on than the PR releases. Avian Bird Flu vaccine - yeah right!!

[edit on 27-8-2008 by RogerT]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by whitewave
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

Grady, getting the bird flu shot may not be optional.

If that's the case, my advice would be EMIGRATE while you still can

[Or maybe use that ammendment many of you treasure so much - not sure which one it is but something about arming bears.]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 07:02 AM
" making a comeback in the U.S., thanks to being deliberately scare parents into immunising their children.".

Sounds more like the truth to me. They're just far too desperate these days to pump as much drugs into people as they can. And it's not because they care about you.

I don't trust the new "cervical cancer" vaccine they give to young girls here either. They change a lot within 2 months of having it, they tend to go really nasty.
I said to a friend when it was first being used, "you'll know it has another purpose when they make up an excuse to start giving it to boys".

Guess what. It happened.

[edit on 27/8/08 by NuclearPaul]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by TheHypnoToad
I plan to vaccinate my children when I have them, however I am not giving them any vaccination that I didn't get, and I am going to read the ingredients list from the FDA to make sure there's no mercury used as a preservative. I also plan to space the vaccines out, rather than nailing them with a bunch of shots on one day.

I applaud your willingness to read the ingredients. Just be aware that vaccines labeled "mercury-free" are testing as containing mercury. It's because they "filter out" the mercury - but the mercury bonds to the proteins and cannot be filtered out. So reading the list will not tell you what's really in them.

On top of that, most vaccines these days are produced in China, and, well... We know what ingredients come from there. There is very lax regulations and oversight of vaccines entering the country, too. So a label will not give you the information you need. You would have to take a sample to an independent lab and find out that way.

I don't necessarily believe that the vaccines cause autism, but then I am also not sure that they don't. I just want to minimize, if I can, the crazy chemicals that go into the bodies of myself, my pets and my (future) kids. My husband is a nurse and has to get all kinds of vaccines as a work requirement. I don't like it, but as a member of that profession he is kind of screwed.

The best - and only - way to minimize risks from vaccines is to avoid them completely.

[edit on 8/27/2008 by Amaterasu]

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