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BigFoot Found??? press conference scheduled.

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posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 10:40 PM
A few of us actually knew it to be a hoax from the beginning. It was apparent to me when the 'photo' was 'leaked'. I thank the good Lord for my skepticism. Maybe some of my detractors and even attackers can find a bit of skeptical blessing in the near future.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by vance


Seems that the Believers who defended this were the ones who were "pretty much caught" this time, to coin a phrase

Maybe one good thing will come out of this : hopefully, the last nail in Fraud Biscardi's coffin.

Although you know what PT Barnum said

[edit on 8/18/2008 by eaglewingz]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by Blaine91555

WOW LOL!! This bigfoot trackers site really sucks.. So many typos..

First thing I notice is how they are openly offering trips to the site they found the body and the "family" of bigfoots yet they aren't saying a word to the media at this point.. That's to be expected since its a hoax..

But, honestly, anyone who charges money AT ALL for a service like this has no credibility, they can't be trusted, they are there for the profit and nothing else, and if they are making this kind of money then this is a corporation or company and not a bigfoot hunting group anyway.. That means that this company has a vested interest in weaving stories of bigfoot, no matter how fanciful they sound, in order to make a profit...

These guys could have expected to get caught this whole time. Perhaps they just weaved this entire story just to get the media spotlight to invigorate public interest in the subject and, hence, more of a profit. Especially since they claim to have found this "bigfoot family" in the woods. I can only imagine how many people are actually going to shell out this kind of money to track down this fake "bigfoot family".

I mean comon guys.. Just look at this..
THIS MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH just thinking about people having to pay this kind of money to sit in the woods for days on end when they could do it themselves. This is clear for-profit manipulation.. It's all over their site!!


posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:47 AM
I'm afraid it IS a hoax guys. Seems Biscardi is trying to say they fooled him aswell.....

Biscardis Site

Heres a link to the group Biscardi is a part of, read the story on the main page.

Matt and Rick have gone. Just upped and left.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by TheOmen

How could Fraud Biscardi possibly have been hoaxed?

In his own words, he "touched, felt, prodded, and smelled" it. Certainly a close up examination would reveal a mask and costume.

Although technically he didn't lie at the press conference. He said it wasn't a mask sewn on a bear hide.

It was a mask attached to the costume that came with it.

Fool me once... (Though he didn't fool me with his last "captive" Bigfoot either)

[edit on 8/19/2008 by eaglewingz]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by eaglewingz

That's what I thought, but it seems like now the truth is out, Biscardi is trying to worm his way out!

[edit on 19-8-2008 by TheOmen]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by eaglewingz

lol , biscardi is backpedaling like a man possesed - he is in this upto his neck

either he admits that he was in on the hoax

or he admits that he is an idiot who cannot distinguish latex from flesh

either way - he has screwed himself

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 07:48 AM
What makes me sick is Biscardi will act like he's a victim,,,

He has no excuse!!!!!!!!!!

That corrupt cop and is doorknob friend must have some serious mental issues...

well.i hope these clowns get whats coming to them,,,

see,,I told you so,,,,,,lol

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 08:58 AM
Biscardi: "This is as real as you're standing right where you are, sir,"

Yeah right, buddy

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:08 AM
Can a MOD Please label this thread as a [HOAX] now? This way casual readers won't have to sift through 60 pages to know it is now confirmed.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:13 AM
i really don't care either way if it is real or not but can someone explain why this one persons "confirmation" that it is a rubber suit is being taken as the gospel truth? they doubted everyone in the story since the beginning and now some guy from a bigfoot site says he inspected it and found it to be fake and they immediately "confirm the hoax".

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Yetichi

please tell me why biscardi is backpeddaling , and NOT defending the veracity of the bigfoot hunters claim

he has allegedly seen it too - and if he had seen a real creature - why is he not refuting the claims of this person who says the foot is latex ?

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

i am not concerened about this biscardi guy. i am simply interested in knowing why some bigfoot hunter guy with another bigfoot website can send a email to a news organization and they declare it fact. can i make up a bigfoot website with a story debunking this guys story and have the news believe me?

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by Yetichi

you SHOULD pay attention to biscardi`s role in this fiasco - he was promoting it as a fact , and claims to have examined the " body "

now , with just one guy saying ` hey the foot is latex ` , biscardi has crapped it and started backpedalling

why has he not refuted the claim that its a rubber foot ?????????????

my opinion is that biscardi is aware that its a rubber foot - and was in on the hoax - now he knows its undefendable , he is running away

thats why biscardi`s actions in the last 48 hours validate the claim that its a rubber foot

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 10:12 AM
How did they really think they would get away with this? Bunch of stupid rednecks who didn't think eventually the body would be examined?!? SOOOO DUMB. Thought they could get rich quick without providing any solid proof.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 10:16 AM
this is a classic case of the government putting the smackdown on another potentially world changing event. i find it amusing how many people vigorously defend their theories on things such as jfk, 9/11, and roswell but are so quick to dismiss this as a hoax. i suppose in several years or decades people could come back to this story and discussing a cover up.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by hikix
How did they really think they would get away with this? Bunch of stupid rednecks who didn't think eventually the body would be examined?!? SOOOO DUMB. Thought they could get rich quick without providing any solid proof.

And not very rich either IMO
The most they couldve done was hold a few expeditions with some gullible people, so they make a few thousand dollar tops, thats peanuts given the amount of work they put in.

Maybe next time they should just rob a bank

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 11:12 AM
Typical Biscardi crap, get the publicity, and then make up some bullcrap excuse saying that he had nothing to do with it (to save an ounce of credibility).

This is why nobody should listen to this crap in the first place.

Could bigfoot actually exist? Sure, maybe. But if it is found by Biscardi (again) I will simply look away (again).


posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 12:01 PM
I think what everybody's overlooking here is that we HAVE found bigfoot/ "the missing link" in this case - two specimens in fact - Ricky and Matt. I think in the interest of science these two troglodytes need to be tracked, captured, isolated, tagged, probed, and caged.

[edit on 19-8-2008 by maudeeb]

[edit on 19-8-2008 by maudeeb]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:07 PM
Here is a link from cnn saying it was a hoax.


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