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*ALERT* We may have our first real case for a valid UFO.

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posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 04:47 PM
You don't close up in on an Iris do you? I mean if it was an effect caused by a component of the camera, then why does it enlarge and show detail, like a divided center on the object as well as port windows on the bottom. And why would an Iris give off its own light. Also can you explain how an Iris leaves the camera and goes behind clouds? And how does the Iris minimize itself instantly giving the impression od flying away at 10,000+ mph?

Iris Shmiris!

It's a UFO - so all you Bill Nye type debunkers can crawl back under the rock.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 04:58 PM
With regard to the present thread and the imaging of distant objects generally, I'd like to make this comment.

Any serious videographer must understand his equipment and know its capabilities and its limitations. This is particularly important when imaging 'lights' seen in the sky. A serious UFOlogist will appreciate the vital need to photographically differentiate between a star, a planet, a man made object and a UFO. If he cannot do this, how can any convincing evidence be generated by using his equipment?

Unfortunately, many (perhaps most) videos purporting to show images of UFOs are produced by people who know next to nothing about their camera, nor the techniques required to capture perfect images of very distant objects. And so it's left for the audience (people like us) to interpret the validity of what they create. This inevitably leads to diametrically opposing opinions, because nothing is ever unequivocal.

One simple check the serious cameraman should make is to use his equipment to capture a convincing/unequivocal image of a star, a planet and a man-made object at extreme altitude (the ISS is perfect for this, but requires a little practice). If he can do these things, then he's on his way to capturing a convincing image of a UFO. Knowing his limitations is nine tenths of the problem solved.

The chances are all the test images will look pretty much identical. So, while we all know that the ISS looks like the letter 'H', most camcorders, point and shoot cameras, etc. will show nothing like that. Ergo, it will never produce an unequivocal image of a UFO.

The bottom line is it's impossible to resolve distant point like objects, no matter how bright their light, without the use of telescopic equipment. The problem of focus becomes much less ambiguous and done correctly, is eliminated from the equation. Until a good telescopic video of a UFO is captured, ATS members will be forever locked in circular arguments about what has or has not been observed.

Footnote: The spoof movies created by Mr Walson/Gridkeeper/F.A.S.T. are not what I'm talking about! However, they do illustrate the point.


[edit on 11-8-2008 by waveguide3]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 05:13 PM
so even the high-end Fox News camera has this cheap diamond-shaped shutter too? that was a good, clear shot, and it even showed 2 different tones of light on the object, and proves that there's a definite design to it - same goes for all these cases. i also remember seeing some Australian (maybe New Zealand) version that was pretty clear, so i'd like to ask - why are all of these types of UFO sightings showing the UFO's to all be relatively the same shape, appearance, and color? i mean they all look like a hologram almost, with colors radiating throughout. and i love how they just disappear and reappear, and hover around! well, i really don't know what to think guys... i'd sure love to see someone prove this is fake by replicating it...

[edit on 11-8-2008 by adrenochrome]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 05:37 PM
You can see the same "diamond" light effect in this video on a stationary light

Unfortunately all the videos you've posted are rather poor, I've seen much better ones that really leave you pondering.

Graded C- : Could try harder.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by XcLuciFer

shes not seeking the truth.
she is seeking for UFOs.

and i agree with the others, the title of this thread is ludicrous. This, combined with her Defensiveness when called ignorant with the mechanics of a camera, make me take her much less seriously than i otherwise would. ITF has valid points here, and the reaction you find apalling is IMO much more patient and explanatory than the OPs response to ITFs camera artifact theory.
I'd also comment on her signature which links to a Petition for those who have ~awakened~ to be just as ludicrus and pretentious as the thread title... but i dont want to attack her, personally (as personal as the persona construed and displayed for the Internet can be). But to me it shows someone trying to make UFOs be the truth, instead of seeking the truth itself.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by spitefulgod
You can see the same "diamond" light effect in this video on a stationary light
Graded C- : Could try harder.

That same youtube account has other light video's that have more ''diamond-shaped'' video's than this one. That one is actually quite ''round''.

In any case there is still enough software available to modify video's (allowing people to fake this.) And I wouldn't doubt the recreation method people have given.

The only thing I see here are UFO's by definition: Unidentified Flying Objectives.

[edit on 11/8/08 by -0mega-]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by NephraTari

These are the most ridiculous videos I have ever seen!! you people can't be seriously thinking these are real!?!?

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by kidney thief

And you my friend just got a star from me.

You described a way of thinking that lots of people have and still they claim that they're "thinking outside the box" etc.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 06:06 PM
screenies of spitefulgod's video and OP's video #5 side by side

similarities of sightings from different places with different equipments can either mean they are UFO from the same alien race/alien fleet OR it's a camera/lens effect.
my noobish analysis makes me lean on the latter.

interesting vids. but nuthin' really to get excited about.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 06:31 PM
Actually, the reason why all these UFO's appear diamond-shaped is that the aperture of most-all video cameras is diamond shaped. The aperture is where the light comes through to be registered by the camera, like the iris of our eyes.

Here is an image showing the aperture of a standard 35-mm camera:

But, really, don't believe me. Grab your video camera or go over to a friend's house who does and zoom in on a distant point of light. It helps if it's at night, but it needen't be: The effect is not an artifact of the environment, but of the physical shape of the whole in the camera's aperture.

Now zoom in on it. As faaaaar as you can. There, YOU now have a diamond-shaped UFO.

I can't believe I took the time to type this response but I really would like to believe UFO's and extra-terrestrials exist. When I come across something like this it makes me sad that most people don't know better. Or do, but don't mind spreading disinformation.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 06:41 PM
I don't have a video camera but the onus is on those that say it is camera tricks to produce the evidence. Some of you have attacked the OP and accused her/him of pretentiousness. Your denile of the video evidence on your feelings or second hand knowledge is not acceptable. Rise to the point of the previous post and make the diamond shape clean and clear.

debunker must do:
Explain the Fox video coverage of the Space Shuttle disaster. I watched this event live that Saturday at a barber shop with several other people.

Explain that video.

PS: I realize the poster above me has done similar but I am asking you to go the extra mile. No time limit. Just U2U me when you have it. I will reciprocate with a few hours of research for you.

[edit on 8/11/08 by stikkinikki]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

Video, "UFO beautiful orange color. peninsula southern Ukraine 12/09/06"....not a lens flare. around 2:20 of the video proves that.

Video, "Light 11"....not a lens flare. As the cam begins to zoom in at 00:32, the object is traveling towards a cloud at a different speed than the cam movement.

Video, "UFO RECENT 2008 MASS...."....not a lens flare. Almost immediately the object can be seen moving behind items between the camera and itself.

Video, "Ufo v Chorvátsku (UFO captured in Croatia)"....Maybe a lens flare, but all those people being interviewed saw something. I'm assuming they were not all looking through the camera but saw it with the naked eye as well.

These look like an actual object the others appear questionable.
Just my opinion.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
I don't have a video camera but the onus is on those that say it is camera tricks to produce the evidence. Some of you have attacked the OP and accused her/him of pretentiousness. Your denile of the video evidence on your feelings or second hand knowledge is not acceptable. Rise to the point of the previous post and make the diamond shape clean and clear.

debunker must do:
Explain the Fox video coverage of the Space Shuttle disaster. I watched this event live that Saturday at a barber shop with several other people.

Expalin that video.

uhhh... so the onus is on the debunker instead of the person making the claim that these are UFOs.. because if they cant then it means the OP is right in her conclusion that these are "valid UFOs"... right. its not necessarily one or the other.

**ALERT** as to who or what my "denile (sic) of the video evidence" is not Acceptable to I have no clue nor do i care, but what i Do know is that your 'denile' of the evidence that the diamond shape phenomena is merely a camera flaw is Unacceptable to the same court, as you Cannot demonstrate that the diamond is a UFO.

You know how when people of past ages would see natural phenomena they would think that it was the work or sign from some god out in the sky? or that the devil and his wares were up to mischief? a rainbow to them (or to some current-day ATSers) might be the work of a leprechaun then, but today its the refraction of light by water particles in the sky .

Now i truly believe in extraterrestrial life (on most days, when i think from the perspective that the Earth actually physically exists
) but only by putting aside the fact that you really want to witness and resolve the alien mystery and by critically analyzing the evidence provided - in this case, youtube video evidence for diamond UFOs and evidence for diamond lense artifacts - can you find your answers. otherwise you are pounding a round question into a diamond-shaped answer.

C'mon, stay awake. Stay *ALERT*.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 07:31 PM
I fully understand the "diamond shaped shutter" theory but I would like to make some points on that theory.

1) What compelled these camera operators to film the sky in the first place? They most likely witnessed the UFO without a camera and then filmed it. (Unless they were already filming and saw this diamond through the camera)

2) Wouldn't this diamond shape stay fixed to, say, the center of the picture or wherever the shutter is positioned?

3) We have no idea what camera's were used so it is just as likely they did not have diamond shaped shutters. If it turned out that all of these sighting were filmed with that type of shutter than I would lean heavily towards it being a shutter effect, but as it is we have no idea.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Lanimilbus

Thank you for that.

They keep stating that its easy to do and yet.. not a one of them has yet to produce a unique video created just for the sake of debunking.

You would think one of them would have produced proof by now.

I am still waiting and will gladly admit I am wrong once they produce proof of their claims. I mean that sincerely. My but they do have such hostility some of them, don't they?

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 07:37 PM
It seems like the "camera shape" emerges when they are zoomed in?

or am I wrong?

To me it looks like these light are diamond shaped even when it isn't fully zoomed in.

But anyway, the shape is not what interest me. It's the source behind the diamond shaped light.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by NephraTari

*ALERT* spitefulgod has posted a video showing exactly what you keep asking for. In fact the entire youtube account of that user is filled with videos of a camera zooming into a light source and going out of focus showing these diamond shapes.

Also, you might want to check out the other vids from the user of first one you posted, "A Touch of Horror",

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 08:00 PM
Unfortunately it seems typical to assume that most people on this topic would like to see a UFO. The simple fact states the obvious. The camera lens cannot make the proper correction to clarify the object. Plain and simple. I used to have a video camera and would spend hours focusing in on various objects and wow a UFO! Same typical features. Although I am no expert, I tend to know my camera if I use one. I myself wouldn't want to make myself a jackass for doing this. Such an experience has taught me so in the years, know your camera. Same goes for digital picture cameras and traditional ones as well, I do however have those (including a Nikon). Although I would like a video camera or a fancy smancy cell phone I don't waste my money on things that I consider rather unconventional (just to me). Point being I have seen this happen a lot and if you really don't want to be kidding yourself you'll do the necessary research and stop arguing with some of these people who obviously know better. I want to see it as much as you do but unfortunately it's not there. Let's not say there is any question as to what it is we are filming. They ceartainly don't seem to be doing any manuvers contrary to that of any of our conventional aircraft (or inconventional that I know of). The reason why this is so widespread is obvious, anyone can do it with any conventional lense. Do it yourself. Maybe a note of advice, bring more than one type of media. I myself wouldn't waste any time in the mountain range. I would get right up in rock throwing range to get whatever proof I needed. Just a further note.

I don't have a video camera anymore, why don't you just go out and buy one yourself... Sorry but this is way to obvious even to me. Sigh, yet again anyone will video tape something to say it is a UFO, thats why we have so much trouble figuring out what's good material. Thank you Anonymous ATS for not making me edit another post. Few...

[edit on 11-8-2008 by freakngeckos]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by NephraTari

Right on, .

I'd like to see "them" reproduce the four I commented on. obviously I don't think they were watched through until the end. Not saying they were ALIENS
but they were certainly objects being filmed.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Thank you very much, He did indeed capture purposefully some similar shapes.

I did not really see any that were quite as clear and focused as some of the video images but I digress. It is very possible that some or even all of these COULD have been a source of light of a different shape that appeared that shape due to this effect.

There were distinctive lines in several of these video's however that I do not see in his examples.

I do sincerely appreciate your post. It is nice to see this effect finally..

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