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Examples of the Obama Cult Effect

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posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

uhm, No. You are AWARE this topic is geared toward Obama are you not?

[edit on 5-8-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

You have yet to prove your point, though. You show one senator who supports Obama and either refuses to name an accomplishment or cannot name one.

well my apologies, but the way you ambiguosly phrased that it could be taken as either a demand or a statement. i read it as a demand.

and no one senator is not all of my evidence i have posted plenty of fanatical nutty quotes and religiously toned pictures. i will continue to post more. im just double checking some sources and will have a fresh hot batch of obama zealotry coming up shortly!

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by justamomma
You actually are proof of the OP's point.

Care to explain how?

And you have a quote attributed to me that I did not say.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:44 AM

a) you claim being liberal yet you borrow in heaps from the conservative blog (as your avatar indicates) and use the summary term "Kool-Aid" which is the trademark of a rabid Hannity-style Bush-bot.

b) Obama is not going to attack Iran, so the Old Milwakee in your fridge is safe.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
reply to post by mental modulator

IM LIBERAL on social issues! God all these rightwing leftwing zombies. can anyone think outside of the damn box? oh yeah and obama is real liberal when he talks about keeping our troops in iraq and possibly attacking iran and pakistan. i guess you obama cult people are some sort of special liberals.

you like to liberally apply death and destruction all over the middle east, because a black guy supports it. hypocracy at its finest. disgusting.

I believe a gay people should be able to get married... Is that rightwing... I'm just a man!

your cult stuff is sad. I'm not religious!

Unlike most presidents Obama didn't have a good family name or family money,
he is a self made man... That what I have observed and researched .
I have read a great deal about him, have you???
Do books count???

If Obama brings more death and destruction the middle east then I will be the first
to be out there starting a #$@!#$ storm against it!!!

[edit on 5-8-2008 by mental modulator]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Hmmm... That one is too funky to even comment on.

That is not something you said??? I will apologize for accidentally cutting out that you were replying to the top part, but I went back and it is obvious that your quote is seperate and a remark to another quote, unless we are on a board of dense ppl (is that what you assume? that others cannot figure that out?). On my way to clear it up for the mentally challenged who you apparently think roam the board!!

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
well my apologies, but the way you ambiguosly phrased that it could be taken as either a demand or a statement. i read it as a demand.

You didn't take the time to read it, you assumed. Don't blame me for "ambiguous" phrasing when you simply read it wrong.

and no one senator is not all of my evidence i have posted plenty of fanatical nutty quotes and religiously toned pictures.

Please, don't bother. I have debunked 90% of your "proof". It's worthless unless it's true AND proves your original assertion, which NONE as yet, has. All you've shown is that some people are really excited about Obama. That doesn't mean there's a cult.

And what I have shown is that the people who make the charge of "cult", are actually the ones obsessed with Obama.

Bored now...

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

first of all its budweiser in my fridge lets get that straight.

secondly i found this picture humerous so i use it. it dosnt matter where i got it i just did a google image search for "obama koolaid" i dont go to that website. im not good a photoshop, but if one of you obama people makes me a picture of juan mccain in a lowrider wearing a sombrero eating tacos i promise you i will use it as my avatar.

i completely loathe hannity and he didnt create the koolaid thing. some obama fanboys are exhibiting cultlike devotion. it is a logical conclusion to start talking about obama kool aide then. i beg you to read my posts with an open mind. i really do make fun of both sides because they are both ridiculous.

and about obama and iran he said that if talks fail he supports a strike. well talks will fail becuase no one is serious about peace. the iranians are just trying to develop nuke power so they can sell more oil, and the oil companies that control both political parties want us to attack iran. this makes me mad. heres the link

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I'm looking at your "evidence". It is lame and totally insufficient in making the point you are trying so desperately to make. You charge that Obama is responsible for purposely inserting religious undertones into his campaign that encourage a "cult-like" following.

And one Senator is your "proof" of the above?

That is why I am here, because Barack Obama is the only person in this who understands that. That before we can work on the problems, we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation.

-Michelle Obama

"My job is to be so persuasive that if there's anybody left out there who is still not sure whether they will vote, or is still not clear who they will vote for, that a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ... and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama"

Lebanon Opera House, New Hampshire. January 7, 2008.

"Obama: For Now, Perspiration Over Inspiration", by Andrew Romano Newsweek January 31, 2008:

Reading the recent flurry of stories about Barack Obama--the Clinton-slayer! the youth candidate! the next Kennedy!--it'd be easy to imagine that his campaign is all inspiration and little perspiration at this point, with rainbows and starshine bursting from the tailpipe of his tour bus. Obama both lampoons and slyly encourages the perception. In New Hampshire and South Carolina, for example, the senator was fond of telling audiences that "at some point in the evening, a light is going to shine down and you will have an epiphany and you’ll say, ‘I have to vote for Barack.’" Next up: levitation.

CNN CNN Newsroom. Aired January 7, 2008 - 11:00 EST. Transcript (of video of Obama himself?):

That's his job, get you to the polls, vote for Obama. My job is to help him do his job. So I am going to try to be so persuasive in the 20 minutes or so that I speak that b]by the time this is over, a light will shine down from somewhere.

It will light upon you. You will experience an epiphany. And you will say to yourself, I have to vote for Barack. I have to do it.

Than of course you have all the obvious media spin to make him look holy.

I have thrown myself into a new world—one in which fluffy chatter and frivolous praise are replaced by a get-to-the-point directness and disciple-like devotion.

-Elle associate publisher Samantha Fennell. July 2008. Samantha recently announced that she was leaving her position to follow Obama and raise funds for his campaign.

[edit on 5-8-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Dronetek

I totally love your "triple-dipping", when a reference to a single phrase, and a single occasion, was wrapped into three huge swaths of texts and pasted here. Sheesh.

Better luck next time.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

you havnt really debunked anything.
you just see the evidence i have provided diffrently because you are hopelessly DEVOTED to your canidate... theres plenty out there you just have to open your mind. and yes obama isnt the only canidate to have ever done this. huckafool did it. bush did it. but if that is what a campaign is running on thats a dire sign. a campaign needs to be run on facts, not "HOPE".

All you've shown proof of is that the is an aura of excitement and devotion to one candidate

well that sounds pretty much like cult behavior. no one should be devoted to any canidate. they need to prove they are worthy. this is politics not religion. facts, not hope.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I totally love your "triple-dipping", when a reference to a single phrase, and a single occasion, was wrapped into three huge swaths of texts and pasted here. Sheesh.

Better luck next time.

I was just providing multiple examples of him using it in speeches. Believe me, I can provide plenty more.

They serenaded the Hyde Park Democrat with chants of "O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma!" Obama drew such a passionate outpouring from the crowd that even he and his aides were overwhelmed. "At one point, I thought Barack was going to rise up over the people and start saying, 'My children, my children, I have come to free you,' joked his driver and bodyguard, Mike Signator. "It was just incredible."

-Obama: From Promise to Power
by David Mendell

Barack Obama isn't really one of us. Not in the normal way, anyway.

Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve.

Even Bill Clinton, with all his effortless, winking charm, didn't have what Obama has, which is a sort of powerful luminosity, a unique high-vibration integrity.

“What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history. ... The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.”

I can't believe the man whose speeches I watch on YouTube everyday is so close to me. his speeches give an aura of immortality that belies the fact that he's a living breathing human. ...

"I’ve been following politics since I was about 5,” said Mr. Matthews. “I’ve never seen anything like this. This is bigger than Kennedy. [Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament. This is surprising."

-Chris Mathews

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
no one should be devoted to any canidate. they need to prove they are worthy. this is politics not religion. facts, not hope.

I think that having trust in a leader (you may call it "devotion" if you like), and having a modicum of admiration of same, is not unhealthy. Again, I'm not a strong supporter of Obama at all, if anything.

Providing a hope to the nation that so desperately needs it, after years of abuse and betrayal by the Bush-oids, ain't bad either.

BtW the fact that Obama voted against the Iraq war means TONS to me personally, he showed he has guts and others didn't.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by TheRepublic
no one should be devoted to any canidate. they need to prove they are worthy. this is politics not religion. facts, not hope.

BtW the fact that Obama voted against the Iraq war means TONS to me personally, he showed he has guts and others didn't.

Me 2... That is when I first took notice,,, that took backbone and fortitude!

I recall terrorist loving unpatriotic blah blah,,, your either with us or against us BS.

...That was the law of the land when he maned up!

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

BtW the fact that Obama voted against the Iraq war means TONS to me personally, he showed he has guts and others didn't.

reply to post by mental modulator

Me 2... That is when I first took notice,,, that took backbone and fortitude!

...That was the law of the land when he maned up!

Obama never voted....

Who knows how he would have voted when his political career was on the line? Its easy to have such great hindsight, when you never had to vote.

[edit on 5-8-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:48 PM
I stand corrected! Indeed, Obama did not vote for the Iraq war.
He was not sworn in as a US senator until later, even though he voiced his opposition to the measure before that.

Thanks for straightening out the facts for me.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Quazga

obama hands down is one the worst potential presidents.

i dont understand why anyone would support such a radical guy. this guy lacks good judgment and thats easy too see. not only that but he flip flops too much it seems like everyday that passes hes agreeing more and more with mccain so im voting for the guy who at least had it right from the beginning which is McCain.

Obama is young and naive hes unexperienced and lacks character, he really thinks hes right when hes wrong most of the time if not all the time.

why i hate Obama--

he attended a church for 20 years or so with with a radical rev.
he opposed liberating Iraq from a tyrant.
he opposed the surge which made it safer for our troops
he wants to withdraw from Iraq within 16 month no matter what!
apparently he doesnt understand that if we leave things as theyre getting better hes basically telling all those Iraqis that they dont matter. i support what mccain said "i rather lose an election then lose a war"

he wants to socialize medicine. big big mistake.
he will increase taxes to pay for all his govt programs
he opposed NAFTA then supported it(lack of good judgement)
cant admit he was wrong about the surge.
ignored the troops when visiting afghanistan.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:50 PM
wow a clear indication of how the globe (free first world countries) are run by power of opinion coupled with a gross misunderstanding of politics married with xenophobia all wrapped up in celebrity worship packaging...its a wonder half us Americans even function in society....
Lets get one thing str8: we HAVE had black presidents already! research it dudes. So to go with this a-hole due to his color is ridiculous..the election should be won on MERIT!!!!!!!! this isnt a fashion show and it certainly isnt a Tyra Banks walk-on self-indulgant talk lets see, shall we, what Obama has done or even TRIED to do while Senator.....


ok cue the crickets......

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Wow the reaction of all the Obama sheeple is priceless. Obama or player one of the 2 party crime family as I like to call him DOES come off like some messiah. Thats how the puppeteers want our future president to come off. Obama will win so dont worry but if your looking for change it wont happen. Sorry to disappoint. We are instead going to get the new deal part 2 with a side of liberty ala disapearith on the side. Great post start and flag for you republic

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Dronetek

excellent point. he never even voted. so what do we really know about obama? just what all the talking heads say? all the fluff the marketing spinamsters put out? we dont know a thing about him, and he is purposefully vauge on many of his stances, along with backpeddeling excessivly.

all politicians backpeddle though. the problem is that people are brainwashed into thinking obama is some sort of new messiah when he is the same old globalist corporate canidate in a diffrent shade of wrapping for him if you must but at least be skeptical people.

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