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ask a satanist

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posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 04:03 AM
I've read through the thread. This post is kind of a follow up to some of the immediately preceding posts. Is your sect of Satanism connected at all with any of the African originated spirit religions like Voodoo or Santeria. These religions have a deity (Eshu) who might be thought to be very similar to the popular notion of Satan, a priapic trickster.

In your sect does the concept of self interest and hedonism and or, ritual worship, extend to include practices like child molestation, bestiality, coprophilia, sadism, blood sacrifice, etc?

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 04:22 AM
"Satan" is a descriptive noun, "Lucifer" refers to the job/title once held

So what is the actual name of the "anti-god"?

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 05:52 AM
Okay.... I have quite a bit to say here, because I know a few things about God and the like... people may think it's crazy... but you want the truth, right?

I am not religious, and I was an atheist for a long time. My best friend for a long time started practicing Satanism, and quite recently... he tried to kill me twice for A) knowing, and for B) not converting to Satanism out of fear for my life. He's a hemophiliac, though... so there's not much he could do without me accidentally killing him defending myself. So I don't think he thought that completely through... and Satanism in General is kind of embodied in my friend there, always acting on knee jerk emotional reactions.

Right... so by worshiping Satan, you acknowledge that your "God" and your fellow Satanists are quite good at lying and manipulating. Being that you worship a trickster.... How do you know that all this delusion you have about being completely selfish and seeking power, reward, and gratification, is not all a giant manipulation by the Ultimate Liar, Satan Himself? Why are you seeking to destroy the "illusion" that we are "trapped" in? Don't you know that once it is all destroyed... guess where you'll be?.... Back as one with God! Oh my Gosh, the ultimate paradox! You are a part of the ONE no matter WHAT you do! There is no escape from YOURSELF!

Yes, it is insanity in a way (in a "status quo" kind of view of what "sane" is).... but what you are saying about God being insane is based on a Bible myth in which you take quite literally, it seems.
God loves us...all of us.. even those who denounce God.. because he needs us to feel whole. Being an eternal emptiness/light/void/force is lonely, and maybe just as insane as creating an infinitely evolving dream for yourself to splinter off and get lost in in order to forget.

Another important thing to note is that, at your root, YOU are God. Everything that YOU see, every person that YOU experience contact and relationship with is YOUR creation (not the you that you are now, quite obviously a very materialistic and egotistic thick yet shallow shell of your true being, but the you underneath all of the egotistical delusion of what you fool yourself into believing is self). You are rebelling against your own dream. Will you wake up all alone in no-thingness once you've destroyed it?

Why must we be God? That is sometimes a horrible thing to realize, that this is all just a dream, and that the only meaning we can ascribe to it is our very own... Trust me, I've been there. I didn't wanna live anymore for two months after I remembered the truth. I wanted to rebel and LIE to myself and pretend that I wasn't what I was because that would mean that I am responsible for it all... for all the grief. That would mean that I AM only one consciousness lost in a splintered dreamscape, so splintered that dreams exist within dreams within dreams within dreams ad infinitum... I also realized that it would do no good to hurt myself. I can never die. I can only learn and evelve the dream from each lifetime lived. I am already all powerful, all immortal, ALL. The greatest thing that I can possibly be, instead of that, is the simple me that I am now. The greatest power and the greatest gratification that I could possibly have for myself, Slothrop, is to understand and have compassion for all of these things that make up my reality, because that is the only thing that will bring true peace and happiness. To love everything as your own, to know exactly why all the confusion and hate, to be as one with everything... because that is truly what I AM.

So Satanism actually worships the Ultimate Ego, the one who lies to even himself, and gets angry and wrathful when someone interrupts his delusional gratification addiction, and whom vows to destroy the very illusion he depends on in order to keep on existing and having the illusion of grandeur? Who is more insane, a God who admits that he is all things and also nothing and therefore loves all things equally, from the tiniest up to the largest, from the greatest to the worst? Or a Devil whom hates and seeks to kill his delusion in order to keep his delusion alive???

Nothing is right or wrong in this universe... but harmony is much better than playing completely out of tune.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 06:16 AM
Good thread,atheist here...but always good to see how much religion twists and manipulates people whether it be christian or satanist,i also follow the thought that your form of satanism is in the minority and somewhat like a christian cult... just what im thinking reading some of your posts.Good thread

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 06:30 AM
Well, to each their own I say. I'm a non-practising Catholic because I can't believe in Good or Evil. Does your sect practice in absolutes?

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 06:51 AM
new to ATS and new to satanism eh? A Levayan satanist wouldn't just offer up info to people in a Q&A on a website bro. First of all, let them research it, and read up on it themselves. and don't give your opinion unless asked. NOT ask people to to ask you questions. tsk tsk

yankee rose

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Totalstranger
new to ATS and new to satanism eh? A Levayan satanist wouldn't just offer up info to people in a Q&A on a website bro. First of all, let them research it, and read up on it themselves. and don't give your opinion unless asked. NOT ask people to to ask you questions. tsk tsk

yankee rose

My sentiments exactly

They also would not use the term Satan or Lucifer as both are not the names of the entity in question

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Cythraul
I fully believe in self-empowerment, strength-of-will, the attainment of knowledge and the refusal to submit myself to anyone or anything. You cannot follow God if you believe in any of these things. God restricts the attainment of knowledge and demands subserviance.

Why is that? This is the mistake most Satanists and atheists alike make.

You are mixing up religion and God in your mind. They are not one and the same. You don't have to be subservient to God to believe in God.

We are God and God is us and everything is God and we are everything.

We are one. We are all different bits from the Godhead and are here to experience life. When your soul experiences every facet of this life we then raise to the next dimension.

My question for the OP would be...

Do you understand this or are you making the mistake of mixing up God and religion?

Edit to add: I didn't read this before I posted. My sentiments exactly. reply to post by dunwichwitch

[edit on 4-8-2008 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by dunwichwitch

So Satanism actually worships the Ultimate Ego, the one who lies to even himself, and gets angry and wrathful when someone interrupts his delusional gratification addiction, and whom vows to destroy the very illusion he depends on in order to keep on existing and having the illusion of grandeur? Who is more insane, a God who admits that he is all things and also nothing and therefore loves all things equally, from the tiniest up to the largest, from the greatest to the worst? Or a Devil whom hates and seeks to kill his delusion in order to keep his delusion alive???

Nothing is right or wrong in this universe... but harmony is much better than playing completely out of tune.

Bravo!!! My thoughts articulated perfectly.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 09:23 AM
What a great thread! I didn't have time to read the whole thing because i'm about to go to work but I saved it. I never new satanists could be so level headed. I've wondered why satan was considered to be such a bad guy. From what I know about the bible, which isn't a whole lot, all he did wrong was to start a war in heaven and then to tempt jesus.

That's two things, lol. God has issued orders to slay babies and all kinds of crazy jipe. Still I have to wonder, if satanists think the bible is a pack of lies why believe any of it? It's a moot question I know, why believe anything for that matter. Why get out of bed in the morning? I see how it works, pretty interesting too.

I might even look up some satanists in my area. How can I tell the new agers from the originals? Any help?

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Malevolent_Aliens
reply to post by Slothrop

What do you think about this ex-satanists story who believes he was saved by GOD after demons started attacking him and tried to get him to committ suicide?


Whoa whoa whoa. Fox news doesn't have to tell the truth...

so just what makes you think The 700 Club has to?

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
Why is that? This is the mistake most Satanists and atheists alike make.

You are mixing up religion and God in your mind. They are not one and the same. You don't have to be subservient to God to believe in God.

We are God and God is us and everything is God and we are everything.

We are one. We are all different bits from the Godhead and are here to experience life. When your soul experiences every facet of this life we then raise to the next dimension.

You're right. I suppose I did mix up God and religion. I only use a capital "G" when referring the Christian god. Too often I presume that others do the same. My point was that you can't believe in the Christian, Biblical 'God' if you do not believe in 'living on your knees in the dark' - metaphorically speaking. Many people refer to a 'God' that does not belong to the major religions. To Satanists, Satan is 'God' I suppose.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 10:09 AM
I dont feel you have done your religion any justice!!!. Actualy you just seem like a bitter person who probably has alot of anger, sadness, and inmaturity

Thats just my opinion.
I myself once felt as you and believed like you. I know some "
satanists", and while your beliefs are somewhat comparable they do not exude? your rudeness toward other "humans" and your virtues are that of a teenage rebel not a serious adult human being. as far as punk or Black Sabbath thats nothing.For years I listened to "Death Metal", Deicide/morbid angel/Suffacation ect...and then I met some of them, and they are in my opinion just like you..
Remember I am not trying to take your inventory I just think that as far as dispelling lies and falsehoods upon your religion you have done them no justice and you have if anything proved them correct.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Mozzy
Still I have to wonder, if satanists think the bible is a pack of lies why believe any of it? It's a moot question I know, why believe anything for that matter. Why get out of bed in the morning? I see how it works, pretty interesting too.

Most Satanists believe that the Bible is just one of many ancient accounts which gives us an insight into our origins and spiritual nature. It is no more important than Sumerian, Egyptian or Vidic texts in terms of giving us answers. When the OP said 'it is packed with lies', I'm guessing what he really meant was that its dogma and commands are lies, and some of the mythology is false because it has been rewritten by Jehovah to skew the truth about himself. Much of the mythology therein contains some truth.

Originally posted by Mozzy
I might even look up some satanists in my area. How can I tell the new agers from the originals? Any help?

You won't necessarily be able to distinguish them by the way they look or dress. You'll only be able to identify them by their actions and beliefs.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by noone81

yes I was a bit weary when I saw the title.. but as I just read page one I am delighted in his answers... I have a friend whom I grew up with.. and he is into the same sort of thing.. (not quite sure if its the same) but his dad got him into it at a very young age.. my friend is very logical in his approach/beliefs (for lack of a better word) and growing up he was always rediculed and what not.. but he is a very strong minded individual... great thread btw OP

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by dunwichwitch

nice post, but i think you're in the wrong thread. this is about questions for a satanist. no offense but you're really just talking to yourself. we're asking questions because we want to know what that guy is like.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

Well the thing about me is that I believe everything i hear for about 5-10 minutes. I realized that about myself a few years ago and now it's an advantage I suppose. It was good to read the views of the Satanist, very sarcastic by nature it seems.

Personally I can't come to grips with why anyone believes that god himself has been to this planet. If you counted up all the times god and gods and angels and demigods have been to this planet according to religion it must be in the thousands. God himself must've been here about 20 times alone. It's all very romantic.

I think the only answer is balance, always has been and always will be. Mediocrity always wins.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by Sunsetspawn

Those Bastards, and all this time I thought I was drinking

nature fresh--hormone free--organic milk!

Here you will find behind-the-scenes details about how a large share of America’s milk supply has quietly become adulterated with the effects of a synthetic hormone (bovine growth hormone, or BGH) secretly injected into cows…and how pressure from the hormone maker Monsanto led Fox TV to fire two of its award-winning reporters and sweep under the rug much of what they discovered but were never allowed to broadcast.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Slothrop

we believe the bible is a pack of lies, but we do believe that there are elements of truth, especially in the old testament

So which is it?
The Bible is a pack of lies or the Bible has elements of truth?

we believe in the virtues of greed and selfishness. harm enemies and help friends. there is nothing more ridiculous than showing mercy and love for your enemy.

This is exactly what Anton LaVey teaches.

i do believe in the real existence of the occult. alchemy, ghosts, demons and angels

we do believe, like i said, that occultists throughout the ages have also written some true things about demons and the dark arts.

Original occultism had very little to do with demons etc.
Occult comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to "knowledge of the hidden".People who follow the occult are followers and searchers of truth,those who see it as being anything supernatural or paranormal which is not achieved by or through God,and is therefore the work of an opposing and malevolent entity have their roots firmly in the Catholics demonization of those who who studied the occult,the esoteric and alchemy.These later beliefs,you could say,were actually built on a myth created by the Catholic church.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 11:47 AM
Tell me...

Did satan promise you power beyond belief and immortality if you follow him?

Did the words that came out of his mouth taste like the best freakn chocolate you ever ate ?? (btw I love chocolate

I bet it did...

You know, one day not long ago I received an email, promising me $200 in two weeks if I payed $100 in the account they gave me. Sounded good to me so I tried it, cm on $100 is not that much. Ok, so two weeks later $200 was payed into my account! Damn did that feel good, couldn't believe it. So two weeks later I received an email, asking for $200 dollars, and promised me $400 in two weeks. Did I do it? Oh yeeessss WHY not! Cm on there is no risk for I have already made $200! I did it, and guess what, $400 richer two weeks later! Oh this I thought is IT! So a week later I received another email... You know what happened...
This went on for about 5 months and I made about $50 000 doing absolutely nothing! Then the email appeared that I just couldn't say no to... It asked for $100 000, and in return I'll receive $200 000 in two weeks. I'm an entrepreneur and taking risks is my business. And looking at the statistics, it looked very good in my opinion. So I did it... Dumbest decision I had ever made in my life. Never got my money back.

What did this teach me...

BEWARE of the CONman. Beware of someone you don't even know who promises such wealth and gifts that you just can't resist.

Through the Bible you can learn what type of person God is, and what type of person satan is, and we all know the Bible isn't very fond of little satan

Where is the book that describes satan as an eternal loving being? All I ever read of him is hate, death and lies.

I sense some sort of misfortune that happened in your life that turned you to satan. If it is true, please ask yourself this question... Which god is best suited for the prosperity of mankind? An eternal loving and caring being who teaches to love everyone, even if they show hatred toward you, not to harm them and pray for THEIR well being! (which is by the way one of the most difficult thing things to do. Not made for weaklings) Or a being who wants you to hate, kill and burn?

I think the answer is obvious.

May you find Light wherever you go, and make the right decisions

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