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Attack America Now

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posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:14 AM
Well china could call in those debts now..

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 12:12 PM
XID, More enlightened words from a rascist bigot, people hating knucle dragger.

As you seem to think only you speaks the truth I will ask you this, do you agree with the action of the Nazis and the Holocaust and the persecution that people of the Jewish faith have endured over the centuries.

Because YOU are saying the very same thing, that to YOU all Muslims, are fanatics and ruin any Nation they set foot in, so that makes you a rascist at least if nothing else.

And there are plenty of people who hate the British for what we did to them just as people hate Americans now.

And to be honest your becoming quite a bore, the name calling has no effect and if thats all you can offer then your just wasting your time.

So go and cry like a big baby to the mods, you cannot debate with me on this topic so you think you can derail it by being a pussy and whinging all the time.

Again irrespective of what you think or say you cannot debate one item that has been raised. All you do is call me a liar yet the truth is there for all to see exactly what America is doing at home and abroad. I suppose the Patriot Act does not exist does it, that your Goverment has never said people will have to give up freedoms and liberty because of the WOT.

America Invaded Iraq and Afganistan on the back of downright lies and deceit. The actions of your Goverment has led to the deaths of millions of innocent people but thats all a lie as well is it. Or is it that you dont give a dam who dies as long as its not Americans.

Why not just come out and be honest and admit that you think you are superior to all none Americans and that you are a rascist with biggoted ignorant views. Why not just be honest and state that you would like to see an American World where all none patriots, or in your case subservient slaves are killed off just as what the Nazis had planned for so many of us.

I'd would like to know what you have got planned for the 7 million Muslims living in the US and all the other ethnic minorities, off to the gas chambers is it, is that what you would like and would openly support.

Are you a white supremasist, living in the South and do you wear one of them pointy hats?

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 01:49 PM

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 01:49 PM

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 01:53 PM
Edit out post because Duzey says it better in the next post.
## Though I'm still reading and watching##

[edit on 16-8-2008 by NGC2736]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 01:56 PM
Attention everyone!

The personal attacks must stop now. The posting of sources without attribution and links must stop now. The disregarding of ATS rules regarding posting from external sources must stop now.

If these actions continue, the staff will be forced to take action.

This doesn't mean posts up to this point get a free pass - the thread will be reviewed. Those of you within the edit window may want to consider bringing your posts within the T&C of the site.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom

As you seem to think only you speaks the truth

Well ONE of us has to kid because so far, your fables aren't cutting it.

Because YOU are saying the very same thing, that to YOU all Muslims, are fanatics and ruin any Nation they set foot in, so that makes you a rascist at least if nothing else.

No, read my post Mushroom. read my post, read my post, read my post.

Those Governments are saying it and I have given the link to the original sources.
By the way, your Government is starting to say it too! These are people and place that have given the muslims the benefit of the doubt and graciously accepted them into their country to respect the customs of the land and their culture but invariably we see the same tactics used again and again.

1) Moderates move in and bring in extremists to do the dirty deeds the moderates can’t stomach but agree with nevertheless
2) They begin to install their Sharia Laws and the slippery slope begins

I have seen many bash Christians on this website, but I can tell you, you will beg to have those Christians back again after they leave because they are a hell of a lot easier to live with than muslims and we Jewish in Israel owe our very lives and existence to them as they have rescued us on many many occasions from people pushing fear and hatred using Zionist conspiracy and Rothchild sensationalism much like you are here

And there are plenty of people who hate the British

You sure aren’t doing them any favors Mushroom

I will ask you this, do you agree with the action of the Nazis and the Holocaust and the persecution that people of the Jewish faith have endured over the centuries.

Oh you are so deserving of this that I laugh when I remember you actually thanked me for coming back. Ha ha I'm going to make you eat every word of that Mushroom and I will continue to dismantle each and every one of your ignorant assumptions and ideas until you are taken as serious as a courts jester wearing a sign on his back saying village idiot.

You don't want that now do you?

Ill tell you why, mushroom, I make a living getting the truth out of liars and I am damn good at it too. Do you even proof read your posts anticipating where I might find some logical fallacy, some inconsistency in your statements that may make you look a tad silly or worse, and a liar? This last post of yours is the one that makes me wonder and Ill tell you why because I get the sneaking suspicion you think you're smart. You aren't that smart Mushroom and you aren't that careful when you attempt yet another straw man laced with ad-hom introductions using juvenile methods of ridicule calling me names.

First let’s get one thing straight, I don't call you names I convict you under the terms defined in the English language for people not telling the truth and the word I used is "Liar" and it has been proven by more than myself on more then a dozen occasions in this thread alone and THAT is Undeniable. When you spoke of articles and documents critical to the premise of your argument and they were also proven to contain no such language using the actual Government own post of said document, you went on saying it was going to happen anyway and I called that IGNORANT because that under the defined terms of someone not knowing what they are talking about is called and at that point it is what you are and THAT is undeniable.

You can not prove your case merely by saying you believe something is going to happen in the future just because it suits your twisted concepts and ideas of America and American Government.

I have worked in areas of Government with top secret security clearance Mushroom and albeit that isn't so impressive these days with Bush giving his secretary a rubber stamp to classify everything that way, it does give me a better vantage point than it does you. You can confuse my calling you a liar for name calling but you would be making a mistake and it is the idea I am dragging my knuckles on the ground like some meandering Neanderthal accusing me of Bigotry in the same breath you ask me about the Jews while defending a people who have taken your 21st century juries prudence to the stone age allowing SHARIA LAW! Sharia Law! Mushroom!

How DARE you accuse me of bigotry comparing ME to Nazis and what they did to the Jews when I AM JEWISH! How Dare YOU accuse me of being a bigot when you have defended a people that have hated us and they hate you too! They hate everyone who isn't Muslim! Sharia LAW! Mushroom! Do YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT IS LIKE TO LITIGATE A CASE WHERE a woman has had her clitoris removed by Muslim cleric doctors who don't even wash their hands before surgery and you can't prosecute them and the grotesque misogyny and willful want and complete and total disregard for human civil rights! YOU CALL ME THE NAZI!

How Dare you! Call ME a bigot when Muslims like those I just spoke of are MODERATE!

How Dare you compare ME to a Nazi when it is YOUR defense of Muslims and their sharia laws which have infected the UK that will grow like a cancer till you are the ones feeling like the Jews did and mark my words IT IS COMING.

So go and cry like a big baby to the mods, you cannot debate with me on this topic so you think you can derail it by being a pussy and whinging all the time.

Again irrespective of what you think or say you cannot debate one item that has been raised. All you do is call me a liar yet the truth is there for all to see exactly what America is doing at home and abroad. I suppose the Patriot Act does not exist does it, that your Goverment has never said people will have to give up freedoms and liberty because of the WOT.

I am not crying Mushroom I am disgusted with your confusing the differences between a name caller and calling it what name it is. I am disgusted with your apparent disregard for those British soldiers who have spilled blood to get your Governments laws and freedoms to a point of being one of the great models of Government and the rule of law that respects woman, gays race etc,. Just to have a horde of immigrants you cow tow too and install SHARIA! LAW! They must be turning in their graves over the likes of you, and your traitorous anti British anti American anti Semite bigotry. You are everything BOTH you and I despise in people who can't see past their own over inflated over exaggerated opinion of themselves and you have lost this argument miserably because you simply do not know what you are talking about and THAT is undeniable.

[edit on 16-8-2008 by XIDIXIDIX]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Ok just to let you know I read the mods posts

I think its best to close it but thats just me

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:02 PM

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:04 PM
Please see my post above.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:07 PM

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:10 PM

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 03:32 PM
XID, you have not proved anything have you, so now you finally come clean, I can see where your hate and bigotry comes from, your Jewish so therefore you will never say anything good about Muslims or anyone else for that matter.

Israel a state formed out of terrorism and still continues to use terrorism against anyone who challenges them. You have illegally occupide Palestine, robbed the Palestinians of there homes and lives and its now quite obvious why you defend the US so much because you need them to save your asses.

Israel from the day of its conception has carried out crimes against humanity and when the indigenous population fight back to defend their homes and lives you label them Terrorists. A nation that wages war on innocents, a rougue nation that has hundreds of nukes and has threatened to use them, a nation that is not part of any nuke inspections or treaties, a nation that feeds off the US and its people. Those are all facts, no lies, no deceit, nada just the plain truth.

Well its quite simple you keep attacking those who cannot fight back and others will come to their defense. And I don't know where your getting all this crap about Sharia Law in the UK, Fox News perhaps, the Jerusalem Post maybe.

Its really rich when some one such as you shouts about extremists and fanactics when the Jewish people can be some of the worst of them. I can understand you fear though being a tiny country surrounded by those who do like you must send shivers up your spine. And its quite clear that the Zionists are behind the US's Foreign Policy.

And far from it being just what I think its millions of people who say the same, lay persons and experts alike, I suppose their all Muslim lovers and American haters arent they even the American ones.

These are your words

"This is the grim reality Spain has learned the hard way, France is holding on by a thread, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, and ALL of them are sorry they let them in their country. YOU GUYS gave them Sharia! Are you guys NUTS! "

You are likening the Muslim people to a disease, thats just what Hitler did abut the Jews of Europe. That makes you a rascist pure and simple, it makes you a hater of people who you dont or wont understand.

But what I said stands, and as yet although just like your president you think that by keep calling me a liar will make me one not it will not, your just scared and affraid of the truth and cannot face it and it is that which comes over every time you post, scared, scared of the truth, scared of others finding out the truth that you so much want to hide away. All you have is anger and rage, you want to lash out to those who state the truth.

All you have proved here is how good your at calling people names and if you think it will make me go away no it wont. But what I posted right at the begining of this thread will happen, if you like it or not. And if the US and Israel dont learn to live in peace and harmony with others then there are those who will make it so.

Despite your best efforts to try and derail this thread and make it a Muslim issue, nice try, you still cannot bring yourself to discuss the matter in hand can you which is should the US be dealt with now before it starts the next world war. And again being in denial you state what America ambitions, well lets see, 2 illegal wars in the ME, the placing of missle systems in former Soviet states, the over throwing of elected officials or the murdering of them, supporting and forming of terrorist organsiations.

Plus we now know have been caught with your hands in the till in Georgia, why would there be American/Israeli military advisors etc. in Georgia right on the Russian border, has that got something to do with the Invasion of Iran, you bet. And thousands have died there all for America's ambitions and the protection of Israel. And lets not forget, Syria and N Korea are on the list arent they.

The re positioning of Naval units to the Pacific to counter Chinese expansion and rearming, of course this does not look like global ambitions does it. perhaps you should look it up and see what it means.

Lets just face it you havent got a clue about any of it thats why you cannot discuss the matter coupled with your rabid hate of all things Muslim rather states your position dos it not.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom

XID, you have not proved anything have you, so now you finally come clean, I can see where your hate and bigotry comes from, your Jewish so therefore you will never say anything good about Muslims or anyone else for that matter.

There you go again MM making a fool out of yourself, I didn't choose to be Jewish MM I was BORN INTO IT! That doesn't make hatred of Muslims part of my genetic design and just because you can't seem to see past your own hatred for Jews laying all this sudden crap on me as if because I am Jewish I hate everyone. Let me tell you something Magic mushroom, you couldn't have a better friend than a Jew and we have bent over backwards to get along in this world of haters like you. Throughout the centuries, in spite of oppression, banishment, and slaughter, there was an uninterrupted continuity of Jewish life in the country. The Jewish community in the land of Israel has always played a unique role in Jewish history.

Israel a state formed out of terrorism and still continues to use terrorism against anyone who challenges them. You have illegally occupide Palestine, robbed the Palestinians of there homes and lives and its now quite obvious why you defend the US so much because you need them to save your asses.

Hey Mushroom,, I am an American Citizen I have been to Israel many times and have seen what goes on there YOU have not! Ill tell you something else too, unless you are a Muslim and enjoy living like that with a towel wrapped around your head and your woman looking like ninjas genitally mutilated and treated like cattle a mere piece of property you don't know what you're talking about. IT WAS YOUR COUNTRY that screwed over the Palestinians or don't you know your history! Yeah YOU GUYS were the ones that helped and we had this land for thousands of years before the UK was even on the map!

ISRAEL has a right to EXIST! That is THEIR! Country Their Land and if you think the UK can interfere with Israelis right to exist I think you would find out Israeli's would crush the UK in a week if not a day. You don't seem to get this Mushroom But the Muslims don't just think we don't have a right to our own land the land YOUR country had no business in the first place and you have no business criticizing when YOUR country is already experiencing the same trouble with MUSLIMS Jews have for hundreds of years! They don't just want Israel or the Golan they want it ALL and they want every single Jew DEAD!

They will say the same of brits and already have! You can't even name a teddy bear Muhammad without death threats from those sick bastards mushroom! Your own country is going through it now! Because you were stupid enough to allow them in!

Here do your homework and quit talking like a fool

"After Sykes-Picot, the British had made two promises regarding the territory in the Middle East it was expecting to acquire. Britain had promised the local Arabs, through Lawrence, independence for a united Arab country covering most of the Arab Middle East, in exchange for their support of the British; and in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 had promised to create and foster a Jewish national home in Palestine.

Israel from the day of its conception has carried out crimes against humanity and when the indigenous population fight back to defend their homes and lives you label them Terrorists. A nation that wages war on innocents, a rougue nation that has hundreds of nukes and has threatened to use them, a nation that is not part of any nuke inspections or treaties, a nation that feeds off the US and its people. Those are all facts, no lies, no deceit, nada just the plain truth.

I don't do a damn thing mushroom I am an American! And Defend America first! The state of Israel second! You got that! I have nothing to do with that and yes Israel loves America and Americans but the difference between Israeli immigrants and Muslim is this, WE Jews are Americans FIRST! Muslims come here and they are Muslim first Jordanian second American if at all.

Well it’s quite simple you keep attacking those who cannot fight back and others will come to their defense. And I don't know where your getting all this crap about Sharia Law in the UK, Fox News perhaps, the Jerusalem Post maybe.

you keep attacking those who cannot fight back

Mushoom you better Apologize for this one, I have not attacked anyone moreover I have made it my lifes work to defend those that can not defend themselves

I don't know where your getting all this crap about Sharia Law in the UK, Fox News perhaps,

I get it from your BBC! MUSHROOM! The same BBC that is now so infected with Muslims making threats to journalists there they are afraid to report on half the crap that goes one there anymore! I don't get my News from television and if you knew half of what you are talking about you wouldn't sound like such a liberal with his head in the sand. I just watched a clip from Fox because you mentioned it and ya know what! I LIKE THIS GUY!

Ya know why!

He is RIGHT! And you are WRONG! You want to test my theory then I suggest you live in one of the UK's "no Go" zones where even your police don't like going without back up and someone to watch their vehicles from having explosives stuck to them. You go ahead and see how you like living amongst REAL Muslims pal and you will understand why Israel has been LENIENT! And PATIENT with those crazy bastards. I know I have seen it many years now and I know what it's like to go visit a brother in televiv just to see him watch me get off the plane and see him riddled with bullets by Palestinians because he is a Jew. I have family members who had had grandparents with odd looking tattoos on there neck and forearm from having another idiot want to kill all of us Jews. You know nothing and are only buying into what will be your worst nightmare if your Government doesn't get its act together and say "hey this isn’t the Middle East! You came here we didn’t go there so as in Rome do as the Romans do but NO you guys bend over and take it like fools because it won't stop there and if you think it will you're just as crazy as they are!

You don't believe me? Listen up Mushroom! Quit yammering and listen carefully because frankly your country, your very life may depend on how you deal with THIS

That is from your OWN British mullah!


Your Police! Ask why! And who is it doing this! It isn't Jews pal


You think you're bothered by Christian bigotry of homosexuals? Your country is finding out real fast how much easier it is to be gay living among Christians then Muslims


You don't know a THING about Sharia Law and I do, not by choice but it is necessary now especially when idiot Government leaders like those in the UK have made the mistake of infecting their secular laws with this theocracy. Many liberal Atheists are now coming to the "Bright" conclusion that bashing Christians while defending the poor mis understood Muslims was a BAD IDEA


Get used to seeing a lot of this too and be warned,, it is graphic but it is Sharia Law and it is now what your loving peaceful sorry asses asked for in the UK

You don't seem to get it you are NUTS to allow Sharia Laws in your country it's simple mushroom now I am going to tell you something you can already see happening as you already allowed something for people you would never have done before and that is to pollute your system of government with Sharia Law! You see Mushroom,

Muslims don't love your country, they love the country they want to change yours into~!

Now wake UP!

[edit on 16-8-2008 by XIDIXIDIX]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 05:53 PM
Their are literally hundreds and hundreds of people just like the guy in the article below, who are now wishing they weren't so quick to trash Bush and Blair and although Blair did do what this guy says it is there own fault for hammering away at him over Iraq. This is why, whether Bush is an idiot or not doesn't matter now. See he was told like every president before him the kind of situation going on in the world. That the kind of thing YOU have not a clue my self important little friend. The world is a very very violent and scary place. a Place most Americans with the exception of its military men and woman, don't see. You talk about Global ambitions as if it is expansionism! You used that exact terminolgy in several posts but Ill correct you on THAT too. America has "Global interests" and what goes on in the world. Our American interests are for hotbeds like Georgia, Pakistan where one more generation and it is 100% Muslim with a dogged agenda to inherit that country and its nukes. The clerics there have made it their promise to allah to Bomb the U.S. as soon as they get it done.

Iran has told Israel it will glass all of the jews in israel and I think it is rather silly to listen to leaders of nations talking like that and waiting to see if they really mean it. It is a stupid thing to say to a people like the Jews who have already been the victims of such tyrants.

This is the real reason Bush setup a terror storm in Iraq and one day,, YOU and I DO mean YOU, will thank your lucky stars thier was an idiot named George W. Bush. I am only angry at the U.S. for not allowing Israel to take Iran out now before the threat becomes a fact. This is why their has been such a problem with the Jews in Israel and the Palestinians. You are dealing with impossible people. They only understand one thing and that is there Muslim way or the Highway.

Ever ask yourself why moderate muslims who have witnessed acts of terrorism saying we are not like them but none of them will lift a finger to identify those radical muslims involved? If you box them in a corner like the interviewer did in the youtube video, you get the truth of the matter.

The moderates are complicit and they 9 times out of ten are the ones that bring the extremists in. This is the reason my talking about the muslims is of importance to this thread. because I find it very hard to swallow someone who is from the UK klnowing what is going on there NOT agreeing to my honest appraisal of the situation there UNLESS they were muslim which would explain ALL of your Terrorist rhetoric supporting the Attack on America. The time may come and is it is up to Brits to decide, are they with us, or against us, because the more muslims you have gain control of your Government and your Country, the more likely you will lose the U.S. as an ally and most likely,, I'm afraid, we would then have to disarm your nukes from here. Oh yeah by the way, the US already has the Nuke Disarm and Disrupt device and no one to the best of our knowledge has one but us. That doesn't mean someone with a suitcase nuke couldn't come in and blow off three of them making an explosion about the size of the one in Hiroshima.

It's not about OIL and it's not about taking Americans rights from them, it is about doing the thing they don't understand and we don't have the time to prepare them for. Spend a year in the ME and you will know. Spend some time in France, Spain, or Holland and you will know. Vist ANY Mosque in the US or UK and you will know.

This is ONE time being a bigot is excusable, in fact, your life as you know it, depends on it. I never want hate anyone MM but Muslims are indoctrinated to not only hate anyone not a Muslim but to Kill

I am currently out of the Country and on my return home to England I am going to be arrested by British detectives on suspicion of Stirring up Racial Hatred by displaying written material" contrary to sections 18(1) and 27(3) of the Public Order Act 1986.

This charge if found guilty carries a lengthy prison sentence, more than what most paedophiles and rapists receive, and all for writing words of truth about the barbarity that is living in the midst of our children, which threatens the very future of our Country.

The cultural weapon in the hands of the modern Jihad within Great Britain, silencing the opposition using our own laws against us - The Dumb Filthy Kaffir's as the Moslem would say to his children behind closed doors.

Oh and by the way mushroom, why don't you just postpone all this talk about attacking America now, because in about 3-5 years, or less, your country, whats left of it, is going to be needing the United States help saving your country from itself

[edit on 16-8-2008 by XIDIXIDIX]

Mod edit: Please review this link - Posting work written by others. **ALL MEMBERS READ**

[edit on 17-8-2008 by Duzey]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 03:16 PM
You might as well get ready,mushroodm, because when America collapses many others will go with us. America will not fall without a holocaust. America is forever...

[edit on 17-8-2008 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
CON, as you have a dog for an Avatar I will ask you this, if your dog becomes rabid do you let it bite you or do you put it down.

Using this same logic, if your mother gets sick, do you put her to sleep?

If you scrap up your leg, do you amputate it?

We do need to do something. Our government is NOT acting in the interests of the American people as a whole, or the nation as a sovereign nation, but to say we should destroy it? Too, much, too far.

We need to reform the government. We need to evict all the parasites that are bleeding our country dry, (the politicians and the people who sell our countries greatness for a 3rd quarter profit) from their positions of power, and we need to figure out a way to make our electoral system actually work for the people.

Destruction of the US should never be an option, I am really surprised you would even think that that could possibly be a better solution than just fixing our problems. Will it be hard? Absolutely. There are vested interests (powerful ones) against our country being "for the people." They are re-writing our laws, our constitution, etc., to make it ever more difficult for us to take our country back out of their greedy little paws. They are willing to trade our sovereignty as a nation for some trade agreements that will make the rich richer. However, it can be done, and it should be. Legally. And as peacefully as is humanly possible. After all, who pays the price in any kind of armed conflict? It is always the ones with the least to gain that pay the greatest price. Always.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 04:50 PM
Illusion, I never said destroy America, I said remove its capacity to wage war on innocents and stop its Global Ambitions using a range of peaceful means. The thread was titled so to get peoples attention. You are quite correct many Americans are aware of what their Goverment and their Corporate masters are up to and those Americans want their country back for the benefit of all Americans and not just the parasites that feed of it.

XID, you have lost what bit of credibility you had, you know nothing about me or what I do, you know nothing about the UK accept what you choose to believe. And there are no no go area's in the UK and I have been inside more Mosques than you have and know more about Muslims than you ever will. I have been in Synagogue's, have Jewish friends I have even met Holocaust survivors. The difference between you and I is that I dont go around hating people. I have worked with people from every race on this Planet, from all walks of life rich and poor alike and in the main they are all decent people.

The Americans that call to my house on a regular basis are treated with respect, kindness and curtesy as we do with all visitors whom ever they may be, Jewish, Muslim, Africans, Chinese, a real good mix of people and I dont hate any of them.

There is good and bad in all races, no one has single control over such issues. And as much as you would like to see the UK become a Muslim State its not going to happen.

At the end of the day your just another fanatical ignorant rascist thats complaining about and calling others people of the same ilk so therefore you are no better than them.

And I dont remeber saying that Israel or the Jewish people had no right to exist did I. Well my views and opinions carry as much weight as yours so stop thinking you have power over me because you dont.

I asked you about the Millions of Muslims living in the US and as usual you dont comment, just like on any of this thread. Well all what I have stated will happen and because that pisses you off the best you can come up with is to attack my country, well I dont care, because I know were the ones in charge and nothings going to happen to us but alot is going to happen to you and the US.

And I would like to see Israel trying to do something to the UK, it cannot do anything without America's help, It cannot even stop Hezbollah from doing anything never mind anything else.

Ans as I said before you have tried and again failed to derail this thread and tried to make it into a hate Muslims thread. This thread has nothing to do with Muslims its got to do with America and its actions. If you cannot debate that then go away because you offer nothing to this discussion accept your hate and ignorance.

I'm not a fool I know there are fanatics out there, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, white supremisists and all the rest of them, but they are a minority and not the majority as you are trying to make out which is a downright lie and ignorant as well. You bang on about how the Jews were persecuted and they were but then advocate the same for people of the Muslim Faith.

Hitler likened the Jews to rats infesting the World and you have all but said the same about people of the Muslim Faith so what does that make you, not enlightened does it. Take your hate and ignorance elsewhere, start a thread on why you hate Muslims and why in your belief they want to take over the World and lets see what replies you get. Its obviously a big issue for you so why dont you do it. or are you too scared to peddle your hate for others, just lets see how big and brave you really are.

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