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Hard Disclosure Right Here

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posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by applebiter

Originally posted by son of PC
And to the OP, with all due respect, you don't have a clue as to what you are up against. Take care --------PC


You may be right. In the past few hours I have received "signals" from other places indicating that I should cease and desist. It would be preferable to get a man to man communication; something that felt like a respectful request. I'm a patriot. I can do "for the greater good".

It's the being treated like cattle part that chaps my ass.

Most reasonable people here just don't do that. All kinds of people dwell here, giving perspectives from conqueror reptilians controlling USA to astral travellers occupating minds of brilliant young chess players to win in chess. All this also happens to create some anger, when you try to convince somebody for a hundredth time that no, his goverment does not consist of reptilians, egg shaped aliens or that newton's laws do work when you throw a tennis ball, even if all other theories are more right than that one.

It is not all about just being right. I would like to have a lot more feedback but because of some personal traits I have that just doesn't happen. I have seen many posts here which appear to imply that some just want to be right, but most are indeed sincere in that they just want to participate, and maybe your theory then improves when you get alternate viewpoints to pinpoint errors.

I for one believe that you are onto something, but I do not agree with every part of your theory. I may attack those parts, but it won't take away the fact that quite a bit of it is somehow accurate and indeed not against current development in reseach.

You really should post that 3rd part, but I won't start begging for it. It is common here that people post crazy theories just to get attention, and then they spark 20 pages worth of useless discussion and spam refusing to say anything more because of some higher meaning. It is no wonder that we do want things to be done at least in sincere way (I imagine you did just that).

Site we have here is one that requires an enormous amount of consistency, and fallacies are often not tolerated. At all. There's just too many hoaxes out there, we can't help it.

But, you can help yourself by representing yourself in a way that does not contain (too much
ignorance. Best advice would be to just not replying to posts that are only meant for winning or getting you silent.

Good work, anyway.

(By the way, your two posts were among the most brilliant posts in YEARS, even if you are wrong.)

[edit on 10/7/08 by rawsom]

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 09:09 AM
I would like to touch on a few experiences that relate to the OP.
First I have seen a UFO as well as other phenomenon that I can clearly say where not any part of my (for lack of a better word) subconscious.
I had an experience when I was about 25 that I still have remnants of today.
For whatever reason be it internal or external, chemical or physical, I began to see the world in a different light. The closest thing I can compare it to was a Jesus experience, now I am not religious so I do not want you to take what I am saying out of context so I will describe my views at the time, please keep this in mind as you read on. I was feeling love as an overwhelming aura taking over my life. I would look at the newspaper headlines and cry out of compassion, I would literally look at people and feel that I could see what they were thinking, I would even see a spark of light coming from inside their heads. I came to realize that the majority of people did not know what love really meant. I found myself saying weird thimgs like "the higher you are the better you can see" whatever.
Anyway that feeling for the most part has left me but i still strive to attain it.
A little after this experience a good friend of mine was explaining Godhead to me and I came to the conclusion that Jesus and others whom follow that path get stuck there. We all have that capacity but It is hard to move on from that place(not that you have to).
I thought this was interesting so I wanted to relay it but for now I got bills to pay.

Oh yeah anybody ever read "Be Here Now"? Great book.

[edit on 7/10/2008 by liamoohay]

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by applebiter
reply to post by Jeremy_Vaeni

Sure, it's possible, but we've run into a wall because of the restrictions of language and our sense of temporal and spatial localness. I suspect that there are a very few primitive universal informational constants, and that matter has grown up around them in escalating complexity via involution. In other words, maybe we and the aliens are locked into the same situation Dr. Martin Luther King described. "I can't be at my best until you are at your best."

Great to read a posts with thought put into them - thanks applebirer :-)

I have recently been reading the books by Eckhart Tolle "The Power of Now" he describes the battle between "mind" and the higher-self, not that higher self needs to do battle with anything at all but that the mind controls the conscience thoughts that pervade our heads daily and that the quiet place needed for this to occur has been hi-jacked by the mind.

This brings to bear the 2 DNS strains of neandthal and cromagnon "man" - possible 1 of these 2 had direct access to the higher self ?


posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by emsed1
... people (probably most people) get a glimpse of this 'higher consciousness' and sense of oneness at some point in their lives. Whether your team kicks a game-winning field goal in double overtime at the Super Bowl, a rousing movement of spirit at a tent revival or a near-death experience it seems that there is indeed something 'more' out there beyond what we see, hear and feel.

I'm not suggesting that a football game is going to create universal peace, but evidence certainly suggests that people tend to change their behavior and begin to focus externally rather than internally when they have a 'divine' or 'spiritual' experience.

Identity and materialism are hard habits to break though. I think the only way people will start turning away from these habits is if they can be taught how to access this 'higher consciousness' easily and consistently.

Great thread!

I apologize and stand corrected; you didn't use the term hive mind, simply implied that there is a universal "oneness" that people all connect to and/or are connected to... Obviously a world away from a hive mind. I simply used the term so as to be slightly more concise in my wording than yourself.

After reading the first 3 novels of the drek that the OP posted, a bit of brevity is always appreciated.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 09:33 AM
Yeah I was kind of thinking this morning I probably didn't express my thought clearly.

I was thinking of being at a basketball game in an arena with 15,000 like minded fans when you are playing a far superior opponent. It seems like when people come together in a big group and they all seem to desire the same thing and start thinking that way that a sense of synchronicity or oneness begins to appear.

It may just be the cheering that pushes the team to perform better but sometimes it feels like when people come together and all want the same outcome that it actually creates that outcome.

This may still be something different than what you guys are talking about though.

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by applebiter
I'm trying to "get bigger" on the inside and deeper, too. There have been moments of clarity, but they are ephemeral. Hopefully, I can kill my person permanently one day, and he'll stop resurrecting.

You may find that as soon as you are elligible for "parole" from this plain of existence that the sole purpose for getting parole is to stay behind and extend a helping hand out to those on the way up :-)

all language falls away as Truth plays a bigger part in communication, truth will be the way forward once the mind stops its games on the spirit.


posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by rawsom

I can relate to something you said. I have a pretty pronounced personality disorder. I seem to be pathologically unable to acknowledge social rank in normal social situations. I'm also unable to quietly endure the ego distortions I detect in "superiors" when it is difficult enough to manage my own. Ah, well.

You've made allusions to my own work being close to some other work... care to point me in that direction?

posted on Jul, 10 2008 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by applebiter

here is genius. Will you marry me?

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:06 AM
what is knowing if no one asks ,
or can you know if youve never doubt

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by liamoohay
I would like to touch on a few experiences that relate to the OP.
First I have seen a UFO as well as other phenomenon that I can clearly say where not any part of my (for lack of a better word) subconscious.
I had an experience when I was about 25 that I still have remnants of today.
For whatever reason be it internal or external, chemical or physical, I began to see the world in a different light. The closest thing I can compare it to was a Jesus experience, now I am not religious so I do not want you to take what I am saying out of context so I will describe my views at the time, please keep this in mind as you read on. I was feeling love as an overwhelming aura taking over my life. I would look at the newspaper headlines and cry out of compassion, I would literally look at people and feel that I could see what they were thinking, I would even see a spark of light coming from inside their heads. I came to realize that the majority of people did not know what love really meant. I found myself saying weird thimgs like "the higher you are the better you can see" whatever.
Anyway that feeling for the most part has left me but i still strive to attain it.
A little after this experience a good friend of mine was explaining Godhead to me and I came to the conclusion that Jesus and others whom follow that path get stuck there. We all have that capacity but It is hard to move on from that place(not that you have to).
I thought this was interesting so I wanted to relay it but for now I got bills to pay.

Oh yeah anybody ever read "Be Here Now"? Great book.

[edit on 7/10/2008 by liamoohay]

I somehow acquired an audio cassette years ago (I have no idea where it came from) wherein Richard Alpert addressed a Hospice conference. His presentation was outstanding, and it is a travesty that I haven't yet picked up one of his books.

Thanks for the message. You hit on something that rings true to my ear. After that kind of an experience, everything else pales in comparison. It would be easy to become "addicted" to it if the rest of your waking life was miserable. From what I've read, this experience is almost always followed by a major change in habitual behaviors and a new life course instilled with renewed vigor. According to Alpert, there are human beings who are awake on that level all day every day. That would be something.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by applebiter
reply to post by rawsom

You've made allusions to my own work being close to some other work... care to point me in that direction?

I am no academic so it has served no purpose to memorize actual works that I have read, but my own views are most close to Carl G. Jung with his book Mankind and his symbols. Its an excellent work which gives an outlay of human subconscious mind because it explains symbology common to all humans. This will have a lot of similarity with your own theories. I highly recommend that you read it.

It is not right about everything though, so it is just like any other theory that's useful enough for now. But it should give you some heavy ammunition for your own theory.

[edit on 11/7/08 by rawsom]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by applebiter

Lol. I think people who are on that level every waking hour are looked upon as nuts in our society, not to say I know what people think.
Yep, Richard Alpert, that book has had a profound effect on almost every person I know who has read it.
You are a Martial Arts guy, that is cool. I am a gung fu guy. I am sure you know the many facets of good things that come with training.
I read earlier in the posts that someone going into training for revenge or other ulterior motive soon finds out that (via age or gaining experience) growth in whatever field they are in changes the mindset, for me it did anyways. A friend of mine who was doing tai kwon do once told me his teacher said-"if you must use your skill look at the person as a child because you know that you can hurt them" or something to that effect.
Sorry a bit off topic.
"We all make our own reality" -my ex-girlfriend.

[edit on 7/11/2008 by liamoohay]

[edit on 7/11/2008 by liamoohay]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 10:14 AM

I have a little problem, you started your thread and got many interested in your thoughts then you just stop and won't go into part 3 as you call it. I will say I am disappointed.

edit to add: I thought this part sounded to rude and it wasn't meant to be so I removed it, sorry.

I do hope you change your mind and continue.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by observe50]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 11:07 AM

Hello, I first would like to say that I enjoy your threads even though I don't get involved in them.

I appreciate your thoughts on the Grey's and how you believe it's our government that has done all this if I read your one post right, but I must say our governmentt has used this as a cover. What you call abduction is a real thing and something our governments uses to there advantage.

I don't know where you are located but there are many millions that have been taken and implanted with a tracking device. I have written where this tracking device is located, (back of the head in the middle of the lower left lobe,) "it can be located" but will not be easy and I did write about this before. One day it will be found if directions are followed as I wrote and you will know this implant is alien not human developed. Won't be easy to locate.

The Grey's use Telepathy as you know and they CAN communicate in any language they would like. Also people I believe have a misconception about there eyes. They can see just fine in bright light they do what they do mostly in the night because it is easier to control humans plain and simple.

This is not pure and simple nonsense as you write and those words I believe are insensitive to people that have had life changing events occur to them by these beings. Also """all""" the Grey's are not bad just as humans are not all bad. There is more good then bad in this Universe.

I could go on, but what do I know?

I do hope you don't take what I wrote in the wrong way I am not writing this hopefully in a way that it will be taken rudely it isn't meant that way.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by observe50

I'm sorry, but it has been made clear to me that I shouldn't go forward with Part III at this time.

Look at it this way... what have you lost?

[edit on 11-7-2008 by applebiter]

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by applebiter
reply to post by observe50

I'm sorry, but it has been made clear to me that I shouldn't go forward with Part III at this time.

Look at it this way... what have you lost?

[edit on 11-7-2008 by applebiter]

Why? U2U?

I just wonder, but I realize some certain facts about time and human behaviour.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 07:36 PM
Its not what I have lost but what we all have been drawn to by your post then left empty.

I will be honest and for myself I don't need to know about ufo's and aliens I already know I just wanted to see what your thoughts were.

If you are being threatened then you do need to do what is best for you I do understand this.

My best to you.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 12:07 AM
Bummer, I was looking forward to part 3. I wonder if this is a PR issue in an odd twist of censorship...

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by applebiter

Let's talk about the "abduction" phenomenon in this post. Remember what I said about there being a unifying consciousness that directs individuals from "on high"? This is crucial to understand what is going on during "abductions". As I said before, there are different spiritual traditions and circumstances which can precipitate the "we are all one" experience. For a very long time, there have been people who practice ritual magic (or magick, as the Thelema traditions spells it). These traditions rely on a kind of deception that engages the imagination and the rational mind with rituals and formulas, while the busy work is going on at another level of awareness. You might look up "memetic reprogramming", "OTO", or "Aleister Crowley" if you are interested in digging this.
It's really quite funny how deception can be used for good purposes. Take, as an example, a person who wants to smite an enemy and takes up membership in a Magickal order so that he might learn how to use "magic" against them. The practitioner is engaged in many exercises and exposed to many ideas, and even if the source of his burning desire to learn is due to his evil will to harm an enemy, he soon finds himself losing interest in doing others harm, as he is too busy performing "purification rituals" to make the elemental intelligences accessible to him. By the time a practitioner really begins to believe, and sees evidence that there is, in fact, a higher-order consciousness to which he can gain access, his attitude has changed about wishing harm on others... because he realizes that he and others are part of the same organism. Sometimes people are seeking higher truth but are turned off by the Church. Satan worship fills this gap. In order to be a Satan worshipper, you have to first buy into the whole idea of God vs the Devil, and you are really learning the same lessons in reverse. Later I'll discuss the problem of be stuck in dualism; of dividing the world into opposite pairs.

And this is the point, after all. The kundalini and other yogic traditions use a more straightforward path. They let you know up front that you are part of a greater consciousness and they do not describe the higher-order awareness as "external", in the form of angels or elementals. But the iconography doesn't really matter, at the end of the day.

Hi Applebiter, you mentioned that all is one. I only agree with you to a certain extent. It is easy to "forgive" a person if say he cheat you of a dollar of two. But what if he kills your whole family. Then it is a different story isnt it. I am not trying to dispute you. It is just that I am been studying the Law Of Attraction and that I dont completely agree with this consciousness episode. If possible, do enlighten me regarding this.

Your 1st post was an interesting read even though I dont exactly understand it.

posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by v1.01

Check out David Wilcox on Project Camelot . org dude... he talks about doing some astral projecting and being able to punch through to space or something! all through some crazy meditation.. well its more complicated than that but theres a good long interview on em.. he's apparently a transpersonal/metaphysical psychologist... check em out

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