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The very real conspiracy against Freemasonry

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posted on May, 8 2008 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

There are only very few anti-masonic conspiracy-theories which I can accept as somewhat, vaguely valid, one of them being a possible conspiracy against the catholic church conducted by french masonic lodges.

I figure we could actually help them out where to look in order to find the real stuff, but they´re so distrustful they probably wont take it.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:30 PM
I'm afraid I had to put distracto on my ignore list, too. He was amusing for a little while, but I tired of him quickly. Knowing what I know having just been raised MM, he's obviously quite enamored with himself and finds some sort of thrill or vindication in the attention he receives by the ignorance spewing from his posts.

I think the Grand Lodge of Washington just wants their new members to learn a bit of the history and symbolism behind the organization they've just joined. So they give them a guide book that explains each degree and they add a few questions they are asked to answer in writing to indicate that they did, in fact, read the material and have some understanding of it. So, that way, they don't come on to threads like this one being mis-informed or accidentally say the wrong thing causing embarrassment to their organization.

Your posts are full of half truths, misdirection, outright falsehoods, and distraction. Hence your handle I guess. Good luck with your book. You'll need it.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 03:40 AM
I have never known a lodge to deny access to anyone because they were catholic...

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 04:24 AM

I figure we could actually help them out where to look in order to find

the real stuff, but they´re so distrustful they probably wont take it.

I would be obliged, brother. However, one doesn't need to be a mason to find examples of Freemasonic indecency; many masons will be more than
happy to tell you (vaguely of course), as you have offered to do; their
narcissistic nature commands and commends it.

In fact, let us examine the writings of the one Bro. Nathan C. Brindle. He is, in fact, a wonderful Mason that I can relate to (besides for turning his back on crimes.) In additon, I believe Bro. RockPuck could also relate to his writings most of all; seeing as he, Bro. RockPuck that is, is a member of an Ohio based lodge; as I am assuming his declaired location to be true.

Bro. Nathan C. Brindle has a very informative blog named "The Lions Paw." I don't expect you to read it, brothers. Therefore, I will examine certian extracts from it for you.

Bro. Nathan C. Brindle illudes to, in his own post, a discrepancy in an Ohio based lodge. He goes on to say in his post

Bro. Nathan C. Brindle writes

But putting that to the side, I wouldn't even care about the obvious violations of decency, Grand Lodge code, and state and federal law, if the people involved would just shut the hell up.

Oh! If only the brother would have taken his own advice! I believe, by state and federal standards, any crime that is not reported could result in a charge of obstruction of justice and/or conspiracy. However, Bro. Nathan's admission is safe with me as I am not a Police officer, nor prosecuter.

I do admire WBro. Hodapp most of all though. Indeed, he speaks words that should ring true in your ears; "Your", of course, in reference to the Freemasonic Posting Mob that patrols ATS forums.

WBro. Hodapp writes

... your relentless name-calling and mud-slinging is about as far from decent Masonic behavior as it gets.

You and a tiny clot of fellow bellyachers clutter up the Masonic
blogosphere every chance you get, making it appear that you are of greater importance than you really are. You tear down, but you don't build. You make noise, but it's clear that you achieve little else.

I disagree with WBro. Hodapp for only one reason. I believe that every Masonic poster here has shown, with the exception of Lostinthemidwest, what true Masonic behavior is; self-righteous hobnobbery.

Therefore, in summation, I disagree with this thread. There is no "conspiracy" against Freemasons; only Freemasonic Conspirators. (with really poor attitudes and even worse debating skills.)

I bid you salut, adieu, Auf Wiedersehen,


Bro. Distracto

P.S - Regarding the Catholic/Christian debate


"If you are a "Christian" you have no other choice then to answer then to answer the question on this side."

The side, which Michael Voris implies, being Good Works; as opposed to the other side being Eternal Salvation (i.e Once saved always saved.) I do not agree with Michael Voris; hence, he does not consider me a
Christian. The Name of Mr. Voris's show itself shows his true feelings;

ie "The One True Faith."

If something is not true, then what is it? It is false. Period. After all, have you ever taken a True/False test and one of the answers to one of the questions be "half true?" Certianly not!

All of this information, taken from a Catholic Scholor, leads one right back to the quote from Vactian ii/Council of Trent.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 04:41 AM

Therefore, in summation, I disagree with this thread. There is no "conspiracy" against Freemasons; only Freemasonic Conspirators. (with really poor attitudes and even worse debating skills.)

I bid you salut, adieu, Auf Wiedersehen,

So long and thanks for all the fish

[edit on 9-5-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by Distracto

A quote:

"You are young, my son, and, as the years go by, time will change and even reverse many of your present opinions. Refrain therefore awhile from setting yourself up as a judge of the highest matters."
~ Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:16 AM
Results of the first debate are out:

Challenge Match

Whoever wants to debate MasonicLight on masonry/anti-masonry,many of us would love reading it.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Whoever wants to debate MasonicLight on masonry/anti-masonry,many of us would love reading it.

My open challenge still remains, well, "open" to anyone would care to debate. Going out of town this weekend, so it will be next week before I can participate.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 12:53 PM
Some of the disinformation spread about freemasons can be viewed in this thread.

It starts with the claim that Ron Paul is a Freemason because of a handshake (which doesnt even look masonic) and then goes on to spread links to hate speech propaganda.

Outrageous that thousands are reading this and actually believing it.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 02:13 PM
Dear anti-masonic author/scholar,

the only enemy worse than a mason is the conspiracy-theorist that makes your serious research look silly.

There you´ve been researching secret societies since decades in a scholary and sincere way...and up comes some kiddo weaving "conspiracy-theories" about reptilian child-eaters and the reverse-Coca-Cola-Logo being satanic.

So then, when you go out to present your serious investigative work, they laugh at you because they associated with all the silly stuff already published.

You, as a serious investigator of conspiracy-theory do not benefit from the nutjobs. They spoil the reputation of the field.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 09:44 AM
All I had to see was on page 1 of this listing to know they are not the good ole boys.
There is a picture of a monument with the all seeing eye at the top of a pyramid.
That is new world order and if you don't know it shame on you.
These people that plan this NWO want at least 80% of the population of the earth to die!
We are scum to them.
Maybe those that are at the bottom of the clan don't know but at the top they are very aware.
Mason's do not, I repeat DO NOT worship the one true God as they say. They will promote muhammad for Islam by placing their holy book next to the Bible.
They worship satan at the top.
Sure they do some good to push the real agenda, inslave mankind or kill them!
If you want proof then google some of the info I have posted.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by jondular

If you would like to discuss some of your opinions, then by all means please provide some links to your
Perceived facts.

Many folks at ATS, and dare say folks in this thread, have researched this for decades.
And as of yet, no viable evidence or anything remotely similar to proof has been provided.

I do respect your opinion, however I do not agree.

Again google your info, and post us some links…I think many here would like to discuss them with you.


posted on May, 11 2008 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Some of the disinformation spread about freemasons can be viewed in this thread.

It starts with the claim that Ron Paul is a Freemason because of a handshake (which doesnt even look masonic) and then goes on to spread links to hate speech propaganda.

Outrageous that thousands are reading this and actually believing it.

The Ron Paul thread isn't disinformation from a disinformant. It is (what I percieve as) questionable/incorrect information from a passionate researcher. ChadAndrewATS posts lots of great videos and knows much about Masonry. The real disinformants are all you secret society members who own the secret society forum.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by jondular

We see this more and more everyday around us!

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by freight tomsen
The Ron Paul thread isn't disinformation from a disinformant.
It is (what I percieve as) questionable/incorrect information from a passionate researcher. ChadAndrewATS posts lots of great videos and knows much about Masonry.

If a university lecturer teaches his students mostly incorrect information, would you still call him knowledgable on his subject.

I have always been of the opinion that someone who knows a lot about a subject is able to distinguish whether or not something is correct or not with respect to that subject.

ChadAndrewATS does not know what is correct and what isn't. That means he does not know a lot about masonry.

Of course, there is the possibility that he does know. But then, that would make him a disinformant, woudn't it...

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by freight tomsen

The Ron Paul thread isn't disinformation from a disinformant. It is (what I percieve as) questionable/incorrect information from a passionate researcher. ChadAndrewATS posts lots of great videos and knows much about Masonry. The real disinformants are all you secret society members who own the secret society forum.

Greetings to Thailand freight tomsen.

See Sauarus response too.

As you can see in that thread, Chad will not respond to inquiry and questions.

A part of me is always willing to believe there is some vast, evil and hidden conspiracy at the top of the top levels, behind side-doors, etc.

But whats more likely is that there is actually a conspiracy-against-freemasonry that takes the form of an ongoing smear campaign waged by a cult commonly known as "evangelical christians".

I think if you were forced to spend a month in an evangelical community and then a month hanging out with masons, you would see the light.

Chad is no doubt very passionate. Lets hope he someday channels that passion into research and positive change rather than hate.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:09 AM
I find it funny what some people find to write about. If you spent more time reading true masonic writing, you would be well informed. You have put down a lot of half right writing. I just find this funny as hell. With the start of the internet you can find anything you want.

I have been a mason since 1981 and it has been one of the best things I have every done in my life. People talk about masona all day and night, because they are afraid to ask a true mason or goto a lodge and ask the real questions. We have lodges all over the world. All you have to do is ask about us and we will be more then happy to talk to you and tell you what you want to know.

Yes there are things you will not be told, like all frats or clubs you need to be a member to learn these things. No unlike college frats. The truth about masonry is making good men Better Men !!!!!

[edit on 12/5/08 by Phattdragon]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:47 AM
Good men do not become better men by entering into oath-bound secret societies! Masons are sworn to secrecy under threat of death, thus they are inherently forced into being lifetime liars.

I am a good, honest man and I do not need a secret society to make me better. Like yourselves I am on a path of spiritual development, but unlike yourselves my spirit is actually developing. Yours are caught in self-imposed lies and secrecy.

Secret societies do not make good men better men. They make average men lifetime liars and secret keepers.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:53 AM
Right from the first degree all Masons sware never to expose their brothers or the secrets of their organization:

“The initiate into the order's beginning or First Degree of the Blue Lodge pledged to ‘binding myself under no less penalty than to have my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by the roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea at low water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in 24 hours.’ The penalties in higher degrees grew progressively more gruesome.” -Jim Marrs, “Rule by Secrecy” (218)

As Jim Marrs states, the penalties only grow more descriptive and torturous as you rise in degrees. So these Masons are ruled by fear, darkness, lies, and secrecy from the very first degree.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by freight tomsen
Good men do not become better men by entering into oath-bound secret societies!

It depends on the society. Those who join Freemasonry do become better men.

Masons are sworn to secrecy under threat of death, thus they are inherently forced into being lifetime liars.

A doctor is sworn to keep his clients' information secret. Does that make him a liar?

A lawyer is sworn to keep secrets. Does that make him a liar?

Likewise, a priest or minister of the church is sworn to secrecy. Does that make him a liar?

Really, Freight Tomson... Since when is keeping a secret the same as telling a lie?

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