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I CAN'T see god or feel my soul help me !!

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posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 05:34 PM
Please someone help me!
I was asking someone in the truth movement who said he could see and understand god I was giving him many questions when he could not answer he dumped me typical for me ;but my point is I am one who cant see god, I think he might be there, reason him there, I still cant see him. I cant see my soul or in anyway feel it I realise because;
I was heavily fluoridated as a child that calcifying my hypothalamus and pineal gland and as someone once said chord of living water connection to the spirit (if that is true -- no evidence as usual!!__ or further explanation) ( thank you for that parents poisoning me! too ) with fluoride baths as a child!!

I REALISE ALL THE QUESTIONS ON READING THE BIBLE and the individual search for him and the growth f the soul THROGH self realisation I have tried but i feel NOTHING!!
I want someone to talk to me as someone who wants to know the truth about this and talk to me in a way that I can see my soul and god
I know this is almost impossible but someone who knows what he is doing talk to me, I could say a lot more I will in further posts with questions! But I don’t want to preface any further at the moment without confusing my initial question thank you!

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by lasthope

I recommend you check out this thread:

Send a U2U to Matrixprophet. Very smart, very enlightened, very cool and very kind and very not religious- very much believes in God. We had a discussion about this a while ago!

You do realize what you are inviting by posting this thread, right?

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 05:46 PM
Perhaps God is like your nose. He is so close that you get cross eyed trying to see that its there, when in fact if you could look within yourself you would realize that its just you thinking that you are away from him somehow.

Your first step should probably be to quit thinking he is so far away that you cannot feel him or your own soul. Relax, they are right there with you and you just don't know it yet.

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 06:00 PM
I hate to point this out but not being able to see God is generally considered a good thing. Those who claim they can see God usually end up in a rubber room with a nice jacket that has sleeves that tie in the back.

Then again there is the flip side of the argument, "If you can't see God in everything, you can't see God in anything."

I can't feel my soul either. I can't even guarantee you I have one. I think therefore I am, but that doesn't mean I have a soul. I believe I do, but I'm sure I believe allot of things that may not be true.

So, Your problem here is you can't see God or feel your soul. I hate to be the bearer of bad news my friend but it sounds like you have a terrible case of sanity.

The only known cure for that is to spend a little time with mrwupy

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
The only known cure for that is to spend a little time with mrwupy

Hey everybody!!! mrwupy's put out an invitation.....what's the address? Should I bring anything? Can I spend the night?

Since God is unknowable....not seeing God is understandable. Maybe you mean you don't see the effect of God? 'Cause that's where God is most what is around you.

Lamenting your inability to not see God....or feel your soul....may just show you're on the right track.

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 06:11 PM
Well, a soul doesn't actually have any feeling. It is just consciousness of being. It is actually the spirit and body which tells the soul what is going on.

You are trying to say you cannot see yourself, but you have all the senses (assuming) everyone else has that says you are you and are present in space and time. That is evidence that you are a soul. You need not look any further, because you cannot see your soul any more than anyone else can right now.

Perhaps you would care to explain how this individual sees their own soul and how they describe it?

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by dk3000

- I THINK !? So we will see where it all goes if it is safe, if anything you think isnt safe contact me privately to tell me what I should not disclose or talk about and I will private message you about some things I think people haven’t started talking about ( VERY SPECIFIC things that might have been covered IN a general topic that has been discussed) thanks

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 06:20 PM
Stay clean and clear and this way you will someday know your true potential.

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 06:52 PM
Curiosity got the best of me, so I took a peak. Ever since I read a buddhist book for class and found a few quotes that were great I stuck with them. One of which that might help are:

"It is so close you can catch it but everytime you try to catch it, it's gone." (It was talking about Zen in general but I feel it can probably be applied to the "God" scenario as well)

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 07:38 PM
On a side note. I remember a scientist using precision weighing devices that quanitfied the soul at roughly 3 ounces. By measuring the weight of terminal pts just prior and after the pronouncement of death.
Life is a circuitous route. There will be times of trial. During these times faith is called upon and mandatory.
Peace and Light.

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 07:47 PM
I would say to you that a belief in god is not essential for a healthy life but a soul most definitly is! Try to understand and have compassion and respect for those you meet and imagine what it must be like to live in their shoes? As someone who beleives in duality,there is no real good and bad- just good choices and bad choices- its all about balance and learning from your mistakes . Good and evil are just different ways of learning/growing a soul (in my opinion) that lasts beyond this life-which, is the whole point of our life here on this plane of existence.

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 07:59 PM
By posting this thread you ARE actively in search of god my friend. He is there, always has been and always will be. You see, your not meant to find him physically but find him on your heart. Believe in an exsistence outside of this realm. We are merely in an education whilst here upon this dear planet and we are not meant to remember what lies outside this realm. If we did then what is the point in trying to enlighten yourself.

I imagine your soul is a little homesick and this materialises in you yourself wanting to know "home" or god exsists for reassurance.

God is all around you in the beauty of nature of which you and every other other individual is part of.

I dont know if god is male, female, human, etc i just know that something exsists and i feel it strong within me but only after years of doubt.

Be at peace my friend and dont let this get you down. God knows your trying and when he thinks you have fought enough to find him then he will allow you to feel him on your heart.

By the way i am very un-religious. I believe though in a power beyond our imagination of which we all connect to.

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by lasthope
Please someone help me!
I was asking someone in the truth movement who said he could see and understand god . . .

Don't worry about it, they are all liars. Everyone that claims to have met some god, omnipotent deity, etc., are all liars. Make-believers. False idol worshippers.

If they honestly really truly personally knew some god, they wouldn't call what they are worship a mere BELIEF. The word BELIEF and FAITH is a dead giveaway they are lying ~ lying to make us HONEST non-make-believing folks like you and me feel bad.

Find peace in the potential that THEY, the lying false-idol worshipping make-believers, have been duped by organized religion, which is probably Satan in disguise . . . and they all destined to go to hell for playing and worshipping a make-believe god, that false-idol worship sin, ha.

Really, that's pretty bad when a religious person lies and says they personally have met and know some god, and make up other dogmatic crapola they can't prove and don't know for sure, such as god loves you (really now, how can any real compassionate creator love these planet destroying vampires, a.k.a. flesh and blood death chowing humans, ha).

Really, honesty may earn you more karmatic brownie points than the make-believing idol worshipping liar liars. I mean, how can an honest person be sent to hell for NOT playing make-believe worshipping? Who would think someone that couldn't lie should go to hell? And what kind of bastard god would threaten HELL if I don't play along with this whole satanic scam called religion?

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 09:27 PM
Ok, not to worry cause in ZZ tops song jesus just left chicago they sing " you may not see him, but he'll see you just the same".

Even at death you won't see god.

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 09:44 PM
Sorry you feel that way Divinormorus. I would no more attack an atheist for his/her beliefs than a mouse.
But if you feel so vehemently against those that believe strongly in God and soul, rail away.
I feel truly sorry for you. I do. Peace be with you.
Oh, and by the way. I am no liar. And to say otherwise shows your dark heart.

[edit on 29-3-2008 by jpm1602]

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 10:40 PM
As an atheist I have to point out that I respect EVERYBODY's views, beliefs and favoured symbol of whatever path they so choose to follow.

Not all of us are religious haters, I'm fascinated by the 'idea' of God and love studying symbolism, religion etc...

I just have my own beliefs...

As for the soul, well I think it can exist outside the body, usually in the form of an out of body experience.


posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by jpm1602
Sorry you feel that way Divinormorus. I would no more attack an atheist for his/her beliefs than a mouse.

How many "beliefs" are responsible for wars and death? An incorrect belief can be a dangerous thing. It can even cause death.

Don't feel sorry for me, I strive to live an honest truthful life, and how can someone go wrong living like that?

I feel sorry for those that need to play make-believe in order to cope with life. I feel sorry for those that can't cope with living in a world of truth and honesty.

How can someone say "it's a belief" yet make claims worded as the truth? How can someone state a thing as a fact, yet not really know? That's lying no matter how you try to cut it and butter it up.

Now, I'm no atheist or agnostic. I'm just being honest and truthful here when I say I've seen no proof whatsoever that all this is some omnipotent deity's matrix/reality. Yet. Have you?

If I were to go to church and sing "Yes Jesus loves you" I would be a liar, because I do not know that for a fact. Does anyone? Those that sing such a song and don't really know ARE lying. Is that a good thing? Does your god want me to lie? Is that how one gets into heaven, by lying?

Sorry, but I can not trust those that would lie and sing such things without really knowing. That's just WRONG and DECEPTIVE to make a factually worded claim without really knowing. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!

How many here have claimed there is a god, yet honesty don't really know? I was brought up to understand that THAT is telling a lie.

Those that make such claims without really knowing should realize the horrible evil disservice you are doing to those that are honest and truthful like me. What are we to think when no god has come to shake our hands like all you special privileged ones that claim you REALLY know? Are we to feel shunned and rejected by your god? Why hasn't this deity come to meet me and give me the proof so I won't have to lie and play make-believe instead?

I feel so worthless now. Your god refuses to prove he/she/it exists to me like he/she/it has proven to you all that can proclaim you apparently know without having to apparently lie. Thanks, thanks for making folks like me feel like outcast rejects. Now I feel like hanging myself for not being in the KNOW like the rest of you (apparently) non-liars. Where's some rope? Anyone have some rope they can loan me for a short while?

[edit on 30-3-2008 by Divinorumus]

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 12:57 AM
if you want to experience god, this may be the key...

In a series of studies conducted over the past several decades, Persinger and his team have trained their device on the temporal lobes of hundreds of people. In doing so, the researchers induced in most of them the experience of a sensed presence — a feeling that someone (or a spirit) is in the room when no one, in fact, is — or of a profound state of cosmic bliss that reveals a universal truth. During the three-minute bursts of stimulation, the affected subjects translated this perception of the divine into their own cultural and religious language — terming it God, Buddha, a benevolent presence or the wonder of the universe.""


it's weird how we are getting to figure things out physically, but we have no idea "the why" of any of it. having my brain stimulated by a device might make me experience that god truly exists, but that does not make god real. and same goes the other way...

i agree with the others on here, one has to figure these things out for themselves. don't be shocked to not see god. i genuinely saw one version god for the majority of my life, and that has very much changed. i'm now seeing quite a few versions of god, but how do i know if any, all, or none are right? just keep at it.

spirituality isn't easy, because many are trying to shove their versions of god/no-god/life down your mind-throat. filter it. own it.

[edit on 30-3-2008 by banyan]

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 01:57 AM
I used to feel like you. I couldnt see the light so to speak. I found a series of books though that really changed my life for the better and I believe it can do the same for you. what are these books? they are Conversations With God books 1,2 and 3 by Neale Donald Walsch. In these books Neale is feeling the same way you described. one day he was writing down his thoughts and he got an answer. It was god. Atleast what Neale claims. Wheter this man really held a conversation with god or not his books scream truth. They helped me and I believe they can help you.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by thesaint
By posting this thread you ARE actively in search of god my friend. He is there, always has been and always will be. You see, your not meant to find him physically but find him on your heart. Believe in an exsistence outside of this realm. We are merely in an education whilst here upon this dear planet and we are not meant to remember what lies outside this realm. If we did then what is the point in trying to enlighten yourself.

I imagine your soul is a little homesick and this materialises in you yourself wanting to know "home" or god exsists for reassurance.

God is all around you in the beauty of nature of which you and every other other individual is part of.

I dont know if god is male, female, human, etc i just know that something exsists and i feel it strong within me but only after years of doubt.

Be at peace my friend and dont let this get you down. God knows your trying and when he thinks you have fought enough to find him then he will allow you to feel him on your heart.

By the way i am very un-religious. I believe though in a power beyond our imagination of which we all connect to.

I agree whole-heartedly my friend. This is an exact explanation of what the truth is. The fact you are "soul searching" and "looking for God" is proof of a soul and proof of God.

We are physically and mentally seperated from our Creator for a REASON. This is a test, and searching for our Creator is just a pop-quiz.

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