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Why do 90% of you hate America?

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posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by neformore

Your post is probably the most honest of all the responses I have read here so far and I applaud you Sir for that.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by HellHound63S

I truely don't 'hate' you liberals, I pitty you for the darkness in your hearts you can't overcome, wich is going to consume your souls.

Thank God for liberals, because it was folks like you that gave thumbs up to the American Indian slaughter... and on their own land by the way. And you talk about darkness of heart.... Please!

Everyone who hasn't been bribed, bought-out, blackmailed, or killed dislikes the American... lets subjigate the world ideology.

Name one country that has anything good to say about this country other than those pompous, brown nosing, stiffs over in England?? -- NADA!!

The only reason other country's aren't calling us "Morons of Patriotism" to our face is..... they want our tech, weapons & women..... SSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

Why would you come to a liberal thinking, open minded forum like ATS with a flag as an Avatar in this day and age anyway?? Even coon eating Redkneck's in backwoods Georgia realized --- "Hey Jeb, weez allready in America, we don't have tuh be Flag-flaunters no morez." Jeb - "Shoot Clyde... theyz made in Chinese any-ah-wayz."

Some folks just can't get over the glory days - huh? When men defended their country for a legitimate, respectable, honorable reason.

You and your type are the "Old Guard" hasbeen's trying hang onto fading memories of this great screwed up nation. America has planted so many seeds of negativity in it's fabric, our country looks like a satanic Chia Pet... pitch fork included!

You and your lying Republican choir boys can just wave Ole Red, White, and Blue ... and continue romancing the blackened historical skeletons in America's closet until they consume you my friend?

[edit on 25-3-2008 by Level X]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:07 PM
[edit on 25-3-2008 by Level X]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by steve22
I couldn't word it better myself.You should be given a Nobel Peace Prize.The land and this country are beautiful..

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:21 PM
i hate the united states because the obese populated country are full of trailer trash that have no culture and are the worshiper of george bush the worse president to hit that oil hungry peace of land. There are tones of reason why people hate the united states (look above). what kind of question is that to ask on ATS

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by pravus_lumen

Have you spent any appreciable time in the States? Imperical research, as it were. Or are you just posing generalizations for the sake of contriversy and bait?

One could say that Canadians are laid back hosers only interested in hockey and donuts. Oooo, and the bacon.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:27 PM
double post: see below

[edit on 25-3-2008 by tyranny22]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by HellHound63S

Certainly you would not be sitting where you are reading this had our founding fathers not questioned how their Monarchy ruled over them and the world through Imperialism at that time.

Also, I find it amusing that you try to "simplify" those who question their government, lumping them into a leftist/communist group that want everything handed to them. The reason I find it amusing is because you apparently lack the want or desire to think for yourself. I bow down to your hypocrisy.

How does it feel belonging to the minority 26% of the United States population that supports it's president? The remaining 74% of us who you deem "hate" our country will continue to question this country' path so that our children may inherit what our forefathers had envisioned for this great land.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Level X

I would ask you to show me one country throughout this entire world that wasn't founded and formed through violence and through the blood shed of some indigenous people. Do you believe that the British empire simply bought all of the lands that they have and still do control? What about Australia? Im sure the aborigines stood on the shore lines holding signs that said "Welcome foreign invaders, please make yourselves at home" and that was that?

Im sure all of those native Indian tribes that were thriving up in Canada were simply paid a hefty sum for their land and subsequently were able to retire on a happy farm someplace? Guess what, before Ireland was Ireland, it belonged to someone else. Before Russia was Russia, it belonged to someone else. Even the far eastern Asian countries, at some point and time, were conquered and subjugated by someone else. To take America to task for being formed basically the same way every other nation was formed is idiocy and plainly biased.

And it is perfectly understandable that the US government and it's policies are disliked throughout the world considering todays situation. Most Americans do not even agree with their current administrations, and yes many even hate our current leadership, myself included. But when you start talking about hating America and it's principles and hating the American people, I have to strongly disagree and feel that I need to defend my country and it's citizens.

To people from foreign countries who choose to hate us, fine, it is your perogative. But I would say that those who live in glass houses really need not throw stones. I believe I even saw a person from Germany on here criticizing American foreign policy, which in itself is so ironic and incredibly amusing that I can't even address it with a straight face. The point is this, yes our government is corrupt. We ackowledge this openly. But on the opposite side of the coin, your respective government is most likely ALSO corrupt.

Our country is just over 200 years old, so obviously we never cornered the market on corruption and wicked foreign policy (I understand that a few things happened pre-1776 that were not so nice) I have no issue with anyone criticizing our leadership, they deserve all of the disdain that one can muster. But do not blame the American people for what is being done. The Americans that I know work their behinds off in order to make a life for their families. We are over worked, over taxed, under represented in government, and we all stand to lose our very way of life as a result of a few rotten elected officials and the poor decisions that they have made.

Hate the government, but do not hate the people. And just know that any injustice that our rogue government commits throughout the world, they are most likely mirroring a stategy or implementing a policy that they borrowed straight from the playbook of another country who has already perfected it in the past. Quite possibly your country, which you seem to insist can do no wrong. Read a history book some time.

[edit on 3/25/08 by BlackOps719]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 05:04 PM
If a thief comes in and takes over the control of my house and does anything he/she pleases and says to me that I have to agree with it, do i hate the thief or the house?

There is no WE or THEM or country, there are just people and a world.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

To take America to task for being formed basically the same way every other nation was formed is idiocy and plainly biased.

I would say maybe biased, if he means that violence in and of itself maybe no justification for any kind of "voluntary society". If we are not allowed to leave or create a country of our own not based on violence then how can anyone really claim nothing wrong with creating states if they are based on a fist and a gun to the face?

And it is perfectly understandable that the US government and it's policies are disliked throughout the world considering todays situation.

I think we maybe understand very little of why people hate Americans or our policy, simply due to the probability that most Americans are not aware of our "civilizing and imperialising" nature and do not dare question such behavior in ourselves and in other nations that behave in the same rude manner.

To people from foreign countries who choose to hate us, fine, it is your perogative.

I disagree they should not hate us, by doing so they copy our behavior and met it out to their neighbors as well. Nobody will be better off by hating any country at all, only war can be the endgame of a policy of hate, as the US has shown the world, as many other "western societies" have expressed towards others, as well as "eastern societies" behavior towards each other illustrate. WE may disagree with each other, but hate only tunes in animosity, how one would define hate should be clear as well, I would bother a definition along the lines of any action that allows for the murder and rape of people and nature to pretty well incorporate hate, if you hate the land and animals that give you life you also tend to hate yourself, that maybe the best explantion I have read about why Americans Hate themselves. How can we stop doing this to ourselves and each others nations? China will wipe out there own land if they do industrialize so how does that bode for themselves and everyone else? Does that sufficintly incorporate a ideology of hate yes, and they are buying into our hate hook line and sinker, so naturally they will project themselves out into the world stage in a violent manner when provoked to defend their way of life. I only see collision possibly sometime this century, if they don't pollute themselves out of existence. They have a bunch of catching up to our level of land and human hate to aspire towards, but they are moving fast.

I believe I even saw a person from Germany on here criticizing American foreign policy, which in itself is so ironic and incredibly amusing that I can't even address it with a straight face. The point is this, yes our government is corrupt. We ackowledge this openly. But on the opposite side of the coin, your respective government is most likely ALSO corrupt.

They have not attacked anyone in over 60 years, at the least they have earned a seat back at the table through behaving better, that doesn't mean they still don't harbor the same sentiments in different forms, they have merely stopped playing the hate game, but if they are threatened out of existence they would likely bounce right back into play.

Our country is just over 200 years old, so obviously we never cornered the market on corruption and wicked foreign policy

You mean maybe our "Civilization" appears to have conquered this land for over 200 years so far. We have wiped out much of what made life on this land beautiful, most of our wildlife have been scooped up as resources to be exploited, unlke the people that lived here for many centuries prior to our arrival and theft of the land they lived with. We merely live on our ideas of what we think maybe best, while ignoring contradictory evidence.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I'm with you on that!!! They are doing the best they can to ruin this country and it needs to stop. The only way to stop it is for the American people to take it back by force if necessary, Unfortunately with the three stooges we have to pick as our next President and the corrupt Congress we know the radical change that needs to take place will not happen otherwise.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 06:34 PM
Graeme, I have not read the intervening posts, but firstly I do not hate America.

On the other hand I am critical of US foreign policy because it is often out of touch and interventions in the last decade have often made matters worse.

The problem is that USA is so powerful and so dominant that whatever USA does affects the lives and destinies of non Americans. That is why people from so many other countries have opinions on USA.

I for one follow the US primaries intently because the outcome will affect me.

It is a function of democracy that people have a right to participate and express opinions. True non Americans have no vote or rights in USA, but we live in a global community and the only way non Americans can influence events often is to express objections when USA is making mistakes.

Accusing Iraq of harbouring Al Quaeda was an obvious mistake even before it's invasion.

USA was so preoccupied with hurt and anger over 9/11 that your nation was beyond reasoning with. Now many Americans have come to see what most Europeans understood even before the invasion that it was all smoke and mirrors.

What non Americans hated about that was the Bush administration using smoke and mirrors to create a huge conflict in the Middle east.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 06:59 PM
Ok first I want to let everyone know I did not think I would get such a response for my question, and I didn't not get to read everyones posts so keep that in mind when I type this.

It seems to me that most you are saying that you do not dislike America but the American government...That kind of sounds stupid to me to say that, but anyhow what has America done that makes all of you so angry and dislike them?? I read all this stuff of how people dislike Americas foreign policy, and say we stick our noses in other peoples business and are harming other are we doing so?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by redmage

Redmage you do argue good points, I'm sorry I should have used a different percantage say 80%? Anyways give me some suggestions you have to bettering this country please I am interested to hear what you have to say.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 07:05 PM
I love American culture , movies , music, people, hate Bush and his brigade.Hate any one that suports his ways, I hate their guts.
This is ovius, I hate the American goverment and any one that elnists to support their cause.I love the rest, Americans included.
I must mention that the American goverment is the most corupt of all times, but it seems that this one that is in place at the present time is at the peak of coruption and criminality.
The US goverment is nothing but a bully, there is no economic strategy other than make war then make money from it, kill people, take oil ,break international laws and then wave the flag of liberty under the simbol of irony.Other than this America is nice with out the white house included in the picture.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by pepsi78
I hate Bush and his brigade.Hate any one that suports his ways, I hate their guts. This is ovius, I hate the American goverment and any one that elnists to support their cause.

So you hate the 4,000 men and women who lost their lives to support your right to type #### like this on the internet? You my friend are one sick individual to say something like that, honestly.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Graemej213
Ok first I want to let everyone know I did not think I would get such a response for my question, and I didn't not get to read everyones posts so keep that in mind when I type this.

Maybe you should do this before proceeding. You may be better served to see what you're talking about.

It seems to me that most you are saying that you do not dislike America but the American government...That kind of sounds stupid to me to say that, but anyhow what has America done that makes all of you so angry and dislike them??

Huh? I'm beginning to wonder what this thread is about. What's your point man?

I read all this stuff of how people dislike Americas foreign policy, and say we stick our noses in other peoples business and are harming other are we doing so?

You're serious, right? I'm thinking of a country, 4 letters. Starts with I and ends in Q. Might end with N in the near future. Again, what's your point?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 07:16 PM
I am the voice for the 90% of whom you speak. We do not hate America- we are just extremely hateful towards the actions of the 10% who are running it into the ground.

End transmission

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Graemej213
So you hate the 4,000 men and women who lost their lives to support your right to type #### like this on the internet? You my friend are one sick individual to say something like that, honestly.

I think you're completely missing the point here. Those soldiers who died aren't supporting our way of life. They're supporting oil barons and mercenaries like Halliburton and Blackwater.

The American people are less safe because of the invasion.

I love all people, our soldiers included. That doesn't mean they are fighting for a good reason. They were lied to by Bush and Co, and now they're suffering because of it.

Originally posted by Graemej213
What has America done that makes all of you so angry and dislike them?? I read all this stuff of how people dislike Americas foreign policy, and say we stick our noses in other peoples business and are harming other are we doing so?

I am not going to do your homework for you.

To start out: support the illegal Israeli regime while they attack the Palestinians, who have been there for thousands of years. Way longer than Israel.

Invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, just recently.

Spread "democracy" and "capitalism" across the globe when most people don't want it.
The American way is not for everyone. That's why its called the American way.

That's just a taste. I suggest you research: The Contras and Nicaragua, Columbia and coc aine, Afghanistan and poppy, Iraq and oil, etc

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