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Why do 90% of you hate America?

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posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
And who do you think elects the government?

Their criminal supporters.

We have NO say in our elections.

There is no "minority of extremist voters" in the 75+ million that democratically vote.

The minority of extremist voters are the men in control of rigging the results.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:29 PM
Forums are a place people can come and discuss outlandish ideas. You take away from it what you want. It looks like you take away anger from this site. why bother to come?

You sound like one of those people who if you lived 100 years ago and there was a forum anout man being able to fly you would have locked everyone up.

Your eyes are open but you do not see.

I love my Country

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:31 PM
I love America! I love what it symbolizes. It just seems that during the last 20 years or so that our government has failed us and our American way. I love the country, but I dislike what the government has become. I love the people, but I dislike the people in control. They need to be dragged from offices and strung up as traitors of the Amercian Way.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:45 PM
I once loved both this country and its people. Now I don't care much for most of the people. This nation is turning into a wussy socialist state of spoiled whiners and complainers, and I despise socialists, wussies, and whiners (I can tolerate complainers though because they are funny to argue with). This could be a great nation again if we could get rid of the spoiled wussy whiner complainers and restock her with another fresh bunch of motivated hard working grateful immigrants.

My stomach turns every time I hear these political candidates and supporters yack yack yack about turning this country into another commie socialist nation. Sickening.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by TimeTracker
I can remember when we were the ones the world looked to in times of trouble.

I can remember when we exported hope instead of jobs.

I can remember when we took care of others instead of advantage of them.

I can remember when our greatest national ambition was to leave this planet, and not leave this country.

How old are you TimeTracker?

Todays America is the only America that I know. I actually don't believe that America has ever been any other way.

It's time for some major social upheaval. We need to create a place where we can be left alone by the government, unburdoned by any taxes and/or regulations. A place where we can pursue our dreams and ambitions unencumbered by bureaucracy and overly greedy people who own small pieces of corporations. A place where we can be left alone to pursue our beliefs without interference. A place where we can build a better life for our families.

A place where responsible people have the right to own weapons and aren't afraid to use them.

[edit on 26-3-2008 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:06 PM
I love America so if there is a vote taking place please add a mark for me.

"WE are all men created equal"
"WE the people"

[edit on 25-3-2008 by stikkinikki]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:31 PM
Alright I make a few spelling errors here and there oh well lay off that it's getting old. Let me ask a more direct question then... Why do you people think that Bush is so evil? Would you have rather had Al Gore in office during 9/11? That'd be awsome wouldn't it our country would be under attack and he'd probably go out and film a movie about global warming. Bush has done a superb job at keeping this country safe from further terroists attacks...also you need to really get off the whole we went to Iraq to make oil companies richer because that **** is lame. Also a little background for me I served in the Marines for 4 years so when I hear someone make an offensive comment towards our troops I get a little ticked off.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by Graemej213
... also you need to really get off the whole we went to Iraq to make oil companies richer ...

Everyone with half a brain understands that we invaded Iraq to secure the world's dwindling oil supplies and advance the agenda of the New World Order in order to fulfill biblical prophecy.

From my two posts you can clearly see how the agenda of the common people of America is vastly different from that of the elites and bankers who currently run the country.

[edit on 26-3-2008 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:51 PM

I read all this stuff of how people dislike Americas foreign policy, and say we stick our noses in other peoples business and are harming other are we doing so?

Our government operates primarily to manage our economic system...In this misinterpreted form of capitalism competition is seen as the enemy (A. Smith did not see it this way, he saw how competition could ultimately serve to benefit the consumers ) and ends justify the means as a mantra--- money making at any cost

The US government essentially creates allies to help eliminate any competition and make decisions to help the US (businesses mainly) make money

How have they hurt people and nations? First our nation set a standard by killing Native Americans who were trying to hold on to their prosperous land, kidnapping Africans so they could perform free manual labor at the sole monetary benefit of the slave owners (business men and often government leaders)

To this day our government leaders are often our business leaders as well, check out the backgrounds of some of the people sitting in high governmental positions a lot of them have been on wall street or higher ups in big business..... as our world shrinks in a rapid communication era we are faced with new global competitors the US gov. tells us that we must worry about dictators (Sadaam for example) because they want to hurt us, what is not mentioned is the fact that behind the scenes business deals have been and are being made that have devastating effects on the countries involved. For instance, going into S. American countries privatizing their water resources and selling it back to the native people at a price so high they cannot afford clean running water. Now how does this all relate.... dirty business deals = dirty politics and policies... if our government is our economies "babysitter" and our economy screws people over one of two conclusions can be drawn A. our government has no idea and yet somehow, coincidentally, their policies continually benefit/punish corresponding economic allies or competitors or B. they have more than Big Hand in the behind the scenes negotiations played by Big interests

The question is not whether or not people on ats "hate america" the question is whether we as nation will continue to allow people to claim America "the home of freedom, justice, democracy" while behind close doors thousands of people from Indonesia to Africa to South America to our own inner city neighborhoods suffer because our government is more concerned with monetary gain than world peace.

Today we fight in a war in which many think will bring freedom and peace to a people desperately lacking in both areas. Yet one need only to look around at our local communities to see that while there are no longer metal chains of slavery there are millions of americans who aren't free because they can't afford to live in a good neighborhood which may mean going to a school with not enough textbooks which as you can figure out leads to a cycle of educational disparity and ultimately economic gaps that continually grow larger and larger. Americans are not free...

As for peace... I reference Gandhi who believed that passive violence i.e. exploitation, destructive communication, neglect, fear, shame, guilt etc ultimately is what ignites and leads people to commit atrocities such as genocide or terrorist attacks... The violence we seek to stop in places like Iraq, Darfur, Tibet can only be stopped by putting an end to the passive violence that the U.S. clearly commits every day not only around the world but in our own country.

If you seek to understand how our country hurts others read the stories of people around the world who have first hand experience with a nation that takes away freedoms, liberties and life by very means of everyday business...

The people who "hate" america because of gov. policies are needing to feel their country's ideals are aligned with their actions

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 12:00 AM
I dont hate the United States.

I hate the United States government.

I want them to obey the Constitution and uphold integrity in the government. Enough said.

[edit on 26-3-2008 by ImplementOfWar]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 12:37 AM
I love the USA.
I just think it is time for the Revolution the Founding Fathers were talking about. The Government is no longer for the people, of the people or by the people.


posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Divinorumus
I once loved both this country and its people. Now I don't care much for most of the people. This nation is turning into a wussy socialist state of spoiled whiners and complainers, and I despise socialists, wussies, and whiners (I can tolerate complainers though because they are funny to argue with). This could be a great nation again if we could get rid of the spoiled wussy whiner complainers and restock her with another fresh bunch of motivated hard working grateful immigrants.

My stomach turns every time I hear these political candidates and supporters yack yack yack about turning this country into another commie socialist nation. Sickening.

Here, here. Couldn't agree more with your statement.
Unfortunately the political process is rigged and we now only seem to have socialist candidates to vote for, be they R or D.

I think a first good step would be for the USA to leave the UN and all the international organizations that seem to want to impose their euro-socialist views on This Great Republic.

Long Live The USA as the Land of The Free and The Home Of The Brave!!!

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by Graemej213
also you need to really get off the whole we went to Iraq to make oil companies richer because that **** is lame.

Any time I'm deeply involved in a debate, I'm going to say "that **** is lame" and I can then breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I have prevailed.

I'm glad your post is full of so many facts to rebut our 'lame' arguments.

Answer this question: Why has Iraq's oil production decreased?

It wouldn't be to cut off supply lower then the demand world wide causing massive price hikes to rip extra money from the poor and middle class families in order to continue the war on the middle class that most of us here are up against, would it?

Nah. Couldn't be. It's gotta be Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is the answer to everything.

Reporter: "Sir, why is the Iraq War failing?"
Bush: "Al Qaeda"
Reporter: "Sir, why haven't we found weapons of mass destruction?"
Bush: "Al Qaeda"
Reporter: "Sir, why are oil prices going up?"
Bush: "Al Qaeda"
Reporter: "Sir, why is the planet warming up?"
Bush: "Al Qaeda"
Reporter: "Sir, why did Britney Spears shave her head?"
Bush: "Al Qaeda"

Al Qaeda is the answer to all problems. They're probably heating up the Sun to heat up Earth. They may even be behind the spy satellite that failed. I wouldn't be shocked if it was them that made it snow here last week.

As a former member of the Armed Forces, it is quite disgraceful and pathetic that you would tell us to shut up and leave the country. You allegedly are fighting for our freedoms, including freedom of speech, yet you come in here telling us to get out of the country.

Do you feel because you were in the Marines that you're somehow entitled to tell us when we can and cannot talk? Get over yourself. That's why some people view the military negatively. It's because of that arrogance.

I'm sure most of the military is full of wonderful men and women truly dedicated to their country, and I salute them.

But with all due respect, it's people like you that need to wake the hell up, realize just who and what it is you're SUPPOSED to be fighting for, and come over the right side of the fight.

You can be patriotic without supporting your government. As a member of the Armed Forces, it is your duty to enforce the Constitution here at home should our government ever abandon it - not follow them blindly down the path to tyranny.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by ThEsEnTiNeL
reply to post by Conspiriology

ok sir so what do you know about explosives?its allot different seeing it up close than the helicopter view the media gives you.

Ohheheh mmm I think their are a few here that know of my experience which by the way is well over more then enough but aaaah you go ahead tell why I am wrong.

what cha got

- Con

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by neformore

In a lot of respects, Europe owes a debt of gratitude to the USA for its actions in WW2, but we saved ourselves before the US became involved in the war, as the USA had nothing at all to do with the Battle of Britain. And yes, we have finished paying off the lend lease now for all the equipment, just as we promised we would.

By promoting the myth you quoted above, you are promoting revised history, which - to keep in with the topic - is another reason why people tend to get a bit cheesed off with our American friends.

You bring up what I see is one of the most easily used and deceptively effective tactics of the internet I see everywhere these days. I see many people are turning off to the net because it makes getting real news an arduous task of searching, verifying and verifying your source. I see it everywhere now.

Years henceforward,, it will be the Christians were behind 911, what ever succeeds the former US government, and I am assuming we all become the privileged of the state, it will be celebrated as great again by those behind it's success. What ever we were at one time and no matter how great, what good, we had ever done,, it will be portrayed as something completely and totally evil, getting mentioned posthumously as merely a mechanism that brought about whatever manages it then and now.

Every Great Nation has its Renaissance,, I just wonder if ours has finally ended.

- Con

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Divinorumus
I once loved both this country and its people. Now I don't care much for most of the people. This nation is turning into a wussy socialist state of spoiled whiners and complainers, and I despise socialists, wussies, and whiners (I can tolerate complainers though because they are funny to argue with). This could be a great nation again if we could get rid of the spoiled wussy whiner complainers and restock her with another fresh bunch of motivated hard working grateful immigrants.

My stomach turns every time I hear these political candidates and supporters yack yack yack about turning this country into another commie socialist nation. Sickening.

God isn't that the truth,, I believe that is exactly what is going on the more I see happening and I just get disgusted by it.

- Con

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Graemej213
Alright I make a few spelling errors here and there oh well lay off that it's getting old. Let me ask a more direct question then... Why do you people think that Bush is so evil? Would you have rather had Al Gore in office during 9/11? That'd be awsome wouldn't it our country would be under attack and he'd probably go out and film a movie about global warming. Bush has done a superb job at keeping this country safe from further terroists attacks...also you need to really get off the whole we went to Iraq to make oil companies richer because that **** is lame. Also a little background for me I served in the Marines for 4 years so when I hear someone make an offensive comment towards our troops I get a little ticked off.

I don't care if you were Thomas Jefferson, IT'S JUST NOT TOO SMART to start a thread making a butt load of broad generalisations wrapped up in some cookie cutter red white and blue perception of patriotism assuming your enlisted mans rank of E-3 grants you a licence to talk smack and YES BUSH IS as DUMB as he talks, asking me to speculate on how bad Al Gore would have been pre-supposes he would have done worse during 911 which is a logical fallacy. I voted for Bush twice and I served 6 years and most likely before you were filling out your jock strap. You don't think I would LOVE to say great things about this President too??

Of course I do, but I have to be honest with myself and the last thing I am going to do is make him the credit for NOT being attacked when it is more likely,, had he not head his head up his colon, and listened to everyone trying to warn him,,

911 might never have happened

in the first place.

- Con

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:44 AM
As someone from England looking on over the years, I feel sad for the American people.

Particularly since 9/11 we have seen a Government which lacks sensitivity and appears to have 'bully boy' tactics.

You are not 'hated'..... it is your Government.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 03:46 AM
Wow.....after reading the opening post in this thread, i have come to the conclusion that at least one of 3 things is true of the thread's starter.

1: He's been watching WAY too much Bill O'Reilly (evidenced by the fact that his opening post, and parts of his subsequent posts are nearly verbatim parroting of what O'Reilly has said on the air.)

2: The poster IS Bill O'Reilly.

3: The poster is delusional, and/or just stupid.

I don't mean to make any waves with this post (i'll start a thread for that)....i'm simply making an observation based on what i'm seeing.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by tg4365
Forums are a place people can come and discuss outlandish ideas. You take away from it what you want. It looks like you take away anger from this site. why bother to come?

You sound like one of those people who if you lived 100 years ago and there was a forum anout man being able to fly you would have locked everyone up.

Your eyes are open but you do not see.

I love my Country

You didn't tag your message but I assume its to me. Let me tell you why I come to Above Top Secret. I come here for stories about what it was ATS was founded on. You know, UFOs, 911 conspiracies, Area 51,that type of thing. Now let me ask you a question - Why do YOU come here? If I was to go to a Star Wars Forum, and ask, "hey how about the Red Socks?" I imagine it would be frowned upon, unless they had a forum directed at off the topic ideas. We have BELOW Top Secret, where this fits,but I dont see why it is here. Is it Above Top Secret?
Now that I think about it, asking me why I come here makes no sense. I come for the topics which me, and like minded folks care about. I really dont care to read some editorial rant about my patriotic feelings.
Care to make sense of it for me?

We need an Anti-flag, or Anti-star, or our own Digg rating system so we can bury this or a way to request to have it moved to the proper area, if one exists.

And for the record,I have no need to defend my love or hate for my country.
Especially at ATS.

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