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Iran caught red handed

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posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 01:00 AM
But the bottom line is that the US will not attack Iran even if they build a bomb. We might have done it 5 or 6 years ago but not now. They basically have an open path to make their nukes. I know many here think this is a good thing, but I think anytime a new country gets nukes it is a bad event.
Also with the Muslim’s ability to use suicide as a method of offence I just cringe to think what they will do once they have the capabilities to launch a nuke.

The funny part is that the US is not in their range except for our troops in Iraq, but those same countries in Europe that are against everything the US does is well in their range. We have seen that the US is not unique in being a focus point of terrorism.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Also with the Muslim’s ability to use suicide as a method of offence I just cringe to think what they will do once they have the capabilities to launch a nuke.

You have to realise that suicide bombing is not just the domain of the Muslim, don't you?
Otherwise, that statement is bordering on bigotry and intolerance.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by Sky watcher

Well here you go. Read it and weep.

I am getting quite the kick out of this line. Your post describes a closed meeting but we are supposed to "read it and weep". What are we reading exactly? God I hope i'm not sounding too liberal to you.

We are all now in more danger than ever thanks to the whiny liberals who have made it just about impossible for our president to stop this threat now.

Let's just settle this now and say WW3 is the complete fault of whiny liberals. Perhaps the death of our Sun will also be the result of constant liberal nagging.

One can only hope Bush has the guts to bomb Iran's nuclear sites of the map.

One can only hope someone has the guts to bomb ours (US) as well

[edit on 023131p://8u16 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 04:02 AM
OK. Things appear to be getting a little...heated.

The message, as always, is this, please.....

Attack the post and not the poster

Courtesy is Mandatory

and please abide by the ATS : Terms and Conditions at all times.

The recipe is this -

(Facts + factual rebuttals) + (A 'lil smattering of personal opinion) - (baiting + bickering) = Good conversation done the ATS way.

Chef Nef is in da house

[edit on 8/0308/08 by neformore]

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by neformore
OK. Things appear to be getting a little...heated.

The message, as always, is this, please.....

Attack the post and not the poster

Courtesy is Mandatory

and please abide by the ATS : Terms and Conditions at all times.

The recipe is this -

(Facts + factual rebuttals) + (A 'lil smattering of personal opinion) - (baiting + bickering) = Good conversation done the ATS way.

Chef Nef is in da house

[edit on 8/0308/08 by neformore]

All due respect, but wasn't there baiting in the very first post. Okay, the second post?

Regardless, I apologize, and will keep a tighter watch on how I communicate.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 05:05 AM
I personally believe that either way this is a catch 22.

IMHO America cannot afford to do anything when you consider past events. The problem is that this may indeed be true, yet hands are tied. The boundaries have already been pushed.

I don't hate America, I don't hate Iran. I don't want to see the world end over an energy crisis, like many here.

I wish that people could work together and forget their differences so that the world may continue and become a better place. Money is not worth 6000+ years of development.

It angers me that people fight, not who is fighting. I see humanity as a whole which may not yet realise its potential.

As a unified force humanity could accomplish more than many people would ever imagine. I doubt it will ever happen, but it is my dream. A focused and cohesive effort can solve almost any problem, as long as we work together.

I'm going off topic here and my apologies. I just don't want to see the world go to pieces so that few people may gain. Lets face it, all over the world, this destruction only benefits few.

In certain circumstances war may be the only option, but it is the actions of people which lead to such chaos.

Edits for clarity...

[edit on 8-3-2008 by seenitall]

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by SavageHenry

Yet another ignorant post with more of the fairy tail dreams of yours thinking you can match me in a fight or something. What are you 12?
God gave the land of Israel to the Jews and anyone who thinks other wise may not find themselves on the ride to heaven. We give Israel all that money to defend themselves against attack from the Islamic radicals that surround them. They are a small democratic nation who wants peace just trying to survive. Some countries have learned their lesson IE Jordan and Egypt and others have not. King Hussien of Jordan told his son who is now king on his death bed that the worst thing he ever did was attack Israel and thats more than likely because he was being shown that by god at the time. Back on the subject at hand.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 08:00 AM
who cares???????????????

I hate this!

No country can have nuclear warheads but Isreal can have as many thousands as they want


posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

No I was just getting a little payback for all of us who have to sit here and see the all the post and threads accusing the U.S. of not telling the truth about this issue for years when the U.N. just proved everything that Bush and other world leaders have been saying to be fact. Even if you dig into the report, The National Intelligence Estimate it says that we the U.S. Intelligence community can not say that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program up and running right now. Take into consideration that Iran is sending objects the size of warheads into space and calling them satellites when everyone knows they are not satellites. Take into consideration that Iran has allot of small Uranium centrifuges deep underground operating today. The same type that is perfect for making weapons grade Uranium, The same type that Pakistan and North Korea have used even after the Russians have given them fuel for their power plant. Given this new information that the U.N. head weapons inspector has shown to the country's that need to know about it one can say with a high probability that Iran is building nuclear weapons and they need to be stopped.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Sky watcher

Seems to me israel is just as much responsible for whats going over there as anyone else. Ooooh, in some 2000 year old book it says we get this land. It dosent matter if you've been living here at all, cause the bible says it ours.Thats perfect fair logic right there.

Seriously, im gonna start a religion saying that god granted me rights to all the money in the u.s. Start coughing it up folks....

/on topic

Well, i dont think im gonna believe this till i see some more reliable sources.Until then, it just sounds like all the same old war mongering to me.

[edit on 8-3-2008 by SilentBob86]

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 01:44 PM
Of course it's bad everytime someone builds a nuke. But let's not forget who's the only one that's ever used one against another country. One Nuclear blast would almost span the entire country of Iran. I don't think they pose much of a threat. Russia covering for them seems the credibale threat. Again fear and anger reduce your I.Q., so pleases try not to distract me with fear mongering

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
reply to post by SavageHenry

Yet another ignorant post with more of the fairy tail dreams of yours thinking you can match me in a fight or something. What are you 12?


Calling ME an internet tough guy then telling me what you would do to my if I called you the ignorant wretch you have consistently proven to be to your face..

.. Lay off the Testosterone just a bit... As you must think physical fighting is your strong suit... Which is not the kind of field we are in (Must be all those ADS on WND "FEAR NO MAN!!" - "LEARN THE SECRETS NAVY SEALS ARE TOO AFRAID TO KNOW!!")... We are in an arena where your BRAIN matters.. and you want to use your big cloven hoof's as I am thoroughly spanking you in every way shape and form regarding that..



Oh man I am going to haunt your days in this place...

Originally posted by Sky watcherGod gave the land of Israel to the Jews and anyone who thinks other wise may not find themselves on the ride to heaven.

And I am ignorant...

Uh I just got off the phone with God.. It told me you are mistaken, and you need to go read your bible again.

And some Orthodox Jews seriously disagree with you.. and I must say with a simple understanding of their position and knowing what I do about the bible.. I must say they are right..

The Jewish people were EXILED by GOD etc etc

Because of all of this and other reasons the Torah forbids us to end the exile and establish a state and army until the Holy One, blessed He, in His Glory and Essence will redeem us. This is forbidden even if the state is conducted according to the law of the Torah because arising from the exile itself is forbidden, and we are required to remain under the rule of the nations of the world, as is explained in the book VAYOEL MOSHE. If we transgress this injunction, He will bring upon us (may we be spared) terrible punishment.

I take it those people are going to be a shock and a half for your viewpoint...However since they walk the talk in their religion... I am going to go out on a limb and say they know .. ohhh about fifty billion times more about this subject then you could get a handle on in 50 lifetimes.

Originally posted by Sky watcher
We give Israel all that money to defend themselves against attack from the Islamic radicals that surround them. They are a small democratic nation who wants peace just trying to survive. Some countries have learned their lesson IE Jordan and Egypt and others have not. King Hussien of Jordan told his son who is now king on his death bed that the worst thing he ever did was attack Israel and thats more than likely because he was being shown that by god at the time. Back on the subject at hand.

Water is wet...

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by SilentBob86

I guess all the Jewish and Christan religious sites that are from the time of Christ means nothing then. The Arab religious sites are by far the newest ones so do some studying next time.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

Take into consideration that Iran is sending objects the size of warheads into space and calling them satellites when everyone knows they are not satellites.


Could they ... be Nuclear WAR HEADS!!!!!

10 Megaton? 30 Megaton? 10,000 Hypermega-Jihad-ton!!!!!

W-W-W-whaat if they attack ... OUR HOMELAND!!!

Our Fatherland is under threat!

We must unite to destroy this Sinister Iranian plot!.. In fact I bet ALL those Dirty Muslims are in on it..

We should deal with them
... deal with them ALL!

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
reply to post by SilentBob86

I guess all the Jewish and Christan religious sites that are from the time of Christ means nothing then. The Arab religious sites are by far the newest ones so do some studying next time.

Wow.. We had better hope that those red savages we almost totally wiped out, keep drinking hairspray and never recover their population..

Think of all their religious sites that are here from 10,000 years BC?!!?

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by SavageHenry

You forget how it ends or did you just leave that part out?

Return completely to their own land from every nation where they had been scattered. Deuteronomy 30:1-5; Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 16:14-17; 30:3,10-11; 31:10; 32:37; 33:7; Ezekiel 34:11-16; 37:1-14; Amos 9:14; Zechariah 10:8-10
Return in a state of unbelief and irreligion. Ezekiel 36:21-29
Become a nation again. Ezekiel 37:15-22
Regain Jerusalem under their control. Jeremiah 30:18; Luke 21:24
Rebuild their cities. Ezekiel 36:33-38; Amos 9:14
Have the fruitfulness of their land and people restored. Jeremiah 31:10-14; 33:12-13; Ezekiel 36:8-15, 29-30,33-38; Amos 9:13-14

It has all been prophesied and most of it has come true already. You cant argue past and present history because they are set in stone. The stones are there in Israel and you can not deny that. Every day their are new fascinating discoveries in Israel that show what the cities were like back in biblical times and it funny how they match the bible descriptions perfectly. The next bible prophecy fulfilled will be the destruction of Damascus that has never happened in history but it will happen soon. I wonder if that would be enough to change your atheist mind?

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
reply to post by SilentBob86

I guess all the Jewish and Christan religious sites that are from the time of Christ means nothing then. The Arab religious sites are by far the newest ones so do some studying next time.

Homo neanderthalensis used to cohabit in the area with archaic Homo sapiens. Does that mean anything? I mean, they probably had religious sites far older than those you mention
Anyway, I thought it was the Brits etc who gave the Jews their land.

How did we get here? I thought this was about Iran, not another thread to be hijacked by fundamentalist christians. Remember, deny ignorance, that means, we want the facts!

[edit on 8-3-2008 by AotearoaSon]

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 03:50 PM
...Forget ??

No.. I did not forget...



My point still stands .. as does the Orthodox Rabbi's take..

And honestly for your sake you really do not want to try this technique with me...

Now put the BOOK away.. as it is dangerous in the hands of people that do not know how to read it... I am serious.

Most people do not have the command of vocabulary and etymology required to properly read books that are 2000 years old...

You do not understand what the words mean...and they are misread.

And people get killed...lives ruined.. lives lived in guilt and shame...


So please stop trying to use the Bible to prove your arguments...besides being wrong, and besides being the weakest argument in existence... You only damage your holistic relationship with your creator by doing it.

If you do not.. You are going to get schooled...

Just a warning.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by SavageHenry

Like it or not its all going down like it said it would in the bible. How can you deny that when its all there in black and white. Its the Jews denial of Jesus being their messiah that has them being punished in the first place. Although he is still punishing them he will not let them be destroyed or exiled by armed force again. Can you explain why the Jews have been persecuted by just about every major world leader and people since the beginning of time other than it being a punishment from God? It is to teach them, Gods chosen people and the world a lesson. Look I don't know who you are and you dont know me. I was raised in the church and my grandfather was a minister that sits very well with god. I always shunned the whole religious idea when I was young because I didn't understand it. Later in life the last time I seen my grandfather alive and in good health he told me out of the blue one day that my generation would see the worst that man had to offer and that he felt sorry for us. Now that kind of shocked me given that he never spoke of the doom and gloom part of the bible as he was more into teaching gods words and how to live a good life in his eyes. Turns out after talking to my grandmother and seeing certain things he did that he did know the day he would die and when he was driving home from church that night he felt ill he made a left turn instead of a right stopping at his friends house the same distance that it would be to go to the hospital if he would have turned right rang the doorbell and when his friend opened the door he said tell my wife and kids and all the grandchildren that I love them and passed away on her front porch. Ever since that day I have given my life to Christ and dug deep into religion to see it for all its wonder and mystery. So don't sit here and try to bash what you don't know, OK.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
Yet another ignorant post with more of the fairy tail dreams of yours thinking you can match me in a fight or something. What are you 12?
God gave the land of Israel to the Jews and anyone who thinks other wise may not find themselves on the ride to heaven.

Holy crap.

I kind of wish you had spouted this tripe in your first post, maybe people would have known to avoid this thread altogether.

Absolutely ridiculous. I will refrain from telling you to check your head, it's already clear to me and everyone else that your mind has been planted like an oak tree.

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