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Iran caught red handed

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posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by efbeenie
Someone mentioned that iran wouldn't fire a nuc as soon as complete, and I agree only because they would wait until they think they have the perfect opportunity to kill as many as possible with one bomb in israel or the US(which they would love if they could reach us).

And why would they do that, exactly?

Please - just think about what you've said, think about the repercussions of it and then tell me why they'd do it.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by LLoyd45

Its called the Sampson option and can you blame them? They will use them to stop any massive invasion only at a last resort, Any county would do the same so Israel is no different. If say New York is wiped out by a nuke on a commercial freighter that slipped into port somehow. What do you think would happen?

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 05:19 PM
By the time Iran develops and performs it's first nuke test, Ahmadinejad probably won't even be President anymore. He's not particularly well liked by most Iranians, who see him as a complete failure. Even the supreme leader Ali Khamenei is apparently concerned about Ahmadinejad's bellicose statements. Even so with a nuclear bomb, there is still no justification for attacking Iran and to even suggest they would place such weapons in the hands of terrorists is absolute tripe. Iran as a country has never invaded, nor attacked anyone. Shame you can't say the same about America, Britain or Israel, the real axis of evil or is that stupidity.

Analysts: Iran Parliamentary Election Crucial For Iranian President.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by SavageHenry

See this is the problem with people of your ilk...

You have no comprehensional abilities.. You have no analytic abilities... You have no ethical reasoning abilities.. and you have the memory of a fruit fly...

BILLIONS in weapons to the PLO???

Are you huffing GASOLINE>??

I only remember hearing the terms of assistance to the Palestinians (NOT ONLY ARMS.. FOOD.. ETC) in the levels of 100,000,000 or so..

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last month told reporters the U.S. is working with Fatah to create a unified Palestinian security force. The Bush administration reportedly will grant $86.4 million to strengthen the Fatah forces, including Force 17, Abbas' security detail, which also serves as de facto police units in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

That was just one of many shipments over the last ten years and it was all Weapons. So now who is the ignorant fruit fly? Try harder next time!!

[edit on 7-3-2008 by Sky watcher]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
reply to post by LLoyd45

Its called the Sampson option and can you blame them? They will use them to stop any massive invasion only at a last resort, Any county would do the same so Israel is no different. If say New York is wiped out by a nuke on a commercial freighter that slipped into port somehow. What do you think would happen?

Ahhh my boy..

Now you are getting in WAY over your head...


We can SEE high energy material from SPACE...

WE have been able to have that ability for Decades... It is inherent to the nature of the material.

Don't be so naive... No ship would get anywhere near the United States with a Radioactive Signature... Especially one with a manifest from IRAN... or N Korea...

FFS man..or should I say BOY.. Think for a second.. seriously sit down.. shut up and THINK about what you are saying..

You can't SNEAK Nukes around... Unless you Tunnel all the way to us and then detonate it.. Or you have a SUB.. They shine like little stars.. It takes an immense amount of shielding to seal em up really good..

Thats why sleeper cell stories with people with a nuke in the refrigerator are BS..

If an Iranian SUBMARINE delivered a Nuclear device and set it off in this country or Isreal..

Global Thermo Nuclear War would be on in 10 minutes.. and you dont have to worry about your bills anymore... And wanting to attack them for the possibility that they could .. could yield the same goddamn RESULT!~!!!!

Thats why your paranoid xenophobic fantasy about bringing one of them over or setting one off is so absurd...

And you do not USE a NUKE .. "To get a bunch of their People"

And you don't use a NUKE to give a boo boo to the guy with the MOST nukes on the friggen planet... Not if you love your mommy...

Why are you so absurdly oblivious to the fact that no one would use the friggen thing that did not have extensive caves and 100years of supplies 4 miles underground???


posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher

Originally posted by SavageHenry

See this is the problem with people of your ilk...

You have no comprehensional abilities.. You have no analytic abilities... You have no ethical reasoning abilities.. and you have the memory of a fruit fly...

BILLIONS in weapons to the PLO???

Are you huffing GASOLINE>??

I only remember hearing the terms of assistance to the Palestinians (NOT ONLY ARMS.. FOOD.. ETC) in the levels of 100,000,000 or so..

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last month told reporters the U.S. is working with Fatah to create a unified Palestinian security force. The Bush administration reportedly will grant $86.4 million to strengthen the Fatah forces, including Force 17, Abbas' security detail, which also serves as de facto police units in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

That was just one of many shipments over the last ten years and it was all Weapons. So now who is the ignorant fruit fly? Try harder next time!!

[edit on 7-3-2008 by Sky watcher]

There goes your WND source again...

You need to expand your reading intake... anyhow..

Do you know what the difference between 1 million and 1 billion is?

It is a very large number to grasp.. And douche bag politicians toss numbers like that around so much, typically WND readers start to think they know how much that is.. and toss the numbers about too with wanton abandon...

1 million seconds is 11.5 days..

1 billion seconds is 35 years..

So you see how 86 million (WHICH IS NOT JUST IN WEAPONS! IT IS FOOD AND MEDICINE I WOULD WAGER MAKING UP THE MAJORITY OF THAT!! ) would take over TEN years of giving that amount out consistently to reach close to 1 billion....

In fact the US has givin the Palestinan people 1.7 billon in 14 years... (or just about a 1/3 what we give Israel per year! depending on the year..somtimes that would be half)

So it is NOT BILLIONS in WEAPONS as you are shrieking.. It is no where near close..

And you still are...

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by efbeenie

Me personally, don't want to see Iran get a nuke, but I won't support any kind of hostile conflict with no clear cut evidence that their nuclear program is intended to produce WMD's.

War should be a last resort, not a let me shoot first ask questions later kind of thing.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Apparently no one took the time to follow your link.

Quite enlightening, my friend, thanks for that.


For those who couldn't be bothered, according to that link and the information presented therein, there is documentation to suggest that the basis for the OP's referenced article in this thread is in fact, contrived "evidence" by the Mossad.

To think the same soulless warmongers suspected to be the main suspects behind Black Tuesday would manufacture evidence to support action against one of the few nations not under the control of the international banking elite, imagine that!

And the usual suspects lap it up, puff out their chests and loudly declare (from the safety of their easy chairs) "To War!!"

To war over what?

Nuclear weapons?

On October 25, 2007, the United States announced harsh new penalties on the Iranian military and its state-owned banking systems. Sanctions, bellicose rhetoric and the implicit threat of military action are goads for another war, one that critics fear is more likely to ignite a nuclear holocaust than prevent one. The question is, why is Iran considered such a serious threat? The official explanation is that it is planning to develop nuclear weapons. But the head of the UN watchdog agency IAEA says he has "no concrete evidence" of an Iranian weapons program. And even if there were one, a number of countries have tested or possess nuclear weapons outside the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, including Pakistan, North Korea, India, and probably Israel; yet we don't consider that grounds for military action. Iran would just be joining a long list of nuclear powers.
OpEdNews | Behind the Drums of War with Iran: Nuclear Weapons or Compound Interest?

Maybe we "need" to go to war over their oil?

Pfft, not even close.

Another theory says the push for war is all about oil; but Iran supplies only 15 percent of total Persian Gulf oil exports, and its oil is already for sale. We don't need to go to war for it. We can just buy it.
OpEdNews | Behind the Drums of War with Iran: Nuclear Weapons or Compound Interest?

How about war over the opening of the Iranian oil bourse, to protect the almighty Federal Reserve fiat dollar?

As Dr. Krassimir Petrov explained this suspected motive in a 2006 editorial in

"As long as the dollar was the only acceptable payment for oil, its dominance in the world was assured, and the American Empire could continue to tax the rest of the world. If, for any reason, the dollar lost its oil backing, the American Empire would cease to exist. Thus, Imperial survival dictated that oil be sold only for dollars. . . . If someone demanded a different payment, he had to be convinced, either by political pressure or military means, to change his mind."

An interesting theory, but it still fails to explain all the facts. In a March 2006 editorial in Asia Times Online, William Engdahl noted that war with Iran has been in the cards as part of the U.S. Greater Middle East strategy since the 1990s, long before Iran threatened to open its own oil bourse. And Iran is not alone in wanting to drop the dollar as its oil currency. To curb currency risks, Russia is planning to open an Energy Stock Exchange in St. Petersburg next year to trade oil in rubles, something that will have significantly more impact on the dollar than Iran's oil bourse. Central bankers in Venezuela, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates have all said they will be investing less of their reserves in dollar assets due to the dollar's weakening global position. When those countries also switch to other currencies for their oil trades, will the United States feel compelled to invade them as well?

These theories all have some merit, but none of them seems sufficient to explain the war drums. What is so special about Iran? Here is another possibility: Iran poses a serous threat not only to oil and the dollar but to a secret financial weapon that keeps a global banking empire in power.
OpEdNews | Behind the Drums of War with Iran: Nuclear Weapons or Compound Interest?

And what is that, one may ask?

How about:

Compound Interest: The Financial Weapon of Mass Destruction

Consider the so-called "Axis of Evil:"

There are now only 5 nations on the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya.
Source | The History of the House of Rothschild

So yeah, lets ignite a nuclear world-wide conflagration to protect and preserve the global banking elites' power over us all, based upon their self-serving lies.

Sounds reasonable to me, where do we sign up?


Oh, wait, we, and our children, and our children's children, don't have any say in the matter, do we?

We're just expected to pay for it with our sweat, blood and tears...


Here's a solution for most of the world's ills: nuke the blood-sucking vampire banking elite and their sycophantic lackeys.

Only then will there be a chance to pursue true and lasting peace for all the people in this world.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by SavageHenry

First and foremost. You call me boy? Keep it up and we will see who is the last one still here and I would love for you to talk like that to my face. Your such a big man on the pc and it really shows. Your post are ignorant and your comments are very unwelcome so if you want an education please go get one somewhere else and get one because I have already shown you the facts and you still cant comprehend like a good little boy.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by SavageHenry

You need to chill out, go take some Prozac.

We dont play like that here.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
reply to post by SavageHenry

First and foremost. You call me boy? Keep it up and we will see who is the last one still here and I would love for you to talk like that to my face. Your such a big man on the pc and it really shows. Your post are ignorant and your comments are very unwelcome so if you want an education please go get one somewhere else and get one because I have already shown you the facts and you still cant comprehend like a good little boy.



I will play by the rules I am new to this forum structure.. and am intolerant of the war mongering idiocy that is sending my children into debt, and the reputation of this country into the cesspool...

Nothing like a little hypocrisy on your part to prove all points made about you externally and internally true to all...

I am the PC tough guy.. lol..

You have shown absolutely nothing that could be considered educated or factual..

Just pompous fear mongering, in factual mathematical accounting.. and blow hardy idle threats ..

Good Luck with your inanities.. you are on ignore as I do not have the self control or desire to educate you...

As if reality cannot do that.. how could I hope to?


[edit on 7-3-2008 by SavageHenry]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by cavscout
You need to chill out, go take some Prozac.

Why?... So I can be a zombie?.. or a mass killer?

No thanks.. I am chill enough.

Originally posted by cavscoutWe dont play like that here.

Yes.. I have heard from 5 people now.. now go busy body someone else.. and try not to be too much of a hypocrite...



posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:33 PM
I have known about Iran's lies since a couple of years ago. About two years ago Iran began "dismantling" its Nuclear Labs, Nuclear Power Plants, and basically anything that produced radiation through a fusion process. However, what the media never reported on, and what many in the naive public never caught wind of, is the fact that these facilites were all being rebuilt underground, and within mountain complexes similar to Cheyenne Mountain in the United States. They "dismantled" for propaganda, and quietly began their attempts at rebuilding "bomb-proof" research facilities. This is one of the reasons why Israel launched an aerial attack on an Iranian facility not too long ago.

I have spoken to a few Saudi military personnel, and they have been ardently keeping an eye on the developments in Iran. They believe, the same as the United States and Israel do, that action must be taken before it becomes too late. Rest assured though, Iran's "bomb proof" facilities are not out of our reach, and there are other targets which we can lay waste to that will cripple their government, and bring it to its knees.

I have always felt that the fact Iran has killed American Military personnel is more than enough justification to take out their government. We do not have to go into Iran like we did Iraq, as there is a Majority populace that already heavily despises their own government. That, combined with our presence next door, will enhance our capability at taking out this menace to society. Also, this is yet another example of why we should not pull out of Iraq. All of these anti-Campaign pro-pull out groups should realize above all else that our having a significant Military presence in Iraq remains one of the greatest deterrents against a Nuclear Iran.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by SavageHenry

You said 1.7 billion right? That is just from the U.S. alone. What do the Palestinian people have to show for all that the world has given them? Allot of guns and rockets. Oh and all those educational books on how to teach their children to be suicide bombers. Here is just how and what they pull on the world.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen

I have always felt that the fact Iran has killed American Military personnel is more than enough justification to take out their government. We do not have to go into Iran like we did Iraq, as there is a Majority populace that already heavily despises their own government. That, combined with our presence next door, will enhance our capability at taking out this menace to society. Also, this is yet another example of why we should not pull out of Iraq. All of these anti-Campaign pro-pull out groups should realize above all else that our having a significant Military presence in Iraq remains one of the greatest deterrents against a Nuclear Iran.

Sounds like Mossadegh 1954 all over again.
Flipping heck , overthrow your own government before you attempt to do the same to others.

[edit on 7-3-2008 by AotearoaSon]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:24 PM

I have always felt that the fact Iran has killed American Military personnel is more than enough justification to take out their government.

Funny, the Saudis have clearly been funding Sunni militias who have also been killing US troops. If fact most of the attacks by "foreign fighters" have been by Saudis. But somehow that's not an issue... if they had been Iranians these very same people would be crowing for war or regime change in Iran.


Because no-one making this argument actually gives a damn about the well being of US troops. They are simply useful pawns for the armchair warriors, in their campaign to impose their will (again, as a previous poster pointed out) on the Iranians.

I'm all for seeing the Iranian theocracy dismantled.
But it has to be the Iranians themselves doing it, not us, or Iranian traitors in our employ.
That hasn't worked out well in the past.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by xmotex

Do you have some more info on that?

I'd like to read about it.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Ok .. I will take you on and do so politely.. my biggest fear is that most of the following things I say from today to the day your perverse genocidal fantasies come true and I get to throttle your neck on the way up to heaven.. will completly make no intelectual impact on you..

However I have cracked harder nuts....

Let us begin.

Originally posted by Sky watcher
reply to post by SavageHenry

You said 1.7 billion right? That is just from the U.S. alone.

Since 1993.. and perhaps that is a tad high..

And Israel has recieved $134,791,507,200 billion.... Wanna talk about what THEY have done with all that money?... OUR money...???

Another key difference is most of that money goes to humanitarian aid.. not weapons.. things like water, food, shelter.. etc.

Certainly our arms industry and their political puppets.. (key word being OUR US arms industry) will certainly will provide guns to anyone and everyone.

However.. I do not think you can compare some old 'perhaps' brand new rifles.. with the level of arms provided Israel.

Rifle vs Apache attack Helicopters, F-16's, APAC, and bombs, missles, and so forth.

Originally posted by Sky watcherWhat do the Palestinian people have to show for all that the world has given them?


Thats so devoid of awareness I do not even know how to fully address this in a single post as I only have 2400 characters left.. this is going to take some time.

However one exercise I would like you to perform, perhaps you are using the Advanced Fitness routine.. or practicing your Close Quarters Combat techniques...

What would you do if you were in the same shoes as the Palestinians?

Originally posted by Sky watcher Allot of guns and rockets. Oh and all those educational books on how to teach their children to be suicide bombers. Here is just how and what they pull on the world.

Repeat empathetic exercise.

What would you do in their shoes?

This is a far more nuanced issue then just what is the latest development...

You must acknowledge that .. However this is a post regarding IRAN and the continuing and 'ever more desperate' drum beats to start a WAR with them...mostly due to the "Israeli position"

If you wish to discuss the Palestinian Israeli issue in depth we certainly can.

Make a new post.. Forward me the link to go there and subscribe and I will try to make the time to discuss it as I think it is a serious issue which needs the full spectrum to be fully realized by everyone.

That being said .. If the Ice cream scoop of the creator was to reach down and scoop it off the earth.. 10 year party is being thrown.. and you are invited.

[edit on 7-3-2008 by SavageHenry]

[edit on 7-3-2008 by SavageHenry]

[edit on 7-3-2008 by SavageHenry]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by budski


Some links:

NBC News: Who are the foreign fighters in Iraq?

LA Times: Saudi's role in insurgency outlined

NY Times: Foreign Fighters In Iraq Tied To US Allies

I can do this all day long.

Saudis are behind the deaths of far more Americans (in Iraq & on 9/11) than are Iranians.

[edit on 3/7/08 by xmotex]

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 12:54 AM
i say let iran build one.. because if they use it, they will no longer be a country a few hours after its use. because you know they will use it. Bush should just simply go on TV and say that if Iran launches this missile on an allied country, Iran will seize to exist. and walk out of the press conference. we make it too easy for iran to push countries around with their hate rhetoric

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