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Earthquake felt across England

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posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by CX

Yeah, it certainly made me chuckle ... I could just imagine his face.

It had a very disorientating effect on me ...

Both dogs had sprung into action (barking) then the sofa feeling like it was kicked etc. After my initial thought that it was 'Mellissa' (our resident ghost), my next thought was that it was my dog ... a big shaggy, hairy thing who loves to lie pressed against the back of the sofa (it did actually feel like it came from the back of the sofa specifically) ... and yet there I was looking at her in front of me and looking equally as confused.

Think the quake must have juddered my brain a little.


posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 07:36 AM
Was it like that earth quake demostration thing in the history museum i was on years ago when i was at school in london.

Was it like that?

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

Hi Freeborn,

KMS ... very cool neck of the woods.

It only lasted a few seconds here, so maybe if you were listening to music that was quite loud maybe the vibration of that covered the quake vibe ??? Just a quess.


posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 07:43 AM
lasted about 3-5 seconds here (in blackpool)

i cant say it was like any "vibrating" type contraption ive ever been on, where i was sitting i was looking at my livingroom skylite i saw clear movement of the house. As at first it felt and sounded like a huge wind hitting the back wall whichwe get them alot here in winter, and sometimes if its a real big one you feel the pressure in the room, but this was way more intence!

my first thought was that it was a freak tornado or something weather related until i noticed the wall was visibly started shaking!

sit on a skateboard and get 1 person each side, and get them to move you back and forth about 2 inches 10 times in 5 seconds.. i reckon thats the best i could describe it.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by boaby_phet]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 07:46 AM
Just to update on the news of the cost of the clean up,

They are predicitng that it will cost millions,

The Association of British Insurers said the cost to businesses and householders is likely to be more than £10m.


Buildings were damaged and a man from Barnsley, South Yorkshire, was taken to hospital after a chimney collapsed and fell through his bedroom roof.

NNews link

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 07:48 AM
My other half always said I could sleep through an earthquake!
And guess what... I did!

We're in the midlands, He felt it though, said the house shook and some things wobbled over the work surface!

I missed it...

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 09:13 AM
Well beleive it or not i was awake at 00:57 GMT and could not sleep before hand kind of like i knew what was coming.

I saw my light and my landing light getting dimmer and lighter i saw some other thing's aswell but there not important on this thread.

Then boom everything was going all over the place.

Huge gush of wind like a blast wave then wallop !!!!!!!!

I saw the moon behind the cloud's and prayed the bomb had not gone off !!

Im in the Area of Halifax there or about and i managed to look out off my window i can see right down to the M62 and it was an amazing sight.

My girlfriend and kids slept thru it for some reason haha all apart from 1 of my daughters.

My cat went from the top of the stair's to the bottom in one jump ha ha ha.

So it was just me and my cat comforting each other.

I was considering getting my kid's and family out of bed something was not right had a strange feeling in my gut.

Someone said the last quake was 25 years ago well im 25 so i asked my Mom she said there never was asked my gran nope never before in this area.

I was just saying on another thread we never have earth tremors here in my my area and this happen's lol.

Well i saw report's on the news saying 4.7 confirmed and the epicentre 30 miles south of Hull that's close to me.

Now today is says 5.2 ?????

There have been quakes in China, Southern Iran and Northern England all in a short period of time.

All were around the 4.7 mark.

Would could be causing this ??

Im very confused and want information take it easy be safe !

I can only stress it was like being hit by a blast wave i have had experiance of this.



P.S I had a really hard time getting to sleep kept waking up sweating madness.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by h3akalee]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 09:46 AM
any Volcano Activity near England?

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by BallBreaker
any Volcano Activity near England?

No not at all !

Infact the area in question should never get earthquake activity.

Just make's me wonder why they were so intent on saying there was one 25 years ago there clearly was not.

Strange, odd, bizzare and downright curious !

I would be gratefull on anyone in the know giving us some rock solid evidence and rock solid information and fact's.

This is not a time for making argument on the strengh who cares i just want to know why this is happening now all over the world.

I want to know if i can feel safe putting my kids in there bed's ect, ect.

Take care.


[edit on 27-2-2008 by h3akalee]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by h3akalee

Hi there h3akalee,

Interesting you mentioned that you couldn't get to sleep ... me neither. Not because I was anxious or scared at all (I didn't go to bed till after 3am ... I seem to be nocturnal these days)

When I did eventaully go to bed everything was fine and I assumed my usual 'sleep position'
a couple of minutes later I couldn't catch my breath properly ... started sweating too. After a few minutes I did start to feel uncomfortable and got out of bed to get a drink ... still took me a while to settle as every time I lay down I felt like my breathing was restricted again ... very weird !!!
It was past five the last time I looked at the clock ... still woke-up at my usual time though.

I hadn't actually made a connection between the two things until your post and believe it or not the 'breathing thing' made me completely forget about the quake, until my son came in this morning and mentioned it. That's when I logged-on here to see what was going on.

Another thing, when I took the dogs out for their last 'P' around midnight the moon had quite an orange tint to it ... don't know if this is remotely connected in any way ... and around 11pmish there was an almighty gust of wind blew down the road that rattled the windows quite dramatically ... it's just a couple of things I noticed.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by stumason

Thank you for posting that I wanted to write the same thing. It was a scary few minutes no matter what anyone says.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:20 AM

They're now calling it a 5.3....

I hope everyone is safe, the reports of damage are probably still piling in...good luck!!

As someone else mentioned.....beware of aftershocks, and any tsunamis that might be triggered!

( PS Don't listen to these 'brave' cuz lived there and was scared to death every time!! He once described how the water is the backyard pool jumped straight up in the air, retaining the shape of the pool as it 'levitated'...)

Again, take care!

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by h3akalee


April 2007 - Folkestone, Kent (magnitude 4.3)
December 2006 - Dumfries and Galloway (3.5)
September 2002 - Dudley, West Midlands (5.0)
October 2001 - Melton Mowbray (4.1)
September 2000 - Warwick (4.2)
April 1990 - Bishop's Castle, Shropshire (5.1)
July 1984 - Nefyn, north Wales (5.4)
June 1931 - in North Sea near Great Yarmouth (6.1)
(from BBC news)

I can certainly remember the one in Dudley. The 20-25 year one was probably the July 1984 one which your family probably wouldn't remember seeing as it was in North Wales.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by h3akalee

My cat went from the top of the stair's to the bottom in one jump ha ha ha.

My cat was in a deep sleep when it happened.I expected it to be woken up by the shakes But it was just snoaring away.I got outa my bed and it popd its head up and looked at me and went back to sleep.Probably thinking whats this nutter doing out the bed late night lol.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by marinedalek

Well thank's for the information like i said never had an earthquake in MY area before.

Very helpfull data there if you dont happen know about it.

But it's not really helping me get my head around the fact there is an almost zero chance of an earthquake happening in the area it did.

It was said to be a shallow quake.

Dont actually care about Data blah blah i care about aftershock's ect and there should be some on the way.

I care about putting my kid's to bed and knowing they are safe for a fact if there not then im not gonna put them to bed am i.

Err thank's for the info tho.

Take care.


posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 11:19 AM
Well i want to lighten it all up a bit i remember a song came into my head just after.

Boom Boom Shake Shake The Room.

Tick Tick Tick Tick.


When i realised the song i was hearing in my head i laughed out loud.

Take care be safe.


posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 12:11 PM
Can i just state that tsunamis are caused by underwater quakes and not lands ones,

Just to clear that up,

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 12:51 PM
This is hilarious.

This is what makes international news?

That little orange square is causing all this?

Common, like someone else said, we sleep through these. I actually did sleep through a 5.4 in Oregon once, lasted 45 seconds, too!

Sorry but our earthquakes could kick your earthquakes butt. Chuck Norris style, even.

This is how our neck of the woods looks every day:

The bottom of the Cal/Nev map says over 600 earth quakes!

People arent really freaking out that bad over there are they? I have to be convinced it is just media hype.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by cavscout]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:15 PM
To the poster above me, as someone has already said most UK'ers will never feel an earthquake in their lives. So yes over here it is a big thing. You live near a major fault line, the closest one for us is southern italy afaik...

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by cleggy88
So yes over here it is a big thing.

Yes, but panic in the streets? Is it really going down like that?

And I dont understand the cost in damages. I cant remember hearing of anything smaller than a 6 causing major damage over here. Maybe we expect the earthquakes so we build stronger?

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