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Talk of Imminent War Against Iran Amid an Attack of 'Coincidences'

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posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 04:45 PM
SO! you don't like warfare? WELL, you had better get used to it. Because we are in the long battle for our very existance. All of us will sacrifice dearly. We will pay with loss of lives, money, time, resources, and freedoms.
All the daily silly ass game playing and fantasy lives that the Americans have grown used too, is about to come to an abrupt and permanent end.
Get ready for a more austere and fundamental lifestyle. Soon there is going to be no room for frivalty. Soon your government is going to make some dramatic changes, that nearly everyone is going to dislike.
Yes, there is going to be a war in IRAN. The whole middle East will be sucked into it. Russia and China will too.
Many nations are going to have their teeth knocked out, recieve broken jaws, as well as horrible flesh wounds or be eliminated all together. SAUDIA ARABIA is about to meet the excecutioner. The ROYAL HOUSE of SAUD members will all lose their heads.
The entire Middle East is about to be engulfed in a blood bath unlike any before.
The world is going to change. There will be a NEW WORLD ORDER, if it means that every citizen of the world will be dragged down the street kicking and screaming in resistance. Non compliance will mean prison camp for you. Re-educate and comply or die.
SEVEN BILLION people on EARTH and counting demand it. The individuals wants mean nothing.

We all will learn to equally share the bounty of all Earth bound resources, and recieve only what we need without excesses. Learn to live with less.

The fantasy lives of greed and hedonism that so many have been living for the last 30+ years is about to end.

The draft is coming back, sure as the sun rises! Stop whinning about it. Face reality. Every one has their hand in the cookie jar of life, but, nearly no one wants too pay for the price of sacrifice for what they take. That is about to come to an end...
The warfare that is coming will cost everyone something.
So stop pretending your immune, because you are not!

You are either part of the solution, or are the problem itself!

I don't like it either, but, I face things no matter how bad,ugly, or frightening they may be.

I have tightened my belt, and cut back on my consumption. I fill my gas tank once a month. I do not drive around just to have fun. I can get 315 miles out of tank of gas by being careful. I live in the city. I can walk places easily. I live near a lake, where I can ride my bicycle to enjoy the swans, and other folks out with their familes.
I eat locally, and I can or dehydrate foods. I bake and cook as I need for the month. I Harvest glean when I can. I work in a Co-Op as well. I avoid junk food. I repair and mend my clothes. I cut my own hair. I have my shoes re-soled. I cut back on heating my home, and spend time in the dark each evening before turning on a 60 watt lamp. A single pot of coffee and a single pot of tea last me all day long. I do not own an iPod, or an X-Box. I read books! Books require no electricity. I still listen to my vinyl albums on a 40 year old 100 watt Magnavox stereo. It plays as well as it ever did. I drive a 14 year old car, with a cheap stereo radio in it. I have a running 40 year old 125cc single cylinder motorcycle I ride on limited occassions. It is cheap to run.
My home is 50 years old. I LIVE WITHIN MY MEANS, with out excesses.
I save my money. I will not charge anything. I served my nation for 16 years in the military. Honorably.
I have and am still paying the costs of life and not giving into extremes. When I die, I want to be buried in a simple wooden coffin, with a simple rememberance service of one day only. My plot is near a large Pine tree on top of a hill near my family members. I will take my cremated dogs ashes with me to eternity. She'd want it that way, for we were best pals.
I will reward her loyalty to me forever.
I am no hero. I am but one person who sees the bigger picture.
I have always cared, and so should you!

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by UFOBountyHunter

sure buddy, and my toilet is made outa gold.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by UFOBountyHunter

Hey, I may have my hand in the cookie jar of life just as much as anyone else, but I've been beating the drum for other forms of energy for years now, so don't blame me, blame the oil companies who have the biggest hands in the biggest cookie jars.

If America was more self-sufficient and less dependent on oil, non of this would have happened. We should have started searching for other sources furvently and long ago, like in the 70's when the first oil crisis started. But no, we were told later that the flow of oil was endless and we all went out and bought huge S(audi)UVs to get our kids to soccer games in luxury with televisions and dvd sets included.

We may go down, but I'll be kickin and screamin all the way.

[edit on 9-2-2008 by idle_rocker]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by UFOBountyHunter

Brilliant post!
I suggest you send this to Dickey and his ilk. Like the CEOs of Halliburton, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell and so on and on. A zillion bucks a year in loose change as remuneration. Mansions that cost the Earth with the Moon thrown in. Fleets of bedroom sized cars for their poodles. Private jets to go golfing in Hawaii. Swimming pools as broad as the English channel and tennis courts that'll put Wimbledon to shame!

Oh well, they've even got them 5-star bomb shelters ready with gold plated bath tubs and platinum plated living rooms the size of the Hilton.

Oh well, back to the bar!


posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by noangels
There is no way that we could invade and occupy Iran or Pakistan,there are no people to be liberated there.It would be a worse situation than Iraq and as for casualities-I would dread to think of a number

I too see Iraq as a stepping stone into other countries,they dont have Saudi Arabia now so the green zone makes for a perfect base.

They are not going into Iran to liberate the Iranians. It's about control of Oil in the middle east. GDubbya want's his texas Tea.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by UFOBountyHunter
SO! you don't like warfare? WELL, you had better get used to it. Because we are in the long battle for our very existance. All of us will sacrifice dearly. We will pay with loss of lives, money, time, resources, and freedoms.
All the daily silly ass game playing and fantasy lives that the Americans have grown used too, is about to come to an abrupt and permanent end.
Get ready for a more austere and fundamental lifestyle. Soon there is going to be no room for frivalty. Soon your government is going to make some dramatic changes, that nearly everyone is going to dislike.
Yes, there is going to be a war in IRAN. The whole middle East will be sucked into it. Russia and China will too. ....

You make me PROUD! I will try to follow some of your thoughts, I agree %100.

Cheers mate,

Peace and light be with you

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by gottago
What really concerns me is the underlying logic of a US attack: desperation.

Our economy is about to tank, the Fed doesn't have any more bubbles to inflate to keep the party going much longer and Wall Street just hangs where it is because everyone there is scared as all hell that pulling out in any significant way is going to unleash havoc.

We've paid for imports from China with paper and oil from the ME with paper, and now the dollar is in near freefall and the Fed's presses are going overtime and inflation is rising and this will only weaken the dollar more but the Fed keeps churning out that paper to keep the whole sorry mess that passes for the US economy from freezing up like a road sculpture.

China and Russia are rising and though we pour gazillions into defense we can hardly secure a middling, war- and sanction-depleted Iraq.

The big game of securing oil so as Cheney says we don't have to give up our AC and SUVs is the only lens the admin views strategy through--after all the whole lot of them are oilmen--even Condi Rice had a supertanker named after her. (So correct that, "oilpeople.")

Iraq was the first move, Afghanistan conveniently is Unocal's pipeline wetdream come true, and you have all those poppy fields as a bonus for the CIA, but Iran is the cornerstone of the whole thing, it has to be neutralized because it doesn't toe the Western line, and has finally said the hell with oil for paper--I mean dollars.

War is good for business, we all know that. Good for financiers, for the MIC, good all around. Forget the poor saps that become cannon fodder, and who even thinks of--let alone cares about--"collateral damage?"

Pretty much the only countries with the advanced subs capable of cutting the cables are the US, Russia, and Israel. Well, take your pick; I doubt it's Russia. Whether it's us or the 51st state hardly matters; the sabotage was a clear act of war (just imagine if 5 undersea communications cables linking the US were mysteriously cut!) and it was done to send a very clear message to Iran--we'll literally cut you off from the world because of your oil bourse--as well as to our client states in the region (we mean business, shut up and stay in line).

As I said, this is happening from desperation. Everything's coming unglued and we need another nice war to keep it all from falling apart, but really we need it like a junkie needs another fix.

Well said, took that out of my mouth.

Why US needs to attack Iran:
- $$$$
- Control their government (once again)
- Show them who's got the bigger guns (Dick and bush)

Why Iran needs to attack US:
- mmm... freedom haters?

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 02:34 PM
The ante's being upped by Russia. Putin is just daring us to get into a fight with him:
"American fighter jets intercepted two Russian bombers, one of which buzzed a U.S. aircraft carrier in the western Pacific on Saturday, U.S. military officials told CNN Monday."

Here's a link:

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